/*global describe it before beforeEach after bar =*/ "use client"; require(["lib/architect/architect", "lib/chai/chai", "/vfs-root", "ace/test/assertions"], function (architect, chai, baseProc) { var expect = chai.expect; expect.setupArchitectTest([ { packagePath: "plugins/c9.core/c9", workspaceId: "johndoe/dev", startdate: new Date(), debug: true, hosted: true, local: false, davPrefix: "/" }, "plugins/c9.core/ext", "plugins/c9.core/http-xhr", "plugins/c9.core/util", "plugins/c9.ide.ui/lib_apf", { packagePath: "plugins/c9.core/settings", testing: true }, "plugins/c9.core/api.js", { packagePath: "plugins/c9.ide.ui/ui", staticPrefix: "plugins/c9.ide.ui" }, "plugins/c9.ide.editors/document", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/undomanager", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/editors", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/editor", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/tabmanager", "plugins/c9.ide.ui/focus", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/pane", "plugins/c9.ide.editors/tab", "plugins/c9.ide.terminal/terminal", "plugins/c9.ide.terminal/predict_echo", "plugins/c9.vfs.client/vfs.ping", "plugins/c9.ide.preferences/preferences", "plugins/c9.ide.ui/forms", { packagePath: "plugins/c9.fs/proc", tmuxName: "cloud9test" }, "plugins/c9.vfs.client/vfs_client", "plugins/c9.vfs.client/endpoint", "plugins/c9.ide.auth/auth", { packagePath: "plugins/c9.fs/fs", baseProc: baseProc }, // Mock plugins { consumes: ["apf", "ui", "Plugin"], provides: [ "commands", "menus", "commands", "layout", "watcher", "save", "anims", "clipboard", "dialog.alert", "auth.bootstrap", "info", "dialog.error" ], setup: expect.html.mocked }, { consumes: ["tabManager", "proc", "terminal", "terminal.predict_echo", "c9"], provides: [], setup: main } ], architect); function main(options, imports, register) { var tabs = imports.tabManager; var proc = imports.proc; var predictor = imports["terminal.predict_echo"]; var assert = require("ace/test/assertions"); var ESC = "\u001B"; var OUTPUT_CURSOR_START = ESC + "[H"; var INPUT_LEFT = ESC + "[D"; var INPUT_LEFT_ONCE = ESC + "[1D"; var INPUT_LEFT_TWICE = ESC + "[2D"; var INPUT_HOME = ESC + "[1~"; var INPUT_END = "\u0005"; var INPUT_RIGHT = ESC + "[C"; var INPUT_BACKSPACE = "\u007F"; var INPUT_CONTROL_C = "\u0003"; var INPUT_DELETE = ESC + "[3~"; var OUTPUT_BACKSPACE = "\b" + ESC + "[K"; var OUTPUT_DELETE_CHAR = ESC + "[P"; var STATE_WAIT_FOR_ECHO_OR_PROMPT = 1; var STATE_WAIT_FOR_ECHO = 2; var STATE_WAIT_FOR_PROMPT = 3; expect.html.setConstructor(function(tab) { if (typeof tab == "object") return tab.pane.aml.getPage("editor::" + tab.editorType).$ext; }); describe('terminal.predict_echo', function() { this.timeout(30000); before(function(done) { this.timeout(45000); apf.config.setProperty("allow-select", false); apf.config.setProperty("allow-blur", false); bar.$ext.style.background = "rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.93)"; bar.$ext.style.position = "fixed"; bar.$ext.style.left = "20px"; bar.$ext.style.right = "20px"; bar.$ext.style.bottom = "20px"; bar.$ext.style.height = "33%"; document.body.style.marginBottom = "33%"; predictor.$setTestTimeouts(); predictor.DEBUG = true; proc.execFile("~/.c9/bin/tmux", { args: ["-L", "cloud9test", "kill-server"] }, function(err) { tabs.once("ready", function(){ tabs.getPanes()[0].focus(); openTerminal(done); }); }); }); function openTerminal(done) { tabs.openEditor("terminal", function(err, tab) { editor = tab.editor; session = editor.ace.getSession().c9session; send = session.send; setTimeout(init); function init() { afterPrompt(function() { setTimeout(start); }); // Make sure we have a prompt with a dollar for tests // And terminal won't send rename commands in the middle of the test // TODO: do we need to handle rename sequence in predict_echo instead? editor.ace.onTextInput("PS1='. $ ';" + "tmux setw automatic-rename off;" + "printf '\\x1b]0;predict echo\\x07'\n"); // editor.ace.onTextInput("ssh lennart\n"); // editor.ace.onTextInput("ssh ubuntu@ci.c9.io\n"); } }); function start() { predictor.on("mispredict", function(e) { console.error("MISPREDICTED", e) delete e.session; throw new Error("MISPREDICTED: " + JSON.stringify(e)); }); setTimeout(done) } } function peek(offset) { offset = offset || 0; var char = session.terminal.getCharAt( session.terminal.y, session.terminal.x + offset); return char && char[1]; } function afterPrompt(callback) { // Expect a prompt to appear editor.on("beforeWrite", function wait(e) { if (!e.data.match(/\$ ([\s\S]*\u001B\[\d+;\d+H)?