/*global describe it before after bar = */ "use client"; require(["lib/architect/architect", "lib/chai/chai"], function (architect, chai, baseProc) { var expect = chai.expect; expect.setupArchitectTest([ { packagePath: "plugins/c9.core/c9", startdate: new Date(), debug: true, hosted: true, local: false, davPrefix: "/" }, "plugins/c9.core/ext", "plugins/c9.core/http-xhr", "plugins/c9.core/util", "plugins/c9.ide.ui/lib_apf", { packagePath: "plugins/c9.core/settings", testing: true }, "plugins/c9.core/api.js", { packagePath: "plugins/c9.ide.ui/ui", staticPrefix: "plugins/c9.ide.ui" }, "plugins/c9.ide.editors/document", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/undomanager", { packagePath: "plugins/c9.ide.editors/editors", defaultEditor: "texteditor" }, "plugins/c9.ide.editors/editor", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/tabmanager", "plugins/c9.ide.ui/focus", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/pane", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/tab", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/texteditor", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/timeview", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/imgview", { packagePath: "plugins/c9.vfs.client/vfs_client" }, "plugins/c9.vfs.client/endpoint", "plugins/c9.ide.auth/auth", { packagePath: "plugins/c9.fs/fs", baseProc: baseProc }, "plugins/c9.fs/fs.cache.xml", // Mock plugins { consumes: ["apf", "ui", "Plugin"], provides: [ "commands", "menus", "commands", "layout", "watcher", "proc", "save", "anims", "clipboard", "dialog.alert", "auth.bootstrap", "info", "dialog.error" ], setup: expect.html.mocked }, { consumes: ["tabManager", "ui", "fs.cache", "fs"], provides: [], setup: main } ], architect); function main(options, imports, register) { var tabs = imports.tabManager; var fs = imports.fs; function countEvents(count, expected, done) { if (count == expected) done(); else throw new Error("Wrong Event Count: " + count + " of " + expected); } expect.html.setConstructor(function(tab) { if (typeof tab == "object") return tab.pane.aml.getPage("editor::" + tab.editorType).$ext; }); describe('tabs', function() { before(function(done) { apf.config.setProperty("allow-select", false); apf.config.setProperty("allow-blur", false); bar.$ext.style.background = "rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.93)"; bar.$ext.style.position = "fixed"; bar.$ext.style.left = "20px"; bar.$ext.style.right = "20px"; bar.$ext.style.bottom = "20px"; bar.$ext.style.height = "33%"; document.body.style.marginBottom = "33%"; tabs.once("ready", function(){ tabs.getPanes()[0].focus(); done(); }); }); var text; describe("open(), openFile(), openEditor() and reload()", function(){ it('should open a pane from a path', function(done) { var vpath = "/file.txt"; tabs.openFile(vpath, function(err, tab) { expect(tabs.getTabs()).length(1); expect(tabs.focussedTab) .to.exist .property("path").to.equal(vpath); expect(tab.title).to.equal(vpath.substr(1)); fs.readFile(vpath, "utf8", function(err, data) { text = data; expect(tab.document.value).to.equal(data); done(); }); }); }); it('should open a pane with just an editor', function(done) { tabs.openEditor("timeview", function(err, tab) { expect(tabs.getTabs()).length(2); expect(tabs.focussedTab) .to.exist .to.not.equal(tab); //.property("path").to.equal(vpath); done(); }); }); it('should handle multiple docs on the same editor well', function(done) { var vpath = "/listing.json"; tabs.open({ path: vpath, active: true }, function(err, tab) { expect(tabs.getTabs()).length(3); expect(tab.title).to.equal(vpath.substr(1)); expect(tabs.focussedTab) .to.exist .property("path").to.equal(vpath); fs.readFile(vpath, "utf8", function(err, data) { expect(tab.document.value).to.equal(data); tabs.activateTab("/file.txt"); expect(tabs.focussedTab.document.value) .to.equal(text); tabs.openEditor("timeview", function(err, tab) { expect(tabs.getTabs()).length(4); tabs.activateTab(tab); expect(tabs.focussedTab) .to.exist .to.equal(tab); tabs.activateTab(tabs.getTabs()[1]); expect.html(tabs.focussedTab).is.visible; done(); }); }); }); }); it('should reload the contents of an editor on a tab', function(done) { var tab = tabs.findTab("/file.txt"); tabs.activateTab(tab); tab.document.value = "Testing"; tabs.reload(tab, function(err) { if (err) throw err.message; expect(tab.document.value).to.equal(text); done(); }); }); it('should open a non-existing file with empty content passed as value', function(done) { var vpath = "/Untitled1"; tabs.open({ path: vpath, value: "", active: true, }, function(err, tab) { expect(tabs.getTabs()).length(5); expect(tab.title).to.equal(vpath.substr(1)); expect(tabs.focussedTab) .to.exist .property("path").to.equal(vpath); expect(tabs.focussedTab.document.value).to.equal(""); done(); }); }); it('should open a non-existing file with set content passed as value', function(done) { var vpath = "/Untitled2"; var text = "This is a test"; tabs.open({ path: vpath, value: text, active: true, }, function(err, tab) { expect(tabs.getTabs()).length(6); expect(tab.title).to.equal(vpath.substr(1)); expect(tabs.focussedTab) .to.exist .property("path").to.equal(vpath); expect(tabs.focussedTab.document.value) .to.equal(text); done(); }); }); }); describe("File system rename hooks - change open tab paths", function(){ it('should rename a file - change page path', function(done) { var vpath = "/dir/stuff.json"; var newVpath = "/dir/stuff2.json"; tabs.openFile(vpath, function(err, tab) { expect(tab.path).to.equal(vpath); expect(tab.title).to.equal("stuff.json"); fs.rename(vpath, newVpath, function(err) { if (err) throw err; expect(tab.path).to.equal(newVpath); tab.unload(); fs.rename(newVpath, vpath, function (err) { if (err) throw err; done(); }); }); }); }); it('should rename a directory - change tab path', function(done) { var vpath = "/dir/stuff.json"; fs.rmdir("/dir2", { recursive: true }, function(){ tabs.openFile(vpath, function(err, tab) { expect(tab.path).to.equal(vpath); expect(tab.title).to.equal("stuff.json"); fs.rename("/dir", "/dir2", function(err) { if (err) throw err; expect(tab.path).to.equal("/dir2/stuff.json"); expect(tab.title).to.equal("stuff.json"); tab.unload(); fs.rename("/dir2", "/dir", function (err) { if (err) throw err; done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe("getTabs(), getPanes()", function(){ it('should return a list containing all the pages', function(done) { expect(tabs.getTabs()).length.gt(4); done(); }); it('should return a list containing all the tabs', function(done) { expect(tabs.getPanes()).length(1); done(); }); it('should return an editor of a tab', function(done) { expect(tabs.findTab("/file.txt").editor) .property("type").to.equal("texteditor"); done(); }); }); describe("switchEditor()", function(){ it('should switch to another editor for the selected tab', function(done) { var tab = tabs.focusTab("/file.txt"); tab.switchEditor("imgview", function(){ expect(tabs.focussedTab.editor) .property("type").to.equal("imgview"); tab.switchEditor("texteditor", function(){ expect(tabs.focussedTab.document.value).to.equal(text); done(); }); }); }); it('should switch to another editor for a given tab (not selected)', function(done) { var tab = tabs.findTab("/listing.json"); tab.switchEditor("imgview", function(){ expect(tab.editor) .property("type").to.equal("imgview"); tab.switchEditor("texteditor", function(){ expect(tabs.focussedTab.document.value).to.equal(text); done(); }); }); }); }); describe("clear(), getState() and setState()", function(){ var state, info = {}; it('should retrieve the state', function(done) { state = tabs.getState(); info.pages = tabs.getTabs().map(function(tab) { return tab.path || tab.id; }); done(); }); it('should clear all tabs and pages', function(done) { var count = 0, expected = 0; tabs.getTabs().forEach(function(tab) { expected += 2; tab.on("unload", function(){ count++; }); tab.document.on("unload", function(){ count++; }); }); tabs.getPanes()[0]; tabs.clear(); expect(tabs.getTabs(), "pages").length(0); expect(tabs.getPanes(), "tabManager").length(0); countEvents(count, expected, done); }); it('should restore the state', function(done) { tabs.setState(state, false, function(err) { if (err) throw err.message; }); var l = info.pages.length; expect(tabs.getTabs()).length(l); expect(tabs.getPanes()[0].getTabs()).length(l); expect(tabs.focussedTab.pane.getTabs()).length(l); expect(tabs.getTabs()[2].title).to.equal("listing.json"); expect(tabs.getTabs().map(function(tab) { return tab.path || tab.id; })).to.deep.equal(info.pages); done(); }); }); // describe("pauseTabResize() and continueTabResize()", function(){ // it('should stop resizing of tabs', function(done) { // var pane = tabs.focussedTab.pane; // var w = pane.aml.getWidth(); // var pw = pane.getTab().aml.getWidth(); // tabs.pauseTabResize(); // pane.$ext.style.width = (200) + "px"; // expect(pane.getTab().aml.getWidth()).to.equal(pw); // done(); // }); // it('should restore resizing of tabs', function(done) { // done(); // }); // }); describe("vsplit(), hsplit(), removeTab()", function(){ it('should split a pane vertically, making the existing pane the top one', function(done) { var pane = tabs.focussedTab.pane; var btmtab = pane.vsplit(true); expect(pane.aml.getTop()).lt(btmtab.aml.getTop()); tabs.focussedTab.attachTo(btmtab); tabs.on("tabAfterActivate", function c1(){ expect(tabs.focussedTab.title).to.equal("file.txt"); expect(tabs.focussedTab.document.value).to.equal(text); expect(tabs.focussedTab.editor).to.equal(tabs.focussedTab.pane.aml.getPage("editor::texteditor").editor); tabs.off("tabAfterActivate", c1); done(); }); tabs.focusTab("/file.txt"); }); it('should remove the bottom pane from a vertical split', function(done) { var pane = tabs.getPanes()[1]; var tab = pane.getTab(); pane.unload(); expect(tabs.getPanes()).length(1); expect(tabs.getTabs()).length(6); tabs.focusTab(tab); expect(tab.editor.name).to.equal("texteditor1"); expect.html(tab.pane.aml.getPage("editor::texteditor").$ext).visible; done(); }); it('should split a pane vertically, making the existing pane the bottom one', function(done) { var pane = tabs.focussedTab.pane; var toptab = pane.vsplit(); expect(toptab.aml.getTop()).lt(pane.aml.getTop()); tabs.focussedTab.attachTo(toptab); tabs.on("tabAfterActivate", function c1(){ expect(tabs.focussedTab.title).to.equal("file.txt"); expect(tabs.focussedTab.document.value).to.equal(text); expect(tabs.focussedTab.editor).to.equal(tabs.focussedTab.pane.aml.getPage("editor::texteditor").editor); tabs.off("tabAfterActivate", c1); done(); }); tabs.focusTab("/file.txt"); }); it('should remove the top pane from a vertical split', function(done) { var pane = tabs.getPanes()[0]; var tab = pane.getTab(); pane.unload(); expect(tabs.getPanes()).length(1); expect(tabs.getTabs()).length(6); tabs.focusTab(tab); expect(tab.editor.name).to.equal("texteditor3"); expect(tab.pane.aml.getPage("editor::texteditor").$ext.style.display).to.not.equal("none"); done(); }); it('should split a pane horizontally, making the existing pane the left one', function(done) { var pane = tabs.focussedTab.pane; var righttab = pane.hsplit(true); expect(pane.aml.getLeft()).lt(righttab.aml.getLeft()); tabs.focussedTab.attachTo(righttab); tabs.focusTab("/file.txt"); expect(tabs.focussedTab.title).to.equal("file.txt"); expect(tabs.focussedTab.document.value).to.equal(text); expect(tabs.focussedTab.editor).to.equal(tabs.focussedTab.pane.aml.getPage("editor::texteditor").editor); done(); }); it('should remove the left pane from a horizontal split', function(done) { var pane = tabs.getPanes()[0]; var tab = tabs.getPanes()[1].getTab(); pane.unload(); expect(tabs.getPanes()).length(1); expect(tabs.getTabs()).length(6); tabs.focusTab(tab); expect(tab.editor.name).to.equal("texteditor4"); expect(tab.pane.aml.getPage("editor::texteditor").