/*global describe it before after beforeEach afterEach define*/ "use strict"; "use server"; "use blacklist"; require("c9/inline-mocha")(module); if (typeof define === "undefined") { require("amd-loader"); require("../../test/setup_paths"); } var fs = require("fs"); var http = require('http'); var baseTest = require('../c9.api/base_test'); var child = require("child_process"); var expect = require("chai").expect; var assert = require("assert"); var sinon = require("sinon"); var join = require("path").join; var HOST = "localhost:16565"; var USERNAME = "fjakobs"; var PASSWORD = "open"; var BASE = "/tmp/c9.ide.example"; var VERBOSE = false; var PID = 123; describe("cli.publish", function(){ this.timeout(10000); var services; before(function(next) { baseTest(function (err, s) { // Services can be tested immediately by mocking API signatures params - (req, res, next) - or (user, params, callback) services = s; HOST = "localhost:" + s.apiPort; next(err); }); }); describe("publish, unpublish and list", function(done) { var packagePath = join(BASE, "package.json"); var readmePath = join(BASE, "README.md"); var packageJson, readmeMD; var json = { "name": "c9.ide.example", "latest": "1.0.0", "owner": "https://api.$DOMAIN/user/2000", "enabled": true, "categories": [ "example" ], "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "http://github.com/javruben/example.git" }, "longname": "c9.ide.example", "website": "", "description": "", "star_count": 0, "star_total": 0, "installs": 0, "screenshots": [ // TODO Screenshots are broken // "example" ] }; before(function(done){ // Create git repo that contains a plugin we'll use to test var p = child.spawn(join(__dirname, "publish_test.git.sh")); if (VERBOSE) { p.stdout.on("data", function(c){ process.stdout.write(c.toString("utf8")); }); p.stderr.on("data", function(c){ process.stderr.write(c.toString("utf8")); }); } p.on("close", function(code){ if (code) return done(new Error("Git setup failed")); packageJson = fs.readFileSync(packagePath, "utf8"); readmeMD = fs.readFileSync(readmePath, "utf8"); done(); }); }); it("should warn if the package.json is missing", function(done){ fs.unlinkSync(packagePath); runCLI("publish", ["major"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ expect(stderr).to.match(/ERROR: Could not find package.json/); done(); }); }); it("should fail if the package.json cannot be parsed", function(done){ fs.writeFileSync(packagePath, packageJson + "!@#!@#", "utf8"); runCLI("publish", ["major"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ expect(stderr).to.match(/ERROR: Could not parse package.json/); done(); }); }); it("should fail if the name in the package.json is missing", function(done){ fs.writeFileSync(packagePath, packageJson.replace('"name": "c9.ide.example",', '')); runCLI("publish", ["major"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ expect(stderr).to.match(/ERROR: Missing name property in package.json/); done(); }); }); it("should fail if the name in the package.json is not equal to the directory", function(done){ fs.writeFileSync(packagePath, packageJson.replace('"name": "c9.ide.example"', '"name": "wrongname"')); runCLI("publish", ["major"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ expect(stderr).to.match(/WARNING: The name property in package.json is not equal to the directory name/); done(); }); }); it("should fail if the repository in the package.json is missing", function(done){ fs.writeFileSync(packagePath, packageJson.replace(/"repository[\s\S]*?\},/, "")); runCLI("publish", ["major"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ expect(stderr).to.match(/ERROR: Missing repository property in package.json/); done(); }); }); it("should fail if the category length is < 1 in the package.json is missing", function(done){ fs.writeFileSync(packagePath, packageJson.replace(/"categories[\s\S]*?\],/, "")); runCLI("publish", ["major"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ expect(stderr).to.match(/ERROR: At least one category is required in package.json/); done(); }); }); it("should warn if a plugin is not listed in the package.json", function(done){ fs.writeFileSync(packagePath, packageJson.replace('"example": {}', '')); runCLI("publish", ["major"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ expect(stderr).to.match(/WARNING: Plugin 'example.js' is not listed in package.json./); done(); }); }); it("should warn if the README.md is missing", function(done){ fs.writeFileSync(packagePath, packageJson); fs.unlink(readmePath); runCLI("publish", ["major"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ expect(stderr).to.match(/WARNING: README.md is missing./); done(); }); }); it("should publish when using force and increase the patch version", function(done){ var strJson = packageJson.replace(/"version": "[\d\.]