define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = [ "c9", "Plugin", "fs", "settings", "tabManager", "dialog.error", "dialog.question", "preferences", "save" ]; main.provides = ["metadata"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var c9 = imports.c9; var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var fs = imports.fs; var settings = imports.settings; var save =; var tabs = imports.tabManager; var confirm = imports["dialog.question"].show; var showError = imports["dialog.error"].show; var prefs = imports.preferences; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var PATH = options.path || "/.c9/metadata"; var WORKSPACE = "/workspace"; var jobs = {}; var changed = {}; var cached = {}; var worker, timer; var CHANGE_CHECK_INTERVAL = options.changeCheckInterval || 30000; var loaded = false; function load(){ if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; // Schedule for inspection when tab becomes active tabs.on("tabAfterActivate", function(e) { // If disabled don't do anything if (! || !settings.getBool("user/metadata/@enabled")) return; if (e.lastTab) changed[] = e.lastTab; changed[] =; }, plugin); // Closing a tab tabs.on("tabAfterClose", function (e) { // If disabled don't do anything if (!settings.getBool("user/metadata/@enabled")) return; var doc =; if (! { fs.unlink(PATH + "/" +, function(){ return false }); } else if (doc.meta.newfile || doc.meta.$ignoreSave) { fs.unlink(PATH + WORKSPACE +, function(){ return false }); } else if (check( !== false) { delete changed[]; delete cached[]; } }, plugin); // Opening a file tabs.on("beforeOpen", function(e) { // If disabled don't do anything if (!settings.getBool("user/metadata/@enabled")) return; // Don't load metadata if document state is defined or value is set if ( && e.options.document.filter === false || ! && !e.options.document.filter || e.options.value) return; // todo should tabmanager check this? e.options.loadFromDisk = e.loadFromDisk && ! && !; // Fetch the metadata and real data var callback = function(err) { if (e.loadFromDisk) e.callback(err); }; loadMetadata(, e.options, callback, e.options.init); return e.loadFromDisk ? false : true; }, plugin); // Check every half a minute for changed tabs timer = setInterval(function(){ checkChangedTabs(); }, CHANGE_CHECK_INTERVAL); // Delete metadata when file is renamed save.on("saveAs", function(e){ if (e.path != e.oldPath) fs.unlink(PATH + WORKSPACE + e.oldPath, function(){ return false }); }); // Settings settings.on("read", function(e) { settings.setDefaults("user/metadata", [ ["enabled", "true"], ["undolimit", "100"], ]); }, plugin); settings.on("write", function(e) { if (e.unload) return; checkChangedTabs(); }, plugin); function checkChangedTabs(unload) { // If disabled don't do anything if (!settings.getBool("user/metadata/@enabled")) return; tabs.getPanes().forEach(function(pane) { var tab = pane.getTab(); if (tab) { changed[] = tab; } }); for (var name in changed) { if (check(changed[name], unload) === false) return; } changed = {}; } // Preferences prefs.add({ "File" : { position: 150, "Meta Data" : { position: 200, "Store Meta Data of Opened Files" : { type: "checkbox", path: "user/metadata/@enabled", position: 100 }, "Maximum of Undo Stack Items in Meta Data" : { type: "spinner", path: "user/metadata/@undolimit", position: 200, min: 10, max: 10000 } } } }, plugin); // Exiting Cloud9 c9.on("beforequit", function(){ checkChangedTabs(true); }, plugin); // Initial Load tabs.getTabs().forEach(function(tab) { var options = tab.getState(); options.loadFromDisk = tab.path && !tab.document.meta.newfile && !tab.document.meta.nofs // autoload to false prevents loading data, used by image editor && (!tab.editor || tab.editor.autoload !== false); loadMetadata(tab, options, function(err) { if (err) { tab.unload(); showError("File not found '" + tab.path + "'"); return; } tab.classList.remove("loading"); }, true); }); } /***** Methods *****/ function check(tab, forceSync) { var docChanged = tab.document.changed || tab.document.meta.nofs; // Don't save state if we're offline if (!c9.has(c9.STORAGE)) return false; if (tab.meta.