define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = [ "terminal", "menus", "fs", "tabbehavior", "commands", "c9", "tabManager", "dialog.error", "Plugin", "Menu", "MenuItem", "Divider", "util" ]; main.provides = ["openPath"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var c9 = imports.c9; var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var terminal = imports.terminal; var commands = imports.commands; var tabbehavior = imports.tabbehavior; var fs = imports.fs; var util = imports.util; var tabManager = imports.tabManager; var Menu = imports.Menu; var MenuItem = imports.MenuItem; var Divider = imports.Divider; var HoverLink = require("./aceterm/hover_link").HoverLink; var normalize = require("path").normalize; var join = require("path").join; var basename = require("path").basename; var dirname = require("path").dirname; var VFSROOT = terminal.VFSROOT; var BASEPATH = options.previewUrl; var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); var menuPath, lastLink; var reHome = new RegExp("^" + util.escapeRegExp(c9.home)); /***** Initialization *****/ terminal.on("create", function(e) { var ace = e.editor.ace; if (!ace) return; ace.hoverLink = new HoverLink(ace); ace.hoverLink.on("open", showMenu); }, plugin); function createMenu() { if (menuPath) return; var submenu = new Menu({ items: [ new MenuItem({ value: "path", caption: "Copy Path" }), new MenuItem({ value: "directory", caption: "Copy Directory" }), new MenuItem({ value: "name", caption: "Copy Name" }), new MenuItem({ value: "preview", caption: "Copy Preview URL" }) // new MenuItem({ value: "github", caption: "Copy GitHub URL" }) ], onitemclick: function(e) { var info = buildPath(lastLink); info.path = info.path.split(":")[0]; if (e.value == "path") commands.exec("copy", null, { data: abs(info) }); else if (e.value == "directory") commands.exec("copy", null, { data: dirname(abs(info)) }); else if (e.value == "name") commands.exec("copy", null, { data: basename(info.path) }); else if (e.value == "preview") { commands.exec("copy", null, { data: info.abs ? "Unable to access via preview" : BASEPATH + info.path }); } } }, plugin); var menuItems = [ new MenuItem({ value: "gitadd", caption: "git add" }), new MenuItem({ value: "gitcheckout", caption: "git checkout" }), new MenuItem({ value: "gitdiff", caption: "git diff" }), new MenuItem({ value: "gitrm", caption: "git rm" }), new MenuItem({ value: "gitreset", caption: "git reset" }), new Divider(), new MenuItem({ value: "open", caption: "Open" }), new MenuItem({ value: "copy", caption: "Copy" }), new MenuItem({ value: "paste", caption: "Paste In This Terminal" }), new Divider(), new MenuItem({ caption: "Copy Special", submenu: submenu }), new Divider(), new MenuItem({ value: "reveal", caption: "Reveal in File Tree" }) ]; menuPath = new Menu({ items: menuItems, onitemclick: function(e) { var info = buildPath(lastLink, true); if (e.value == "open") open(lastLink); else if (e.value == "copy") commands.exec("copy", null, { data: abs(info) }); else if (e.value == "paste") lastLink.editor.onPaste(abs(info).split(":")[0]); else if (e.value == "reveal") tabbehavior.revealtab({ path: info.path.split(":")[0] }); else if (e.value === "gitadd") lastLink.editor.onPaste("git add " + lastLink.value + "\n"); else if (e.value === "gitcheckout") lastLink.editor.onPaste("git checkout " + lastLink.value); else if (e.value === "gitdiff") lastLink.editor.onPaste("git diff " + lastLink.value + "\n"); else if (e.value === "gitrm") lastLink.editor.onPaste("git rm " + lastLink.value + "\n"); else if (e.value === "gitreset") lastLink.editor.onPaste("git reset " + lastLink.value + "\n"); } }, plugin); } var menuLink; function createLinkMenu(){ menuLink = new Menu({ items: [ new MenuItem({ value: "open", caption: "Open" }), new MenuItem({ value: "open-in-preview", caption: "Open In Preview" }), new MenuItem({ value: "copy", caption: "Copy" }), ], onitemclick: function(e) { if (e.value == "open") openLink(lastLink.value); if (e.value == "open-in-preview") openLink(lastLink.value, true); else if (e.value == "copy") commands.exec("copy", null, { data: lastLink.value }); } }, plugin); } /***** Methods *****/ function showMenu(e) { if (e.action == "open") return open(e); lastLink = e; var menu; if (e.type == "link" && (tabManager.focussedTab || 0).editorType) { createLinkMenu(); menu = menuLink; } else { createMenu(); menuPath.once("show", function(){ var isGit = e && e.command === "git"; var items = menuPath.items; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { items[i].aml.visible = -1; items[i][isGit ? "show" : "hide"](); } }); var ace = e.editor; menuPath.once("hide", function(){ ace.selection.clearSelection(); }); menu = menuPath; }, e.y); } function openLink(href, inPreview){ if (!/^(https?|ftp|file):/.test(href)) { href = "http://" + href; } href = href.replace(/(^https?:\/\/)(|localhost)(?=:|\/|$)/, function(_, protocol, host) { host = c9.hostname ||; return protocol + host.replace(/:\d+/, ""); }); if (inPreview) commands.exec("preview", null, { path: href }); else; } function open(e) { if (e.type == "link") return openLink(e.value); var info = buildPath(e); var path = info.path; var m = /:(\d*)(?::(\d*))?$/.exec(path); var jump = {}; if (m) { if (m[1]) jump.row = parseInt(m[1], 10) - 1; if (m[2]) jump.column = parseInt(m[2], 10); path = path.slice(0, m.index); } // Make sure home dir is marked correctly path = path.replace(reHome, "~"); if (path[0] != "/") path = "/" + path; fs.stat(path, function(err, stat) { if (err) { return commands.exec("navigate", null, { keyword: path }); } if (stat.linkStat) stat = stat.linkStat; if (/directory/.test(stat.mime)) { return tabbehavior.revealtab({path: path}); }{ path: path, focus: true, document: { ace: { jump: jump } } }, function(){}); }); } function buildPath(e) { var path = e.path || e.value; var abs = false; if (c9.platform == "win32") { path = path.replace(/\\/g, "/"); VFSROOT = VFSROOT.replace(/\\/g, "/"); if (/^\/cygdrive^\//.test(path)) path = path.replace(/^\/cygdrive/, ""); if (VFSROOT == "/") path = path.replace(/^\/(\w)\//, "/$1:/"); if (/\w:\//.test(path)) abs = true; } if (e.basePath && !/^[~\/]/.test(path) && !abs) { path = join(e.basePath, path); abs = true; } path = normalize(path); if (path[0] == "~" && path[1] == "/") { path = c9.home + path.substr(1); abs = true; } if (path.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(VFSROOT.toLowerCase(), 0) === 0) { path = path.substr(VFSROOT.length); abs = false; } else if (path.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(c9.home.toLowerCase(), 0) === 0) { path = c9.home + "/" + path.substr(c9.home.length); abs = true; } else abs = true; if (path[0] != "/" && !abs) path = "/" + path; return { path: path, abs: abs }; } function abs(info) { return info.abs ? info.path : join(VFSROOT, info.path); } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ open: open }); /***** Register and define API *****/ register(null, { "openPath": plugin }); } });