{ "es5:NaN": { "guid": "es5:NaN", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:NaN/prototype", "properties": {} } ] } }, "es5:Math": { "guid": "es5:Math", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/prototype", "properties": {} } ], "_E": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/E", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

The base of natural logarithms, e, approximately 2.718.

Property of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_LN2": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/LN2", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

The natural logarithm of 2, approximately 0.693.\n

Property of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_LN10": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/LN10", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

The natural logarithm of 10, approximately 2.302.\n

Property of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_LOG2E": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/LOG2E", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

The base 2 logarithm of E (approximately 1.442).

Property of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_LOG10E": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/LOG10E", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

The base 10 logarithm of E (approximately 0.434).\n

Property of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_PI": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/PI", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, approximately 3.14159.\n

Property of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_SQRT2": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/SQRT2", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

The square root of 2, approximately 1.414.\n

Property of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_abs": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/abs", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the absolute value of a number.\n

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_acos": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/acos", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the arccosine (in radians) of a number.\n

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_asin": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/asin", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the arcsine (in radians) of a number.\n

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_atan": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/atan", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the arctangent (in radians) of a number.\n

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_atan2": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/atan2", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments.

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_ceil": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/ceil", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number.\n

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_cos": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/cos", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the cosine of a number.

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_exp": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/exp", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns Ex, where x is the argument, and E is Euler's constant, the base of the natural logarithms.\n

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_floor": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/floor", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number.\n

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_log": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/log", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the natural logarithm (base E) of a number.\n

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_max": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/max", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the largest of zero or more numbers.

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_min": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/min", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the smallest of zero or more numbers.

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_pow": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/pow", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns base to the exponent power, that is, baseexponent.\n

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_random": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/random", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a floating-point, pseudo-random number in the range [0, 1) that is, from 0 (inclusive) up to but not including 1 (exclusive), which you can then scale to your desired range.


The random number generator is seeded from the current time, as in Java.

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript ?
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript ?
\n" } ], "_round": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/round", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer.

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_sin": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/sin", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the sine of a number.

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_sqrt": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/sqrt", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the square root of a number.\n

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_tan": [ { "guid": "es5:Math/tan", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the tangent of a number.\n

Method of Math
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ] } }, "es5:JSON": { "guid": "es5:JSON", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:JSON/prototype", "properties": {} } ], "_parse": [ { "guid": "es5:JSON/parse", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Parse a string as JSON, optionally transforming the value produced by parsing.

Method of JSON
Implemented in JavaScript 1.7
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_stringify": [ { "guid": "es5:JSON/stringify", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Convert a value to JSON, optionally replacing values if a replacer function is specified, or optionally including only the specified properties if a replacer array is specified.

Method of JSON
Implemented in JavaScript 1.7
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ] } }, "es5:Infinity": { "guid": "es5:Infinity", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:Infinity/prototype", "properties": {} } ] } }, "es5:URIError": { "guid": "es5:URIError", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:URIError/prototype", "properties": {} } ], "_URIError": [ { "guid": "es5:URIError/URIError", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Represents the prototype for the URIError constructor.

\n" } ] } }, "es5:TypeError": { "guid": "es5:TypeError", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:TypeError/prototype", "properties": {} } ], "_TypeError": [ { "guid": "es5:TypeError/TypeError", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Represents the prototype for the TypeError constructor.

\n" } ] } }, "es5:SyntaxError": { "guid": "es5:SyntaxError", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:SyntaxError/prototype", "properties": {} } ], "_SyntaxError": [ { "guid": "es5:SyntaxError/SyntaxError", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Represents the prototype for the SyntaxError constructor.

\n" } ] } }, "es5:StopIteration": { "guid": "es5:StopIteration", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:StopIteration/prototype", "properties": {} } ] } }, "es5:ReferenceError": { "guid": "es5:ReferenceError", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:ReferenceError/prototype", "properties": { "_name": [ { "guid": "es5:ReferenceError/prototype/name", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

A name for the type of error.

