define(function(require, module, exports) { main.consumes = [ "Plugin", "panels", "settings", "menus", "commands", "ui", "tabManager" ]; main.provides = ["Panel"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var panels = imports.panels; var menus = imports.menus; var ui = imports.ui; var commands = imports.commands; var settings = imports.settings; var tabs = imports.tabManager; var uCaseFirst = require("c9/string").uCaseFirst; function Panel(developer, deps, options) { var plugin = new Plugin(developer, deps); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var autohide = options.autohide || false; var index = options.index || 100; var buttonCSSClass = options.buttonCSSClass; var panelCSSClass = options.panelCSSClass; var caption = options.caption; var width = options.width; var minWidth = options.minWidth; var mnuItem, button, area, lastPanel, xpath, where, aml; plugin.on("load", function(){ xpath = "state/panels/" +; where = settings.get(xpath + "/@where") || options.where || "left"; panels.register(plugin); mnuItem = new ui.item({ type: "check", value:, onclick: function(){ var area = panels.areas[panels.panels[].where]; if (this.checked) area.enablePanel(; else area.disablePanel(; }, }); mnuItem.panel = plugin; menus.addItemByPath("Window/" + caption, mnuItem, index, plugin); panels.on("showPanel" + uCaseFirst(, function(e) { lastPanel = e.lastPanel; if (lastPanel && panels.panels[lastPanel].autohide) lastPanel = panels.panels[lastPanel].lastPanel; if (button) button.setValue(true); emit("show", e); }, plugin); panels.on("hidePanel" + uCaseFirst(, function(e) { if (button) button.setValue(false); emit("hide"); }, plugin); settings.on("read", function(){ settings.setDefaults(xpath, [ ["name",], ["enabled", "true"] ]); // Start disabled plugin.disable(); // Attach to area var areas = panels.areas; attachTo(panels.areas[where]); // Enable panel if (settings.getBool(xpath + "/@enabled")) { areas[where].enablePanel(; mnuItem.setAttribute("checked", true); } // Activate Panel ["left", "right"].forEach(function(where) { var active = settings.get("state/panels/@active-" + where); if ((!active && areas[where].defaultActive == || active == areas[where].activate(, true, "restoreSettings"); }); }); }); plugin.on("unload", function(){ panels.deactivate(; button = null; mnuItem = null; button = null; area = null; lastPanel = null; xpath = null; where = null; drawn = false; if (button) button.destroy(true, true); if (mnuItem) mnuItem.destroy(true, true); menus.remove("View/Panels/" + caption); panels.unregister(plugin); }); /***** Methods *****/ function setCommand(options) { var command = commands.addCommand({ name:, group: "Panels", hint: options.hint, bindKey: options.bindKey, exec: options.exec || function(){ if (autohide) panels.activate(; else { if (panels.isActive( panels.deactivate(; else panels.activate(; } if (options.extra) options.extra.apply(this, arguments); } }, plugin); mnuItem.setAttribute("hotkey", "{commands.commandManager." + + "}"); return command; } var drawn; function draw(){ if (drawn) return false; drawn = true; aml = area.aml.appendChild(new{ "skin": "panel-bar", "class" : panelCSSClass || "", "visible": false })); plugin.addElement(aml); emit.sticky("draw", { html: aml.$int, aml: aml }); aml.$ = 100; aml.$ = ""; //Needed for the anims aml.$ = "absolute"; aml.$ = where == "left" ? area.width + "px" : 0; aml.$ = 0; aml.$ = where == "right" ? area.width + "px" : 0; aml.$ = 0; aml.$display = apf.CSSPREFIX + "Flex"; return true; } function attachTo(toArea) { area = toArea; try { if (aml) area.aml.appendChild(aml); } catch (e) {} if (plugin.enabled) enable(); // Move the button } function detach(){ disable(); area = null; } function enable(){ // Draw button container var container = area.draw(); if (!button) { // Insert button button = new ui.button({ skinset: "panels", state: true, caption: caption, auto: false, "class" : buttonCSSClass || "", onmousedown: function(e){ if (e.htmlEvent && e.htmlEvent.button) return; panels.areas[where].toggle(, autohide, true); } }); plugin.addElement(button); } ui.insertByIndex(container, button, index, false);; if (area.activePanel == button.setValue(true); mnuItem.setAttribute("checked", true); } function disable(){ button && button.hide(); mnuItem.setAttribute("checked", false); } function show() { panels.activate(; } function hide(){ if (panels.isActive( { if (autohide && lastPanel) panels.activate(lastPanel); else panels.deactivate(; if (tabs.focussedTab && !panels.showing) tabs.focussedTab.editor.focus(); } } /***** LifeCycle *****/ plugin.on("enable", function(){ enable(); }); plugin.on("disable", function(){ disable(); }); /***** Register and define API *****/ plugin.freezePublicAPI.baseclass(); /** * Panel base class for the Cloud9 UI. Panels can * be hidden and shown. Users can also show/hide the panel button via * the Window menu. * * Panels are located in different {@link panels.Area areas}. By * default these areas are on the left and right of the screen. * * * {@link panels} - Manages all areas and panels * * {@link panels.Area Area} - Manages a single area of panels. * By default there is a panel area on the left and on the right side * of the UI. * * **Panel - A single panel that lives in an area.