define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = [ "PreferencePanel", "ui", "dialog.confirm", "settings", "preferences" ]; main.provides = ["preferences.general"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var PreferencePanel = imports.PreferencePanel; var prefs = imports.preferences; var settings = imports.settings; var ui = imports.ui; var confirm = imports["dialog.confirm"].show; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new PreferencePanel("", main.consumes, { caption: "User Settings", form: true, index: 100 }); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); emit.setMaxListeners(1000); var intro; var loaded = false; function load() { if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; plugin.form.add([{ type: "custom", title: "Introduction", position: 1, node: intro = new{ "class": "intro", style: "padding:12px;position:relative;" }) }], plugin); prefs.on("add", function(e) { if (!("Project" in e.state)) plugin.add(e.state, e.plugin); }, plugin); } var drawn = false; function draw(e) { if (drawn) return; drawn = true; plugin.add({ "General": { position: 10, "General": { position: 10, "Reset to Factory Settings": { type: "button", caption: "Reset to Defaults", width: 140, onclick: function() { confirm("Reset User Settings", "Are you sure you want to reset your settings?", "By resetting your settings to their " + "defaults you will lose all custom settings. " + "Cloud9 will return to it's original configuration", function() { settings.reset("user"); }, function() {}, { yes: "Reset settings", no: "Cancel" }); } } }, "User Interface": { position: 20, "Enable UI Animations": { type: "checkbox", path: "user/general/@animateui", position: 1000 }, "Use an Asterisk (*) to Mark Changed Tabs": { type: "checkbox", path: "user/tabs/@asterisk", position: 1050 }, "Display Title of Active Tab as Browser Title": { type: "checkbox", path: "user/tabs/@title", position: 1100 } } } }, plugin); intro.$int.innerHTML = '

User Settings

' + (options.local ? '

These settings are saved at ' + '' + options.installPath + '/user.settings' + '.

' : '

Manually edit these settings by clicking on this link: ' + '' + 'user.settings.

') + '

These settings are synced across all your workspaces.

'; intro.$int.querySelector("a").onclick = function() { emit("edit"); }; } /***** Methods *****/ /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function() { load(); }); plugin.on("draw", function(e) { draw(e); }); plugin.on("unload", function() { loaded = false; drawn = false; intro = null; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * **/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ }); register(null, { "preferences.general": plugin }); } });