$/)) return; if (session.$predictor.predictions.length && !session.$predictor.predictions[session.$predictor.predictions.length - 1].optional) return; // probably a false positive editor.off("beforeWrite", wait); console.log(" ^ prompt; proceeding with test"); editor.once("afterWrite", function() { // Make sure we're after predict_echo's afterWrite callback(); }); }); } function afterPredict(text, callback) { predictor.on("predict", function wait(e) { if (e.data.indexOf(text) === -1 && e.predictions.filter(function(p) { return (p.$outputText || "").indexOf(text) !== -1 }).length === 0) return; predictor.off("predict", wait); callback(e); }); } var editor; var session; var send; function sendAll(keys, callback) { var key = keys.shift(); if (!key) return callback && callback(); setTimeout(function() { send(key); sendAll(keys, callback); }); } describe("predict_echo", function(){ beforeEach(function(done) { afterPredict("*", function() { afterPrompt(function() { session.$predictor.state = 0; done(); }); send("\r"); }); session.$predictor.state = 0; sendAll(" # next*".split("")); }); it("should predict a single character", function(done) { predictor.on("predict", function wait(e) { if (!e.data.match(/:/)) return; predictor.off("predict", wait); done(); }); sendAll([":"]); }); it("should predict multiple characters sent at the same time", function(done) { afterPredict("!", function() { afterPrompt(function() { done(); }) send("\r"); }); sendAll([": test!"]); }); it("should predict a single character straight from keyboard input", function(done) { predictor.on("predict", function wait(e) { if (!e.data.match(/:/)) return; predictor.off("predict", wait); done(); }); editor.ace.onTextInput(":"); }); it("should predict multiple character", function(done) { predictor.on("predict", function wait(e) { if (!e.data.match(/t/)) return; predictor.off("predict", wait); assert.equal(peek(-1), "t"); done(); }); sendAll("ls -lt".split("")); }); it("gracefully copes with a newline", function(done) { // Expect \r predictor.on("nopredict", function wait(e) { if (e.data.indexOf("\r") === -1) return; predictor.off("nopredict", wait); seenNewLine = true; }); afterPrompt(function() { assert(seenNewLine); done(); }); var seenNewLine; sendAll(["\r"]); }); it("supports cursor key left/right", function(done) { afterPredict("h", function() { sendAll([INPUT_LEFT, "c"]); }); afterPredict("c", function() { sendAll([INPUT_RIGHT, "o"]); }); afterPredict("o", function() { assert.equal(peek(-4), "e"); assert.equal(peek(-3), "c"); assert.equal(peek(-2), "h"); assert.equal(peek(-1), "o"); afterPrompt(done); send("\r"); }); sendAll(["e", "h"]); }); // Fails on CI server (https://github.com/c9/newclient/issues/9550) it.skip("supports delete with repeated characters; stress test", function loop(done, attempt) { this.timeout && this.timeout(60000); session.$predictor.state = 0; if (attempt === 5) return done(); afterPredict("[", function() { afterPredict("[", function() { assert.equal(peek(-1), " "); assert.equal(peek(), "e"); assert.equal(peek(1), "c"); afterPrompt(loop.bind(null, done, (attempt || 0) + 1)); send("\r"); }); sendAll([INPUT_DELETE]); }) sendAll(["eecho blaaat", INPUT_HOME]); }); // slow, useless; skip it.skip("supports long sequence of chars; stress test", function loop(done, attempt) { this.timeout && this.timeout(60000); session.$predictor.state = 0; if (attempt === 4) return done(); afterPredict("?", function() { send("\r"); afterPrompt(loop.bind(null, done, (attempt || 0) + 1)); }); sendAll("echo this is a pretty long sequence of characters, right?".split("")); }); it("supports short sequence of chars; stress test", function loop(done, attempt) { this.timeout && this.timeout(90000); session.$predictor.state = 0; if (attempt === 5) return done(); afterPredict("?", function() { send("\r"); afterPrompt(loop.bind(null, done, (attempt || 0) + 1)); }); sendAll("echo ?".split("")); }); it("supports short sequence of chars with a newline; stress test", function loop(done, attempt) { this.timeout && this.timeout(90000); session.