define(function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; main.consumes = ["fs", "Plugin", "c9", "util", "watcher", "error_handler"]; main.provides = ["fs.cache"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var fs = imports.fs; var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var c9 = imports.c9; var util = imports.util; var watcher = imports.watcher; var reportError = imports.error_handler.reportError; var TreeData = require("ace_tree/data_provider"); var lang = require("ace/lib/lang"); // var basename = require("path").basename; var dirname = require("path").dirname; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var model = new TreeData(); var showHidden = false; var hiddenFilePattern = ""; var hiddenFileRe = /^$/; var orphans = {}; model.loadChildren = function(node, cb) { fs.readdir(node.path, function(err, files) { cb && cb(err, files); }); }; model.getClassName = function(node) { var cl = node.className || ""; if ( cl += " symlink"; if (node.isCut) cl += " cut"; return cl; }; var loaded = false; function load(){ if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; clear(); // Watch watcher.on("delete", function(e) { removeSingleNode(e); }); watcher.on("change.all", function(e) { onstat({ path: e.path, result: [null, e.stat] }); }); watcher.on("directory.all", function(e) { // @todo make onreaddir incremental onreaddir({ path: e.path, result: [null, e.files] }); }); // Read fs.on("beforeReaddir", function (e) { var node = findNode(e.path); if (!node) return; // Parent is not visible // Indicate this directory is being read model.setAttribute(node, "status", "loading"); }); function onreaddir(e, orphan) { var node = findNode(e.path); if (e.error) { if (node) node.status = "pending"; return; } var parentPath = e.path; if (!parentPath.endsWith("/")) parentPath += "/"; // update cache if (!node) { if (!showHidden && isFileHidden(e.path)) return; node = createNode(e.path); if (!node) return; node.isFolder = true; orphans[e.path] = node; orphan = true; } node.$lastReadT =; // Indicate this directory has been fully read model.setAttribute(node, "status", "loaded"); var ondisk = Object.create(null); var toRemove = []; var toCreate = []; var orphanAppand = []; var existing = || ( = Object.create(null)); e.result[1].forEach(function(stat) { if (! || !showHidden && isFileHidden( return; var name =; var path = parentPath + name; ondisk[name] = 1; if (orphans[path]) { if (existing[name]) delete orphans[path]; orphanAppand.push(path); } if (existing[name]) updateNodeStat(path, stat, existing[name]); else toCreate.push(stat); }); Object.keys(existing).forEach(function(name) { // onreaddir can be called before copied nodes are written to disk // in this case we don't want to lose "predicted" state if (existing[name] && existing[name].status === "predicted") ondisk[name] = 1; if (!ondisk[name]) toRemove.push(name); }); if (!toCreate.length && !toRemove.length && !orphanAppand.length) return; var wasOpen = startUpdate(node); node.children = null; // Fill Parent toCreate.forEach(function(stat) { createNode(parentPath +, stat, null, true); }); toRemove.forEach(function(name) { var currentNode = existing[name]; delete existing[name]; emit("remove", { path: parentPath + name, node: currentNode, parent: node }); }); emit("readdir", { path : e.path, parent : node, orphan: orphan }); endUpdate(node, wasOpen); orphanAppand.forEach(function(path) { emit("orphan-append", {path: path}); }); } fs.on("afterReaddir", onreaddir, plugin); function onstat(e) { if (e.error) return; // update cache var stat = e.result[1]; var there = true; var node = findNode(e.path); var parent = findNode(dirname(e.path)); if (!showHidden && isFileHidden(e.path)) return; if (!node) { if (!parent) return; there = false; } if (there != !!stat) { if (there) { if (! deleteNode(node); } else { if (typeof stat != "object") stat = null; createNode(e.path, stat); } } else if (there) { if (typeof stat != "object") stat = null; if (!stat && node) return; if (stat && node) updateNodeStat(e.path, stat, node); else createNode(e.path, stat, node); } } fs.on("afterStat", onstat, plugin); fs.on("afterReadFile", function(e) { var err = e.result[0]; return onstat({ path: e.path, result: [0, err && err.code == "ENOENT" ? false : true] }); }, plugin); fs.on("afterExists", onstat, plugin); // Modify function afterHandler(e) { if (e.error) e.undo && e.undo(); else e.confirm && e.confirm(); } function addSingleNode(e, isFolder, linkInfo) { var node = findNode(e.path); if (node) return; // Node already exists if (!showHidden && isFileHidden(e.path)) return; var parent = findNode(dirname(e.path)); if (parent) { // Dir is in cache var stat = isFolder ? { mime : "folder" } : (linkInfo ? { link: true, linkStat: { fullPath: linkInfo } } : {}); stat.mtime =; node = createNode(e.path, stat); emit("add", {path : e.path, node : node}); e.undo = function(){ deleteNode(node); emit("remove", { path: e.path, node: node, parent: parent }); }; e.confirm = function () { if (node.status === "predicted") node.status = "loaded"; }; node.status = "predicted"; } } function removeSingleNode(e) { var node = findNode(e.path); if (!node) return; //Node doesn't exist deleteNode(node); emit("remove", { path: node.path, node: node }); // todo e.undo = function(){ createNode(node.path, null, node); emit("add", { path: node.path, node: node }); }; } function recurPathUpdate(node, oldPath, newPath, isCopy) { if (!isCopy) model.setAttribute(node, "oldpath", oldPath); model.setAttribute(node, "path", newPath); if (node.children) node.children = null; var cnode, nodes = model.getChildren(node) || []; for (var i = nodes.length; i--;) { cnode = nodes[i]; if (cnode) { recurPathUpdate(cnode, cnode.path, newPath + "/" + cnode.label, isCopy); } } emit(isCopy ? "add" : "update", { path: oldPath, newPath: newPath, node: node }); } fs.on("beforeWriteFile", function(e) { addSingleNode(e); }, plugin); fs.on("afterWriteFile", afterHandler, plugin); // Also does move fs.on("beforeRename", function(e) { var node = findNode(e.path); if (!node) return; var oldPath = e.path; var newPath = e.args[1]; var parent = findNode(dirname(newPath)); // Validation var toNode = findNode(newPath); if (!toNode) { deleteNode(node, true); createNode(newPath, null, node); // Move node recurPathUpdate(node, oldPath, newPath); } e.undo = function(){ if (toNode) return; if (!parent) { var tmpParent = node; while (node.parent && tmpParent.parent.status == "pending") tmpParent = tmpParent.parent; if (tmpParent) deleteNode(tmpParent, true); } deleteNode(node, true); if (toNode) createNode(newPath, null, toNode); createNode(oldPath, null, node); recurPathUpdate(node, newPath, oldPath); }; e.confirm = function() { if (toNode) { deleteNode(toNode, true); createNode(newPath, null, node); // Move node recurPathUpdate(node, oldPath, newPath); } if (node.status === "predicted") node.status = "loaded"; }; node.status = "predicted"; }, plugin); fs.on("afterRename", afterHandler, plugin); fs.on("beforeMkdirP", function(e) { var dirsToMake = []; var path = e.path; while (!findNode(path)) { dirsToMake.push(path); path = dirname(path); if (path == "~") return; // Don't create home based paths if ~ doesn't exist if (path == ".") break; } dirsToMake.forEach(function(dir) { createNode(dir, {mime: "folder"}); }); var node = dirsToMake[0] && findNode(dirsToMake[0]); if (!node) return; e.undo = function(){ dirsToMake.forEach(function(dir) { var node = findNode(dir); if (node) deleteNode(node); }); }; e.confirm = function() { if (node.status === "predicted") node.status = "loaded"; }; node.status = "predicted"; }, plugin); fs.on("afterMkdirP", afterHandler, plugin); fs.on("beforeMkdir", function(e) { addSingleNode(e, true); }, plugin); fs.on("afterMkdir", afterHandler, plugin); fs.on("beforeUnlink", function(e) { removeSingleNode(e); }, plugin); fs.on("afterUnlink", afterHandler, plugin); fs.on("beforeRmfile", function(e) { removeSingleNode(e); }, plugin); fs.on("afterRmfile", afterHandler, plugin); fs.on("beforeRmdir", function(e) { removeSingleNode(e); }, plugin); fs.on("afterRmdir", afterHandler, plugin); fs.on("beforeCopy", function(e) { var