define(function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; main.consumes = [ "Plugin", "settings", "ui", "layout", "menus", "tabManager", "commands", "tooltip", "apf" ]; main.provides = ["findreplace"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var settings = imports.settings; var ui = imports.ui; var menus = imports.menus; var layout = imports.layout; var commands = imports.commands; var tooltip = imports.tooltip; var tabs = imports.tabManager; var apf = imports.apf; var css = require("text!./findreplace.css"); var skin = require("text!./skin.xml"); var markup = require("text!./findreplace.xml"); var lib = require("plugins/c9.ide.find.replace/libsearch"); var asyncSearch = require("./async_search"); var Range = require("ace/range").Range; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var libsearch = lib(settings, execFind, toggleDialog, restore, toggleOption); var searchRow, txtFind, winSearchReplace, txtReplace; var tooltipSearchReplace, divSearchCount; var btnPrev, btnNext, btnReplace, btnReplaceAll, hbox, btnCollapse; var chk = {}; var currentRange, lastSearchOptions; var timer, startPos = {}; function toggleOption() { var ch; switch ( { case "regex": ch = chk.regEx; break; case "wholeWords": ch = chk.wholeWords; break; case "matchCase": ch = chk.matchCase; break; } ch.change(!ch.checked, true); execFind(); } var loaded = false; function load() { if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; function isSupported(editor) { if (apf.activeElement === txtFind || apf.activeElement === txtReplace) return true; return editor && editor.ace; } function isSupportedRW(editor) { var ace = isSupported(editor); return ace === true || !ace ? ace : !ace.getOption("readOnly"); } commands.addCommands({ replace: { bindKey: { mac: "Option-Command-F", win: "Alt-Shift-F|Ctrl-H" }, hint: "search for a string inside the active document and replace it", isAvailable: isSupportedRW, exec: function(env, args, request) { toggleDialog(1, true); } }, replaceall: { bindKey: { mac: "", win: "" }, hint: "search for a string inside the active document and replace all", isAvailable: isSupportedRW, exec: function(env, args, request) { replaceAll(); } }, replacenext: { isAvailable: isSupportedRW, exec: function(env, args, request) { replace(); } }, replaceprevious: { isAvailable: isSupportedRW, exec: function(env, args, request) { replace(true); } }, findAll: { isAvailable: isSupported, bindKey: { mac: "Ctrl-Alt-G", win: "Ctrl-Alt-K" }, exec: function(editor) { findAgain(editor.ace, 0); }, }, findnext: { isAvailable: isSupported, bindKey: { mac: "Command-G", win: "Ctrl-K" }, exec: function(editor) { findAgain(editor.ace, 1); }, }, findprevious: { isAvailable: isSupported, bindKey: { mac: "Command-Shift-G", win: "Ctrl-Shift-K" }, exec: function(editor) { findAgain(editor.ace, -1); }, }, find: { hint: "open the quicksearch dialog to quickly search for a phrase", bindKey: { mac: "Command-F", win: "Ctrl-F" }, isAvailable: isSupported, exec: function(env, args, request) { toggleDialog(1, false); } }, hidesearchreplace: { bindKey: { mac: "ESC", win: "ESC" }, isAvailable: function(editor) { return winSearchReplace && winSearchReplace.visible; }, exec: function(env, args, request) { toggleDialog(-1); } } }, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Find/Find...", new ui.item({ command: "find" }), 100, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Find/Find Next", new ui.item({ command: "findnext" }), 200, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Find/Find Previous", new ui.item({ command: "findprevious" }), 300, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Find/~", new ui.divider(), 400, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Find/Replace...", new ui.item({ command: "replace" }), 500, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Find/Replace Next", new ui.item({ command: "replacenext", }), 600, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Find/Replace Previous", new ui.item({ command: "replaceprevious", }), 700, plugin); menus.addItemByPath("Find/Replace All", new ui.item({ command: "replaceall" }), 800, plugin); tabs.on("focus", function(e) { if (winSearchReplace && winSearchReplace.visible) { if ( && { winSearchReplace.enable(); execFind(false, "highlight"); } else { winSearchReplace.disable(); btnCollapse.enable(); updateCounter(); } } }); } var