/** * Smith.io client * * @copyright 2013, Ajax.org B.V. */ define(function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; main.consumes = ["Plugin", "auth", "vfs.endpoint", "dialog.error", "dialog.alert"]; main.provides = ["vfs"]; return main; /** * login flow * * init: * - receive list of VFS servers * - choose one of the servers (based on some metric) * - create VFS connection to that VFS server and remember the ID in sessionStorage * * offline: * - ping a stable URL to detect if it is a network error * - if it is a network error try to reconnect to the same VFS server with the same ID * - if it is not a network error pick another server */ function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var auth = imports.auth; var vfsEndpoint = imports["vfs.endpoint"]; var errorDialog = imports["dialog.error"]; var showError = errorDialog.show; var hideError = errorDialog.hide; var showAlert = imports["dialog.alert"].show; var eio = require("engine.io"); var Consumer = require("vfs-socket/consumer").Consumer; var connectClient = require("kaefer"); var protocolVersion = require("kaefer/version").protocol; var smith = require("smith"); var URL = require("url"); // The connected vfs unique id var id; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); // Give reference to vfs to plugin errorDialog.vfs = plugin; var buffer = []; var installChecked = false; var withInstall = options.withInstall; var dashboardUrl = options.dashboardUrl; var region, vfsBaseUrl, homeUrl, projectUrl, pingUrl, serviceUrl; var eioOptions, connection, consumer, vfs; var showErrorTimer, showErrorTimerMessage; var lastError; function emptyBuffer(){ var b = buffer; buffer = []; b.forEach(function(item) { if (!item) return; var xhr = rest.apply(null, item); if (item.length > 3) item[3].abort = xhr.abort.bind(xhr); }); } var loaded = false; function load(){ if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; smith.debug = options.debug; connection = connectClient(connectEngine, { preConnectCheck: preConnectCheck, debug: options.debug }); connection.on("away", emit.bind(null, "away")); connection.on("back", function(e) { emit("back"); emptyBuffer(); }); connection.on("disconnect", onDisconnect); connection.on("connect", onConnect); reconnect(function(err) { connection.connect(); }); function connectEngine() { if (auth.accessToken) { eioOptions.query = { access_token: auth.accessToken }; } return eio(eioOptions); } function preConnectCheck(callback) { vfsEndpoint.isOnline(function(err, isOnline) { if (err || !isOnline) return callback(null, false); if (!eioOptions) return disconnect(); if (!pingUrl) return disconnect(); vfsEndpoint.isServerAlive(pingUrl, function(err, isAlive) { if (!err && isAlive) return callback(null, true); disconnect(); }); }); function disconnect() { reconnect(function(err) { if (err && err.fatal) return; callback(err, !err); }); } } } /***** Methods *****/ function join(a, b) { return (a || "").replace(/\/?$/, "/") + (b || "").replace(/^\//, ""); } function vfsUrl(path) { // resolve home and project url return path.charAt(0) == "~" ? join(homeUrl, escape(path.slice(1))) : join(projectUrl, escape(path)); } function rest(path, options, callback) { if (!vfs || !connection || connection.readyState != "open") { var stub = { abort: function(){ buffer[this.id]= null; } }; stub.id = buffer.push([path, options, callback, stub]) - 1; return stub; } // resolve home and project url var url = vfsUrl(path); options.overrideMimeType = options.contentType || "text/plain"; options.contentType = options.contentType || "text/plain"; return auth.request(url, options, function(err, data, res) { var reErrorCode = /(ENOENT|EISDIR|ENOTDIR|EEXIST|EACCES|ENOTCONNECTED)/; if (err) { var isConnected = !connection || connection.readyState == "open"; if (err.code === 499 || (err.code === 0) && !isConnected) { if (isConnected) buffer.push([path, options, callback]); else rest(path, options, callback); return; } if (!res) return callback(err); var message = (res.body || "").replace(/^Error:\s+/, ""); var code = res.status === 0 ? "ENOTCONNECTED" : message.match(reErrorCode) && RegExp.$1; err = new Error(res.body); err.code = code || undefined; err.status = res.status; return callback(err); } callback(null, data, res); }); } function download(path, filename, isfile) { window.open(vfsUrl(path) + "?download" + (filename ? "=" + encodeURIComponent(filename) : "") + (isfile ? "&isfile=1" : "")); } function reconnect(callback) { connection.socket.setSocket(null); vfsEndpoint.get(protocolVersion, function(err, urls) { if (err) { if (!showErrorTimer) { showErrorTimer = setTimeout(function() { showVfsError(showErrorTimerMessage); }, err.fatal ? 