define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = [ "Plugin", "c9", "menus", "commands", "clipboard.provider", "ui", "dialog.alert", "settings" ]; main.provides = ["clipboard"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var c9 = imports.c9; var ui = imports.ui; var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var menus = imports.menus; var settings = imports.settings; var commands = imports.commands; var provider = imports["clipboard.provider"]; var alert = imports["dialog.alert"]; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var input = { "input":1, "textarea":1, "iframe":1 }; var loaded = false; function load(){ if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; // return !(event instanceof KeyboardEvent) && !c9.readonly; function checkAvailable(editor, args, e) { var handler = findClipboardHandler(); var fromKeyboard = e instanceof KeyboardEvent; if (handler && handler.isClipboardAvailable) { return handler.isClipboardAvailable({ type:, fromKeyboard: fromKeyboard, sourceEvent: e, editor: editor, args: args }); } else if (options.local) { var name = document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (input[name] || document.activeElement.contentEditable) return true; } return !!handler; } commands.addCommand({ name: "cut", bindKey: { mac: "Command-X", win: "Ctrl-X" }, isAvailable: checkAvailable, exec: function(){ cut(); }, passEvent: true, readOnly: true }, plugin); commands.addCommand({ name: "copy", bindKey: { mac: "Command-C", win: "Ctrl-C" }, isAvailable: checkAvailable, exec: function(editor, args){ copy(null,; }, passEvent: true }, plugin); commands.addCommand({ name: "paste", bindKey: { mac: "Command-V", win: "Ctrl-V" }, isAvailable: checkAvailable, exec: function(){ paste(); }, passEvent: true, readOnly: true }, plugin); commands.addCommand({ name: "clearcut", bindKey: { mac: "ESC", win: "ESC" }, isAvailable: checkAvailable, exec: clearcut, passEvent: true }, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Edit/~", new ui.divider(), 300, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Cut", new ui.item({ command : "cut" }), 400, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Copy", new ui.item({ command : "copy" }), 500, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Paste", new ui.item({ command : "paste" }), 600, plugin); } var clipboardData = { items: [], get types(){ return { return item.type; }); }, wrap: function(nativeObject){ provider.wrap(nativeObject); }, unwrap: function(){ provider.unwrap(); }, setData: function(type, data) { if (provider.set(type, data) === false) showAlert(data); var found; clipboardData.items.every(function(item) { if (item.type == type) { found = item; return false; } return true; }); if (found) found.value = data; else clipboardData.items.push({ type: type, value: data }); }, getData: function(type, callback) { var data = provider.get(type); // If `data` is false the provider was not able to fetch data from the clipboard. // This is usually because the browser does not allow this for security reasons. // The browser (chrome) does allow this when the cloud9 plugin is installed. if (data === false) showAlert(null, true); // If `data` is undefined the provider did not support the mime type. This usually // happens when the mime type is custom, such as when copying tree nodes or other // internal to Cloud9 data. // In either case we try to find the data in the local (in memory) clipboard. if (data === false || data === undefined) { var found; clipboardData.items.every(function(item) { if (item.type == type) { found = item; return false; } return true; }); return found && found.value || false; } return data; }, clearData: function(type) { provider.clear(); clipboardData.items = []; clipboardData.types = []; } }; function findClipboardHandler() { var el = apf.activeElement ||; if (!el) return; if (el.localName == "menu") el = || el; while (el) { var handler = el.clipboardHandler || el.editor; if (handler) return handler; el = el.parentNode; } } /***** Methods *****/ function cut(native) { var handler = findClipboardHandler(); var event = { clipboardData: clipboardData, native: native, handler: handler }; if (emit("beforeCut", event) === false) return; if (!native) clipboardData.unwrap(); emit("cut", event); if (handler && handler.cut) handler.cut(event); } function copy(native, data) { var handler = findClipboardHandler(); var event = { clipboardData: clipboardData, native: native, handler: handler }; if (emit("beforeCopy", event) === false) return; if (!native) clipboardData.unwrap(); if (data) clipboardData.setData("text/plain", data); else { emit("copy", event); if (handler && handler.copy) handler.copy(event); } } function paste(native) { var handler = findClipboardHandler(); var event = { clipboardData: clipboardData, native: native, handler: handler }; if (emit("beforePaste", event) === false) return; if (!native) clipboardData.unwrap(); emit("paste", event); if (handler && handler.paste) handler.paste(event); } function clearcut() { var handler = findClipboardHandler(); if (handler && handler.clearcut) return handler.clearcut(); return false; } function registerHandler(amlNode, clipboardHandler) { amlNode.clipboardHandler = clipboardHandler; } function showAlert(data, isPaste) { if (settings.getBool("user/clipboard/@dontshow")) return; var emitter ="Native Clipboard Unavailable", "Important information regarding the Native Clipboard", "By default the browser doesn't allow you to use the native " + "clipboard via menus. This means that whatever you copy via a " + "menu needs to be pasted by the menu as well and only works " + "in Cloud9.

" + (isPaste ? "" : "You can copy the string from the " + "textarea below.