$loadingMetadata) return; // Ignore metadata files and preview pages and debug files and // tabs that are not loaded if (!tab.loaded || tab.path && tab.path.indexOf(PATH) === 0 || tab.document.meta.preview) return; var state = tab.document.getState(); // Make sure timestamp is preserved if (state.meta) state.timestamp = state.meta.timestamp; // meta is recorded by the tab state delete state.meta; // If we discarded the file before closing, clear that data if (tab.document.meta.$ignoreSave) { delete state.value; delete state.changed; delete state.undoManager; docChanged = true; } if (docChanged || typeof state.value == "undefined" || forceSync) { if (forceSync && !docChanged && state.undoManager.stack.length) delete state.value; write(forceSync); } else { hash(state.value, function(err, hash) { if (err) return; delete state.value; delete state.changed; state.hash = hash; write(forceSync); }); } function write(forceSync) { if (c9.readonly) return; var limit = settings.getNumber("user/metadata/@undolimit"); var undo = state.undoManager; if (undo) { var start = Math.max(0, undo.position - limit); undo.stack.splice(0, start); undo.position -= start; undo.mark -= start; } try { // This throws when a structure is circular var sstate = JSON.stringify(state); } catch (e) { // debugger; return; } // Lets not save large metadata if (sstate.length > 1024 * 1024) { sstate = ""; state = {}; } if (cached[] != sstate) { cached[] = sstate; if (tab.path) { var path = (tab.path.charAt(0) == "~" ? "/" : "") + tab.path; fs.metadata(path, state, forceSync, function(err) { if (err) return; }); } else { fs.metadata("/_/_/" +, state, forceSync, function(err) { if (err) return; }); } } } return true; } function merge(from, to) { for (var prop in from) { if (to[prop] && typeof from[prop] == "object") merge(from[prop], to[prop]); else to[prop] = from[prop]; } } function loadMetadata(tab, options, callback, init) { // // When something goes wrong somewhere in cloud9, this can happen // if (tab.path && "/~".indexOf(tab.path.charAt(0)) == -1) // debugger; var path = tab.path ? PATH + WORKSPACE + (tab.path.charAt(0) == "~" ? "/" : "") + tab.path : PATH + "/" +; var storedValue, storedMetadata; var xhr; // Prevent Saving of Metadata tab.meta.$loadingMetadata = true; // Progress Handling tab.classList.add("loading"); var loadStartT =; // Handler to show loading indicator function progress(loaded, total, complete) { var data = { total: total, loaded: loaded, complete: complete, dt: - loadStartT }; tab.document.progress(data); } if (tab.path) { if (options.loadFromDisk === false) { // This is for new files and other files that will store // their value in the metadata receive(tab.document.value); // Don't load metadata of newly created newfile tabs (runtime) if (!init) { receive(null, -1); return; } } else { tab.classList.add("loading"); // progress(0, 1, 0); var cb = function(err, data, metadata, res) { if (err) return callback(err); receive(data, metadata || -1); }; xhr = emit("beforeReadFile", { tab: tab, path: tab.path, callback: cb, progress: progress }); if (!xhr) xhr = fs.readFileWithMetadata(tab.path, "utf8", cb, progress); } } if (!xhr) { xhr = fs.readFile(path, "utf8", function(err, data) { receive(null, err ? -1 : data); }, progress); } // Cancel file opening when tab is closed var abort = function(){ xhr && xhr.abort(); }; tab.on("close", abort); tabs.on("open", function wait(e) { if ( == tab) {"close", abort);"open", wait); } }, tab); function receive(value, metadata) { var state; if (value !== null) storedValue = value; if (metadata) { storedMetadata = metadata; if (metadata != -1) { cached[] = metadata.replace(/"timestamp":\d+\,?$/, ""); } } // Final state processing and then we're done var compareModified = false; function done(state, cleansed) { // Import state from options var doc = options.document; if (doc instanceof Plugin) doc = doc.getState(); delete doc.fullState; delete doc.value; delete doc.undoManager; if (!doc.changed) delete doc.changed; if (cleansed) { delete state.undoManager; if (tab.editor && state[tab.editor.type]) state[tab.editor.type].cleansed = true; } // Preserve timestamp from metadata if (!doc.meta) doc.meta = {}; doc.meta.timestamp = state.timestamp; delete state.timestamp; // Merge the two sources merge(doc, state); if (tab.document.hasValue()) delete state.value; // Keep original value from disk state.meta.