/** * Provides access to OS-level APIs such as the filesystem, processes * and network APIs. These APIs are similar to those that Node.js * provides and have been adjusted to work well in a browser context. * * @module c9.fs * @main c9.fs * * @copyright 2013, Ajax.org B.V. */ //@todo might have to add queueing for safe operations define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = ["vfs", "Plugin", "auth"]; main.provides = ["fs"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var vfs = imports.vfs; var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var stream = require("./fs.streams")(vfs, options.base, options.baseProc); var xhr = options.cli ? stream : require("./fs.xhr")(vfs.rest); var uCaseFirst = require("c9/string").uCaseFirst; var api = { readFile: xhr.readFile, writeFile: xhr.writeFile, appendFile: stream.appendFile, readdir: xhr.readdir, rename: stream.rename, exists: stream.exists, stat: stream.stat, mkdirP: stream.mkdirP, mkdir: stream.mkdir, unlink: stream.unlink, rmfile: stream.rmfile, rmdir: stream.rmdir, copy: stream.copy, chmod: stream.chmod, symlink: stream.symlink, watch: stream.watch, unwatch: stream.unwatch, metadata: xhr.metadata }; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); emit.setMaxListeners(500); var loaded = false; function load(){ if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; } function wrap(name, fn) { return function(path) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if (typeof args[args.length - 1] != "function") throw new Error("Missing callback for " + name); if (!/^[!~/]/.test(path)) { var e = new Error("Invalid path passed to fs " + name); e.data = { name: name, path: path }; setTimeout(function() { throw e }); return args[args.length - 1](e); } var original_callback = args.pop(); // Add progress event for readFile / writeFile if (name == "readFile" || name == "writeFile") { var progress; if (typeof args[args.length - 1] == "function") { progress = original_callback; original_callback = args.pop(); } else { var progressEventName = name == "readFile" ? "downloadProgress" : "uploadProgress"; progress = function(loaded, total, complete) { emit(progressEventName, { path: path, loaded: loaded, total: total, complete: complete }); }; } args.push(cb, progress); } else { args.push(name == "unwatch" && original_callback.__cb__ || cb); } original_callback.__cb__ = cb; var event = { path: path, args: args, fn: fn }; if (emit("before" + uCaseFirst(name), event) === false) return false; function cb(err) { var result = 0; var errorEvent; var hasError = err && typeof err != "boolean"; if (hasError) { errorEvent = { name: name, error: err, args: args }; // Error Event if (emit("error", errorEvent) === false) result++; event.error = err; } // After event event.result = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if (emit("after" + uCaseFirst(name), event) === false) result++; // Original Callback if (original_callback.apply(this, arguments) === false) result++; // Assuming that there won't be any other progress events // when the xhr completes if (progress) progress(null, null, true); if (hasError && result === 0) emit("userError", errorEvent); } return fn.apply(this, args); }; } /***** Methods *****/ function getExtension(path) { path = path.substr(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); return path.indexOf(".") > -1 ? path.substr(path.lastIndexOf(".") + 1) : ""; } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function(){ load(); }); plugin.on("enable", function(){ }); plugin.on("disable", function(){ }); plugin.on("unload", function(){ loaded = false; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ var names = Object.keys(api); // Wrap the API calls names.forEach(function(name){ api[name] = wrap(name, api[name]); }); // Define the before/after events for each call var events = []; names.forEach(function(n) { events.push("before" + uCaseFirst(n)); events.push("after" + uCaseFirst(n)); }); /** * Provides access to the filesystem of the workspace. * @singleton */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ _events: events.push( /** * Fires when a file operation returns an error * @event error * @param {Object} e * @param {Mixed} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.name the name of the function that was called **/ "error", /** * Fires when a part of a file is downloaded * @event downloadProgress * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path of the file that this progress event is for * @param {Number} e.loaded the number of bytes that have been downloaded * @param {Number} e.total the total number of bytes for this file * @param {Boolean} e.complete whether the download has completed. **/ "downloadProgress", /** * Fires when a part of a file is uploaded * @event uploadProgress * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path of the file that this progress event is for * @param {Number} e.loaded the number of bytes that have been uploaded * @param {Number} e.total the total number of bytes for this file * @param {Boolean} e.complete whether the upload has completed. **/ "uploadProgress" ) && events, /** * Calculates the extension portion of a path string * @param path */ getExtension: getExtension, /** * Fires before a file is read * @event beforeReadFile * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to read * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after a file is read * @event afterReadFile * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to read * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Reads the entire contents from a file in the workspace. * * Example: * * fs.readFile('/config/server.js', function (err, data) { * if (err) throw err; * console.log(data); * }); * * @param {String} path the path of the file to read * @param {Object} [encoding] the encoding of the content for the file * @param {Function} callback called after the file is read * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} callback.data the contents of the file that was read * @fires error * @fires downloadProgress */ readFile: api.readFile, /** * */ readFileWithMetadata: wrap("readFile", xhr.readFileWithMetadata), /** * Fires before a file is written * @event beforeWriteFile * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to write * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after a file is written * @event afterWriteFile * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to write * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Writes a file in the workspace * * @param {String} path the path of the file to write * @param {String} data the content of the file * @param {Object} [encoding] the encoding of the content for the file * @param {Function} callback called after the file is written * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @fires