define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = ["Plugin", "cli_commands", "proc", "api", "auth"]; main.provides = ["cli.publish"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var cmd = imports.cli_commands; var proc = imports.proc; var auth = imports.auth; var api = imports.api; var TEST_MODE = !!process.env.C9_TEST_MODE; var SHELLSCRIPT = TEST_MODE ? "" : require("text!./"); var TAR = "tar"; var APIHOST = options.apiHost; var BASICAUTH = process.env.C9_TEST_AUTH; var SCM = { "git": { binary: "git", clone: "clone" }, "mercurial": { binary: "hg", clone: "clone" }, "hg": { binary: "hg", clone: "clone" } }; var fs = require("fs"); var join = require("path").join; var os = require("os"); var FormData = require("form-data"); var http = require(APIHOST.indexOf("localhost") > -1 ? "http" : "https"); var Path = require("path"); var basename = require("path").basename; var dirname = require("path").dirname; var async = require("async"); var verbose = false; var force = false; var dryRun = false; var createTag = false; // Set up basic auth for api if needed if (BASICAUTH) api.basicAuth = BASICAUTH; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); // var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var loaded; function load(){ if (loaded) return; loaded = true; cmd.addCommand({ name: "publish", info: " Publishes a cloud9 package.", usage: "[--verbose] [--force] [ | major | minor | patch | build]", options: { "verbose" : { "description": "Output more information", "alias": "v", "default": false, "boolean": true }, "force" : { "description": "Ignore warnings", "alias": "f", "default": false, "boolean": true }, "dry-run" : { "description": "Only build a test version", "default": false, "boolean": true }, "tag" : { "description": "Create git tag for published version", "alias": "t", "default": false, "boolean": true } }, check: function(argv) { }, exec: function(argv) { verbose = argv["verbose"]; force = argv["force"]; dryRun = argv["dry-run"]; createTag = argv["tag"]; publish( argv._[1], function(err, data){ if (err) { if (err.message || typeof err == "string") console.error(err.message || err); if (!verbose) console.error("\nTry running with --verbose flag for more information"); process.exit(1); } else if (!dryRun) { console.log("Succesfully published version", data.version); process.exit(0); } }); } }); cmd.addCommand({ name: "build", info: " Builds development version of package to load in non-debug mode.", usage: "[--devel]", options: { "devel" : { "description": "", "alias": "d", "default": false, "boolean": true } }, exec: function(argv) { if (argv["devel"]) { var code = function(argument) { /* TODO explain */ define("plugins/PACKAGE_NAME/__installed__", [],[ "plugins/PACKAGE_NAME/__debug__" ]); define("plugins/PACKAGE_NAME/__debug__",[], function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = ["plugin.debug"]; main.provides = []; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var debug = imports["plugin.debug"]; debug.loadPackage("PACKAGE_NAME"); } }); }.toString(); var cwd = process.cwd(); var packageName = basename(cwd); var indent = code.match(/\n\r?(\s*)/)[1].length; code = code .replace(/\r/g, "") .replace(new RegExp("^ {" + indent + "}", "gm"), "") .replace(/^.*?{|}$/g, "") .trim() .replace(/PACKAGE_NAME/g, packageName); fs.writeFileSync(cwd + "/__installed__.js", code, "utf8"); } else { dryRun = true; publish({local: true}, function(err){ if (err) { console.error(err); if (!verbose) console.error("\nTry running with --verbose flag for more information"); process.exit(1); } }); } } }); cmd.addCommand({ name: "unpublish", info: "Disables a cloud9 package.", usage: "[--verbose]", options: { "verbose" : { "description": "Output more information", "alias": "v", "default": false, "boolean": true } }, check: function(argv) {}, exec: function(argv) { verbose = argv["verbose"]; unpublish( function(err, data){ if (err) { console.error(err.message || err || "Terminated."); process.exit(1); } else { console.log("Succesfully disabled package"); process.exit(0); } }); } }); } /***** Methods *****/ function spawn(command, options, callback) { if (options.stdio == null) { // if verbose, echo stdout // always echo stderr options.stdio = [ "pipe", verbose ? process.stdout : "ignore", process.stderr ]; } proc.spawn(command, options, function(err, child) { if (err) return callback(err); child.on("exit", function(code) { if (code !