define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = ["Plugin", "collab.util", "api", "pubsub", "info", "dialog.alert"]; main.provides = ["collab.workspace"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var util = imports["collab.util"]; var api = imports.api; var pubsub = imports.pubsub; var info = imports["info"]; var showAlert = imports["dialog.alert"].show; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var isAdmin = options.isAdmin; var authorPool = {}; var colorPool = {}; var users = {}; var clients = {}; var onlineCount = 0; var myUserId = info.getUser().id; var loadedWorkspace = false; var myClientId, myOldClientId, fs; var reversedAuthorPool, chatHistory; var loaded = false; function load() { if (loaded) return; loaded = true; pubsub.on("message", function(message) { if (message.type != "collab") return; console.log("PubSub collab API message", message); var action = message.action; var body = message.body; var uid = body.uid; switch (action) { case "add_member": addCachedMember(body); if (myUserId == uid) { showAlert("Workspace Access Changed", body.acl == "rw" ? "You have been granted read/write access to this workspace." : "You have been granted readonly access to this workspace.", "To continue, Cloud9 will be reloaded.", function() { reloadWorkspace(1000); }); } break; case "update_member_access": updateCachedAccess(uid, body.acl); if (myUserId == uid) { showAlert("Workspace Access Changed", body.acl == "rw" ? "You have been granted read/write access to the workspace." : "You workspace access has been limited to read-only.", "To continue, Cloud9 will be reloaded.", function() { reloadWorkspace(1000); }); } break; case "remove_member": removeCachedMember(uid); if (body.uid == myUserId) { showAlert("Workspace Access Revoked", "You have been removed from the list of members of this workspace.", "To continue, Cloud9 will be reloaded.", function() { reloadWorkspace(1000); }); } break; case "request_access": var notif = { type: "access_request", name:, uid: body.uid, email: }; emit("notification", notif); break; case "accept_request": reloadWorkspace(); break; case "deny_request": reloadWorkspace(); break; default: console.warn("Unhandled pubsub collab action:", action, message); } }); } function reloadWorkspace(afterTimeout) { setTimeout(function() { window.location.reload(); }, afterTimeout || 10); } /***** Register and define API *****/ function syncWorkspace(data) { if (myClientId !== data.myClientId) myOldClientId = myClientId; else myOldClientId = null; myClientId = data.myClientId; fs = data.fs; authorPool = data.authorPool; reversedAuthorPool = util.reverseObject(authorPool); colorPool = data.colorPool; users = data.users; chatHistory = data.chatHistory; loadedWorkspace = true; onlineCount = 0; for (var user in users) onlineCount += ? 1 : 0; onlineCount = Math.max(onlineCount, 1); emit.sticky("sync"); } function leaveClient(uid, clientId) { var user = users[uid]; = Math.max( - 1, 0); if (!user.clients) user.clients = []; var i = user.clients.indexOf(clientId); if (i != -1) user.clients.splice(i, 1); onlineCount--; emit.sticky("sync"); } function joinClient(user, clientId) { var uid = user.uid; var authorId =; users[uid] = user; authorPool[uid] = authorId; reversedAuthorPool[authorId] = uid; colorPool[uid] = user.color; onlineCount++; emit.sticky("sync"); } function updateOpenDocs(data, action) { var user = users[data.userId]; if (!user) return; var client = user.clients[data.clientId]; if (action == "leave" && !client) return; if (!client) { client = user.clients[data.clientId] = { documents: [], active: -1, status: "pending" }; } if (action == "set") { user.clients[data.clientId] = data.fileList; data.fileList.status = "loaded"; emit.sticky("sync"); return; } var tabId = data.tabId || data.docId; if (!tabId) return; var i = client.documents.indexOf(tabId); if (action == "join") { if (i == -1) client.documents.push(tabId); } else if (action == "leave") { if (i != -1) client.documents.splice(i, 1); } else if (action == "activate") { if (i == -1) i = client.documents.push(tabId) - 1; = i; } emit.sticky("sync"); } function updateUserState(uid, state) { users[uid].state = state; emit.sticky("sync"); } var cachedMembers; var cachedInfo; function loadMembers(callback) { if (cachedMembers) { return done(cachedMembers, cachedInfo); } api.collab.get("access_info", function (err, info) { if (err && err.code === 0) { // Server still starting or CORS error; retry return setTimeout(loadMembers.bind(null, callback), 20000); } if (err) return callback(err); if (!info.member) return done([], info); api.collab.get("members/list?pending=0", function (err, data) { if (err && err.code !