/* * Cloud9 Language Foundation * * @copyright 2013, Ajax.org B.V. */ define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = [ "Plugin", "c9", "settings", "ace", "tabManager", "preferences", "commands", "error_handler" ]; main.provides = ["language"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var c9 = imports.c9; var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var settings = imports.settings; var aceHandle = imports.ace; var tabs = imports.tabManager; var prefs = imports.preferences; var commands = imports.commands; var WorkerClient = require("ace/worker/worker_client").WorkerClient; var UIWorkerClient = require("ace/worker/worker_client").UIWorkerClient; var net = require("ace/lib/net"); var async = require("async"); var BIG_FILE_LINES = 5000; var BIG_FILE_DELAY = 500; var UI_WORKER_DELAY = 3000; // longer delay to wait for plugins to load with require() var INITIAL_DELAY = 2000; var UI_WORKER = window.location && /[?&]noworker=(\w+)|$/.exec(window.location.search)[1] || options.useUIWorker; var delayedTransfer; var lastWorkerMessage = {}; var refreshAllPending = 0; var isContinuousCompletionEnabledSetting; var initedTabs; var ignoredMarkers; var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); emit.setMaxListeners(50); // avoid warnings during initialization var worker; function onCursorChange(e, sender, now) { if (!worker.$doc) return; var cursorPos = worker.$doc.selection.getCursor(); var line = worker.$doc.getDocument().getLine(cursorPos.row); emit("cursormove", { doc: worker.$doc, pos: cursorPos, line: line, selection: worker.$doc.selection, now: now }); } function onChange(e) { worker.changeListener(e); worker._signal("change", e); } function onChangeMode() { var tab = worker && worker.$doc && worker.$doc.c9doc && worker.$doc.c9doc.tab; if (tab) { notifyWorker("switchFile", { tab: tab }); } } /** * Notify the worker that the document changed * * @param type the event type, documentOpen or switchFile * @param e the originating event, should have an e.tab.path and e.tab.document */ function notifyWorker(type, e) { if (!worker) return plugin.once("initWorker", notifyWorker.bind(null, type, e), plugin); var tab = e.tab; var path = getTabPath(tab); var c9session = tab.document.getSession(); if (tab.document.hasValue && !tab.document.hasValue()) { tab.document.once("setValue", function() { setTimeout(function() { // wait for event to be consumed by others notifyWorker(type, e); }); }, plugin); return; } var session = c9session && c9session.loaded && c9session.session; if (!session) return; var immediateWindow = session.repl ? tab.name : null; if (session !== worker.$doc && type === "switchFile") { if (worker.$doc) { worker.$doc.off("change", onChange); worker.$doc.off("changeMode", onChangeMode); worker.$doc.c9doc.tab.off("setPath", onChangeMode); worker.$doc.selection.off("changeCursor", onCursorChange); } worker.$doc = session; session.selection.on("changeCursor", onCursorChange); session.c9doc.tab.on("setPath", onChangeMode); session.on("changeMode", onChangeMode); session.on("change", onChange); } var syntax = session.syntax; if (!syntax && session.$modeId) { syntax = /[^\/]*$/.exec(session.$modeId)[0] || syntax; session.syntax = syntax; } // Avoid sending duplicate messages var last = lastWorkerMessage; if (last.type === type && last.path === path && last.immediateWindow === immediateWindow && last.syntax === syntax) return; lastWorkerMessage = { type: type, path: path, immediateWindow: immediateWindow, syntax: syntax }; var value = e.value || session.doc.$lines || []; draw(); clearTimeout(delayedTransfer); if (type === "switchFile" && value.length > BIG_FILE_LINES) { delayedTransfer = setTimeout( notifyWorkerTransferData.bind(null, type, path, immediateWindow, syntax, value), BIG_FILE_DELAY ); return delayedTransfer; } return notifyWorkerTransferData(type, path, immediateWindow, syntax, value, e.force); } function notifyWorkerTransferData(type, path, immediateWindow, syntax, value, force) { if (!force && type === "switchFile" && getTabPath(getActiveTab()) !== path) return; // console.log("[language] Sent to worker (" + type + "): " + path + " length: " + value.length); if (options.workspaceDir === undefined) console.error("[language] options.workspaceDir is undefined!"); // background tabs=open document, foreground tab=switch to file if (type === "switchFile" && worker.deltaQueue) { value = worker.$doc.