\n" } ] } } ] } }, "es5:RangeError": { "guid": "es5:RangeError", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:RangeError/prototype", "properties": {} } ] } }, "es5:InternalError": { "guid": "es5:InternalError", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:InternalError/prototype", "properties": {} } ] } }, "es5:EvalError": { "guid": "es5:EvalError", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:EvalError/prototype", "properties": {} } ] } }, "es5:Error": { "guid": "es5:Error", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:Error/prototype", "properties": {} } ], "_Error": [ { "guid": "es5:Error/Error", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Represents the prototype for the Error constructor.

\n" } ], "_message": [ { "guid": "es5:Error/message", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

A human-readable description of the error.

Property of Error
Implemented in JavaScript 1.?
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_name": [ { "guid": "es5:Error/name", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

A name for the type of error.

Property of Error
Implemented in JavaScript 1.?
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_stack": [ { "guid": "es5:Error/stack", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

This non-standard property of Error objects offers a trace of which functions were called, in what order, from which line and file, and with what arguments. The stack string proceeds from the most recent calls to earlier ones, leading back to the original global scope call.


Each step will be separated by a newline, with the first part of the line being the function name (if not a call from the global scope), followed by the argument values converted to string in parentheses, then by an at (@) sign, the file location (except when the function is the error constructor as the error is being thrown), a colon, and, if there is a file location, the line number. (Note the Error object also possesses the fileName and lineNumber properties for retrieving these from the error thrown (but only the error, and not its trace).)


While an object (or array, etc.) will appear in the converted form "[object Object]", and as such cannot be evaluated back into the actual objects, scalar values can be retrieved (though it may be easier to use arguments.callee.caller.arguments, as could the function name be retrieved by arguments.callee.caller.name). "undefined" is listed as "(void 0)". Note that if string arguments are passed in with values such as "@", "(", ")" (or if in file names), you cannot easily rely on these for breaking the line into its component parts.

\n" } ] } }, "es5:String": { "guid": "es5:String", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype", "properties": { "_constructor": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/constructor", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a reference to the String function that created the instance's prototype. Note that the value of this property is a reference to the function itself, not a string containing the function's name.\n

Property of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_length": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/length", "doc": "\n

The length of a string.

Property of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_charAt": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/charAt", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the specified character from a string.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_charCodeAt": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/charCodeAt", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the numeric Unicode value of the character at the given index (except for unicode codepoints > 0x10000).

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_concat": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/concat", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Combines the text of two or more strings and returns a new string.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_indexOf": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/indexOf", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the index within the calling String object of the first occurrence of the specified value, starting the search at fromIndex,
returns -1 if the value is not found.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_lastIndexOf": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/lastIndexOf", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the index within the calling String object of the last occurrence of the specified value, or -1 if not found. The calling string is searched backward, starting at fromIndex.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_localeCompare": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/localeCompare", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a number indicating whether a reference string comes before or after or is the same as the given string in sort order.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_match": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/match", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Used to retrieve the matches when matching a string against a regular expression.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_replace": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/replace", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a new string with some or all matches of a pattern replaced by a replacement.  The pattern can be a string or a RegExp, and the replacement can be a string or a function to be called for each match.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_search": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/search", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Executes the search for a match between a regular expression and this String object.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_slice": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/slice", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Extracts a section of a string and returns a new string.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_split": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/split", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Splits a String object into an array of strings by separating the string into substrings.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_substr": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/substr", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the characters in a string beginning at the specified location through the specified number of characters.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition None, although ECMAScript 3rd Edition has a non-normative section suggesting uniform semantics
\n" } ], "_substring": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/substring", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a subset of a string between one index and another, or through the end of the string.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_toLocaleLowerCase": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/toLocaleLowerCase", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the calling string value converted to lower case, according to any locale-specific case mappings.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_toLowerCase": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/toLowerCase", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the calling string value converted to lowercase.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_toLocaleUpperCase": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/toLocaleUpperCase", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the calling string value converted to upper case, according to any locale-specific case mappings.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_toUpperCase": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/toUpperCase", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

The toUpperCase method returns the value of the string converted to uppercase. toUpperCase does not affect the value of the string itself.