node = findNode(e.path); if (!node) return; var parent = findNode(dirname(e.args[1])); if (!parent) return; function setCacheCopy(to) { toNode = copyNode(node); createNode(to, null, toNode); //Validation //var path = toNode.path; //if (path != to) return; recurPathUpdate(toNode, e.path, to, true); e.undo = function(){ removeSingleNode({path: to}); }; e.confirm = function() { if (toNode.status === "predicted") toNode.status = e.status; }; e._status = node.status == "predicted" ? "pending" : e.status; toNode.status = "predicted"; } var toNode = findNode(e.args[1]); if (toNode) { if (!e.args[2] || e.args[2].overwrite !== false) { //overwrite deleteNode(toNode); } else { e.setCacheCopy = setCacheCopy; return; //We'll wait to get the new name from the server } } setCacheCopy(e.args[1]); }, plugin); fs.on("afterCopy", function(e) { if (!e.error && e.setCacheCopy) e.setCacheCopy(e.result[1].to); afterHandler(e); }, plugin); fs.on("beforeSymlink", function(e) { addSingleNode(e, false, e.args[1]); }, plugin); fs.on("afterSymlink", function(e) { if (e.error) { if (e.undo) e.undo(); } else { var node = findNode(e.path); if (!node) return; fs.stat(e.args[1], function(err, stat) { var linkNode = findNode(e.path); if (err || stat.err) { model.setAttribute(linkNode, "error", err.message); return; } stat.fullPath = e.args[1]; createNode(e.path, { link: true, linkStat: stat}, linkNode); emit("update", { path: e.path, node: linkNode }); }); } }, plugin); } /***** Methods *****/ function findNode(path, context) { if (typeof context == "string") { // || path && path.charAt(0) != "/" node = emit("findNode", { type: context, path: path }); if (node || node === false) return node; context = null; } var parts = path.split("/"); var node = context || model.root; if (!node) { node = orphans[parts[0]]; // model.realRoot || if (node) parts.shift(); } if (path == "/") parts.shift(); var up = 0; for (var i = parts.length; i--;) { var p = parts[i]; if (!p && i || p === ".") { parts.splice(i, 1); } else if (p === "..") { parts.splice(i, 1); up++; } else if (up) { parts.splice(i, 1); up--; } } for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { var p = parts[i]; if (node) node = &&[p]; if (!node) node = orphans[parts.slice(0, i + 1).join("/")]; } return node; } function findNodes(path) { // todo ?? } function createNode(path, stat, updateNode, updating) { if (!/^[!~/]/.test(path)) { var e = new Error("Refusing to add a node with misformed path to fs.cache"); return reportError(e, { path: path }); } if (orphans[path]) { updateNode = orphans[path]; delete orphans[path]; } var parts = path.split("/"); var node =[parts[0] == "~" ? "~" : ""]; if (!node) { node = orphans[parts[0]]; if (node) parts.shift(); } var parent = model.root; var modified = []; var subPath = ""; parts.forEach(function(p, i) { if (!p) return; subPath += (p == "~" ? p : "/" + p); if (!node) return node = orphans[subPath]; var map =; if (!map) { map = = Object.create(null); } parent = node; node = map[p]; if (!node) { modified.push(parent); if (i !== parts.length - 1) { node = {label: p, path: subPath, status: "pending", isFolder: true}; // TODO filter hidden files in getChildren instead. if (!showHidden && isFileHidden(p)) { orphans[node.path] = node; return; } } else if (updateNode) { deleteNode(updateNode, true); node = updateNode; if (node.label != p) { if (map[node.label] == node) delete map[node.label]; node.label = p; } } else { node = {label: p, path: subPath}; } node.parent = parent; map[p] = node; } }); if (!node) { node = {label: parts[parts.length - 1], path: path}; orphans[path] = node; } updateNodeStat(path, stat, node); node.children = null; if (!updating) { if (!modified.length) modified.push(parent); var wasOpen = startUpdate(modified[0]); modified.forEach(function(n) { if (n != model.root) n.children = null; }); endUpdate(modified[0], wasOpen); } model._signal("createNode", node); return node; } function updateNodeStat(path, stat, node) { node.path = path; var original_stat; if (stat && { original_stat = stat; stat = stat.linkStat; } if (stat) { var isFolder = stat && /(directory|folder)$/.test(stat.mime); if (isFolder) { node.status = node.status || "pending"; } else { node.status = "loaded"; } if (typeof stat.mtime !