") + "To enable the native keyboard either use " + "Command-C on Mac or Ctrl-C on Windows or for Chrome install " + "the Cloud9 App at the Chrome store.", function(){ if (alert.dontShow) settings.set("user/clipboard/@dontshow", true); }, { isHTML: true, showDontShow: true }); emitter.on("show", function(){ var textarea = alert.aml.$ext.querySelector("textarea"); if (!textarea) return;; textarea.focus(); function hide() { setTimeout(function() { alert.hide(); }); } textarea.addEventListener("copy", hide); textarea.addEventListener("cut", hide); }); } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function(){ load(); }); plugin.on("enable", function(){ }); plugin.on("disable", function(){ }); plugin.on("unload", function(){ loaded = false; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Object that represents the clipboard state and provides methods to * access the clipboard. * @class clipboard.ClipboardData */ /** * @property {String[]} types The content types that currently hold * data in the clipboard. * @readonly */ /** * Adds an item to the clipboard, replacing any item that was there * with the same `type`. * * This example shows how to store a selection of tree nodes on the * clipboard: * * var nodes = tree.getSelection(); * clipboardData.setData("tree-nodes", nodes); * * @method setData * @param {String} type The content type for this data. To be * compatible with the native clipboard for all platforms use "text". * @param {Mixed} data The actual data. This can be a string * or a more complex object. Complex objects cannot be stored using * the native clipboard. */ /** * Retrieves the data of an item on the clipboard. * * This example shows how to retrieve a set of tree nodes from the * clipboard: * * var nodes = clipboardData.getData("tree-nodes"); * * @method getData * @param {String} type The content type for this data. To be * compatible with the native clipboard for all platforms use "text". */ /** * Clears the data from the clipboard for a certain `type`. * @method clearData * @param {String} type The content type for this data. To be * compatible with the native clipboard for all platforms use "text". */ /** * Providers Clipboard access for Cloud9 plugins. The Cloud9 Clipboard * abstracts away the implementation details of the different * environments (e.g. Browser, Node-Webkit). The Clipboard API is * loosely based on the [HTML5 Clipboard specification]( * * *N.B.: Usually these events are not listened to directly. Instead * each editor has an {@link Editor#event-cut}, {@link Editor#event-copy} and * {@link Editor#event-paste} event to implement. However if you are * implementing a pane that is not an editor, use the events of this * plugin.* * * Example (copy): * * clipboard.on("copy", function(e) { * if (e.native) return; * * var data = "Example Data"; * e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", data); * }); * * Example (paste): * * clipboard.on("paste", function(e) { * if (e.native) return; * * var data = e.clipboardData.getData("text/plain"); * * }); * * @singleton */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ _events: [ /** * Fires when a cut, copy or paste command is executed. In order * for the clipboard to work for your plugin, you will need to * hook this event and return true when and only if your plugin * has the focus and is capable of handling the specific action. * * @event available * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.type The name of the command that is * executed. This can be "cut", "copy" or "paste". */ "available", /** * Fires prior to the "cut" operation. * @event beforeCut * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {clipboard.ClipboardData} e.clipboardData Gives * access to the clipboard. See {@link #clipboardData} */ "beforeCut", /** * Fires when the cut operation is executed. * @event cut * @param {Object} e * @param {clipboard.ClipboardData} e.clipboardData Gives * access to the clipboard. See {@link #clipboardData} */ "cut", /** * Fires prior to the "paste" operation. * @event beforePaste * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {clipboard.ClipboardData} e.clipboardData Gives * access to the clipboard. See {@link #clipboardData} */ "beforePaste", /** * Fires when the paste operation is executed. * @event paste * @param {Object} e * @param {clipboard.ClipboardData} e.clipboardData Gives * access to the clipboard. See {@link #clipboardData} */ "paste", /** * Fires prior to the "copy" operation. * @event beforeCopy * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {clipboard.ClipboardData} e.clipboardData Gives * access to the clipboard. See {@link #clipboardData} */ "beforeCopy", /** * Fires when the copy operation is executed. * @event copy * @param {Object} e * @param {clipboard.ClipboardData} e.clipboardData Gives * access to the clipboard. See {@link #clipboardData} */ "copy", /** * Fires when the user has requested to clear the cut buffer. * @event clearcut * @param {Object} e * @param {clipboard.ClipboardData} e.clipboardData Gives * access to the clipboard. See {@link #clipboardData} */ "clearcut" ], /** * Object that represents the clipboard state * @param {AmlNode} target * @param {Object} handler {cut, copy, paste, clearcut, isClipboardAvailable} */ registerHandler: registerHandler, /** * Object that represents the clipboard state * @property {clipboard.ClipboardData} */ clipboardData: clipboardData, /** * Triggers a cut by the currently focused component. * @fires beforeCut * @fires cut */ cut: cut, /** * Triggers a copy by the currently focused component. * @fires beforeCopy * @fires copy */ copy: copy, /** * Triggers a paste by the currently focused component. * @fires beforePaste * @fires paste */ paste: paste }); register(null, { clipboard: plugin }); } });