== 0) { var error = new Error("Command failed: " + command); error.code = code; return callback(error); } callback(); }); }); } function stringifyError(err){ return (verbose ? JSON.stringify(err, 4, " ") : (typeof err == "string" ? err : err.message)); } function publish(options, callback) { if (typeof options != "object") options = {version: options}; var version = options.version; var cwd = process.cwd(); var packagePath = cwd + "/package.json"; fs.readFile(packagePath, "utf8", function(err, data){ if (err) return callback(new Error("ERROR: Could not find package.json in " + cwd)); var json; try { json = JSON.parse(data); } catch(e) { return callback(new Error("ERROR: Could not parse package.json: ", e.message)); } // Basic Validation if (json.private) return callback(new Error("ERROR: Private flag in package.json prevents from publishing")); if (! return callback(new Error("ERROR: Missing name property in package.json")); if (basename(cwd) != { console.warn("WARNING: The name property in package.json is not equal to the directory name, which is " + basename(cwd)); if (!force) return callback(new Error("Use --force to ignore this warning.")); } if (!json.repository) return callback(new Error("ERROR: Missing repository property in package.json")); if (!json.repository.url) return callback(new Error("ERROR: Missing repository.url property in package.json")); if (!json.categories || json.categories.length == 0) return callback(new Error("ERROR: At least one category is required in package.json")); // Validate if (!fs.existsSync(join(cwd, ""))) { console.warn("WARNING: is missing."); if (!force) return callback(new Error("Use --force to ignore these warnings.")); } if (json.description) console.warn("WARNING: Description property in package.json will be ignored. will be used."); var description = fs.readFileSync(join(cwd, ""), "utf8") .replace(/^\#.*\n*/, ""); // Validate plugins var plugins = {}; fs.readdirSync(cwd).forEach(function(filename) { if (/(__\w*__|_test)\.js$/.test(filename) || !/\.js$/.test(filename)) return; try { var val = fs.readFileSync(cwd + "/" + filename); } catch(e) { if (e.code == "EISDIR") return; throw e; } if (!/\(options,\s*imports,\s*register\)/.test(val)) return; if (!/consumes\s*=/.test(val)) return; if (!/provides\s*=/.test(val)) return; plugins[filename] = {}; }); var warned, failed; Object.keys(plugins).forEach(function(name){ if (!json.plugins[name.replace(/\.js$/, "")]) { console.warn("WARNING: Plugin '" + name + "' is not listed in package.json."); warned = true; } else if (!fs.existsSync(join(cwd, name.replace(/\.js$/, "_test.js")))) { console.warn("ERROR: Plugin '" + name + "' has no test associated with it. There must be a file called '" + name.replace(/\.js$/, "") + "_test.js' containing tests."); warned = true; } }); if (failed) return callback(new Error()); if (warned && !force && !dryRun) return callback(new Error("Use --force to ignore these warnings.")); if (version) { var v = (json.version || "0.0.1").split("."); // Update the version field in the package.json file if (version == "major") { v[0]++; v[1] = 0; v[2] = 0; } else if (version == "minor") { v[1]++; v[2] = 0; } else if (version == "patch" || version == "build") v[2]++; else if (version.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/)) v = version.split("."); else return callback(new Error("Invalid version. Semver required: " + version)); json.version = v.join("."); } return build(); function updatePackageJSON(next) { if (!version) return next(); // Write the package.json file var indent = data.match(/{\n\r?^ {4}"/) ? 4 : 2; var newData = JSON.stringify(json, null, indent); fs.writeFile(cwd + "/.c9/.build/package.json", newData, function(){ if (dryRun) return next(); // if dry-run is passed only update path in .build fs.writeFile(packagePath, newData, function(err){ if (err) return callback(err); return next(); }); }); } // Build the package // @TODO add a .c9exclude file that excludes files var zipFilePath; function build(){ var base = dirname(cwd); var packageName =; var config = Object.keys(plugins).map(function(p) { return "plugins/" + packageName + "/" + p.replace(/\.js$/, ""); }); var result, packedFiles = [], staticPlugin; async.series([ function(next) { fs.readdir(cwd, function(err, files) { if (err) return next(); var extraCode = []; function forEachFile(dir, f) { try { fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(filename) { var data = fs.readFileSync(dir + "/" + filename, "utf8"); f(filename, data); }); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } } if (files.indexOf("builders") != -1) { forEachFile(cwd + "/builders", function(filename, data) { packedFiles.push(cwd + "/builders/" + filename); extraCode.push({ type: "builders", filename: filename, data: data }); }); } if (files.indexOf("keymaps") != -1) { forEachFile(cwd + "/keymaps", function(filename, data) { packedFiles.push(cwd + "/keymaps/" + filename); extraCode.push({ type: "keymaps", filename: filename, data: data }); }); } if (files.indexOf("modes") != -1) { forEachFile(cwd + "/modes", function(filename, data) { if (/(?:_highlight_rules|_test|_worker|_fold|_behaviou?r)\.js$/.test(filename)) return; if (!/\.js$/.test(filename)) return; var firstLine = data.split("\n", 1)[0].replace(/\/\*|\*\//g, "").trim(); if (!