== "number" && stat.mtime) { // TODO fix localfs to not send date objects here stat.mtime = +stat.mtime; } if (stat.size != undefined) node.size = stat.size; if (stat.mtime != undefined) node.mtime = stat.mtime; if (original_stat || stat.linkErr) = stat.fullPath || stat.linkErr; if (isFolder) node.isFolder = isFolder; else delete node.isFolder; } if (node.isFolder && ! { = Object.create(null); node.children = null; } else if (!node.isFolder && { delete; node.children = null; } } function deleteNode(node, silent) { if (findNode(node.path) != node) return; var parent = findNode(dirname(node.path)); if (!parent) { // likely a broken node var e = new Error("Node with misformed path in fs.cache"); reportError(e, { path: node.path, hasParentProp: !!node.parent, parentPath: node.parent && node.parent.path }); return; } silent || model._signal("remove", node); var wasOpen = startUpdate(parent); delete[node.label]; if (parent.children) node.index = parent.children.indexOf(node); parent.children = node.children = null; endUpdate(parent, wasOpen); } function copyNode(node, parent) { var copy = {}; Object.keys(node).forEach(function(key) { var prop; if (key == "parent") { prop = parent; } else if (key == "map") { prop = {}; Object.keys( { prop[label] = copyNode([label], node); }); } else if (key === "children" || key === "isSelected") { prop = null; } else { prop = lang.deepCopy(node[key]); } copy[key] = prop; }); return copy; } function clear() { var all = model.visibleItems; for (var i = all.length; i--;) { if (model.isOpen(all[i])) model.collapse(all[i]); } model.projectDir = { label: options.rootLabel || c9.projectName, isFolder: true, path: "/", status: "pending", className: "projectRoot", isEditable: false, map: Object.create(null) }; var root = {}; = Object.create(null);[""] = model.projectDir; model.setRoot(root); // fs.readdir("/", function(){}); } function loadNodes(path, progress) { var loaded = 0, subPath = "/"; var nodes = path.split("/"), node; function recur() { node = findNode(subPath, "expand"); if (!node) { progress({ nodes: nodes, node: nodes[loaded - 1], loaded: loaded, complete : true }); } else if (node.status == "loaded") { if (subPath.slice(-1) !== "/") subPath += "/"; subPath += nodes[loaded]; nodes[loaded++] = node; progress({nodes: nodes, node: node, loaded: loaded}); recur(); } else if (node.status == "loading") { plugin.on("readdir", function listener(e) { if (e.path == subPath) { plugin.on("readdir", listener); recur(); } }); } else if (node.status == "pending") { model.loadChildren(node, recur); } } recur(); } /***** Private *****/ function updateHiddenFileRegexp(str) { var parts = (str || ".*").split(/,\s*/).map(function(x) { return x.trim().replace(/([\/'*+?|()\[\]{}.\^$])/g, function(p) { if (p === "*") return "[^\\/]*?"; else return "\\" + p; }); }).filter(Boolean); hiddenFileRe = new RegExp("(^|/)(" + parts.join("|") + ")/?