#!/usr/bin/env node "use strict"; require("amd-loader"); try { require("heapdump"); } catch(e) {} var path = require("path"); var architect = require("architect"); var optimist = require("optimist"); var async = require("async"); var os = require("os"); var urls = require("c9/urls"); var child_process = require("child_process"); require("c9/setup_paths.js"); if (process.version.match(/^v0/) && parseFloat(process.version.substr(3)) < 10) { console.warn("You're using Node.js version " + process.version + ". Version 0.10 or higher is recommended. Some features will not work."); } var DEFAULT_CONFIG = "s"; var DEFAULT_SETTINGS = getDefaultSettings(); var shortcuts = { "dev": ["ide", "preview", "user-content", "vfs", "api", "sapi", "proxy", "redis", "profile", "oldclient", "homepage", "apps-proxy", "-s", "devel"], "onlinedev": ["ide", "preview", "user-content", "vfs", "api", "proxy", "oldclient", "homepage", "apps-proxy", "profile", "-s", "onlinedev"], "beta": ["ide", "preview", "user-content", "vfs", "proxy", "-s", "beta"], "s": ["standalone", "-s", "standalone"], }; shortcuts.localdev = shortcuts.onlinedev.concat([ "-s", "beta", "--ide.packed", "false", "--ide.cdn", "false", "--ide.forceDev", "true", "--homepage.cdn", "false", "--helpWithSudo", "--api.port", "8281", "--infra_port", "8282", "--api_url", "http://api.c9.local:8281", "--domains", "c9.local", "--cdn.abbreviateVersion", "true", ]); shortcuts.odev = shortcuts.onlinedev; // For backwards compatibility, if you see this in 2016 remove this line var delayLoadConfigs = [ // Services that are usually not immediately needed "preview", "user-content", "api", "apps-proxy", "worker", // Services that are very slow to load, blocking others "profile", ]; module.exports = main; if (!module.parent) main(process.argv.slice(2)); function getDefaultSettings() { var hostname = os.hostname(); var suffix = hostname.trim().split("-").pop() || ""; var modes = { "workflowstaging": "workflow-staging", "prod": "deploy", "beta": "beta", "dev": "devel", "onlinedev": "onlinedev", "test": "test" }; return modes[suffix] || "devel"; } module.exports.getDefaultSettings = getDefaultSettings; function main(argv, config, onLoaded) { var inContainer = os.hostname().match(/-\d+$/); var options = optimist(argv) .usage("Usage: $0 [CONFIG_NAME] [--help]") .alias("s", "settings") .default("settings", DEFAULT_SETTINGS) .describe("settings", "Settings file to use") .describe("dump", "dump config file as JSON") .describe("domains", "Primary and any secondary top-level domains to use (e.g, c9.io,c9.dev)") .describe("exclude", "Exclude specified service") .describe("include", "Include only specified service") .default("domains", inContainer && process.env.C9_HOSTNAME || process.env.C9_DOMAINS) .boolean("help") .describe("help", "Show command line options."); var configs = options.argv._; if (!configs.length) configs = [config || DEFAULT_CONFIG]; if (options.argv.exclude && !Array.isArray(options.argv.exclude.length)) options.argv.exclude = [options.argv.exclude]; var expanded = expandShortCuts(configs); if (expanded.length > configs.length) return main(expanded.concat(argv.filter(function(arg) { return !shortcuts[arg]; })), config, onLoaded); if (options.argv.include) expanded = [].concat(options.argv.include); var delayed = expanded.filter(function(c) { return delayLoadConfigs.indexOf(c) !== -1 }); var notDelayed = expanded.filter(function(c) { return delayLoadConfigs.indexOf(c) === -1 }); if (options.helpWithSudo) return child_process.execFile("sudo", ["echo -n"], main.bind(null, argv.filter(function(a) { return a !== "--helpWithSudo"; }), config, onLoaded)); startConfigs(notDelayed, function() { startConfigs(delayed, function() { console.log("Cloud9 is up and running"); }); }); function startConfigs(configs, done) { async.each(configs, function(config, next) { if (options.argv.exclude && options.argv.exclude.indexOf(config) > -1) return next(); start(config, options, function(err, result, path) { onLoaded && onLoaded(err, result, path); next(err); }); }, done); } } function expandShortCuts(configs) { var results = configs.slice(); for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { var expanded = shortcuts[results[i]]; if (expanded) { results.splice.apply(results, [i, 1].concat(expanded)); i += expanded.length - 1; } } return results; } function start(configName, options, callback) { console.log("Starting", configName); var argv = options.argv; var settingsName = argv.settings; if (typeof settingsName != "string") settingsName = settingsName.pop(); var configPath = configName; if (configPath[0] !== "/") configPath = path.join(__dirname, "/configs/", configName); var settings = require(path.join(__dirname, "./settings", settingsName))(); argv.domains = argv.domains || settings.domains; if (settings.c9 && argv.domains) urls.replaceDomains(settings, argv.domains); var plugins = require(configPath)(settings, options); if (argv.help) { options.usage("Usage: $0 " + configName); options.showHelp(); } if (!plugins) return; if (module.exports.onResolvePlugins) module.exports.onResolvePlugins(plugins, __dirname + "/plugins"); architect.resolveConfig(plugins, __dirname + "/plugins", function(err, config) { if (err) { console.error(err); process.exit(1); } if (argv.dump) { console.log(JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); return callback && callback(null, config); } if (argv._getConfig) return callback && callback(null, config, configPath); var app = architect.createApp(config, function (err, app) { if (err) { console.trace("Error while starting '%s':", configPath); console.log(err, err.stack); process.exit(1); } console.log("Started '%s' with config '%s'!", configPath, settingsName); callback && callback(null, app); }); app.on("service", function(name, plugin) { if (typeof plugin !== "function") plugin.name = name; }); }); }