define(function(require, module, exports) { main.consumes = ["Plugin", "ui", "Dialog", "apf"]; main.provides = ["Wizard", "WizardPage"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var Dialog = imports.Dialog; var apf = imports.apf; var ui = imports.ui; /***** Initialization *****/ function Wizard(developer, deps, options) { var plugin = new Dialog(developer, deps.concat(main.consumes), { name: "dialog.wizard", allowClose: options.allowClose || false, class: "wizard " + (options.class || ""), height: options.height, width: options.width, resizable: options.resizable, title: options.title, modal: options.modal === undefined ? true : options.modal, custom: true, elements: [ { type: "button", id: "cancel", caption: "Cancel", visible: false, onclick: cancel }, { type: "filler" }, { type: "button", id: "previous", caption: "Previous", visible: false, onclick: previous }, { type: "button", id: "next", caption: "Next", color: "green", "default": true, onclick: next }, { type: "button", id: "finish", caption: "Finish", visible: false, onclick: finish } ] }); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var path = []; var current = -1; var body, startPage, lastPage; var drawn = false; function draw(options) { if (drawn) return; drawn = true; var aml = new; options.aml.parentNode.insertBefore(aml, options.aml); options.aml.removeNode(); body = { html: aml.$ext, aml: aml }; } /***** Methods *****/ function cancel() { emit("cancel", { activePage: lastPage }); } function previous() { current--; activate(path[current]); emit("previous", { activePage: path[current] }); } function next() { path.splice(current + 1); plugin.update([ { id: "previous", visible: true }, { id: "next", visible: true } ]); var page = emit("next", { activePage: path[path.length - 1] }); current = path.push(page) - 1; activate(page, true); } function gotoPage(page) { current = path.push(page) - 1; activate(page, true); } function finish() { plugin.hide(); emit("finish", { activePage: lastPage }); } function activate(page, noButtons) { var idx = path.indexOf(page); if (idx == -1) throw new Error(); if (!noButtons) { plugin.update([ { id: "previous", visible: idx > 0 }, { id: "next", visible: true } ]); } if (lastPage) lastPage.hide();; lastPage = page; } function show(reset) { return plugin.queue(function() { if (reset || current == -1) { path = [startPage]; current = 0; activate(startPage); } }, true); } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("draw", function(options) { draw(options); }); /***** Register and define API *****/ plugin.freezePublicAPI.baseclass(); /** * */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * */ get activePage() { return path[current]; }, /** * */ get startPage() { return startPage; }, set startPage(v) { startPage = v; }, /** * */ get showPrevious() { return plugin.getElement("previous").visible; }, set showPrevious(value) { plugin.update([ { id: "previous", visible: value } ]); }, /** * */ get showNext() { return plugin.getElement("next").visible; }, set showNext(value) { plugin.update([ { id: "next", visible: value } ]); }, /** * */ get showCancel() { return plugin.getElement("cancel").visible; }, set showCancel(value) { plugin.update([ { id: "cancel", visible: value } ]); }, /** * */ get showFinish() { return plugin.getElement("finish").visible; }, set showFinish(value) { plugin.update([ { id: "finish", visible: value } ]); }, _events: [ /** * @event cancel */ "cancel", /** * @event previous */ "previous", /** * @event next */ "next", /** * @event finish */ "finish" ], /** * */ show: show, /** * */ cancel: cancel, /** * */ previous: previous, /** * */ next: next, /** * */ finish: finish, /** * */ gotoPage: gotoPage }); return plugin; } function WizardPage(options, forPlugin) { var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var name =; var aml; if (forPlugin) forPlugin.addOther(function() { plugin.unload(); }); var drawn; function draw() { if (drawn) return; drawn = true; aml = new; plugin.addOther(function() { aml.removeNode(); }); apf.document.documentElement.appendChild(aml); aml.removeNode(); emit.sticky("draw", { html: aml.$ext, aml: aml }); } /***** Methods *****/ function hide() { aml.parentNode.removeChild(aml); emit("hide"); } function show(options) { draw(); options && options.aml.appendChild(aml); emit("show"); } /***** Register and define API *****/ plugin.freezePublicAPI.baseclass(); /** * */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * */ get name() { return name; }, /** * */ get aml() { return aml; }, /** * */ get container() { return aml && aml.$ext; }, _events: [ /** * @event hide */ "hide", /** * @event show */ "show" ], /** * */ show: show, /** * */ hide: hide }); return plugin; } register("", { "Wizard": Wizard, "WizardPage": WizardPage, }); } });