define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = [ "Plugin", "settings", "ui", "watcher", "menus", "tabManager", "find", "fs", "panels", "fs.cache", "preferences", "c9", "commands", "tree" ]; main.provides = ["navigate"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var settings = imports.settings; var ui = imports.ui; var c9 = imports.c9; var fs = imports.fs; var fsCache = imports["fs.cache"]; var tabs = imports.tabManager; var menus = imports.menus; var watcher = imports.watcher; var commands = imports.commands; var panels = imports.panels; var find = imports.find; var filetree = imports.tree; var prefs = imports.preferences; var markup = require("text!./navigate.xml"); var search = require('./search'); var Tree = require("ace_tree/tree"); var ListData = require("./dataprovider"); /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var winGoToFile, txtGoToFile, tree, ldSearch; var lastPanel, lastSearch, lastPreviewed; var dirty = true; var arrayCache = []; var timer; var loaded = false; function load(){ if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; // Register this panel on the left-side panels panels.register({ index: 200, caption: "Navigate", command: "navigate", hint: "search for a filename, line or symbol and jump to it", bindKey: { mac: "Command-E|Command-P", win: "Ctrl-E|Ctrl-P" }, panel: plugin, elementName: "winGoToFile", minWidth: 130, autohide: true, draw: draw }); panels.on("showpanelNavigate", function(e) { lastPanel = e.lastPanel; txtGoToFile.focus();; tree.resize(); }); panels.on("hidepanelNavigate", function(e) { tree.clearSelection(); }); // Menus var mnuItem = new apf.item({ command : "navigate" }); menus.addItemByPath("File/Open...", mnuItem, 500, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Goto/Goto File...", mnuItem.cloneNode(false), 100, plugin); // Settings settings.on("read", function(){ settings.setDefaults("user/general", [["preview-navigate", "false"]]); }, plugin); // Prefs prefs.add({ "General" : { "General" : { "Enable Preview on Navigation" : { type: "checkbox", position: 2000, path: "user/general/@preview-navigate" } } } }, plugin); // Update when the fs changes fs.on("afterWriteFile", function(e) { // Only mark dirty if file didn't exist yet if (arrayCache.indexOf(e.path) == -1) markDirty(e); }); fs.on("afterUnlink", markDirty); fs.on("afterRmfile", markDirty); fs.on("afterRmdir", markDirty); fs.on("afterCopy", markDirty); fs.on("afterRename", markDirty); fs.on("afterSymlink", markDirty); // Or when a watcher fires watcher.on("delete", markDirty); watcher.on("directory", markDirty); // Or when the user refreshes the tree filetree.on("refresh", markDirty); // Or when we change the visibility of hidden files fsCache.on("setShowHidden", markDirty); // Pre-load file list updateFileCache(); } function offlineHandler(e) { // Online if (e.state & c9.STORAGE) { txtGoToFile.enable(); //@Harutyun This doesn't work // tree.enable(); } // Offline else { txtGoToFile.disable(); //@Harutyun This doesn't work // tree.disable(); } } var drawn = false; function draw(options) { if (drawn) return; drawn = true; // Create UI elements ui.insertMarkup(options.panel, markup, plugin); // Import CSS ui.insertCss(require("text!./style.css"), plugin); var treeParent = plugin.getElement("tree"); txtGoToFile = plugin.getElement("txtGoToFile"); winGoToFile = plugin.getElement("winGoToFile"); txtGoToFile = plugin.getElement("txtGoToFile"); // Create the Ace Tree tree = new Tree(treeParent.$int); ldSearch = new ListData(arrayCache); = search; // Assign the dataprovider tree.setDataProvider(ldSearch); // @TODO this is probably not sufficient window.addEventListener("resize", function(){ tree.resize() }); tree.textInput = txtGoToFile.ace.textInput; // @Harutyun; is this the right way to do it? function available(){ return tree.isFocused() } txtGoToFile.ace.commands.addCommands([ { bindKey: "ESC", exec: function(){ hide(); } }, { bindKey: "Up", exec: function(){ tree.execCommand("goUp"); } }, { bindKey: "Down", exec: function(){ tree.execCommand("goDown"); } }, { bindKey: "Enter", exec: function(){ openFile(true); } } ]); tree.on("mousedown", function(e) { var pos = e.getDocumentPosition(); var node = tree.provider.findItemAtOffset(pos.y); ldSearch.selectNode(node); openFile(true); }) txtGoToFile.ace.on("input", function(e) { var val = txtGoToFile.getValue(); filter(val); if (dirty && val.length > 0 && ldSearch.loaded) { dirty = false; updateFileCache(true); } }); // @Harutyun, the select event should be on the tree or the selection object // I just hacked it into the dataprovider for now, but that is very wrong. // tree.getSelection().on("changeSelection", function(){ previewFile(); }); // tree.on("select", function(){ previewFile(); }); ldSearch.on("select", function(){ previewFile(); }); function onblur(e) { if (!winGoToFile.visible) return; var to = e.toEasdasdasdasdaaaasssdddlement; if (!to || apf.isChildOf(winGoToFile, to, true) || (lastPreviewed && tabs.previewTab && tabs.previewTab === lastPreviewed && (apf.isChildOf(lastPreviewed.aml.relPage, to, true) || lastPreviewed.aml == to))) { return; } hide(); } apf.addEventListener("movefocus", onblur); // Focus