0 : 20000); } showErrorTimerMessage = err; return callback(err); } if (lastError) hideError(lastError); region = urls.region; vfsBaseUrl = urls.url; homeUrl = urls.home; projectUrl = urls.project; pingUrl = urls.ping; serviceUrl = urls.serviceUrl; id = pingUrl.split("/").pop(); var parsedSocket = URL.parse(urls.socket); eioOptions = { path: parsedSocket.path, host: parsedSocket.host, port: parsedSocket.port || parsedSocket.protocol == "https:" ? "443" : null, secure: parsedSocket.protocol ? parsedSocket.protocol == "https:" : true }; callback(); }); } function showVfsError(err) { switch (err.action) { case "dashboard": return showAlert("Workspace Error", "Unable to access your workspace", err.message, function() { window.location = dashboardUrl; }); case "reload": lastError = showError(err.message + ". Please reload this window.", -1); break; default: lastError = showError(err, -1); } if (err.fatal) console.error("Fatal connection error:", err); } function onDisconnect() { vfs = null; emit("disconnect"); } function onConnect() { var transport = new smith.EngineIoTransport(connection); if (consumer) consumer.disconnect(); clearTimeout(showErrorTimer); showErrorTimer = null; consumer = new Consumer(); consumer.connectionTimeout = 5000; consumer.connect(transport, function(err, _vfs) { // TODO if (err) { console.error("error connecting to VFS", err); return; } if (!installChecked) { checkInstall(_vfs, callback); installChecked = true; } else { callback(); } function callback(shouldReconnect) { if (shouldReconnect) { vfsEndpoint.clearCache(); reconnect(function(err) { if (err) return console.log(err); connection.connect(); }); return; } vfs = _vfs; bufferedVfsCalls.forEach(vfsCall); bufferedVfsCalls = []; emit("connect"); emptyBuffer(); } }); consumer.on("error", function(err) { connection.disconnect(); }); } function checkInstall(vfs, callback) { if (!withInstall) return callback(false); vfs.stat(options.installPath + "/installed", {}, function(err, stat) { if (err && err.code == "ENOENT") { emit.sticky("install", { callback: callback, vfs: vfs }); } else callback(); }); } var bufferedVfsCalls = []; function vfsCall(method, path, options, callback) { if (Array.isArray(method)) return vfsCall.apply(null, method); if (vfs) return vfs[method](path, options, callback); else bufferedVfsCalls.push([method, path, options, callback]); } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function(){ load(); }); plugin.on("unload", function(){ loaded = false; id = null; buffer = []; installChecked = false; region = null; vfsBaseUrl = null; homeUrl = null; projectUrl = null; pingUrl = null; serviceUrl = null; eioOptions = null; consumer = null; vfs = null; showErrorTimer = null; showErrorTimerMessage = null; lastError = null; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * @event connect Fires ... * @event disconnect Fires ... * @event message Fires ... * @event away Fires ... * @event back Fires ... * @event error Fires ... */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ get connection(){ return connection; }, get connecting(){ return connection ? connection.readyState == "reconnecting" : true; }, get connected(){ return vfs ? connection.readyState == "open" : false; }, get previewUrl(){ throw new Error("gone") }, get serviceUrl(){ return serviceUrl; }, get id() { return id; }, get baseUrl() { return vfsBaseUrl; }, get region() { return region; }, /** * Performs a VFS REST API call * @param path {String} Path of the resource. Can be prefixed * with '~' to resolve the path relative * to the user's home dir * @param options {Object} Same format as 'http.request' * @param callback(err, data) {Function} */ rest: rest, download: download, url: vfsUrl, // File management resolve: vfsCall.bind(null, "resolve"), stat: vfsCall.bind(null, "stat"), readfile: vfsCall.bind(null, "readfile"), readdir: vfsCall.bind(null, "readdir"), mkfile: vfsCall.bind(null, "mkfile"), mkdir: vfsCall.bind(null, "mkdir"), mkdirP: vfsCall.bind(null, "mkdirP"), appendfile: vfsCall.bind(null, "appendfile"), rmfile: vfsCall.bind(null, "rmfile"), rmdir: vfsCall.bind(null, "rmdir"), rename: vfsCall.bind(null, "rename"), copy: vfsCall.bind(null, "copy"), chmod: vfsCall.bind(null, "chmod"), symlink: vfsCall.bind(null, "symlink"), // Retrieve Metadata metadata: vfsCall.bind(null, "metadata"), // Wrapper around fs.watch or fs.watchFile watch: vfsCall.bind(null, "watch"), // Network connection connect: vfsCall.bind(null, "connect"), // Process Management spawn: vfsCall.bind(null, "spawn"), pty: vfsCall.bind(null, "pty"), tmux: vfsCall.bind(null, "tmux"), execFile: vfsCall.bind(null, "execFile"), // Extending the API use: vfsCall.bind(null, "use"), extend: vfsCall.bind(null, "extend"), unextend: vfsCall.bind(null, "unextend") }); register(null, { "vfs": plugin }); } });