\n" } ], "_toString": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/toString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the specified object.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_trim": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/trim", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Removes whitespace from both ends of the string.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_valueOf": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/valueOf", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the primitive value of a String object.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_anchor": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/anchor", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Creates an HTML anchor that is used as a hypertext target.\n

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ], "_big": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/big", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Causes a string to be displayed in a big font as if it were in a BIG tag.\n

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ], "_blink": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/blink", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Causes a string to blink as if it were in a BLINK tag.\n

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ], "_bold": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/bold", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Causes a string to be displayed as bold as if it were in a B tag.\n

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ], "_fixed": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/fixed", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Causes a string to be displayed in fixed-pitch font as if it were in a TT tag.\n

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ], "_fontcolor": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/fontcolor", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Causes a string to be displayed in the specified color as if it were in a <FONT COLOR="color"> tag.\n

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ], "_fontsize": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/fontsize", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Causes a string to be displayed in the specified font size as if it were in a <FONT SIZE="size"> tag.\n

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ], "_italics": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/italics", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Causes a string to be italic, as if it were in an I tag.\n

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ], "_link": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/link", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Creates an HTML hypertext link that requests another URL.\n

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ], "_small": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/small", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Causes a string to be displayed in a small font, as if it were in a SMALL tag.\n

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ], "_strike": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/strike", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Causes a string to be displayed as struck-out text, as if it were in a STRIKE tag.\n

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ], "_sub": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/sub", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Causes a string to be displayed as a subscript, as if it were in a SUB tag.\n

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ], "_sup": [ { "guid": "es5:String/prototype/sup", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Causes a string to be displayed as a superscript, as if it were in a SUP tag.\n

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ] } } ], "_length": [ { "guid": "es5:String/length", "doc": "\n

The length of a string.

Property of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_substring": [ { "guid": "es5:String/substring", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a subset of a string between one index and another, or through the end of the string.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_substr": [ { "guid": "es5:String/substr", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the characters in a string beginning at the specified location through the specified number of characters.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition None, although ECMAScript 3rd Edition has a non-normative section suggesting uniform semantics
\n" } ], "_charAt": [ { "guid": "es5:String/charAt", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the specified character from a string.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_localeCompare": [ { "guid": "es5:String/localeCompare", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a number indicating whether a reference string comes before or after or is the same as the given string in sort order.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_valueOf": [ { "guid": "es5:String/valueOf", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the primitive value of a String object.

Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_fromCharCode": [ { "guid": "es5:String/fromCharCode", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string created by using the specified sequence of Unicode values.

Static Method of String
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ] } }, "es5:RegExp": { "guid": "es5:RegExp", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:RegExp/prototype", "properties": { "_constructor": [ { "guid": "es5:RegExp/prototype/constructor", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a reference to the RegExp function that created the instance's prototype. Note that the value of this property is a reference to the function itself, not a string containing the function's name.\n

Property of RegExp
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_global": [ { "guid": "es5:RegExp/prototype/global", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Whether or not the "g" flag is used with the regular expression.\n

Property of RegExp instances


Implemented in:JavaScript 1.2, NES3.0\n

JavaScript 1.5: global is a property of a RegExp instance, not the RegExp object.\n

ECMA Version:ECMA-262, Edition 3
\n" } ], "_ignoreCase": [ { "guid": "es5:RegExp/prototype/ignoreCase", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Whether or not the "i" flag is used with the regular expression.\n

Property of RegExp instances
Implemented in:JavaScript 1.2, NES3.0\n

JavaScript 1.5: ignoreCase is a property of a RegExp instance, not the RegExp object.\n

ECMA Version:ECMA-262, Edition 3
\n" } ], "_lastIndex": [ { "guid": "es5:RegExp/prototype/lastIndex", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

A read/write integer property that specifies the index at which to start the next match.\n

Property of RegExp
Implemented in:JavaScript 1.2, NES3.0\n

JavaScript 1.5: lastIndex is a property of a RegExp instance, not the RegExp object.\n

ECMA Version:ECMA-262, Edition 3
\n" } ], "_multiline": [ { "guid": "es5:RegExp/prototype/multiline", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Reflects whether or not to search in strings across multiple lines.\n