$savedValue = storedValue; var sameValue = state.value === storedValue; if (options.loadFromDisk && (sameValue || compareModified)) { fs.stat(tab.path, function(err, stat) { if (err) return; if (compareModified) { // @todo this won't work well on windows, because // there is a 20s period in which the mtime is // the same. The solution would be to have a // way to compare the saved document to the // loaded document that created the state if (!state.meta || state.meta.timestamp < stat.mtime) { var doc = tab.document; function checkChange(){ confirm("File Changed", tab.path + " has been changed on disk.", "Would you like to reload this file?", function(){ // Yes // Set new value and clear undo state doc.setBookmarkedValue(storedValue, true); doc.meta.timestamp = stat.mtime; }, function(){ // No // Set to changed doc.undoManager.bookmark(-2); doc.meta.timestamp = stat.mtime; }, { merge: false, all: false } ); } if (state.meta.preview) { doc.editor.on("focus", function wait(e) { if (doc.editor.activeDocument == doc) {"focus", wait); checkChange(); } }, doc); return; } else checkChange(); } } else { tab.document.meta.timestamp = stat.mtime; } }); } // Set new state tab.document.setState(state); // Declare done delete tab.meta.$loadingMetadata; callback(); } if ((!tab.path || storedValue !== undefined) && storedMetadata) { try{ state = storedMetadata == -1 ? {} : JSON.parse(storedMetadata); } catch (e){ state = {} } // There's a hash. Lets compare it to the hash of the // current value. If they are the same we can keep the // undo stack, otherwise we'll clear the undo stack if (state.hash && typeof storedValue == "string") { state.value = storedValue; hash(storedValue, function(err, hash) { done(state, state.hash != hash); }); return; // Wait until hash is retrieved } else if (state.value && tab.path) { // If the stored value is not the same as the value // on disk we need to find out which is newer if (state.value != storedValue) compareModified = true; } else { state.value = storedValue; } done(state); } } } hash.counter = 0; function hash(data, callback) { if (!worker) { worker = new Worker('/static/lib/rusha/rusha.min.js'); worker.addEventListener("message", function(e) { // @todo security? if (jobs[]) { jobs[](null,; delete jobs[]; } }); } worker.postMessage({ id: ++hash.counter, data: data }); jobs[hash.counter] = callback; if (hash.counter === 30000) hash.counter = 0; } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function(){ load(); }); plugin.on("enable", function(){ }); plugin.on("disable", function(){ }); plugin.on("unload", function(){ loaded = false; clearInterval(timer); }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Manages metadata for tabs in Cloud9. Each tab in Cloud9 has * additional information that needs to be stored. * * When you open a file in Cloud9, it generally is opened in a tab and * displayed using the {@link ace.Ace Ace} editor. The ace editor maintains a * lot of state while displaying the file, such as the scroll position, * the selection, the folds, the syntax highligher, etc. The document * also serializes the value and the complete undo stack. Editors * that don't open files can still hold metadata. The {@link terminal.Terminal Terminal} * for instance has selection, scroll state and scroll history. All this * information can be saved to disk by the metadata plugin. * * The metadata is saved in ~/.c9/metadata. The metadata plugin plugs * into the tabManager and takes over the loading of the file content * so that the loading of the content and the metadata is synchronized. * This plugin is also responsible for saving the metadata back to the * workspace. * * @singleton **/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ }); register(null, { metadata: plugin }); } });