the input field txtGoToFile.focus(); // Offline c9.on("stateChange", offlineHandler, plugin); offlineHandler({ state: c9.status }); emit("draw"); } /***** Methods *****/ function reloadResults(){ if (!winGoToFile) return; // Wait until window is visible if (!winGoToFile.visible) { winGoToFile.on("prop.visible", function visible(e) { if (e.value) { reloadResults();"prop.visible", visible); } }); return; } // @Harutyun, how do I get the selection, scrollTop? // var sel = []; // dgGoToFile.getSelection().forEach(function(node) { // var i = node.firstChild.nodeValue; // sel.push(searchResults[i]); // }); // var state = { // sel : sel, //store previous selection // caret : dgGoToFile.caret && searchResults[dgGoToFile.caret.firstChild.nodeValue], // scrollTop : dgGoToFile.$viewport.getScrollTop() // }; if (lastSearch) filter(lastSearch);//, state.sel.length); else ldSearch.updateData(arrayCache); // @Harutyun, how do I set the selection, scrollTop? // if (state.sel.length && state.sel.length < 100) { // var list = []; // sel = state.sel; // for (var i = 0, l = sel.length; i < l; i++) { // list.push(dgGoToFile.queryNode("//d:href[text()='" // + searchResults.indexOf(sel[i]) + "']")); // } // dgGoToFile.selectList(list); // if (state.caret) // dgGoToFile.setCaret(dgGoToFile.queryNode("//d:href[text()='" // + searchResults.indexOf(state.caret) + "']")); // dgGoToFile.$viewport.setScrollTop(state.scrollTop); // } } function markDirty(options) { // Ignore hidden files var path = options && options.path || ""; if (path && !fsCache.showHidden && path.charAt(0) == ".") return; dirty = true; if (panels.isActive("navigate")) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function(){ updateFileCache(true); }, 2000); } } function updateFileCache(isDirty) { clearTimeout(timer); find.getFileList({ path: "/", nocache: isDirty, hidden: fsCache.showHidden, buffer: true }, function(err, data) { if (err) return; arrayCache = data.trim().split("\n"); reloadResults(); }); dirty = false; } /** * Searches through the dataset * */ function filter(keyword, nosel) { keyword = keyword.replace(/\*/g, ""); if (!ldSearch.loaded) { lastSearch = keyword; return; } // Needed for highlighting ldSearch.keyword = keyword; var searchResults; if (!keyword || !keyword.length) { var result = arrayCache.slice(); // More prioritization for already open files tabs.getTabs().forEach(function (tab) { if (!tab.path || pages[i].document.meta.preview) return; var idx = result.indexOf(tab.path); if (idx > -1) { result.splice(idx, 1); result.unshift(tab.path); } }); searchResults = result; } else { // @Harutyun, how do I set the scroll position? // dgGoToFile.$viewport.setScrollTop(0); searchResults = search.fileSearch(arrayCache, keyword); } lastSearch = keyword; if (searchResults && searchResults.length) ldSearch.updateData(searchResults); if (nosel || !searchResults.length) return; // See if there are open files that match the search results // and the first if in the displayed results var pages = tabs.getTabs(), hash = {}; for (var i = pages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!pages[i].document.meta.preview) hash[pages[i].path] = true; } // loop over all visible items. If we find a visible item // that is in the `hash`, select it and return. var first = tree.renderer.getFirstVisibleRow(); var last = tree.renderer.getLastVisibleRow(); for (var i = first; i < last; i++) { if (hash[ldSearch.visibleItems[i]]) {; return; } } // select the first item in the list if (keyword) {; } } function openFile(noanim) { if (!ldSearch.loaded) return false; // @Harutyun, How do I get the selection (multiple) // var nodes = dgGoToFile.getSelection(); // Temporary var nodes = []; var row = ldSearch.selectedRow; nodes.push(ldSearch.visibleItems[row]); // Cancel Preview and Keep the tab if there's only one if (tabs.preview({ cancel: true, keep : nodes.length == 1 }) === true) return hide(); hide(); var fn = function(){}; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { var path = "/" + nodes[i].replace(/^[\/]+/, "");{ path: path, noanim: l > 1, active: i == l - 1 }, fn); } lastPreviewed = null; } function previewFile(noanim) { if (!settings.getBool("user/general/@preview-navigate")) return; if (!ldSearch.loaded) return false; var row = ldSearch.selectedRow; var value = ldSearch.visibleItems[row]; if (!value) return; var path = "/" + value.replace(/^[\/]+/, ""); lastPreviewed = tabs.preview({ path: path }, function(){}); } function show() { panels.activate("navigate"); } function hide(){ if (panels.isActive("navigate")) { if (lastPanel) panels.activate(lastPanel); else panels.deactivate("navigate"); // Cancel Preview tabs.preview({ cancel: true }); if (tabs.focussedTab) tabs.focussedTab.editor.focus(); } } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function(){ load(); }); plugin.on("enable", function(){ }); plugin.on("disable", function(){ }); plugin.on("unload", function(){ loaded = false; drawn = false; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Navigation panel. Navigates to files, lines and symbols **/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * */ show: show }); register(null, { navigate: plugin }); } });