Property of RegExp instances


Implemented in:JavaScript 1.2, NES3.0\n

JavaScript 1.5: multiline is a property of a RegExp instance, not the RegExp object.\n

ECMA Version:ECMA-262, Edition 3
\n" } ], "_source": [ { "guid": "es5:RegExp/prototype/source", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

A read-only property that contains the text of the pattern, excluding the forward slashes.\n

Property of RegExp instances


Implemented in:JavaScript 1.2, NES3.0\n

JavaScript 1.5: source is a property of a RegExp instance, not the RegExp object.\n

ECMA Version:ECMA-262, Edition 3
\n" } ], "_exec": [ { "guid": "es5:RegExp/prototype/exec", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Executes a search for a match in a specified string. Returns a result array, or null.

Method of RegExp
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_test": [ { "guid": "es5:RegExp/prototype/test", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Executes the search for a match between a regular expression and a specified string. Returns true or false.

Method of RegExp
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_toSource": [ { "guid": "es5:RegExp/prototype/toSource", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the source code of the object.

Method of RegExp
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition none
\n" } ], "_toString": [ { "guid": "es5:RegExp/prototype/toString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the specified object.\n

Method of RegExp
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
" } ] } } ] } }, "es5:Object": { "guid": "es5:Object", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/prototype", "properties": { "_constructor": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/prototype/constructor", "properties": {}, "doc": "\n

Returns a reference to the Object function that created the instance's prototype. Note that the value of this property is a reference to the function itself, not a string containing the function's name, but it isn't read only (except for primitive Boolean, Number or String values: 1, true, "read-only").

Property of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_hasOwnProperty": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/prototype/hasOwnProperty", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a boolean indicating whether the object has the specified property.

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript ?
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
" } ], "_isPrototypeOf": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/prototype/isPrototypeOf", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Tests for an object in another object's prototype chain.

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript ?
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_propertyIsEnumerable": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/prototype/propertyIsEnumerable", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a Boolean indicating whether the specified property is enumerable.

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript ?
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
" } ], "_toLocaleString": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/prototype/toLocaleString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the object. This method is meant to be overriden by derived objects for locale-specific purposes.\n

Method of Object
ECMA Version:ECMA-262 Edition 3
\n" } ], "_toString": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/prototype/toString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the object.

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ] } } ], "_create": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/create", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Creates a new object with the specified prototype object and properties.

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_defineProperty": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/defineProperty", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Defines a new property directly on an object, or modifies an existing property on an object, and returns the object.

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_defineProperties": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/defineProperties", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Defines new or modifies existing properties directly on an object, returning the object.

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_getOwnPropertyDescriptor": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/getOwnPropertyDescriptor", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

This method permits examination of the precise description of a property. A property in JavaScript consists of a string-valued name and a property descriptor. A property descriptor is a record with some of the following attributes:

The value associated with the property (data descriptors only).
true if and only if the value associated with the property may be changed (data descriptors only).
A function which serves as a getter for the property, or undefined if there is no getter (accessor descriptors only).
A function which serves as a setter for the property, or undefined if there is no setter (accessor descriptors only).
true if and only if the type of this property descriptor may be changed and if the property may be deleted from the corresponding object.
true if and only if this property shows up during enumeration of the properties on the corresponding object.

Further information about property descriptor attributes can be found on the Object.defineProperty description

\n" } ], "_keys": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/keys", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns an array of all own enumerable properties found upon a given object, in the same order as that provided by a for-in loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well).

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_getOwnPropertyNames": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/getOwnPropertyNames", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns an array of all properties (enumerable or not) found upon a given object.

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_getPrototypeOf": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/getPrototypeOf", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the prototype of the specified object.

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_preventExtensions": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/preventExtensions", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Prevents new properties from ever being added to an object (i.e. prevents future extensions to the object).

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_isExtensible": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/isExtensible", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Determines if an object is extensible (whether it can have new properties added to it).

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_seal": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/seal", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Seals an object, preventing new properties from being added to it and marking all existing properties as non-configurable. Values of present properties can still be changed as long as they are writable.

