/** * Server-side support for A/B testing experiments. * * Note that this plugin demands users and user IDs for most of its API, * where this is optional in the client-side implementation. */ main.consumes = ["analytics"]; main.provides = ["abtesting"]; module.exports = main; function main(options, imports, register) { var analytics = imports["analytics"]; var outplan = require("outplan"); var MS_PER_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; outplan.configure({ logFunction: function(e) { var label = e.name + " - " + e.event; analytics.track(label, { variation: e.params.name }); } }); function create(name, choices, options) { return outplan.create(name, choices, options); } function expose(experimentName, userId, options) { return outplan.expose(experimentName, userId, options); } function isUserCreatedAfter(experimentDate, user) { if (!user || !user.date_add) throw new Error("Expected: user"); var diffDays = (experimentDate - Date.now()) / MS_PER_DAY; if (diffDays > 20) { // Sanity check: new Date() takes zero-based month argument, one-based day argument throw new Error("Passed a date far in the future to isUserCreatedAfter()"); } return user.date_add > experimentDate; } register(null, { "abtesting": { /** * Create a new experiment. Alias for require("outplan").create() * * @param {String} name * The name of the experiment. * @param {String[]|Object[]} choices * A list of variations, e.g. ["A", "B"], * or variation objects, e.g. [{ name: "A", color: "#AAA" }, { name: "B", color: "#BBB" }] * @param {Object} [option] * Options for the experiment. This may also include * arguments for the distribution operator, e.g. weight. * @param {Function} [options.operator] * The distribution operator, e.g. outplan.WeightedChoice. */ create: create, /** * Get the selected variation of an experiment, and call the log function with * an "expose" event to track its exposure. * * @param {String} name The experiment name. * @param {Number} userId A unique identifier for the current user. * @param {Object} [options] Options * @param {Boolean} [options.log=true] Whether to log an "exposure event" */ expose: expose, /** * Helper to determine if the current user was created after the start of an experiment. * * @throws {Error} when a date in the future (~20 days from now) is passed. * This error is thrown as a sanity check to make sure `new Date()` * is called with a zero-based month argument (and a one-based day). * * @param {Date} experimentDate * @param {Object} user A user object * @param {Number} user.date_add */ isUserCreatedAfter: isUserCreatedAfter, } }); }