$predictor.state = 0; if (attempt === 5) return done(); afterPredict("?", function() { afterPrompt(loop.bind(null, done, (attempt || 0) + 1)); }); session.$predictor.state = 0; sendAll("echo 2?\r".split("")); }); it("supports backspace with repeated characters", function(done) { afterPredict("[", function() { afterPredict("[", function() { afterPredict("[", function() { assert.equal(peek(-1), " "); assert.equal(peek(), "e"); assert.equal(peek(1), "c"); afterPrompt(done); send("\r"); }); sendAll([INPUT_BACKSPACE]); }); sendAll([INPUT_RIGHT]); }) sendAll(["eecho bleep", INPUT_HOME]); }); it("supports insert with repeated characters; stress test", function loop(done, attempt) { this.timeout && this.timeout(60000); session.$predictor.state = 0; if (attempt === 5) return done(); sendAll("echo blaat".split(""), function() { var sawX; afterPredict("t", function() { assert.equal(peek(-3), "a"); sendAll([INPUT_LEFT, INPUT_LEFT, INPUT_LEFT, "x", "a"]); }); predictor.on("predict", function wait(e) { sawX = sawX || e.data.match(/x/); if (!sawX || e.data.match(/xaat/) || !e.data.match(/a/)) return; // console.log(" -", e.data, sawX)* predictor.off("predict", wait); assert.equal(peek(), "a"); assert.equal(peek(1), "a"); assert.equal(peek(-1), "a"); afterPrompt(loop.bind(null, done, (attempt || 0) + 1)); send("\r"); }); }); }); it("supports insert with home and repeated characters", function(done) { afterPredict("t", function() { assert.equal(peek(-3), "a"); sendAll(["x", INPUT_HOME, "e"]) }); predictor.on("predict", function wait(e) { sawX = sawX || e.data.match(/x/); if (!sawX || !e.data.match(/a/)) return; predictor.off("predict", wait); assert.equal(peek(), "e"); assert.equal(peek(-1), "e"); afterPrompt(done); sendAll([INPUT_HOME, "#", "\r"]); }); var sawX; sendAll("echo blaat".split("")); }); it("supports at least one spurious left cursor; stress test", function loop(done, attempt) { this.timeout && this.timeout(60000); session.$predictor.state = 0; if (attempt === 10) return done(); afterPredict("c", function() { assert.equal(peek(-1), "c"); assert.equal(peek(-2), "e"); assert.equal(peek(-3), " "); afterPrompt(function() { loop(done, (attempt || 0) + 1) }); send("\r"); }); sendAll(["e", "h", "o", INPUT_LEFT, INPUT_LEFT, INPUT_LEFT, INPUT_RIGHT, "c"]); }); it("supports home", function(done) { predictor.on("predict", function wait(e) { if (e.data.match(/^[a-z]*$/)) return; predictor.off("predict", wait); assert.equal(peek(), "e"); afterPrompt(done); sendAll(["\r"]); }); sendAll(["e", "c", "h", "o", INPUT_HOME]); }); // TODO: rewrite this to support delayed enabling? it.skip("enables and disables itself automatically; stress test", function loop(done, attempt) { this.timeout && this.timeout(60000); if (attempt === 5) return done(); predictor.once("nopredict", function() { predictor.once("nopredict", function(e) { assert.equal(e.data, ":"); afterPredict("i", function() { afterPrompt(function() { loop(done, (attempt || 0) + 1); }); send("\r"); }); sendAll(" hoi".split("")); }); // sometimes backspace will re-enable state 0; we reset it here session.$predictor.state = STATE_WAIT_FOR_ECHO_OR_PROMPT; send(":"); }); session.$predictor.state = STATE_WAIT_FOR_ECHO_OR_PROMPT; send(INPUT_BACKSPACE); }); it("correctly handles duplicate states", function(done) { afterPredict("y", function() { afterPrompt(done); predictor.off("nopredict", fail); send("\r"); }); predictor.on("nopredict", fail); function fail(e) { assert(false, "Prediction got disabled"); } var repeat = ["x", INPUT_BACKSPACE, "x", INPUT_BACKSPACE, "x", INPUT_BACKSPACE]; repeat = repeat.concat(repeat).concat(repeat); sendAll(repeat, function() { setTimeout(function() { sendAll(repeat, function() { setTimeout(function() { sendAll(repeat, function() { send("y"); }); }, 300); }); }, 200); }); }); it("correctly handles repeated keys without pauses", function(done) { afterPredict(":", function() { afterPrompt(done); send("\r"); }); sendAll("echo".split(""), function() { send(INPUT_BACKSPACE); send(INPUT_BACKSPACE); send(INPUT_BACKSPACE); send(INPUT_BACKSPACE); send(":"); }); }); }); if (!onload.remain) { after(function(done) { tabs.unload(); bar.destroy(true, true); document.body.style.marginBottom = ""; done(); }); } }); onload && onload(); } });