drawn = false; function draw() { if (drawn) return; drawn = true; // Import CSS ui.insertCss(css, null, plugin); // Import Skin ui.insertSkin({ name: "searchreplace", data: skin, }, plugin); // Create UI elements searchRow = layout.findParent(plugin); ui.insertMarkup(null, markup, plugin); txtFind = plugin.getElement("txtFind"); winSearchReplace = plugin.getElement("winSearchReplace"); txtReplace = plugin.getElement("txtReplace"); tooltipSearchReplace = plugin.getElement("tooltipSearchReplace"); chk.searchSelection = plugin.getElement("chkSearchSelection"); divSearchCount = plugin.getElement("divSearchCount"); hbox = plugin.getElement("hbox"); chk.regEx = plugin.getElement("chkRegEx"); chk.wrapAround = plugin.getElement("chkWrapAround"); chk.matchCase = plugin.getElement("chkMatchCase"); chk.wholeWords = plugin.getElement("chkWholeWords"); chk.preserveCase = plugin.getElement("chkPreserveCase"); btnPrev = plugin.getElement("btnPrev"); btnNext = plugin.getElement("btnNext"); btnReplace = plugin.getElement("btnReplace"); btnReplaceAll = plugin.getElement("btnReplaceAll"); btnCollapse = plugin.getElement("btnCollapse"); btnNext.on("click", function() { findNext(false); }); btnPrev.on("click", function() { findNext(true); }); btnReplace.on("click", function() { replace(); }); btnReplaceAll.on("click", function() { replaceAll(); }); btnCollapse.on("click", function() { toggleDialog(-1); }); txtFind.$ext.appendChild(divSearchCount.$ext); txtFind.$ext.appendChild(btnPrev.$ext); txtFind.$ext.appendChild(btnNext.$ext); var first = 0; function resize() { if (first++ < 2) { return; } // Skip first 2 calls var h = winSearchReplace.$ext.scrollHeight; if (Math.abs(winSearchReplace.height - h) < 1) { return; } winSearchReplace.setHeight(h); winSearchReplace.$ = ""; ui.layout.forceResize(null, true); } txtFind.ace.renderer.on("autosize", resize); txtReplace.ace.renderer.on("autosize", resize); var timer, control; txtReplace.on("focus", function() { if (control) control.stop(); control = {}; // I'd rather use css anims, but they didn't seem to work apf.tween.single(txtReplace.$ext.parentNode, { type: "boxFlex", from: txtReplace.$[apf.CSS_FLEX_PROP] || 1, to: 3, anim: apf.tween.easeOutCubic, control: control, steps: 15, interval: 1, onfinish: function() { ui.layout.forceResize(null, true); } }); }); txtReplace.on("blur", function() { if (txtReplace.getValue()) return; if (control) control.stop(); control = {}; // I'd rather use css anims, but they didn't seem to work apf.tween.single(txtReplace.$ext.parentNode, { type: "boxFlex", from: txtReplace.$[apf.CSSPREFIX + "BoxFlex"] || 3, to: 1, anim: apf.tween.easeOutCubic, control: control, steps: 15, interval: 1, onfinish: function() { ui.layout.forceResize(null, true); } }); }); settings.on("read", function(e) { settings.setDefaults("state/ace/search", [ ["regex", "false"], ["matchcase", "false"], ["wholeword", "false"], ["backwards", "false"], ["wraparound", "true"], ["highlightmatches", "true"], ["preservecase", "false"] ]); }, plugin); var kb = libsearch.addSearchKeyboardHandler(txtReplace, "replace"); kb.bindKeys({ "Return": function(codebox) { replace(); }, "Shift-Return": function(codebox) { replace(true); } }); document.body.appendChild(tooltipSearchReplace.$ext); chk.regEx.on("prop.value", function(e) { libsearch.setRegexpMode(txtFind, ui.isTrue(e.value)); }); libsearch.setRegexpMode(txtFind, chk.regEx.checked); libsearch.setReplaceFieldMode(txtReplace, "extended"); decorateCheckboxes(hbox); [txtReplace].forEach(function(node) { tooltip.add(node.$ext, { message: node.label, width: "auto", timeout: 0, tooltip: tooltipSearchReplace.$ext, animate: false, getPosition: function() { var pos = ui.getAbsolutePosition(winSearchReplace.$ext); var pos2 = ui.getAbsolutePosition(node.$ext, winSearchReplace.$ext); var left = pos[0] + pos2[0]; var top = pos[1]; return [left, top - 16]; } }, plugin); }); libsearch.addSearchKeyboardHandler(txtFind, "search"); txtFind.ace.session.on("change", function(e) { clearTimeout(timer); var find = !libsearch.keyStroke; timer = setTimeout(function() { execFind(false, find ? false : "highlight"); }, 20); }); txtFind.ace.commands.on("exec", function(e) { if (/centerselection|fold|comment/i.test( { getAce().execCommand(; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }); initFindInRange(); emit("draw"); } /***** Methods *****/ function decorateCheckboxes(parent) { var cbs = parent.selectNodes("//a:checkbox"); cbs.forEach(function(cb) { cb.on("click", function(e) { if ( == "chkSearchSelection") { if (chk.searchSelection.checked && !txtReplace.ace.isFocused()) txtFind.focus(); updateFindInRangeMarker(e); } execFind(undefined, "highlight"); }); tooltip.add(cb.