** * * Implementing your own panel takes a new Panel() object rather * than a new Plugin() object. Here's a short example: * * var plugin = new Panel("(Company) Name", main.consumes, { * index : 100, * width : 250, * caption : "Cool Caption", * minWidth : 130, * where : "right" * }); * var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); * * plugin.on("load", function(){ * plugin.setCommand({ * name : "coolpanel", * hint : "being cool", * bindKey : { mac: "Command-H", win: "Ctrl-H" } * }); * }); * * plugin.on("draw", function(e) { * e.html.innerHTML = "Hello World!"; * }); * * plugin.freezePublicAPI({ * example: function(){ * * } * }); */ /** * @constructor * Creates a new Panel instance. * @param {String} developer The name of the developer of the plugin * @param {String[]} deps A list of dependencies for this * plugin. In most cases it's a reference to main.consumes. * @param {Object} options The options for this panel * @param {Number} options.index Specifies the position in the order of the panels * @param {String} options.caption Specifies the text displayed on the button * @param {Boolean} [options.autohide] Specifies whether this is an * autohiding panel. The developer is responsible for hiding * the panel. This behavior will animate the panel during * @param hide and show over other panels, if there are any. * @param {String} [options.buttonCSSClass] Specifies the name of the css class that is applied to the button * @param {String} [options.panelCSSClass] Specifies the name of the css class that is applied to the panel * @param {Number} [options.width] Specifies the default width of the panel * @param {Number} [options.minWidth] Specifies the minimal width of the panel * @param {String} [options.where] Accepts "left" or "right" to determine where the panel is added */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * @ignore */ get lastPanel(){ return lastPanel; }, /** * Retrieves whether this is an auto-hiding panel. i.e. if * this panel hides when it looses focus. * @property {Boolean} autohide */ get autohide(){ return autohide; }, set autohide(value){ autohide = value; }, /** * Retrieves the width in pixels of this panel * @property {Number} width * @readonly */ get width(){ return width; }, /** * Retrieves the minimal width in pixels of this panel * @property {Number} minWidth * @readonly */ get minWidth(){ return minWidth; }, /** * The APF UI element that is presenting the panel in the UI. * This property is here for internal reasons only. *Do not * depend on this property in your plugin.* * @property {AMLElement} aml * @private * @readonly */ get aml(){ return aml; }, /** * @property {HTMLElement} container */ get container(){ return aml.$ext; }, /** * The area that this panel is a part of. * @property {panels.Area} area * @readonly */ get area(){ return area; }, /** * Retrieves the position of the panel. This can be "left" * or "right". * @property {String} where * @readonly */ get where(){ return where; }, /** * @ignore for testing purpose */ get button(){ return button; }, _events: [ /** * Fires when the panel is drawn. * @event draw * @param {Object} e * @param {AMLElement} e.aml * @param {HTMLElement} e.html */ "draw", /** * Fires when the panel is shown * @event show */ "show", /** * Fires when the panel is shown * @event hide */ "hide" ], /** * Adds a command that toggles this panel to be active or not. * @param {Object} options * @param {String} Specifies the name of a new command to create, which will show the panel * @param {String} [options.hint] Specifies the description of the command * @param {Object} [options.bindKey] Specifies the key combination for the command. See `commands.addCommand` * @param {Function} [options.exec] Overrides the default action of the command */ setCommand: setCommand, /** * Attaches this panel to an {@link panels.Area area}. * @param {panels.Area} area The area to attach this panel to. */ attachTo: attachTo, /** * Detaches this panel from it's area. */ detach: detach, /** * Draws the panel * @private */ draw: draw, /** * Shows the panel */ show: show, /** * Hides the panel */ hide: hide }); return plugin; } /***** Register and define API *****/ register(null, { Panel: Panel }); } });