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_isSealed": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/isSealed", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Determine if an object is sealed.

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_freeze": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/freeze", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Freezes an object: that is, prevents new properties from being added to it; prevents existing properties from being removed; and prevents existing properties, or their enumerability, configurability, or writability, from being changed. In essence the object is made effectively immutable. The method returns the object being frozen.

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_isFrozen": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/isFrozen", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Determine if an object is frozen.

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_valueOf": [ { "guid": "es5:Object/prototype/valueOf", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the primitive value of the specified object\n

Method of Object
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ] } }, "es5:Number": { "guid": "es5:Number", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:Number/prototype", "properties": { "_constructor": [ { "guid": "es5:Number/prototype/constructor", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a reference to the Number function that created the instance's prototype. Note that the value of this property is a reference to the function itself, not a string containing the function's name.\n

Property of Number
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_toExponential": [ { "guid": "es5:Number/prototype/toExponential", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the Number object in exponential notation

Method of Number
Implemented in JavaScript 1.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_toFixed": [ { "guid": "es5:Number/prototype/toFixed", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Formats a number using fixed-point notation

Method of Number
Implemented in JavaScript 1.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_toLocaleString": [ { "guid": "es5:Number/prototype/toLocaleString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "" } ], "_toPrecision": [ { "guid": "es5:Number/prototype/toPrecision", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the Number object to the specified precision.

Method of Number
Implemented in JavaScript 1.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
" } ], "_toSource": [ { "guid": "es5:Number/prototype/toSource", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the source code of the object.

Method of Number
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition None
\n" } ], "_toString": [ { "guid": "es5:Number/prototype/toString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the specified Number object

Method of Number
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_valueOf": [ { "guid": "es5:Number/prototype/valueOf", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the primitive value of a Number object.\n

Method of Number
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ] } } ], "_NaN": [ { "guid": "es5:Number/NaN", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

A value representing Not-A-Number.

Property of Number
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ] } }, "es5:Iterator": { "guid": "es5:Iterator", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:Iterator/prototype", "properties": {} } ] } }, "es5:Function": { "guid": "es5:Function", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:Function/prototype", "properties": { "_arguments": [ { "guid": "es5:Function/prototype/arguments", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

An array-like object corresponding to the arguments passed to a function.\n

\n" } ], "_arity": [ { "guid": "es5:Function/prototype/arity", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Specifies the number of arguments expected by the function.

Property of Function
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition None
\n" } ], "_length": [ { "guid": "es5:Function/prototype/length", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Specifies the number of arguments expected by the function.

Property of Function
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_caller": [ { "guid": "es5:Function/prototype/caller", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the function that invoked the specified function.


This property is not part of ECMA-262 Edition 3 standard. It is implemented at least in SpiderMonkey (the JavaScript engine used in Mozilla) (see \nbug 65683\n), V8 (the JavaScript engine used in Chrome) and JScript.

Property of Function
Implemented in JavaScript 1.5
ECMAScript Edition none
\n" } ], "_constructor": [ { "guid": "es5:Function/prototype/constructor", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a reference to the Function function that created the instance's prototype. Note that the value of this property is a reference to the function itself, not a string containing the function's name.\n

Property of Function
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_name": [ { "guid": "es5:Function/prototype/name", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

The name of the function.

Property of Function
Implemented in JavaScript ?
ECMAScript Edition None
\n" } ], "_apply": [ { "guid": "es5:Function/prototype/apply", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Calls a function with a given this value and arguments provided as an array.

NOTE: While the syntax of this function is almost identical to that of call(), the fundamental difference is that call() accepts an argument list, while apply() accepts a single array of arguments." } ], "_bind": [ { "guid": "es5:Function/prototype/bind", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Creates a new function that, when called, itself calls this function in the context of the provided this value, with a given sequence of arguments preceding any provided when the new function was called.

Method of Function
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_call": [ { "guid": "es5:Function/prototype/call", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Calls a function with a given this value and arguments provided individually.

