#!/bin/bash pause() { while true; do read -p "$1 " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) break;; [Nn]* ) exit;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done } cd `dirname $0`/.. SOURCE=`pwd` CUR_VERSION=`node -e 'console.log(require("./package.json").version)'` git --no-pager log --first-parent --oneline v$CUR_VERSION..master echo "current version is $CUR_VERSION" read -p "enter version number for the build " VERSION_NUM node -e " var fs = require('fs'); var version = '$VERSION_NUM'; function replaceVersion(str) { return str.replace(/(['\"]?version['\"]?\s*[:=]\s*['\"])[\\d.\\w\\-]+(['\"])/, function(_, m1, m2) { return m1 + version + m2; }); } function update(path, replace) { var pkg = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'); pkg = (replace || replaceVersion)(pkg); fs.writeFileSync(path, pkg, 'utf8'); } update('package.json'); update('build/package.json'); update('./lib/ace/ext/menu_tools/generate_settings_menu.js'); update('ChangeLog.txt', function(str) { var date='"`date +%Y.%m.%d`"'; return date + ' Version ' + version + '\n' + str.replace(/^\d+.*/, '').replace(/^\n/, ''); }); " pause "versions updated. do you want to start build script? [y/n]" node Makefile.dryice.js full cd build git add . git commit --all -m "package `date +%d.%m.%y`" echo "build task completed." pause "continue creating the tag for v$VERSION_NUM [y/n]" if [[ ${VERSION_NUM} != *"-"* ]]; then git tag "v"$VERSION_NUM fi pause "continue pushing to github? [y/n]" git push --progress --tags "origin" HEAD:gh-pages HEAD:master echo "build repository updated" pause "continue update ace repo? [y/n]" cd .. echo "new commit added" pause "continue creating the tag for v$VERSION_NUM [y/n]" if [[ ${VERSION_NUM} != *"-"* ]]; then git tag "v"$VERSION_NUM fi pause "continue pushing to github? [y/n]" git push --progress --tags "origin" HEAD:gh-pages HEAD:master echo "All done!" pause "May I go now? [y/n]"