$ext, { message: cb.label, width: "auto", timeout: 0, tooltip: tooltipSearchReplace.$ext, animate: false, getPosition: function() { var pos = ui.getAbsolutePosition(winSearchReplace.$ext); var left = cb.$ext.getBoundingClientRect().left; var top = pos[1]; return [left, top - 16]; } }, plugin); }); } function updateCounter(total, current, msg, wrapped) { var oIter = divSearchCount.$ext; if (!oIter) return; msg = msg || ""; var color = wrapped ? "blue" : ""; if (typeof total == "number" && typeof current == "number") { if (!total) { current = 0; color = "red"; } else { current = getOptions().backwards ? total - current : current + 1; } msg = current + " of " + total + msg; } = color; oIter.textContent = msg; } function setStartPos(ace, force) { if (!startPos.range || force) { startPos.range = ace.getSelectionRange(); } if (chk.searchSelection.checked) { var range = ace.getSelectionRange(); var isValid = ace.session.getTextRange(range).length > 100; if (!isValid || currentRange && range.isEqual(currentRange)) range = null; if (marker || !range && == getSessionId(ace.session)) range = startPos.searchRange; if (range && !range.isEmpty()) startPos.searchRange = range; else startPos.searchRange = null; } startPos.scrollTop = ace.session.getScrollTop(); startPos.scrollLeft = ace.session.getScrollLeft(); = getSessionId(ace.session); } function initFromEditor(ace) { if (!ace.selection.isEmpty() && !ace.selection.isMultiLine()) txtFind.setValue(ace.getCopyText()); } function toggleDialog(force, isReplace, noselect, callback) { var tab = tabs.focussedTab; var editor = tab && tab.editor; draw(); tooltipSearchReplace.$ = "none"; if (!force && !winSearchReplace.visible || force > 0) { if (!editor || !editor.ace) return; winSearchReplace.enable(); var ace = getAce(); var fromEditor = ace && editor && editor.ace == ace; if (fromEditor) { if (!isReplace) initFromEditor(ace); setStartPos(ace, ace.selection.isEmpty()); } if (!winSearchReplace.visible) showUi(callback); // chk.searchSelection.uncheck(); var input = isReplace ? txtReplace : txtFind; input.focus();; } else if (winSearchReplace.visible) { txtFind.ace.saveHistory(); if (!noselect) tabs.focusTab(tab); hideUi(null, callback); } else if (callback) callback(); return false; } function showUi(callback) { btnReplaceAll.setCaption(searchRow.getWidth() < 800 ? "All" : "Replace All"); layout.setFindArea(winSearchReplace, {}, callback); btnCollapse.setValue(1); } function hideUi(animate, callback) { layout.setFindArea(null, {}, callback); btnCollapse.setValue(0); } function restore() { if (!startPos) return false; var editor = getAce(); editor.selection.setSelectionRange(startPos.range || startPos.searchRange); editor.session.setScrollTop(startPos.scrollTop); editor.session.setScrollLeft(startPos.scrollLeft); } function getOptions() { var options = { backwards: false, wrap: chk.wrapAround.checked, caseSensitive: chk.matchCase.checked, wholeWord: chk.wholeWords.checked, regExp: chk.regEx.checked }; var ace = getAce(); if (chk.searchSelection.checked) { options.range = startPos.searchRange; } else { options.range = null; } var newLineMode = ace.session.getNewLineMode(); txtFind.ace.session.setNewLineMode(newLineMode); txtReplace.ace.session.setNewLineMode(newLineMode); return options; } function findNext(backwards) { execFind(backwards, true); } /* * type can be highlight-> only update highlighting, * next|true -> skip current selection * falsy -> do not skip current */ function execFind(reverseBackwards, type, options, callback) { var ace = getAce(); if (!ace || !txtFind) return; if (timer) timer = clearTimeout(timer); var searchTxt = txtFind.getValue(); if (!options) options = getOptions(); if (reverseBackwards) options.backwards = !options.backwards; if (options.regExp) { libsearch.checkRegExp(txtFind, tooltipSearchReplace, winSearchReplace); } var range = ace.selection.getRange(); if (type === true) type = "next"; if (type == "next") txtFind.ace.saveHistory(); if (type == "next" || !currentRange) currentRange = range; options.skipCurrent = type == "next"; options.start = currentRange; options.needle = searchTxt; if (options.range && type != "highlight") addFindInRangeMarker(options.range, ace.session); else if (!options.range) removeFindInRangeMarker(); var re = ace.