/*global describe:false, it:false */ "use client"; require(["lib/architect/architect", "lib/chai/chai"], function (architect, chai) { var expect = chai.expect; expect.setupArchitectTest([ "plugins/c9.core/ext", "plugins/c9.core/util", "plugins/c9.ide.ui/ui", "plugins/c9.ide.ui/lib_apf", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/document", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/undomanager", { consumes: ["Document", "ui"], provides: [], setup: main } ], architect); function main(options, imports, register) { var Document = imports.Document; var ui = imports.ui; describe('document', function() { it('should load it\'s state from the constructor', function(done) { var doc = new Document({ value: "test" }); expect(doc.value).to.equal("test"); done(); }); it('should emit value.set when setting the value', function(done) { var doc = new Document(); doc.on("setValue", function(e) { expect(e.value).to.equal("test"); done(); }); doc.value = "test"; }); it('should emit state.get when calling getState', function(done) { var doc = new Document(); doc.on("getState", function(e) { expect(e.doc).to.equal(doc); done(); }); doc.getState(); }); it('should allow anyone to set properties on the meta object', function(done) { var doc = new Document(); doc.meta.test = 1; expect(doc.meta.test).to.equal(1); done(); }); it('should not serialize properties of the meta object starting with a $', function(done) { var doc = new Document(); doc.meta.test = 1; doc.meta.$test = 1; var state = doc.getState(); expect(state.meta.test).to.ok; expect(state.meta.$test).to.not.ok; done(); }); it('should emit state.set when calling setState', function(done) { var doc = new Document(); doc.on("setState", function(e) { expect(e.doc).to.equal(doc); done(); }); doc.setState({}); }); it('should allow anyone to get the session object', function(done) { var doc = new Document(); doc.editor = { type: "test" }; var session = doc.getSession(); session.test = 1; expect(session.test).to.ok; done(); }); }); register(); } });