NOTE: While the syntax of this function is almost identical to that of apply(), the fundamental difference is that call() accepts an argument list, while apply() accepts a single array of arguments." } ], "_isGenerator": [ { "guid": "es5:Function/prototype/isGenerator", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Determines whether or not a function is a generator.

Method of Function
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.6
ECMAScript Edition None (Harmony Proposal)
\n" } ], "_toSource": [ { "guid": "es5:Function/prototype/toSource", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the source code for the function.\n

Method of Function
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ], "_toString": [ { "guid": "es5:Function/prototype/toString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the source code of the function.

Method of Function
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ] } } ] } }, "es5:Date": { "guid": "es5:Date", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype", "properties": { "_getFullYear": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getFullYear", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the year of the specified date according to local time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_setFullYear": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setFullYear", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the full year for a specified date according to local time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_getUTCFullYear": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getUTCFullYear", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the year in the specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_setUTCFullYear": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setUTCFullYear", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the full year for a specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_constructor": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/constructor", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a reference to the Date function that created the instance's prototype. Note that the value of this property is a reference to the function itself, not a string containing the function's name.\n

Property of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_getDate": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getDate", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the day of the month for the specified date according to local time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_getDay": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getDay", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the day of the week for the specified date according to local time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_getHours": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getHours", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the hour for the specified date according to local time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_getMilliseconds": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getMilliseconds", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the milliseconds in the specified date according to local time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_getMinutes": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getMinutes", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the minutes in the specified date according to local time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_getMonth": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getMonth", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the month in the specified date according to local time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_getSeconds": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getSeconds", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the seconds in the specified date according to local time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_getTime": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getTime", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the numeric value corresponding to the time for the specified date according to universal time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_getTimezoneOffset": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getTimezoneOffset", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the time-zone offset from UTC, in minutes, for the current locale.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_getUTCDate": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getUTCDate", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the day (date) of the month in the specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_getUTCDay": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getUTCDay", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the day of the week in the specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_getUTCHours": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getUTCHours", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the hours in the specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_getUTCMilliseconds": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getUTCMilliseconds", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the milliseconds in the specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_getUTCMinutes": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getUTCMinutes", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the minutes in the specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_getUTCMonth": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getUTCMonth", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the month of the specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_getUTCSeconds": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getUTCSeconds", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the seconds in the specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_getYear": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/getYear", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the year in the specified date according to local time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_setDate": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setDate", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the day of the month for a specified date according to local time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_setHours": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setHours", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the hours for a specified date according to local time, and returns the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC until the time represented by the updated Date instance.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_setMilliseconds": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setMilliseconds", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the milliseconds for a specified date according to local time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_setMinutes": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setMinutes", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the minutes for a specified date according to local time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_setMonth": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setMonth", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Set the month for a specified date according to local time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_setSeconds": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setSeconds", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the seconds for a specified date according to local time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_setTime": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setTime", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the Date object to the time represented by a number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_setUTCDate": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setUTCDate", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the day of the month for a specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_setUTCHours": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setUTCHours", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the hour for a specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_setUTCMilliseconds": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setUTCMilliseconds", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the milliseconds for a specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_setUTCMinutes": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setUTCMinutes", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the minutes for a specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_setUTCMonth": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setUTCMonth", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the month for a specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_setUTCSeconds": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setUTCSeconds", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the seconds for a specified date according to universal time.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_setYear": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/setYear", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sets the year for a specified date according to local time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_toDateString": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/toDateString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the date portion of a Date object in human readable form in American English.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript ?
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript ?
\n" } ], "_toISOString": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/toISOString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

JavaScript provides a direct way to convert a date object into a string in ISO format, the ISO 8601 Extended Format.