$lines; // in case we are called async worker.deltaQueue = null; } worker.call(type, [ path, immediateWindow, syntax, value, null, options.workspaceDir ]); if (type === "switchFile") worker._signal("changeMode"); return true; } function getTabPath(tab) { return tab && (tab.path || tab.name); } var loaded = false; function load() { if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; var id = "plugins/c9.ide.language.core/worker"; if (options.workerPrefix) var path = options.workerPrefix.replace(/\/?$/, "/") + id + ".js"; // Create main worker for language processing if (UI_WORKER) { worker = new UIWorkerClient(["treehugger", "ace", "c9", "plugins"], id, "LanguageWorker", path); if (UI_WORKER === "sync") worker.setEmitSync(true); } else { try { worker = new WorkerClient( ["treehugger", "ace", "c9", "plugins", "acorn", "tern"], id, "LanguageWorker", path || (options.staticPrefix || "/static") + "/lib/ace/lib/ace/worker/worker.js" ); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 18 && window.location && window.location.origin === "file://") throw new Error("Cannot load worker from file:// protocol, please host a server on localhost instead " + "or use ?noworker=1 to use a worker in the UI thread (can cause slowdowns)"); throw e; } worker.reportError = function(err) { console.error(err.stack || err); imports.error_handler.reportError(err, {}, ["worker"]); }; worker.$worker.onerror = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }; } worker.call("setStaticPrefix", [net.qualifyURL(options.staticPrefix || c9.staticUrl || "/static")]); if (document.location.hostname.match(/c9.dev|cloud9beta.com|localhost| worker.call("setDebug", [true]); aceHandle.on("create", function(e) { e.editor.on("createAce", function (ace) { emit("attachToEditor", ace); }, plugin); }, plugin); tabs.on("tabDestroy", function(e) { var path = e.tab.path; if (path) worker.emit("documentClose", { data: path }); var c9session = e.tab.document.getSession(); if (c9session && c9session.session === worker.$doc) worker.$doc = null; }, plugin); // Hook all newly opened files tabs.on("open", function(e) { if (isEditorSupported(e.tab)) { notifyWorker("documentOpen", e); if (!tabs.getPanes) // single-pane minimal UI notifyWorker("switchFile", { tab: e.tab }); } }, plugin); // Switch to any active file tabs.on("focusSync", function(e) { if (isEditorSupported(e.tab)) notifyWorker("switchFile", e); }, plugin); emit.sticky("initWorker", { worker: worker }); settings.on("read", function() { setTimeout(function() { updateSettings(); }); }, plugin); settings.once("read", function() { settings.setDefaults("user/language", [ ["hints", true], ["continuousCompletion", true], ["instanceHighlight", true], ["enterCompletion", true] ]); settings.setDefaults("project/language", [ ["warnLevel", "info"], ["undeclaredVars", true], ["eslintrc", true], ["semi", true], ["unusedFunctionArgs", false] ]); settings.on("user/language", updateSettings, plugin); settings.on("project/language", updateSettings, plugin); }, plugin); // Preferences prefs.add({ "Project": { "Hints & Warnings": { position: 700, "Warning Level": { type: "dropdown", path: "project/language/@warnLevel", items: [ { caption: "Error", value: "error" }, { caption: "Warning", value: "warning" }, { caption: "Info", value: "info" } ], position: 5000 }, "Mark Missing Optional Semicolons": { type: "checkbox", path: "project/language/@semi", position: 7000 }, "Mark Undeclared Variables": { type: "checkbox", path: "project/language/@undeclaredVars", position: 8000 }, "Mark Unused Function Arguments": { type: "checkbox", path: "project/language/@unusedFunctionArgs", position: 9000 }, "Ignore Messages Matching Regex": { title: [null, "Ignore Messages Matching ", ["a", { href: "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression", target: "blank"}, "Regex"]], type: "textbox", path: "project/language/@ignoredMarkers", width: 300, position: 11000 }, }, "JavaScript Support": { position: 1100, "Customize JavaScript Warnings With .eslintrc": { title: [null, "Customize JavaScript Warnings With ", ["a", { href: "http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring", target: "blank"}, ".eslintrc"]], position: 210, type: "checkbox", path: "project/language/@eslintrc", }, } } }, plugin); prefs.add({ "Language": { position: 500, "Input": { position: 100, "Complete As You Type": { type: "checkbox", path: "user/language/@continuousCompletion", position: 4000 }, "Complete On Enter": { type: "checkbox", path: "user/language/@enterCompletion", position: 5000 }, "Highlight Variable Under Cursor": { type: "checkbox", path: "user/language/@instanceHighlight", position: 6000 }, }, "Hints & Warnings": { position: 200, "Enable Hints and Warnings": { type: "checkbox", path: "user/language/@hints", position: 1000 }, "Ignore Messages Matching Regex": { title: [null, "Ignore Messages Matching ", ["a", { href: "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression", target: "blank"}, "Regex"]], type: "textbox", path: "user/language/@ignoredMarkers", position: 3000 }, } } }, plugin); // commands commands.addCommand({ name: "expandSnippet", bindKey: "Tab", exec: function(editor) { return editor && editor.ace.expandSnippet(); }, isAvailable: function(editor) { var ace = editor && editor.ace; if (ace && ace.selection.isEmpty()) return ace.expandSnippet({ dryRun: true }); }, }, plugin); } // Initialize an Ace editor aceHandle.on("create", function(e) { var editor = e.editor; if (!initedTabs && tabs.getPanes) { // not in single-pane minimal UI tabs.once("ready", function() { if (initedTabs) return; tabs.getTabs().forEach(function(tab) { if (isEditorSupported(tab)) { setTimeout(function() { if (tab.value) return notifyWorker("documentOpen", { tab: tab, value: tab.value }); var value = tab.document.value; if (value) return notifyWorker("documentOpen", { tab: tab, value: value }); tab.document.once("valueSet", function(e) { notifyWorker("documentOpen", { tab: tab, value: e.value }); }); }, UI_WORKER ? UI_WORKER_DELAY : INITIAL_DELAY); } }); var activeTab = getActiveTab(); if (isEditorSupported(activeTab)) notifyWorker("switchFile", { tab: activeTab }); initedTabs = true; }); } editor.on("documentLoad", function(e) { var session = e.doc.getSession().session; notifyWorker("documentOpen", { tab: e.doc.tab }); session.once("changeMode", function() { if (tabs.focussedTab === e.doc.tab) notifyWorker("switchFile", { tab: e.doc.tab }); }); }); editor.on("documentUnload", function(e) { }); }, plugin); function getActiveTab() { return isEditorSupported(tabs.focussedTab) ? tabs.focussedTab : tabs.getPanes().map(function(p) { return p.activeTab; }).filter(function(t) { return isEditorSupported(t); })[0]; } var drawn; function draw() { if (drawn) return; emit("draw"); drawn = true; } function getWorker(callback) { if (worker) return setTimeout(callback.bind(null, null, worker)); // always async plugin.once("initWorker", function() { callback(null, worker); }, plugin); } function updateSettings(e) { if (!worker) return plugin.once("initWorker", updateSettings, plugin); function updateFeatures(type, names) { names.forEach(function(s) { worker.call( "enableFeature", [s, settings.getBool(type + "/language/@" + s)] ); }); } updateFeatures("user", ["instanceHighlight", "hints"]); updateFeatures("project", ["unusedFunctionArgs", "undeclaredVars", "eslintrc", "semi"]); worker.call("setWarningLevel", [settings.get("project/language/@warnLevel")]); // var cursorPos = editor.getCursorPosition(); // cursorPos.force = true; // worker.emit("cursormove", {data: cursorPos}); isContinuousCompletionEnabledSetting = settings.get("user/language/@continuousCompletion"); ignoredMarkers = (settings.get("user/language/@ignoredMarkers") || "(?!NONE)NONE") + "|" + (settings.get("project/language/@ignoredMarkers") || "(?!NONE)NONE"); refreshAllMarkers(); } function refreshAllMarkers() { refreshAllPending++; if (refreshAllPending > 1) return; var activeTabs = tabs.getPanes().map(function(pane) { return pane.getTab(); }); var focussedTab = tabs.focussedTab; activeTabs = activeTabs.filter(function(tab) { return tab !== focussedTab; }).concat(focussedTab); async.forEachSeries(activeTabs, function(tab, next) { if (!isEditorSupported(tab) || tab === focussedTab) return next(); lastWorkerMessage = {}; if (!notifyWorker("switchFile", { tab: tab, force: true })) return next(); worker.once("markers", function(e) { next(); }); }, function() { if (refreshAllPending > 1) { refreshAllPending = 0; return setTimeout(function() { refreshAllPending = 0; refreshAllMarkers(); }, 100); } refreshAllPending = 0; lastWorkerMessage = {}; tabs.focussedTab && notifyWorker("switchFile", { tab: tabs.focussedTab }); }); } function isEditorSupported(tab) { return tab && ["ace", "immediate"].indexOf(tab.editor ? tab.editor.type : tab.editorType) !== -1; } function isInferAvailable() { return c9.hosted; // || !!req uire("core/ext").extLut["ext/jsinfer/jsinfer"]; } function isContinuousCompletionEnabled() { return isContinuousCompletionEnabledSetting; } function getIgnoredMarkers() { return ignoredMarkers; } function setContinuousCompletionEnabled(value) { isContinuousCompletionEnabledSetting = value; } function registerLanguageHandler(modulePath, contents, callback, plugin) { if (typeof contents === "function") { plugin = callback; callback = contents; contents = null; } getWorker(function(err, worker) { if (err) return console.error("Could not find worker", err); worker.on("registered", function reply(e) { if (e.data.path !