error * @fires uploadProgress */ writeFile: api.writeFile, /** * Fires before a file is appended * @event beforeAppendFile * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to append * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after a file is appended * @event afterAppendFile * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to append * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Appends a file in the workspace * * @param {String} path the path of the file to append * @param {String} data the content to append to the file * @param {Object} [encoding] the encoding of the content for the file * @param {Function} callback called after the file is appended * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @fires error */ appendFile: api.appendFile, /** * Fires before a file listing is read * @event beforeReaddir * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the directory * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after a file listing is read * @event afterReaddir * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the directory * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Read the contents of a directory as an array of stat objects. * @param {String} path the path of the directory to get the listing from * @param {Function} callback called after the file listing is read * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @param {String[]} callback.files a list of strings containing the filenames of the files in the directory * @fires error */ readdir: api.readdir, /** * Fires before the file or directory is moved/renamed * @event beforeRename * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file or directory * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after the file or directory is moved/renamed * @event afterRename * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the file or directory * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Rename/move a file or directory. * @param {String} from the current path of the file or directory to move/rename * @param {String} to the new path of the file or directory * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Boolean} [options.overwrite] specifying whether an existing file * should be overwritten. If set to false an error is returned * if a file with the same name already exists in that path. * @param {Function} callback called after the file or directory is moved/renamed * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @fires error */ rename: api.rename, /** * Fires before testing for the existence of a file or directory * @event beforeExists * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file of directory to test for * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after testing for the existence of a file or directory * @event afterExists * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file of directory to test for * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Tests if a file or directory exists * @param {String} path the path of the file or directory to test for * @param {Function} callback called after the test is completed * @param {Boolean} callback.exists whether the path exists * @fires error */ exists: api.exists, /** * Fires before the file information is retrieved * @event beforeStat * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file or directory to stat * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after the file information is retrieved * @event afterStat * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the file or directory to stat * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Loads the stat information for a single path entity. * @param {String} path the path of the file or directory to stat * @param {Function} callback called after the information is retrieved * @param {Error} callback.err * @param {Object} callback.data * @param {String} callback.data.name The basename of the file path (eg: file.txt). * @param {Number} callback.data.size The size of the entity in bytes. * @param {Number} callback.data.mtime The mtime of the file in ms since epoch. * @param {Number} callback.data.mime The mime type of the entity. * Directories will have a mime that matches /(folder|directory)$/. * This implementation will give inode/directory for directories. * @param {String} callback.data.link If the file is a symlink, * this property will contain the link data as a string. * @param {Object} callback.data.linkStat The stat information * for what the link points to. * @param {String} callback.data.fullPath The linkStat object * will have an additional property that's the resolved path relative to the root. * @fires error */ stat: api.stat, /** * Fires before the directories are created * @event beforeMkdirP * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the directories to create * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after the directories are created * @event afterMkdirP * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the directories to create * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Creates all non-existing directories of the path. * @param {String} path the path to directory to create * @param {Function} callback called after the directories are created * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @fires error */ mkdirP: api.mkdirP, /** * Fires before the directory is created * @event beforeMkdir * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the directory is created * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after the directory is created * @event afterMkdir * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the directory is created * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Create a directory at path. Will error with EEXIST if something is already at the path. * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path of the directory to create * @param {Function} e.callback called after the directory is created * @param {Error} e.callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @fires error */ mkdir: api.mkdir, /** * Fires before a file is unlinked * @event beforeUnlink * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to unlink * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after a file is unlinked * @event afterUnlink * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to unlink * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Delete a file at path * @param {String} path the path of the file or directory to unlink * @param {Function} callback called after the file is unlinked * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @fires error */ unlink: api.unlink, /** * Fires before a file is deleted * @event beforeRmfile * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to