$ext.style.display).to.not.equal("none"); done(); }); it('should split a pane horizontally, making the existing pane the right one', function(done) { var pane = tabs.focussedTab.pane; var lefttab = pane.hsplit(); expect(lefttab.aml.getLeft()).lt(pane.aml.getLeft()); tabs.focussedTab.attachTo(lefttab); tabs.focusTab("/file.txt"); expect(tabs.focussedTab.title).to.equal("file.txt"); expect(tabs.focussedTab.document.value).to.equal(text); expect(tabs.focussedTab.editor).to.equal(tabs.focussedTab.pane.aml.getPage("editor::texteditor").editor); done(); }); it('should remove the right pane from a horizontal split', function(done) { var pane = tabs.getPanes()[1]; var tab = pane.getTab(); pane.unload(); expect(tabs.getPanes()).length(1); expect(tabs.getTabs()).length(6); tabs.focusTab(tab); expect(tab.editor.name).to.equal("texteditor4"); expect(tab.pane.aml.getPage("editor::texteditor").$ext.style.display).to.not.equal("none"); done(); }); it('should be able to create a complex 5 pane layout', function(done) { var first = tabs.getPanes()[0]; var right = first.hsplit(true); right.width = "20%"; var other = first.vsplit(); other.hsplit(); first.hsplit(); var pages = tabs.getTabs(); expect(pages).length(6); tabs.getPanes().forEach(function(pane) { pages.pop().attachTo(pane); }); expect(tabs.getPanes()).length(5); expect(tabs.getTabs()).length(6); done(); }); it('should propertly serialize and deserialize', function(done) { var cstate = tabs.getState(); var state = tabs.getState(); tabs.clear(); expect(tabs.getPanes()).length(0); expect(tabs.getTabs()).length(0); apf.z = 1; tabs.setState(state, function(err) { if (err) throw err.message; }); console.log(cstate, tabs.getState()); expect(cstate).to.deep.equal(tabs.getState()); expect(tabs.getPanes()).length(5); expect(tabs.getTabs()).length(6); //Loop through state to check all the widths/heights // (function recur(parent, list) { // list.forEach(function(state) { // var p; // // if (state.type == "pane") { // p = createPane(state).aml; // parent.appendChild(p); // } // else if (state.type == "hsplitbox" || state.type == "vsplitbox") { // p = parent.appendChild(new ui[state.type]({ // splitter : true, // padding : 3, // width : state.width, // height : state.height // })); // } // else if (state.type == "tab") { // var tab = findTab(state.id); // if (!tab) { // state.pane = parent.cloud9pane; // state.init = init; // // open(state, function(err, tab) { // callback(err, tab); // }); // } // else { // tab.attachTo(parent); // } // return; // } // recur(p, state.nodes); // }); // })(bar, [cstate]); done(); }); }); // describe("activateTab() and focusTab()", function(){ // it('should focus a tab', function(done) { // tabs.activateTab(); // done(); // }); // it('should activate a tab on a focussed pane', function(done) { // done(); // }); // it('should activate a tab but not focus it', function(done) { // done(); // }); // }); // describe("toggleButtons() and resizePanes()", function(){ // it('should hide and show the pane buttons', function(done) { // done(); // }); // it('should force resize the pane buttons', function(done) { // done(); // }); // }); // describe("All kinds of character sets and symbols", function(){ // it('should display characters properly', function(done) { // done(); // }); // }); if (!onload.remain) { describe("unload()", function(){ it('should destroy all ui elements when it is unloaded', function(done) { expect(tabs.getPanes()).length(5); var els = tabs.getPanes(); tabs.unload(); expect(tabs.getPanes()).length(0); els.forEach(function(pane) { expect(pane.aml.$amlDestroyed).to.equal(true); }); done(); }); }); //@todo Idea: show in the tabs whether the editor is running atm // @todo test fs integration after(function(done) { document.body.style.marginBottom = ""; done(); }); } }); onload && onload(); } });