== modulePath) return; worker.removeEventListener(reply); plugin && plugin.on("unload", unregisterLanguageHandler.bind(null, modulePath)); callback && callback(e.data.err, createEmitter(modulePath)); }); if (modulePath) updateRequireConfig(modulePath, worker); worker.call("register", [modulePath, contents]); }); } function unregisterLanguageHandler(modulePath) { getWorker(function(err, worker) { if (err) return console.error(err); if (!worker.$worker) return; // already destroyed worker.call("unregister", [modulePath]); }); } function createEmitter(modulePath) { return { on: function(event, listener) { worker.on(modulePath + "/" + event, function(e) { listener(e.data); }); }, once: function(event, listener) { worker.once(modulePath + "/" + event, function(e) { listener(e.data); }); }, off: function(event, listener) { worker.off(modulePath + "/" + event, listener); }, emit: function(event, data) { worker.emit(modulePath + "/" + event, { data: data }); } }; } function updateRequireConfig(modulePath, worker) { var config = window.requirejs.getConfig(); worker.call("updateRequireConfig", [config]); } plugin.on("load", function() { load(); }); plugin.on("enable", function() { }); plugin.on("disable", function() { }); plugin.on("unload", function() { loaded = false; worker.terminate(); clearTimeout(delayedTransfer); delayedTransfer = null; lastWorkerMessage = {}; refreshAllPending = 0; isContinuousCompletionEnabledSetting = undefined; initedTabs = false; ignoredMarkers = undefined; drawn = false; }); /** * The language foundation for Cloud9, controlling language * handlers that implement features such as content completion * for various languages. * * See the Cloud9 SDK documentation for more information. * * @singleton **/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * @ignore */ isEditorSupported: isEditorSupported, /** * Returns true if the "continuous completion" IDE setting is enabled * @ignore * @return {Boolean} */ isContinuousCompletionEnabled: isContinuousCompletionEnabled, /** * Sets whether the "continuous completion" IDE setting is enabled * @ignore * @param {Boolean} value */ setContinuousCompletionEnabled: setContinuousCompletionEnabled, /** * Returns whether type inference for JavaScript is available. * @ignore */ isInferAvailable: isInferAvailable, /** * Registers a new language handler in the web worker. * Clients should specify a module path where the handler can be loaded. * Normally, it can be loaded in the web worker using a regular require(), * but if it is not available in the context of the web worker (perhaps * because it is hosted elsewhere), clients can also specify a string * source for the handler. * * @param {String} modulePath The require path of the handler * @param {String} [contents] The contents of the handler script * @param {Function} [callback] An optional callback called when the handler is initialized * @param {String} callback.err Any error that occured when loading this handler * @param {Object} callback.worker The worker object (see {@link #getWorker}) * @param {Function} callback.worker.emit * @param {String} callback.worker.emit.event * @param {Object} callback.worker.emit.payload * @param {Object} callback.worker.emit.payload.data * @param {Plugin} [plugin] The plugin registering this language handler. */ registerLanguageHandler: registerLanguageHandler, /** * Unregister a language handler * @param {String} modulePath */ unregisterLanguageHandler: unregisterLanguageHandler, /** * Gets the current worker, or waits for it to be ready and gets it. * * @param {Function} callback The callback * @param {String} callback.err Any error * @param {Function} callback.result Our result * @param {Function} callback.result.on Event handler for worker events * @param {String} callback.result.on.event Event name * @param {Function} callback.result.on.listener Event listener * @param {Function} callback.result.once One-time event handler for worker events * @param {String} callback.result.once.event Event name * @param {Function} callback.result.once.listener Event listener * @param {Object} callback.result.once.listener.data Event data * @param {String} callback.result.off.event Event name * @param {Function} callback.result.off.listener Event listener * @param {Function} callback.result.emit Event emit function for worker * @param {String} callback.result.on.event Event name * @param {Object} callback.result.on.data Event data */ getWorker: getWorker, /** @ignore */ onCursorChange: onCursorChange, /** @ignore */ getIgnoredMarkers: getIgnoredMarkers, /** * Refresh all language markers in open editors. */ refreshAllMarkers: refreshAllMarkers, _events: [] }); register(null, { language: plugin }); } });