delete * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** Fires after a file is deleted * @event afterRmfile * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to delete * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Delete a file at path. * @param {String} path the path of the file to delete * @param {Function} callback called after the file is deleted * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @fires error */ rmfile: api.rmfile, /** Fires before the directory is deleted * @event beforeRmdir * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the directory to delete * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** Fires after the directory is deleted * @event afterRmdir * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the directory to delete * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Delete a directory at path * @param {String} path the path of the directory to delete * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Boolean} [options.recursive] If options.recursive is * truthy, it will instead shell out to rm -rf after resolving the path. * @param {Function} callback called after the directory is deleted * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @fires error */ rmdir: api.rmdir, /** * Fires before the file or directory is copied * @event beforeCopy * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to copy * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after the file or directory is copied * @event afterCopy * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to copy * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Copy a file within the workspace * @param {String} from the path of the file or directory to copy * @param {String} to the path to where to copy the file or directory * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Boolean} [options.recursive] specifying whether to recursively copy a directory * @param {Boolean} [options.overwrite] specifying whether an existing file * at `to` is overwritten. If set to false the name `to` path * is postfixed (before the extension) with a number to make * the filename unique (i.e. test.js will become test.1.js). * @param {Function} callback called after the file is copied * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @param {Object} callback.result * @param {String} callback.result.to the new path of the file that * is copied. This is only relevant for when overwrite is not set * or set to false. This function will find a new filename by * appending a number after the filename, before the extension * (i.e. test.js will become test.1.js). * @fires error */ copy: api.copy, //path, to, callback /** * Fires before the file or directory is copied * @event beforeChmode * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to chmod * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after the file or directory is copied * @event afterChmod * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to chmod * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Change the mode of a file within the workspace * @param {String} path the path of the file or directory to copy * @param {String} mode the mode of the file or directory to set * @param {Function} callback called after the file is copied * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @fires error */ chmod: api.chmod, //path, to, callback /** * Fires before the file or directory is symlinked * @event beforeSymlink * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to symlink * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after the file or directory is symlinked * @event afterSymlink * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to symlink * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Create a special symlink file at path. The symlink data will be * the value of target. No translation of the link data is done. * It's taken literally. * @param {String} path the path of the file or directory to symlink * @param {String} target the target of the symlink * @param {Function} callback called after the file or directory is symlinked * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @param {Object} callback.data * @fires error */ symlink: api.symlink, //path, target, callback /** * Fires before a file is watched * @event beforeWatch * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file or directory to watch * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after a file is watched * @event afterWatch * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the file or directory to watch * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Watches for changes on a file or directory * @param {String} path the path of the file or directory to watch * @param {Function} callback called after the * file is watched with event = 'init' or when a file is changed * with an event 'rename' or 'change' * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} callback.event The name of the event. Can be any * of the following values: init, delete, change. * @param {String} callback.filename The name of the file that is * changed. On some platforms (e.g. OSX) this value is never filled. * @fires error */ watch: api.watch, /** * Fires before a file is unwatched * @event beforeUnwatch * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file or directory to unwatch * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after a file is unwatched * @event afterUnwatch * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the file or directory to unwatch * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Stop watching for changes on a file or directory * @param {String} path the path of the file or directory to unwatch * @param {Function} callback called after the file is unwatched * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * * @fires error */ unwatch: api.unwatch, /** * Fires before setting metadata * @event beforeMetadata * @cancellable * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to set metadata for * @param {Array} e.args the arguments to the function */ /** * Fires after setting metadata * @event afterMetadata * @param {Object} e * @param {Error} e.error the error information returned by the operation * @param {String} e.path the path to the file to set metadata for * @param {Array} e.result the arguments to the callback */ /** * Set metadata for a file. This is used by Cloud9 to store data like * the scroll position, selection and undo stack. * @param {String} path the path of the file or directory to unwatch * @param {Object} data the metadata for this file * @param {Function} callback called after the metadata is saved * @param {Error} callback.err the error information returned by the operation * @fires error */ metadata: api.metadata }); register(null, { fs: plugin }); } });