define(function(require, exports, module) { var assert = require("c9/assert"); main.consumes = ["Plugin", "api"]; main.provides = ["info"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var api = imports.api; assert(options.user && options.project, "Both options.user and options.project need to be set for 'info' to work"); /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); // var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var user = options.user; var project = options.project; var loaded = false; function load(){ if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; } /***** Methods *****/ function getUser(callback, noCache) { if (noCache) { return api.user.get("", function(err, data){ if (err) return callback(err); user = data; callback(err, data); }); } return callback ? callback(null, user) : user; } function getWorkspace(callback, noCache) { if (noCache) { return api.project.get("", function(err, data){ if (err) return callback(err); project = data; callback(err, data); }); } return callback ? callback(null, project) : project; } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function(){ load(); }); plugin.on("enable", function(){ }); plugin.on("disable", function(){ }); plugin.on("unload", function(){ loaded = false; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Provides information about the loggedin user and workspace **/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * Returns the logged in user. * * @param [callback] * @return {Object} The currently user */ getUser: getUser, /** * Return the active workspace. * * @return {Object} The currently active workspace */ getWorkspace: getWorkspace, _events: [ /** * @event afterfilesave Fires after a file is saved * @param {Object} e * @param node {XMLNode} description * @param oldpath {String} description */ "afterfilesave" ] }); register(null, { info: plugin }); } });