/caption\s*:[^;]+/i.test(firstLine)) { packedFiles.push(cwd + "/modes/" + filename); console.error("Ignoring mode with invalid header: ", firstLine); console.error(" at " + cwd + "/modes/" + filename); return; } extraCode.push({ type: "modes", filename: filename, data: firstLine }); }); } if (files.indexOf("outline") != -1) { forEachFile(cwd + "/outline", function(filename, data) { packedFiles.push(cwd + "/outline/" + filename); extraCode.push({ type: "outline", filename: filename, data: data }); }); } if (files.indexOf("runners") != -1) { forEachFile(cwd + "/runners", function(filename, data) { packedFiles.push(cwd + "/runners/" + filename); extraCode.push({ type: "runners", filename: filename, data: data }); }); } if (files.indexOf("snippets") != -1) { forEachFile(cwd + "/snippets", function(filename, data) { packedFiles.push(cwd + "/snippets/" + filename); extraCode.push({ type: "snippets", filename: filename, data: data }); }); } if (files.indexOf("themes") != -1) { forEachFile(cwd + "/themes", function(filename, data) { packedFiles.push(cwd + "/themes/" + filename); extraCode.push({ type: "themes", filename: filename, data: data }); }); } if (files.indexOf("templates") != -1) { forEachFile(cwd + "/templates", function(filename, data) { packedFiles.push(cwd + "/templates/" + filename); extraCode.push({ type: "templates", filename: filename, data: data }); }); } packedFiles.push(cwd + "/__installed__.js"); if (json.installer) { var path = join(cwd, json.installer); var installerCode = fs.readFileSync(path, "utf8"); var m = installerCode.match(/\.version\s*=\s*(\d+)/); var installerVersion = m && m[1]; if (!installerVersion) return callback(new Error("ERROR: missing installer version in " + json.installer)); extraCode.push({ type: "installer", filename: json.installer, data: installerVersion }); } if (!extraCode.length) return next(); var code = (function() { define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = [ "Plugin", "plugin.debug" ]; main.provides = []; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var debug = imports["plugin.debug"]; var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var plugin = new Plugin(); plugin.version = "VERSION"; plugin.on("load", function load() { extraCode.forEach(function(x) { debug.addStaticPlugin(x.type, "PACKAGE_NAME", x.filename,, plugin); }); }); plugin.load("PACKAGE_NAME.bundle"); register(null, {}); } }); }).toString(); var indent = code.match(/\n\r?(\s*)/)[1].length; code = code .replace(/\r/g, "") .replace(new RegExp("^ {" + indent + "}", "gm"), "") .replace(/^.*?{|}$/g, "") .replace(/PACKAGE_NAME/g, packageName) .replace(/VERSION/g, json.version) .replace(/^(\s*)extraCode/gm, function(_, indent) { return JSON.stringify(extraCode, null, 4) .replace(/^/gm, indent); }); staticPlugin = { source: code, id: "plugins/" + packageName + "/__static__", path: "" }; next(); }); }, function(next) { var build = require("architect-build/build"); var paths = {}; paths["plugins/" + packageName] = cwd; var additional = []; var packedConfig = config.slice(); if (staticPlugin) { additional.push(staticPlugin); packedConfig.push(; } var path = "plugins/" + packageName + "/__installed__"; additional.push({ id: path, source: 'define("' + path + '", [],' + JSON.stringify( { var name = p.slice(p.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) var options = json.plugins[name] || {}; options.packagePath = p; return options; }), null, 4) + ');', literal : true, order: -1 }); build(config, { additional: additional, paths: paths, enableBrowser: true, includeConfig: false, noArchitect: true, compress: !dryRun, obfuscate: true, oneLine: true, filter: [], ignore: [], withRequire: false, stripLess: false, basepath: base, }, function(e, r) { result = r; result.sources.forEach(function(m) { m.file && packedFiles.push(m.file); }); next(); }); }, function(next) { if (options.local) return fs.writeFile(cwd + "/__installed__.js", result.code, "utf8", callback); next(); }, function(next) { proc.execFile("rm", { args: ["-rf", ".c9/.build"], cwd: cwd }, function() { mkdirP(cwd + "/.c9/.build"); fs.writeFile(cwd + "/.c9/.build/__installed__.js", result.code, "utf8", next); }); }, function(next) { var copy = require("architect-build/copy"); var excludeRe = /^\.