define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = [ "Plugin", "menus", "commands", "tabManager", "settings", "preferences", "save", "ui" ]; main.provides = ["ace.stripws"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var menus = imports.menus; var commands = imports.commands; var tabs = imports.tabManager; var settings = imports.settings; var prefs = imports.preferences; var save =; var ui = imports.ui; var whitespaceUtil = require("ace/ext/whitespace"); /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); // var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var disabled = false; var loaded = false; function load() { if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; commands.addCommand({ name: "stripws", hint: "strip whitespace at the end of each line", exec: function() { stripws(); }, isAvailable: function (editor) { return editor && tabs.focussedTab && typeof tabs.focussedTab.path == "string"; } }, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Tools/Strip Trailing Space", new ui.item({ command: "stripws" }), 100, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Tools/~", new ui.divider(), 200, plugin); save.on("beforeSave", function (e) { var shouldStrip = settings.getBool("project/general/@stripws"); if (!shouldStrip || e.options.silentsave) return; var keepCursorPosition = settings.getBool("user/general/@stripwsKeepCursorPosition"); stripws(, { keepCursorPosition: keepCursorPosition }); }, plugin); settings.on("read", function(e) { settings.setDefaults("project/general", [ ["stripws", !!settings.getBool("user/general/@stripws")] ]); }, plugin); prefs.add({ "Project": { position: 150, "Code Editor (Ace)": { "On Save, Strip Whitespace": { type: "checkbox", position: 900, path: "project/general/@stripws" } } } }, plugin); } /***** Methods *****/ function stripws(tab, options) { tab = tab || tabs.focussedTab; if (!tab || !tab.path || disabled) return; options = options || {}; options.trimEmpty = true; var session = tab.document.getSession().session; whitespaceUtil.trimTrailingSpace(session, options); session.$syncInformUndoManager(); } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function() { load(); }); plugin.on("enable", function() { disabled = false; }); plugin.on("disable", function() { disabled = true; }); plugin.on("unload", function() { loaded = false; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Strips trailing whitespace from lines just before a file is saved. * @singleton **/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /* * Strips whitespace at the end of each line in the given page * @param {Tab} tab The tab to strip the whitespace from * If not provided, the currently focussed tab will be used instead */ strpws: stripws }); register(null, { "ace.stripws": plugin }); } });