define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = [ "Editor", "editors", "ui", "commands", "menus", "layout", "tabManager", "util", "settings" ]; main.provides = ["preferences"]; return main; /* * General Settings * Project Settings * Key Bindings - TextMate Bundles - Themes - */ function main(options, imports, register) { var Editor = imports.Editor; var editors = imports.editors; var tabs = imports.tabManager; var commands = imports.commands; var settings = imports.settings; var menus = imports.menus; var util = imports.util; var layout = imports.layout; var ui = imports.ui; var debug = location.href.indexOf('menus=1') > -1; /***** Initialization *****/ var extensions = []; var handle = editors.register("preferences", "Preferences", Preferences, extensions); var emit = handle.getEmitter(); emit.setMaxListeners(1000); var WIDTH = "300"; var drawn = false; var parent, navigation, activePanel, container; function focusOpenPrefs(){ var pages = tabs.getTabs(); for (var i = 0, tab = pages[i]; tab; tab = pages[i++]) { if (tab.editorType == "preferences") { tabs.focusTab(tab); return true; } } } handle.on("load", function(){ settings.on("read", function(){ settings.setDefaults("user/general", [["animateui", true]]); }); commands.addCommand({ name: "openpreferences", hint: "show the open settings panel", group: "General", bindKey: { mac: "Command-,", win: "Ctrl-," }, exec: function (editor, args) { var tab = tabs.focussedTab; if (tab && tab.editor.type == "preferences" && !args.panel) { tab.close(); return; } if (focusOpenPrefs()) { if (args.panel) activate(args.panel); return; }{ editorType: "preferences", active: true }, function(){ if (args.panel) activate(args.panel); }); } }, handle); var menu = tabs.getElement("mnuEditors"); menus.addItemToMenu(menu, new ui.item({ caption: "Open Preferences", hotkey: "{commands.commandManager.openpreferences}", onclick: function(e) { if (focusOpenPrefs()) return; e.pane = this.parentNode.pane;{ editorType: "preferences", active: true, pane: e.pane }, function(){}); } }), 500, handle); menus.addItemByPath("Cloud9/~", new ui.divider(), 280, handle); menus.addItemByPath("Cloud9/Preferences", new ui.item({ command: "openpreferences" }), 300, handle); var btn = new ui.button({ "skin" : "c9-menu-btn", "class" : "preferences", "tooltip" : "Preferences", // "width" : 28, "command" : "openpreferences" }); ui.insertByIndex(layout.findParent({ name: "preferences" }), btn, 900, handle); navigation = new{ htmlNode: document.body, "width" : "170", "class" : "navigation", "style" : "overflow-y:auto; overflow-x:hidden", "visible" : "false" }); }); function draw(e) { if (drawn) return; drawn = true; // Insert CSS var css = require("text!./preferences.css"); ui.insertCss(css, options.staticPrefix, handle); // Create UI elements parent = ui.hsplitbox({ "class" : "bar-preferences", //"skinset" : "prefs", "anchors" : "0 0 0 0", })); parent.appendChild(navigation); container = parent.appendChild(new; handle.addElement(parent);; emit("draw"); } /***** Methods *****/ function addNavigation(caption, index, parent, plugin) { var level = parent ? parent.level + 1 : 1; var markup = "
<" + (level != 2 ? "a" : "span") + ">" + (debug ? "[" + (index || "") + "] " : "") + caption + "
"; if (!parent) parent = navigation.$int; else { if (parent.lastChild.tagName == "BLOCKQUOTE") parent = parent.lastChild; else parent = parent.appendChild( document.createElement("blockquote")); } var htmlNode = ui.insertHtml(parent, markup, plugin)[0]; ui.insertByIndex(parent, htmlNode, index, false); htmlNode.level = level; =; htmlNode.hostPlugin = plugin; return htmlNode; } function activate(panel) { if (!drawn) { if (!activePanel) handle.once("draw", function(){ activate(activePanel); }); activePanel = panel; return; } if (activePanel && activePanel != panel) activePanel.hide();!activePanel); activePanel = panel; } function add(state, plugin) { emit("add", { state: state, plugin: plugin }); } /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * The presentation handle. This is the object you get when you * request the preferences service in your plugin. Use this object * to add your preference definition. * * Example: * * define(function(require, exports, module) { * main.consumes = ["preferences"]; * main.provides = ["myplugin"]; * return main; * * function main(options, imports, register) { * var prefs = imports.preferences; * * prefs.add({ * "General" : { * position : 10, * "User Interface" : { * position : 20, * "Enable UI Animations" : { * type : "checkbox", * setting : "user/general/@animateui", * position : 1000 * } * } * } * }, plugin); * }); * }); * * * @class preferences * @extends Plugin * @singleton */ handle.freezePublicAPI({ /** * The panel that is currently being shown * @property {PreferencePanel} activePanel * @readonly */ get activePanel(){ return activePanel }, /** * The APF UI element that is the containing element of the preference editor. * This property is here for internal reasons only. *Do not * depend on this property in your plugin.* * @property {AMLElement} aml * @private * @readonly */ get aml(){ return container }, /** * The DOM element that is the containing element in the UI. * @property {DOMElement} container * @readonly */ get container(){ return container.