define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = ["Plugin", "proc"]; main.provides = ["proc.apigen"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var proc = imports.proc; var Plugin = imports.Plugin; function ApiGenerator(options) { var runtime = options.runtime; var basepath = options.basepath; var errorCheck = options.errorCheck; var env = options.env; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); // var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); /***** Methods *****/ function spawn(args, callback, cbExit, noAuthCheck) { proc.pty(runtime, { args: args, cwd: basepath, env: env }, function(err, pty) { if (err) return callback(err); var control = { kill: function(){ pty.kill() }, write: function(value){ pty.write(value) }, discard: function(keep) { if (keep)"data", ondata);"exit", onexit); } }; function ondata(data) { var err = errorCheck(data, noAuthCheck, control); if (err) { control.discard(); return callback(err); } callback(null, data, control); } function onexit(data) { return cbExit ? cbExit() : callback("No data received"); } pty.on("data", ondata); pty.on("exit", onexit); }); } function parseArg(options, arg, found, data) { if (arg instanceof RegExp) { var m = data.match(arg); return m.length > 1 ? m[1] : m[0]; } else if (typeof arg == "object") { var obj = {}; for (var prop in arg) obj[prop] = parseArg(options, arg[prop], found, data); return obj; } else if (typeof arg == "string") { return arg.replace(/\\\{|\{(.*?)\}/g, function(m, name) { if (m == "\\{") return m; // Replace $n in regexpses if (name.charAt(0) == "$") return found[name.substr(1)]; // Replace {name} in strings return options[name]; }); } return arg; } function createMethod(def) { return function(options, callback) { var parse = parseArg.bind(this, options); var args = typeof def.args == "function" ? def.args(options) :; var buffer = ""; spawn(args, function(err, data, control) { if (err) return callback(err); if (def.buffer) { buffer += data; return; } if (def.write) { def.write.forEach(function(item) { var found; if (typeof item.match == "string") found = data.indexOf(item.match) > -1; else found = data.match(item.match); if (found) control.write(parse(item.text, found, data)); }); } if (def.exit) { var found; for (var i = 0; i < def.exit.length; i++) { var item = def.exit[i]; if (typeof item.match == "string") found = data.indexOf(item.match) > -1; else found = data.match(item.match); if (found) { if (item.error) callback(item.result ? parse(item.result, found, data) : data); else callback(null, parse(item.result, found, data)); control.discard(); if (item.error || item.kill) control.kill(); break; } } } if ( { callback(null, data, control); return; } }, function(){ if (def.buffer) { try { callback(null, def.parse ? def.parse(buffer) : buffer); } catch (e) { console.error(e); callback(e); } } else { callback(def.defaultSuccess ? null : "No proper data received"); } }, def.noauth); } } /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Factory object for the {@link ApiGenerator}. * @class proc.apigen * @extends Object */ /** * Create an instance of ApiGenerator. * @method create * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.runtime The path to the CLI in the workspace * @param {String} options.basepath The basepath to the file in the workspace * @param {Object} [options.env] Key value pairs of strings that * specify the environment variables to set when executing the CLI. * @param {Function} options.errorCheck This function is * called when data comes in from a command and should be used to * check for errors. This function should not return an object * or string when an error has occured. When an auth error has * occurred return an Error object with a property "code" set to * 100. * @param {String} The output from the command. * @param {Boolean} options.errorCheck.noAuthCheck Whether to ignore any auth check. * @return {ApiGenerator} */ /** * Helps to create an API based on a CLI. * @class ApiGenerator **/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * Start the CLI process and process it's output. * @param {Array} args The arguments to send to the CLI * @param {Function} callback Called each time data is received from the process * @param {String} The data received * @param {Object} callback.control * @param {Function} callback.control.kill Kills the process * @param {Function} callback.control.write Write to the process * @param {Function} callback.control.discard Discard any further changes * @param {Function} cbExit This callback is called when the process exits successfully. * @param {Boolean} [noAuthCheck=false] Whether to perform a check for authentication */ spawn: spawn, /** * */ createMethod: createMethod }); return plugin; } register(null, { "proc.apigen" : { create: ApiGenerator } }); } });