(gitignore|hgignore|git|c9|hg)$/; var excludeMap = Object.create(null); packedFiles.push(cwd + "/__installed__.js"); packedFiles.forEach(function(p) { p = "/" + normalizePath(Path.relative(cwd, p)); excludeMap[p] = 1; }); copy(cwd, cwd + "/.c9/.build", { exclude: function(name, parent) { if (excludeRe.test(name)) return true; var fullPath = parent.substr(cwd.length) + "/" + name; if (excludeMap[fullPath]) return true; return false; } }); next(); }, updatePackageJSON, function(next) { zip(); } ]); } function zip(){ zipFilePath = join(os.tmpDir(), + "@" + json.version) + ".tar.gz"; var tarArgs = ["-zcvf", normalizePath(zipFilePath)]; var c9ignore = normalizePath(process.env.HOME + "/.c9/.c9ignore"); fs.exists(c9ignore, function (exists) { if (exists) { tarArgs.push("--exclude-from=" + c9ignore); } tarArgs.push("."); spawn(TAR, { args: tarArgs, cwd: cwd + "/.c9/.build" }, function(err){ if (err) return callback(new Error("ERROR: Could not package directory")); console.log("Built package", + "@" + json.version + (dryRun ? " at " + zipFilePath : "")); if (dryRun) return callback(); upload(); }); }); } // Update with the new version being published. function upload(){ // Check if the plugin is already registered if (verbose) console.log("Uploading package " +; api.packages.get(, function(err, pkg){ if (err) {} // Ignore error, if we don't get a response it means this package hasn't been published yet if (!pkg || pkg.error) { if (verbose) console.log("Package not registered, creating new."); // Registers the package name on if it is being published for the first time. api.user.get("", function(err, user){ if (err) return callback(new Error("ERROR: Failed to get user details from API - " + stringifyError(err)));"", { contentType: "application/json", body: { name:, description: description, owner_type: "user", // @TODO implement this when adding orgs owner_id: parseInt(, permissions: json.permissions || "world", categories: json.categories, repository: json.repository, longname: json.longname, website:, screenshots: json.screenshots || [], pricing: json.pricing || {} } }, function(err, pkg){ if (err) return callback(new Error("ERROR: Failed to upload new package to API - " + stringifyError(err))); next(pkg); }); }); } else { if (verbose) console.log("Plugin already registered, updating."); api.packages.put(, { contentType: "application/json", body: { permissions: json.permissions, categories: json.categories, repository: json.repository, longname: json.longname, website:, description: description, screenshots: json.screenshots, pricing: json.pricing, enabled: true } }, function(err, pkg){ if (err) return callback(new Error("ERROR: Failed to update existing package - " + stringifyError(err))); if (verbose) console.log("Successfully updated metadata of existing package"); next(pkg); }); } function next(pkg){ // Create Version if (verbose) console.log("Sending new version ", json.version); var form = new FormData(); form.append('version', json.version); form.append('options', JSON.stringify(json.plugins)); form.append('package', fs.createReadStream(zipFilePath)); var path = "/packages/" + + "/versions?access_token=" + encodeURIComponent(auth.accessToken); var host = APIHOST.split(":")[0] var port = parseInt(APIHOST.split(":")[1]) || null; var request = http.request({ agent: false, method: "post", host: host, port: port, path: path, auth: BASICAUTH, headers: form.getHeaders() }); form.pipe(request); request.on('response', function(res) { // TODO better handle version exists error if (res.statusCode == 412) console.error("ERROR: most likely version " + json.version + " already exisits, try increasing version"); if (res.statusCode != 200) return callback(new Error("ERROR: Unknown Error:" + res.statusCode)); commitAndPush(); }); } }); } function commitAndPush() { // Create Version Complete if (!createTag) callback(null, json); spawn("bash", { args: ["-c", SHELLSCRIPT, "--", json.version, normalizePath(packagePath)] }, function(err, p){ if (err) return callback(err); console.log("Created tag and updated package.json to version", json.version); callback(null, json); }); } }); } function unpublish(callback){ var packagePath = process.cwd() + "/package.json"; fs.readFile(packagePath, function(err, data){ if (err) return callback(err); // @TODO package.json not found var json; try { json = JSON.parse(data); } catch(e) { return callback(new Error("ERROR: Could not parse package.json: ", e.message)); } if (! return callback(new Error("ERROR: Missing name property in package.json")); api.packages.put( + "/disable", {}, callback); }); } function mkdirP(path){ var dirs = path.split('/'); var prevDir = dirs.splice(0,1) + "/"; while (dirs.length > 0) { var curDir = prevDir + dirs.splice(0,1); if (! fs.existsSync(curDir) ) { fs.mkdirSync(curDir); } prevDir = curDir + '/'; } } function normalizePath(p) { if (process.platform == "win32") p = p.replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(/^(\w):/, "/$1"); return p; } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function(){ load(); }); plugin.on("enable", function(){ }); plugin.on("disable", function(){ }); plugin.on("unload", function(){ loaded = false; verbose = false; force = false; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * **/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * */ publish: publish, /** * */ unpublish: unpublish }); register(null, { "cli.publish": plugin }); } });