define(function(require, module, exports) { main.consumes = ["Plugin"]; main.provides = ["dialog.alert"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var alertInternal; function show(title, header, msg, onhide, options) { if (alertInternal) return, header, msg, onhide, options); alert(title + (header ? "\n\n" + header : "") + (msg ? "\n\n" + msg : "")); onhide && onhide(); } function hide() { if (alertInternal) alertInternal.hide.apply(alertInternal, arguments); } /***** Register *****/ /** * */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * @readonly */ get dontShow(){ return alertInternal && alertInternal.dontShow; }, get aml(){ return alertInternal && alertInternal.aml; }, /** * Show an alert dialog. * * @param {String} [title] The title to display * @param {String} header The header to display * @param {String} [msg] The message to display * @param {Function} [onhide] The function to call after it's closed. */ show: show, /** * Hide an alert dialog. */ hide: hide, /** * @internal */ get alertInternal() { return alertInternal; }, /** * @internal */ set alertInternal(value) { alertInternal = value; alertInternal.on("show", function(e) { emit("show", e) }); alertInternal.on("hide", function(e) { emit("hide", e) }); alertInternal.on("draw", function(e) { emit.sticky("draw", e) }); }, _events: [ /** * Fires when the form is drawn. * @event draw */ "draw", /** * Fires when the form becomes visible. This happens when * it's attached to an HTML element using the {@link #attachTo} * method, or by calling the {@link #method-show} method. * @event show */ "show", /** * Fires when the form becomes hidden. This happens when * it's detached from an HTML element using the {@link #detach} * method, or by calling the {@link #method-hide} method. * @event hide */ "hide" ], }); register("", { "dialog.alert": plugin }); } });