define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = [ "Plugin", "Menu", "MenuItem", "Divider", "settings", "ui", "c9", "watcher", "panels", "util", "save", "preferences", "commands", "Tree", "Datagrid", "tabManager", "layout", "preferences.experimental" ]; main.provides = ["scm"]; return main; /* LEGEND: * = done (item should be removed) / = half done - = not done # LOW HANGING FRUIT - conflicts - save - tree - add watcher to .git/HEAD - fix errors with added/removed files # TODO - commit - do dry-run - add status message for ammend - display branch to commit to - amend doesnt work - pull - pull --rebase - detail - afterChoose should stage/unstage files instead of opening diff view - drag to staged doesnt work sometimes (rowheight issue?) - conflicts - add commands? detect, next, prev, use 1/ 2 - branches - Harutyun: Resize properly when expanding/collapsing - Harutyun: scrollMargin for left, right and bottom doesn't work (same for log, detail) - Use icon - log - Setting indent to 0 doesn't work - Remove arrow in title - add discard changes to context menu - resize issues - hotkeys should show bars in dialog - conflicts - dark theme (Ruben) - toolbar / pull (or fetch - split button / add fetch dialog (Ruben) / dropdown for remotes - output - Merge doesn't work (no UI for merge message) - Handle error states - Change to splitbutton with form only shown on arrow - reload of log doesn't work after pull / push button - split button / add push dialog (Ruben) / dropdown for remotes/branches - output - Handle error states - Change to splitbutton with form only shown on arrow - reload of log doesn't work after push # LATER # Ruben - Choose Git Path - use file dialog - support multiple git roots - Add setting to collapse tree to only see roots - tree - solve edge line cases - Compare view - save the right file (use ace session clone) - git add the left file - undo doesn't work - scrolling doesn't work well. It should scroll the sides as slowly as the side with most lines would go when scrolling there - conflicts - automatically add to staging on save - dialog for one deleted and one saved file - undo - branches - When updating, only do a partial update (maintain selection, expanded state - see test/data/data.js) - make a datagrid? */ function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var Tree = imports.Tree; var Menu = imports.Menu; var Datagrid = imports.Datagrid; var MenuItem = imports.MenuItem; var Divider = imports.Divider; var settings = imports.settings; var ui = imports.ui; var c9 = imports.c9; var tabManager = imports.tabManager; var watcher = imports.watcher; var panels = imports.panels; var util = imports.util; var save =; var layout = imports.layout; var prefs = imports.preferences; var commands = imports.commands; var experimental = imports["preferences.experimental"]; // var Tooltip = require("ace_tree/tooltip"); var DataProvider = require("ace_tree/data_provider"); var escapeHTML = require("ace/lib/lang").escapeHTML; /***** Initialization *****/ var ENABLED = experimental.addExperiment("git", !c9.hosted, "Panels/Source Control Management"); if (!ENABLED) return register(null, { "scm": { on: function() {} }}); var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var scms = {}; var scm; var workspaceDir = c9.workspaceDir; // + "/plugins/c9.ide.scm/mock/git"; var loaded = false; function load() { if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; commands.addCommand({ name: "blame", group: "scm", exec: function() { var tab = tabManager.focussedTab || tabManager.getPanes()[0].activeTab; if (!tab || !tab.path || tab.editorType != "ace") return; var blameAnnotation, err, data; var ace = tab.editor.ace; var session = ace.session; require(["./blame"], function(blameModule) { if (ace.session != session) return; blameAnnotation = blameModule.annotate(ace); done(); }); var path = tab.path; scm.getBlame(path, function(err, blameInfo) { if (err) return console.error(err); data = blameInfo; done(); }); function done() { if (!blameAnnotation) return; if (data === null) return; blameAnnotation.setData(data); } }, isAvailable: function() { var tab = tabManager.focussedTab || tabManager.getPanes()[0].activeTab; if (!tab || !tab.path || tab.editorType != "ace") return false; return true; } }, plugin); // commands.addCommand({ // name: "addall", // group: "scm", // exec: function(){ addAll(); } // }, plugin); // commands.addCommand({ // name: "unstageall", // group: "scm", // exec: function(){ unstageAll(); } // }, plugin); // commands.addCommand({ // name: "fetch", // group: "scm", // exec: function(){ fetch(); } // }, plugin); // commands.addCommand({ // name: "push", // group: "scm", // exec: function(){ push({}); } // }, plugin); // commands.addCommand({ // name: "pull", // group: "scm", // exec: function(){ pull({}); } // }, plugin); c9.on("ready", function _() { if (scm) return; if (!isDetecting) emit.sticky("scm", null); else setTimeout(_, 100); }, plugin); } /***** Methods *****/ var isDetecting = 0; function registerSCM(name, scmPlugin) { scms[name] = scmPlugin; if (!scm) scm = scmPlugin; emit("register", { plugin: scmPlugin }); isDetecting++; scmPlugin.detect("/", function(err, active) { isDetecting--; if (err || !active) return; emit.sticky("scm", scmPlugin); }); } function unregisterSCM(name, scmPlugin) { delete scms[name]; emit("unregister", { plugin: scmPlugin }); } function openDiff(options, callback) { var found; if (tabManager.getTabs().some(function(tab) { if (tab.editorType == "diff.unified") { if (tab.document.getSession().isEqual(options)) { found = tab; return true; } } return false; })) return tabManager.focusTab(found); tabManager[options.preview ? "preview" : "open"]({ newfile: true, editorType: "diff.unified", focus: true, document: { "title": "Compare View", "diff.unified": options } // path: "/compare.diff" }, function(err, tab) { callback && callback(err, tab); }); } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function() { load(); }); plugin.on("unload", function() { loaded = false; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * */ register: registerSCM, /** * */ unregister: unregisterSCM, /** * */ openDiff: openDiff }); register(null, { "scm": plugin }); } });