/*global describe:false, it:false */ "use client"; require(["lib/architect/architect", "lib/chai/chai"], function (architect, chai) { var expect = chai.expect; var skin = '\ \ body{background:rgb(250, 255, 255);} \ .rect{border:4px solid red;width:300px;height:100px;}\ \
'; expect.setupArchitectTest([ "plugins/c9.core/ext", "plugins/c9.ide.ui/lib_apf", { packagePath: "plugins/c9.ide.ui/ui", staticPrefix: "plugins/c9.ide.ui", packedThemes: false }, { consumes: ["ui", "Plugin"], provides: [], setup: main } ], architect); function main(options, imports, register) { var ui = imports.ui; var Plugin = imports.Plugin; describe('ui', function() { it('should provide a way to insert CSS into the browser', function(done) { var plugin = new Plugin("", []); plugin.load("test"); var before = ui.getStyle(document.body, "backgroundColor"); ui.insertCss("body{background:rgb(255, 0, 0)}", plugin); expect(ui.getStyle(document.body, "backgroundColor")).to.equal("rgb(255, 0, 0)"); plugin.unload(); expect(ui.getStyle(document.body, "backgroundColor")).to.equal(before); done(); }); it('should provide a way to insert a skin into the aml', function(done) { var plugin = new Plugin("", []); plugin.load("test"); var before = ui.getStyle(document.body, "backgroundColor"); ui.insertSkin({ data: skin, name: "test" }, plugin); expect(ui.getStyle(document.body, "backgroundColor")).to.equal("rgb(250, 255, 255)"); plugin.unload(); // @TODO Unloading of skins is not supported atm // expect(ui.getStyle(document.body, "backgroundColor")).to.equal(before); done(); }); it('should provide a way to load html in an html parent - sync', function(done) { var plugin = new Plugin("", []); plugin.load("test"); ui.insertHtml(document.body, "
", plugin); expect(document.querySelector("#ruben")).to.ok; plugin.unload(); expect(document.querySelector("#ruben")).to.not.ok; done(); }); it('should provide a way to load markup with aml in a plugin - sync', function(done) { var plugin = new Plugin("", []); plugin.load("test"); ui.insertSkin({ data: skin, name: "test" }, plugin); ui.insertMarkup(apf.document.documentElement, "test", plugin); ui.insertMarkup(apf.document.documentElement, "test", plugin); var test = plugin.getElement("test"); expect(test).property("localName").to.equal("button"); expect(test.getWidth()).to.equal(308); plugin.unload(); try { plugin.getElement("test"); throw new Error("test should not exist"); } catch (e) {} expect(test).property("$amlDestroyed").to.equal(true); done(); }); it('should provide a way to load markup with aml in a plugin - async', function(done) { var plugin = new Plugin("", []); plugin.load("test"); plugin.getElement("test", function(test) { expect(test).property("localName").to.equal("button"); expect(test.getWidth()).to.equal(308); plugin.unload(); try { plugin.getElement("test"); throw new Error("test should not exist"); } catch (e) {} expect(test).property("$amlDestroyed").to.equal(true); done(); }); ui.insertSkin({ data: skin, name: "skinset" }, plugin); ui.insertMarkup(apf.document.documentElement, "test", plugin); ui.insertMarkup(apf.document.documentElement, "test", plugin); }); }); register(); } });