== 403) return callback(err); done(!err && data || [], info); }); }); function done(members, info) { cachedMembers = members; cachedInfo = info; callback(); emit.sticky("sync"); } } function addMember(username, access, options, callback) { if (!callback) { callback = options; options = {}; }"members/add", { body: { username: username, access: access }, query: { silent: options.silent } }, function (err, data, res) { if (err) return callback(err); if (!pubsub.connected) // pubsub not working addCachedMember(data, callback); else callback(null, data); // normally, pubsub will handle it for all clients }); } function addCachedMember(member, next) { if (!cachedMembers) return console.warn("addCachedMember() - cachedMembers = null !"); cachedMembers = cachedMembers.filter(function (m) { return m.uid != member.uid; }); cachedMembers.push(member); emit.sticky("sync"); next && next(null, member); } function removeMember(uid, callback) { api.collab.delete("members/remove", { body: { uid: uid } }, function (err, data, res) { if (err) return callback(err); if (!pubsub.connected) // pubsub not working removeCachedMember(uid, callback); // normally, pubsub will handle it for all clients }); } function removeCachedMember(uid, next) { if (!cachedMembers) return console.warn("removeCachedMember() - cachedMembers = null !"); cachedMembers = cachedMembers.filter(function (member) { return member.uid != uid; }); emit.sticky("sync"); next && next(); } function updateAccess(uid, acl, callback) { api.collab.put("members/update_access", { body: { uid: uid, access: acl } }, function (err, data, res) { if (err) return callback(err); if (!pubsub.connected) // pubsub not working updateCachedAccess(uid, acl, callback); // normally, pubsub will handle it for all clients }); } function updateCachedAccess(uid, acl, next) { if (!cachedMembers) return console.warn("updateCachedAccess() - cachedMembers = null !"); (cachedMembers.filter(function (member) { return member.uid == uid; })[0] || {}).acl = acl; emit.sticky("sync"); next && next(); } function getUserState(uid) { var user = users[uid]; if (!user || ! return "offline"; return user.state || "online"; } function addMemberNonPubSub(member) { if (!pubsub.connected) // pubsub not working addCachedMember(member); // normally, pubsub will handle it for all clients } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function() { load(); }); /** * Collab workspace that has collab info about the workspace's state at any time for plugins to consume * @singleton **/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ _events: [ /** * Fires when another user joins or leaves the workspace and the workspace has synced that state * Or when a workspace member is added or removed or updated access * @event sync */ "sync", ], /** * Get a users map with the user id as the key * e.g. { uid : {email: "", fullname: "Mostafa Eweda", uid: 1234} } * * @property {Object} users */ get users() { return users; }, /** * Get the author pool for the collab workspace * It's a mapping object that translates user ids to author ids * * This was introduced to optimize the saving of authorship info * in collab documents; author attributes data structure * * e.g. { : } * * @property {Object} authorPool */ get authorPool() { return authorPool; }, /** * Get the reversed author pool for the collab workspace * It's a mapping object that translates author ids to user ids * * * e.g. { : } * * @property {Object} reversedAuthorPool */ get reversedAuthorPool() { return reversedAuthorPool; }, /** * Get the color pool for the collab workspace * It's a mapping object that translates user ids to their auhtor colors * * e.g. { : {r: 10, g: 15, b: 255} } * * @property {Object} colorPool */ get colorPool() { return colorPool; }, /** * Get the currently connected collab client id * @property {String} myClientId */ get myClientId() { return myClientId; }, /** * Get the previously disconnected collab client id - for checking against USER_LEAVE or LEAVE_DOC notifications * @property {String} myOldClientId */ get myOldClientId() { return myOldClientId; }, /** * Get my user id - similar to: * info.getUser().id * @property {Number} myUserId */ get myUserId() { return myUserId; }, /** * Specifies wether the collab workspace was previously loaded and collab was connected - or not * @property {Boolean} isReady */ get isReady() { return loadedWorkspace; }, /** * Gets my filesystem access to this workspace: * Values can be either "r" or "rw" * @property {String} fs */ get fs() { return fs; }, /** * Gets the chat history being a list of messages (max. the most recent 100 messages) * @property [{Object}] chatHistory */ get chatHistory() { return chatHistory; }, /** * Sets the chat history messages * @property [{Object}] chatHistory */ set chatHistory(history) { chatHistory = history; }, /** * Gets the cached previously-loaded workspace members * @property [{Object}] members */ get members() { return cachedMembers || []; }, /** * Gets the approximate number of users/browser tabs currently online on this workspace. */ get onlineCount() { return onlineCount; }, /** * Gets the cached previously-loaded acccess information * @property {Object} info */ get accessInfo() { return cachedInfo || {}; }, /** * Gets whether the user is admin * @property {Object} isAdmin */ get isAdmin() { return isAdmin; }, /** * Gets the chat history being a list of messages (max. the most recent 100 messages) */ addChatMessage: function (msg) { chatHistory.push(msg); }, /** * Gets a user object given his user id - retriving his full name and email address * @param {Number} uid * @return {Object} e.g. {fullname: "Mostafa Eweda", uid: 123, email: "", author: 1, color: 2} */ getUser: function (uid) { return users[uid]; }, /** * Gets a user color given his user id * @param {Number} uid * @return {Object} e.g. {r: 10, g: 15, b: 255} */ getUserColor: function (uid) { return (uid && util.formatColor(colorPool[uid])) || "transparent"; }, /** * Return true if the user with uid is currently online * @param {Number} uid * @return {String} - the user's online state: idle, online, offline */ getUserState: getUserState, /** * Synchronize the workspace with the server-synced state * * @param {Object} data * @param {Object} mine - wether or not this is a "CONNECT" sync */ syncWorkspace: syncWorkspace, /** * Synchronize the workspace metadata that a user is leaving the collaborative workspace * * @param {String} uid - the user id who is leaving the workspace */ leaveClient: leaveClient, /** * Synchronize the workspace metadata that a user is joining the collaborative workspace * * @param {User} user - the user id who is leaving the workspace */ joinClient: joinClient, updateOpenDocs: updateOpenDocs, /** * Synchronize the workspace metadata that a user is joining the collaborative workspace * * @param {String} uid - the user id who is updating his online state * @param {String} state - the updated user state */ updateUserState: updateUserState, /** * Load the workspace members list from the API server * * @param {Function} callback */ loadMembers: loadMembers, /** * Update workspace member access right to the workspace throgh the API server * * @param {String} uid - the user id * @param {Function} callback */ updateAccess: updateAccess, /** * Remove workspace member from the workspace throgh the API server * * @param {String} uid - the user id * @param {Function} callback */ removeMember: removeMember, /** * Add a Cloud9 user as workspace member throgh the API server * * @param {String} username - the username or email of the user * @param {String} access - the access right to the workspace ( read-only ("r") or read+write ("rw") ) * @param {Function} callback */ addMember: addMember, /* * Adds a member to the workspace UI if pubsub isn't enabled * @param {Object} member */ addMemberNonPubSub: addMemberNonPubSub, }); register(null, { "collab.workspace": plugin }); } });