define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = [ "PreferencePanel", "ace", "ui", "configure", "settings" ]; main.provides = ["preferences.themes"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var PreferencePanel = imports.PreferencePanel; var ui = imports.ui; var ace = imports.ace; var configure = imports.configure; var settings = imports.settings; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new PreferencePanel("", main.consumes, { caption: "Themes", className: "keybindings", form: true, noscroll: true, colwidth: 150, index: 300 }); // var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var intro; var loaded = false; function load() { if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; } var drawn; function draw(e) { if (drawn) return; drawn = true; var list = []; var themes = ace.themes for (var base in themes) { if (themes[base] instanceof Array) themes[base].forEach(function (n) { var themeprop = Object.keys(n)[0]; list.push({ caption: themeprop, value: n[themeprop] }); }); else list.push({ caption: base, value: themes[base] }); } var rb1, rb2, rb3, rb4, rb5; plugin.form.add([ { type: "custom", title: "Introduction", position: 1, node: intro = new{ height: 124, "class" : "intro", style: "padding:12px;position:relative;" }) }, { type: "custom", title: "Flat Theme", position: 1, node: new ui.hsplitbox({ height: 49, edge: "10 10 10 10", style: "white-space:nowrap", childNodes: [ new ui.label({ width: 150, caption: "Flat Theme:", style: "padding-top:5px" }), new{ childNodes: [ rb5 = new ui.radiobutton({ group: "theme-color", class: "themepicker", style: "background:#dcdbdb;", value: "flat-light" }) ] }) ] }) }, { type: "custom", title: "Classic Theme", position: 1, node: new ui.hsplitbox({ height: 49, edge: "10 10 10 10", style: "white-space:nowrap", childNodes: [ new ui.label({ width: 150, caption: "Classic Theme:", style: "padding-top:5px" }), new{ childNodes: [ rb1 = new ui.radiobutton({ group: "theme-color", class: "themepicker", style: "background:#252525;", value: "dark" }), rb2 = new ui.radiobutton({ group: "theme-color", class: "themepicker", style: "background:#3f3f3f;", value: "dark-gray" }) // rb3 = new ui.radiobutton({ // group: "theme-color", // class: "themepicker", // style: "background:#aaa;", // value: "light-gray" // }), // rb4 = new ui.radiobutton({ // group: "theme-color", // class: "themepicker", // style: "background:#dcdbdb;", // value: "light" // }) ] }) ] }) }, { title: "Syntax Theme", type: "dropdown", path: "user/ace/@theme", width: 165, onchange: function(e) { ace.setTheme(e.value); }, items: list, position: 200 }, ], plugin); var change = function(e) { settings.set("user/general/@skin", e.value); }; var setTheme = function(e) { [rb1, rb2, rb5].some(function(rb) { if (rb.value == e.value) {; return true; } }) } settings.on("user/general/@skin", setTheme); setTheme({ value: settings.get("user/general/@skin") }); rb1.$group.on("afterchange", change); intro.$int.innerHTML = '


You can also style Cloud9 by editing ' + ' your stylesheet.

' + '

Set all the colors free!

' intro.$int.querySelector("a").onclick = function(){ configure.editStylesCss(); } } /***** Methods *****/ /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function() { load(); }); plugin.on("draw", function(e) { draw(e); }); plugin.on("enable", function() { }); plugin.on("disable", function() { }); plugin.on("unload", function() { loaded = false; drawn = false; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * **/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ }); register(null, { "preferences.themes" : plugin }); } });