The Date.prototype.toISOString is an ECMAScript 5 addition. Format is as follows: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_toJSON": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/toJSON", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a JSON representation of the Date object.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
" } ], "_toGMTString": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/toGMTString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Converts a date to a string, using Internet GMT conventioins.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_toUTCString": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/toUTCString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Converts a date to a string, using the universal time convention.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_toLocaleDateString": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/toLocaleDateString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Converts a date to a string, returning the "date" portion using the operating system's locale's conventions.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_toLocaleFormat": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/toLocaleFormat", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Converts a date to a string using the specified formatting.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.6
ECMAScript Edition None
\n" } ], "_toLocaleString": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/toLocaleString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Converts a date to a string, using the operating system's locale's conventions.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_toLocaleTimeString": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/toLocaleTimeString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Converts a date to a string, returning the "time" portion using the current locale's conventions.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_toSource": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/toSource", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the source code of the object.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_toString": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/toString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the specified Date object.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_toTimeString": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/toTimeString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Date instances refer to a specific point in time. Calling toString will return the date formatted in a human readable form in American English. In SpiderMonkey, this consists of the date portion (day, month, and year) followed by the time portion (hours, minutes, seconds, and time zone). Sometimes it is desirable to obtain a string of the time portion; such a thing can be accomplished with the toTimeString method.


The toTimeString method is especially useful because compliant engines implementing ECMA-262 may differ in the string obtained from toString for Date objects, as the format is implementation-dependent; simple string slicing approaches may not produce consistent results across multiple engines.

\n" } ], "_valueOf": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/prototype/valueOf", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the primitive value of a Date object.\n

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ] } } ], "_parse": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/parse", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Parses a string representation of a date, and returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_now": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/now", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

The now() method returns the milliseconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC up until now as a number.


When using now() to create timestamps or unique IDs, keep in mind that the resolution may be 15 milliseconds on Windows (see \nbug 363258\n), so you could end up with several equal values if now is called multiple times within a short time span.

\n" } ], "_UTC": [ { "guid": "es5:Date/UTC", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Accepts the same parameters as the longest form of the constructor, and returns the number of milliseconds in a Date object since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00, universal time.

Method of Date
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ] } }, "es5:Boolean": { "guid": "es5:Boolean", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:Boolean/prototype", "properties": { "_constructor": [ { "guid": "es5:Boolean/prototype/constructor", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a reference to the Boolean function that created the instance's prototype. Note that the value of this property is a reference to the function itself, not a string containing the function's name.\n

Property of Boolean
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_toSource": [ { "guid": "es5:Boolean/prototype/toSource", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the source code of the object.

Method of Boolean
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition None
\n" } ], "_toString": [ { "guid": "es5:Boolean/prototype/toString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the specified Boolean object.

Method of Boolean
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_valueOf": [ { "guid": "es5:Boolean/prototype/valueOf", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the primitive value of a Boolean object.

Method of Boolean
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ] } } ] } }, "es5:Array": { "guid": "es5:Array", "properties": { "_prototype": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype", "properties": { "_constructor": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/constructor", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a reference to the Array function that created the instance's prototype. Note that the value of this property is a reference to the function itself, not a string containing the function's name.\n

Property of Array
Implemented in:JavaScript 1.1, NES 2.0
ECMA Version:ECMA-262
\n" } ], "_length": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/length", "doc": "\n

An unsigned, 32-bit integer that specifies the number of elements in an array.

Property of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_pop": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/pop", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Removes the last element from an array and returns that element.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_push": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/push", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Mutates an array by appending the given elements and returning the new length of the array.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
" } ], "_reverse": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/reverse", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Reverses an array in place.  The first array element becomes the last and the last becomes the first.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_shift": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/shift", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Removes the first element from an array and returns that element. This method changes the length of the array.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
" } ], "_sort": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/sort", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Sorts the elements of an array in place and returns the array.


Works across all browsers.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_splice": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/splice", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Changes the content of an array, adding new elements while removing old elements.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_unshift": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/unshift", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array and returns the new length of the array.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_concat": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/concat", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a new array comprised of this array joined with other array(s) and/or value(s).