$int }, _events: [ /** * Fires when the add method is caled * @event add * @param {Object} e * @param {Object} e.state The state that is being passed to the add method. * @param {Plugin} e.plugin The plugin that called the add method */ "add" ], /** * @method add * @inheritdoc preferences.Preferences#add */ add: add, /** * Adds an item to the navigation on the left of the preference * editor. * @param {String} caption The caption of the navigation item. * @param {Number} index The position of the navigation item. * @param {HTMLElement} parent The parent of the navigation item. * Pass null if this is a root item. * @param {Plugin} plugin The plugin responsible for adding * the navigation item. * @return {HTMLElement} returns the html element that is added and * can be used to create sub navigation items. */ addNavigation: addNavigation, /** * Activates a preference panel which will show that panel and * hide the currently active panel. * @param {PreferencePanel} Panel The panel to activate */ activate: activate }); /***** Editor *****/ function Preferences(){ var plugin = new Editor("", main.consumes, extensions); //var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var tab; plugin.on("resize", function(e) { emit("resize", e); }); plugin.on("draw", function(e) { tab =; draw(e); }); plugin.on("getState", function(e) { e.state.activePanel = activePanel &&; }); plugin.on("setState", function(e) { var name = e.state.activePanel; if (activePanel && == name) return; var panels = navigation && navigation.$ext && navigation.$ext.children; if (panels) { for (var i = 0; i < panels.length; i++) { if (panels[i].name == name) return activate(panels[i].hostPlugin); } } }); /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("documentLoad", function(e) { var doc = e.doc; doc.title = "Preferences"; function setTheme(){ var bg = ui.getStyleRule(".bar-preferences .container .header", "backgroundColor") || "#F0F0F0"; = bg; //"#2d2d2d"; if (util.shadeColor(bg, 1).isLight)"dark"); else"dark"); } layout.on("themeChange", setTheme, e.doc); setTheme(); }); plugin.on("documentActivate", function(e) {"unload", function(){ if (parent.parentNode == tab) tab.removeChild(parent); }); tab.appendChild(parent); emit("show"); }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Preference Editor for Cloud9. Use the `add` method to add * a UI to allow a user to edit your plugin's settings. * * Example of adding settings for the terminal: * * prefs.add({ * "Editors" : { * "Terminal" : { * position : 100, * "Text Color" : { * type : "colorbox", * setting : "user/terminal/@foregroundColor", * position : 10100 * }, * "Background Color" : { * type : "colorbox", * setting : "user/terminal/@backgroundColor", * position : 10200 * }, * "Selection Color" : { * type : "colorbox", * setting : "user/terminal/@selectionColor", * position : 10250 * }, * "Font Family" : { * type : "textbox", * setting : "user/terminal/@fontfamily", * position : 10300 * }, * "Font Size" : { * type : "spinner", * setting : "user/terminal/@fontsize", * min : "1", * max : "72", * position : 11000 * }, * "Antialiased Fonts" : { * type : "checkbox", * setting : "user/terminal/@antialiasedfonts", * position : 12000 * }, * "Blinking Cursor" : { * type : "checkbox", * setting : "user/terminal/@blinking", * position : 12000 * }, * "Scrollback" : { * type : "spinner", * setting : "user/terminal/@scrollback", * min : "1", * max : "100000", * position : 13000 * } * } * } * }, plugin); * * @class preferences.Preferences * @extends Editor */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * Adds new preference form elements to the preference editor. * * The preference editor uses the {@link Form} elements * internally. See {@link Form#constructor} for a detailed description * of the available elements and their properties. * * Instead of providing the `defaultValue` or `value` property * set the `setting` property to the setting that the * user can edit. See {@link settings} for more information. * * Example (from find in files): * * prefs.add({ * "General" : { * position : 100, * "Find in Files" : { * position : 30, * "Show Full Path in Results" : { * type : "checkbox", * position : 100, * setting : "user/findinfiles/@fullpath" * }, * "Clear Results Before Each Search" : { * type : "checkbox", * position : 100, * setting : "user/findinfiles/@clear" * }, * "Scroll Down as Search Results Come In" : { * type : "checkbox", * position : 100, * setting : "user/findinfiles/@scrolldown" * }, * "Open Files when Navigating Results with ↓ ↑" : { * type : "checkbox", * position : 100, * setting : "user/findinfiles/@consolelaunch" * } * } * } * }, plugin); * * * @param {Object} definition The definition object consists * of three levels of objects. The first level describes the primary * heading. Under this level are sub headings. The third level * describes the form elements to add. The key of each level * is used as the caption in the UI. */ add: add }); plugin.load(null, "preferences"); return plugin; } register(null, { preferences: handle }); } });