define(function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; main.consumes = ["Plugin", "vfs.connect"]; main.provides = ["vfs.cache"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var connectVfs = imports["vfs.connect"].connect; var async = require("async"); var uid = require("c9/uid"); var error = require("http-error"); var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var cache = {}; var maxAge = options.maxAge || 15 * 1000; var vfsExtensions = []; /***** Methods *****/ function registerExtension(handler) { vfsExtensions.push(handler); } function create(pid, user, callback) { var vfsid; do { vfsid = uid(16); } while (has(vfsid)); var entry = createEntry(pid, user, vfsid); cache[vfsid] = entry; return connectVfs(user, pid, function(err, vfs) { if (err) return done(err); = vfsid; vfs.uid =; = pid; entry.vfs = vfs; async.forEach(vfsExtensions, function(factory, next) { factory(vfs, next); }, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); entry.connectTime = - entry.startTime; entry.emit("loaded"); cache[vfsid] = entry; vfs.on("destroy", function() { remove(vfsid); }); vfs.on("keepalive", function() { entry.keepalive(); emit("keepalive", entry); }); done(); }); }); function done(err) { if (err) { entry.emit("fail", err); remove(vfsid); return callback(err); } callback(null, entry); } } function has(vfsid) { return !!cache[vfsid]; } function get(vfsid) { var entry = cache[vfsid]; if (entry) entry.keepalive(); return entry || null; } function getAll() { return cache; } function remove(vfsid) { var entry = cache[vfsid]; if (entry) { delete cache[vfsid]; entry.destroy(); } } function createEntry(pid, user, vfsid) { var entry = new EventEmitter(); entry.setMaxListeners(100); = pid; entry.user = user; entry.vfsid = vfsid; entry.startTime =; var expiresAt = 0; Object.defineProperty(entry, "ttl", { get: function() { return expiresAt -; } }); entry.destroy = function() { entry.vfs && entry.vfs.destroy(); }; entry.keepalive = function() { clearTimeout(timer); startTimer(); }; var timer; function startTimer() { clearTimeout(timer); expiresAt = + maxAge; timer = setTimeout(function() { remove(vfsid); }, maxAge); } startTimer(); return entry; } function readonlyRest(pid, user, path, scope, req, res, next) { for (var key in cache) { var entry = cache[key]; var isPublic = entry.vfs && entry.vfs.public; if ( == pid && ( == || isPublic)) { if (entry.vfs) handle(entry.vfs); else { var called = false; entry.on("loaded", function() { if (called) return; called = true; handle(entry.vfs); }); entry.on("fail", function(err) { if (called) return; called = true; return next(err); }); } return; } } create(pid, user, function(err, entry) { if (err) return next(err); handle(entry.vfs); }); function handle(vfs) { if (req.method !== "GET" && req.method !== "HEAD") return next(new error.Forbidden("Only GET and HEAD requests are allowed in read only mode")); vfs.handleRest(scope, path, req, res, next); } } /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Keeps a Cache of VFS instances * * @singleton */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * Create a new VFS connection * * @param {Number} pid Project ID of the workspace to connect to * @param {Object} user User trying to connect to the worksapce * @param {Function} callback Called after the VFs connection has been established * @param {Error} callback.err Error object if an error occured. * @param {Object} callback.entry Cached VFS entry * @param {Vfs} callback.entry.vfs VFS instance * @param {String} callback.entry.vfsid Unique ID of the cache entry */ create: create, /** * Get an entry by it's unique ID * * @param {String} vfsid Unique ID of the cache entry * @return {Object} callback.entry Cached VFS entry * @return {Vfs} callback.entry.vfs VFS instance * @return {String} callback.entry.vfsid Unique ID of the cache entry */ get: get, /** * Get all cached entries * * @return {Object} Object keys are the VFS IDs and the values are the cache entries */ getAll: getAll, /** * Check if the cache has an entry with the given VFS ID * * @param {String} vfsid Unique ID of the cache entry * @return {Boolean} Whether the cache has an entry with the given ID */ has: has, /** * Remove an entry by vfs ID * * @param {String} vfsid Unique ID of the cache entry */ remove: remove, readonlyRest: readonlyRest, /** * Register a callback which is called with each created VFS connection. * This can e.g. be used to extend the remote agent using 'vfs.extend'. * * @param {Function} factory Function to be called on new VFS connections * @param {Object} vfs The VFS Object * @param {Function} callback Needs to be called after the factory is done */ registerExtension: registerExtension }); register(null, { "vfs.cache": plugin }); } });