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
" } ], "_join": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/join", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Joins all elements of an array into a string.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_slice": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/slice", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a one-level deep copy of a portion of an array.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
" } ], "_toSource": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/toSource", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the source code of the array.\n

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.3
ECMAScript Edition none
" } ], "_toString": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/toString", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a string representing the specified array and its elements.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_indexOf": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/indexOf", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.6
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
" } ], "_lastIndexOf": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/lastIndexOf", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present. The array is searched backwards, starting at fromIndex.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.6
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
" } ], "_filter": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/filter", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.6
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_forEach": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/forEach", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Executes a provided function once per array element.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.6
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_every": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/every", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Tests whether all elements in the array pass the test implemented by the provided function.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.6
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_map": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/map", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in this array.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.6
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ], "_some": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/some", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Tests whether some element in the array passes the test implemented by the provided function.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.6
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
" } ], "_reduce": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/reduce", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

reduce executes the callback function once for each element present in the array, excluding holes in the array, receiving four arguments: the initial value (or value from the previous callback call), the value of the current element, the current index, and the array over which iteration is occurring.


The first time the callback is called, previousValue and currentValue can be one of two values. If initialValue is provided in the call to reduce, then previousValue will be equal to initialValue and currentValue will be equal to the first value in the array. If no initialValue was provided, then previousValue will be equal to the first value in the array and currentValue will be equal to the second.


Suppose the following use of reduce occurred:

[0,1,2,3,4].reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array){\n  return previousValue + currentValue;\n});
\r\n \n

The callback would be invoked four times, with the arguments and return values in each call being as follows:

index array return value
first call 0
[0,1,2,3,4] 1
second call 1
[0,1,2,3,4] 3
third call 3
[0,1,2,3,4] 6
fourth call 6
[0,1,2,3,4] 10

The value returned by reduce would be that of the last callback invocation (10).


If you were to provide an initial value as the second argument to reduce, the result would look like this:

[0,1,2,3,4].reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array){\n  return previousValue + currentValue;\n}, 10);
\r\n \n\n
index array return value
first call 10
[0,1,2,3,4] 10
second call 10
1 [0,1,2,3,4] 11
third call 11
[0,1,2,3,4] 13
fourth call 13
[0,1,2,3,4] 16
fifth call 16 4 4 [0,1,2,3,4] 20

The value returned by reduce this time would be, of course, 20.

\n" } ], "_reduceRight": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/prototype/reduceRight", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Apply a function simultaneously against two values of the array (from right-to-left) as to reduce it to a single value.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
" } ] } } ], "_length": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/length", "doc": "\n

An unsigned, 32-bit integer that specifies the number of elements in an array.

Property of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
" } ], "_join": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/join", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Joins all elements of an array into a string.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.1
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 1st Edition
\n" } ], "_slice": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/slice", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns a one-level deep copy of a portion of an array.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
" } ], "_indexOf": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/indexOf", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.6
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
" } ], "_push": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/push", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Mutates an array by appending the given elements and returning the new length of the array.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
" } ], "_splice": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/splice", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Changes the content of an array, adding new elements while removing old elements.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.2
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 3rd Edition
\n" } ], "_isArray": [ { "guid": "es5:Array/isArray", "properties": { "_return": [] }, "doc": "\n

Returns true if an object is an array, false if it is not.

Method of Array
Implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5
ECMAScript Edition ECMAScript 5th Edition
\n" } ] } }, "exports": { "guid": "es5:exports", "properties": { "_NaN": [ "es5:NaN" ], "_Math": [ "es5:Math" ], "_JSON": [ "es5:JSON" ], "_Infinity": [ "es5:Infinity" ], "_URIError": [ "es5:URIError" ], "_TypeError": [ "es5:TypeError" ], "_SyntaxError": [ "es5:SyntaxError" ], "_StopIteration": [ "es5:StopIteration" ], "_ReferenceError": [ "es5:ReferenceError" ], "_RangeError": [ "es5:RangeError" ], "_InternalError": [ "es5:InternalError" ], "_EvalError": [ "es5:EvalError" ], "_Error": [ "es5:Error" ], "_String": [ "es5:String" ], "_RegExp": [ "es5:RegExp" ], "_Object": [ "es5:Object" ], "_Number": [ "es5:Number" ], "_Iterator": [ "es5:Iterator" ], "_Function": [ "es5:Function" ], "_Date": [ "es5:Date" ], "_Boolean": [ "es5:Boolean" ], "_Array": [ "es5:Array" ] } } }