+"/, '"version": "0.0.0"'); fs.writeFileSync(packagePath, strJson); fs.writeFileSync(readmePath, readmeMD); runCLI("publish", ["patch", "--force", "--tag"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ assert(!err, err); expect(stdout).to.match(/Successfully published version 0.0.1/); runCLI("list", ["--json"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ assert(!err, err); json.latest = "0.0.1"; var list = JSON.parse(stdout); if (!list.some(function(item){ if (item.name == "c9.ide.example") { expect(item).deep.equal(json); return true; } })) throw new Error("Could not find plugin in list"); done(); }); }); }); it("should increase the minor version", function(done){ fs.writeFileSync(readmePath, readmeMD); runCLI("publish", ["minor"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ assert(!err, err); expect(stdout).to.match(/Successfully published version 0.1.0/); runCLI("list", ["--json"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ assert(!err, err); json.latest = "0.1.0"; var list = JSON.parse(stdout); if (!list.some(function(item){ if (item.name == "c9.ide.example") { expect(item).deep.equal(json); return true; } })) throw new Error("Could not find plugin in list"); done(); }); }); }); it("should increase the major version", function(done){ runCLI("publish", ["major"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ assert(!err, err); expect(stdout).to.match(/Successfully published version 1.0.0/); runCLI("list", ["--json"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ assert(!err, err); json.latest = "1.0.0"; var list = JSON.parse(stdout); if (!list.some(function(item){ if (item.name == "c9.ide.example") { expect(item).deep.equal(json); return true; } })) throw new Error("Could not find plugin in list"); done(); }); }); }); it("should hide the package when it is unpublished", function(done){ runCLI("unpublish", [], function(err, stdout, stderr){ assert(!err, err); expect(stdout).to.match(/Successfully disabled package/); runCLI("list", ["--json"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ assert(!err, err); expect(stdout).to.not.match(/c9\.ide\.example/); done(); }); }); }); }); describe("install and remove (uninstall)", function() { var pluginDir = join(process.env.HOME, ".c9/plugins/c9.ide.example"); // Lets make sure there is at least one package in the database before(function(done){ // Create git repo that contains a plugin we'll use to test var p = child.spawn(join(__dirname, "publish_test.git.sh")); if (VERBOSE) { p.stdout.on("data", function(c){ process.stdout.write(c.toString("utf8")); }); p.stderr.on("data", function(c){ process.stderr.write(c.toString("utf8")); }); } p.on("close", function(code){ if (code) return done(new Error("Git setup failed")); runCLI("publish", ["10.0.0"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ done(); }); }); }); it("should install a package locally", function(done){ runCLI("install", ["--local", "c9.ide.example"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ expect(stdout).to.match(/Successfully installed c9.ide.example@10.0.0/); expect(fs.existsSync(pluginDir)).ok; done(); }); }); it("should warn if a package is already installed", function(done){ runCLI("install", ["--debug", "c9.ide.example"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ expect(stderr).to.match(/WARNING: Directory not empty/); done(); }); }); it("should install a package in debug mode", function(done){ runCLI("install", ["--force", "--debug", "c9.ide.example"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ expect(stdout).to.match(/Successfully installed c9.ide.example/); expect(fs.existsSync(join(pluginDir, "/.git"))).ok; done(); }); }); it("should install a package via the database", function(done){ runCLI("install", ["c9.ide.example", "--force"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ expect(stdout).to.match(/Successfully installed c9.ide.example/); // @TODO check if it's actually in the database - add list --own to cli done(); }); }); // it("should install a package with a specific version via the database", function(done){ // runCLI("install", ["c9.ide.example@1.0.0", "--force"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ // console.log(stdout, stderr); // expect(stdout).to.match(/Successfully installed c9.ide.example@1.0.0/); // // @TODO check if it's actually in the database - add list --own to cli // done(); // }); // }); it("should remove a package locally", function(done){ runCLI("remove", ["--local", "c9.ide.example"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ expect(stdout).to.match(/Successfully removed c9.ide.example/); expect(fs.existsSync(pluginDir)).not.ok; done(); }); }); it("should remove a from the database", function(done){ runCLI("remove", ["c9.ide.example"], function(err, stdout, stderr){ expect(stdout).to.match(/Successfully removed c9.ide.example/); // @TODO check if it's actually in the database - add list --own to cli done(); }); }); }); }); function runCLI(command, options, callback){ var env = Object.create(process.env); env["NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED"] = 0; env["C9_APIHOST"] = HOST; env["C9_PID"] = PID; env["C9_TEST_AUTH"] = USERNAME + ":" + PASSWORD; env["C9_TEST_MODE"] = 1; options.push("--verbose"); var p = child.spawn(join(__dirname, "../../bin/c9"), [command].concat(options), { cwd: BASE, env: env }); if (VERBOSE) process.stdout.write("\n"); var stdout = ""; p.stdout.on("data", function(c){ c = c.toString("utf8"); stdout += c; if (VERBOSE) process.stdout.write(c); }); var stderr = ""; p.stderr.on("data", function(c){ c = c.toString("utf8"); stderr += c; if (VERBOSE) process.stderr.write(c); }); p.on("close", function(code){ if (code) return callback(new Error(stderr), stdout, stderr); callback(null, stdout, stderr); }); }