$", "i"); } function isFileHidden(name) { return hiddenFileRe.test(name); } function startUpdate(node) { var wasOpen = node.isOpen; if (wasOpen) model.close(node, undefined, true); model._signal("startUpdate", node); return wasOpen; } function endUpdate(node, wasOpen) { if (wasOpen) {, undefined, true); model._signal("change", node); } model._signal("endUpdate", node, wasOpen); } function refresh(node) { model.close(node, undefined, true);, undefined, true); model._signal("change", node); } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function(){ load(); }); plugin.on("enable", function(){ }); plugin.on("disable", function(){ }); plugin.on("unload", function(){ loaded = false; showHidden = false; hiddenFilePattern = ""; hiddenFileRe = /^$/; orphans = {}; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Provides a model for storage and retrieval of xml nodes that represent * filesystem nodes. The model will contain all nodes that have been * accessed via the {@link fs} plugin. * @singleton **/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * Exposes the model object that stores the XML used to store the * cache. This property is here for backwards compatibility only * and will be removed in the next version. * @property model * @deprecated * @private */ model: model, /** * Specifies whether hidden files are shown. * @property {Boolean} [showHidden=false] */ get showHidden(){ return showHidden; }, set showHidden(value) { showHidden = value; emit("setShowHidden", { value: value }); }, /** * Specifies pattern for hidden file name. * @property {String} */ get hiddenFilePattern(){ return hiddenFilePattern; }, set hiddenFilePattern(value) { updateHiddenFileRegexp(value); hiddenFilePattern = value; }, _events: [ /** * @event orphan-append Fires when a parent of a previously loaded dir gets loaded * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path of the parent that got loaded */ "orphan-append", /** * @event readdir Fires after storing the directory contents into cache * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path of the parent that got loaded * @param {XMLElement} e.parent the parent node that is stored in cache */ "readdir", /** * Fires when a file system node is added to the cache. * @event add * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path The path of the file system node that is added. * @param {String} [e.newPath] The new path of the file (if the new file is created by a copy) * @param {Object} e.node Object describing the file system node. */ "add", /** * Fires when a file system node is removed from the cache. * @event remove * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path The path of the file system node that is removed. * @param {Object} e.node Object describing the file system node. * @param {Object} [e.parent] Object describing the parent of the file system node. */ "remove", /** * Fires when a file system node is updated in the cache. * @event update * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path The path of the file system node that is updated. * @param {String} [e.newPath] The new path of the file (if the new file is created by a copy) * @param {Object} e.node Object describing the file system node. */ "update" ], /** * Returns a new xml node representing a file, folder or symlink. Note * that this call will not make any changes to the actual file system. * It will just create a node in the cache. Generally you won't need * to use this method. * @param {String} path the path of the filesystem node * @param {Object} stat an object similar to that returned by the fs.stat call * @returns {XMLElement} the created node representing the file system node. */ createNode: createNode, /** * @ignore */ removeNode: deleteNode, /** * Finds an xml node based on a path * @param {String} path the path of the node to find * @returns {XMLElement} the node representing the file system node. */ findNode: findNode, /** * Finds all xml nodes based on a path (or xpath) * @param {String} path the path of the node to find * @returns {Array} the xml nodes representing the file system nodes. */ findNodes: findNodes, /** * Removes all the nodes from the cache */ clear: clear, /** * Refreshes a section based on a tree node * @param {Object} node */ refresh: refresh, /** * Refreshes a section based on a tree node * @param {String} path * @param {Function} progress * @param {Function} done */ loadNodes: loadNodes, /** * @ignore */ isFileHidden: isFileHidden }); register(null, { "fs.cache": plugin }); } });