$search.$assembleRegExp(options, true); if (!re) { updateCounter(); if (type != "highlight") { var pos = options.start[options.backwards ? "end" : "start"]; var newRange = options.range || Range.fromPoints(pos, pos); ace.revealRange(newRange); } return callback && callback(); } if (type != "highlight") { lastSearchOptions = options; } = re; options.source = re.source; options.flags = re.ignoreCase ? "igm" : "gm"; asyncSearch.execFind(ace.session, options, function(result) { if (result == "waiting") return updateCounter("..."); result = result || { total: 0, current: 0 }; updateCounter(, result.current, null, result.wrapped); if (!result.start || !result.end) { result.start = result.end = range[!options.backwards ? "start" : "end"]; } var newRange = Range.fromPoints(result.start, result.end); if (options.range && newRange.isEmpty()) newRange = options.range; if (type == "next") currentRange = newRange; if (type != "highlight") ace.revealRange(newRange); if (options.findAll) { selectAll(result); } else { // highlight ace.session.highlight(re); ace.session._signal("changeBackMarker"); } callback && callback(result); }); function selectAll(result) { var indexArray = result.matches; var value = result.value; var startIndex = result.offset; var re =; if (!indexArray.length) return; var doc = ace.session.doc; var ranges = []; var startPos = { row: 0, column: 0 }; var endPos = { row: 0, column: 0 }; var start = 0, end = 0, offset = 0; for (var i = 0; i < indexArray.length; i++) { var index = indexArray[i] + startIndex; re.lastIndex = index; var match = re.exec(value); var txt = match[0]; var len = txt.length; startPos = doc.indexToPosition(index + offset - start + startPos.column, startPos.row); start = index + offset; end = index + len + offset; endPos = doc.indexToPosition(end - start + startPos.column, startPos.row); ranges.push(Range.fromPoints(startPos, endPos)); } ace.selection.fromJSON(ranges); } } function findAgain(ace, direction) { if (!ace.selection.isEmpty() && lastSearchOptions) { var text = ace.session.getTextRange(); var match = &&; if (!match || match[0] != text) lastSearchOptions = null; } if (lastSearchOptions) { if (chk.searchSelection.checked) { chk.searchSelection.uncheck(); removeFindInRangeMarker(true); delete lastSearchOptions.range; delete lastSearchOptions.indexRange; marker = null; } lastSearchOptions.backwards = direction == -1; lastSearchOptions.findAll = direction == 0; execFind(null, true, lastSearchOptions); } else if (direction == -1) { ace.findPrevious(); } else if (direction == 1) { ace.findNext(); } else if (direction == 0) { ace.findAll(); } } function replace(backwards) { var ace = getAce(); if (!ace) return; var options = getOptions(); options.needle = txtFind.getValue(); var re = ace.$search.$assembleRegExp(options, true); var replaceFn = getReplaceFunction(options); var range = ace.selection.getRange(); execFind(backwards, false, options, function(result) { if (!ace.selection.getRange().isEqual(range)) return; // found new one if (result && { re.lastIndex = result.startIndex; var match = re.exec(result.value); var replacement = match && replaceFn(match); if (match[0] != replacement) { range.end = ace.session.replace(range, replacement); } if (options.backwards) { range.end = range.start; } else { range.start = range.end; } ace.selection.setRange(range); } findNext(backwards); }); txtReplace.ace.saveHistory(); } function replaceAll(cb) { var ace = getAce(); if (!ace) return; var options = getOptions(); options.needle = txtFind.getValue(); var re = ace.$search.$assembleRegExp(options, true); if (!re) { return updateCounter(); } = re; options.source = re.source; options.flags = re.ignoreCase ? "igm" : "gm"; options.findAll = true; var replaceFn = getReplaceFunction(options); ace.$search.set({ preserveCase: chk.preserveCase.checked }); asyncSearch.execFind(ace.session, options, function(result) { var replaced = 0; var indexArray = result.matches; var value = result.value; var startIndex = result.offset; var re =; if (!indexArray.length) return replaced; var doc = ace.session.doc; var startPos = { row: 0, column: 0 }; var endPos = { row: 0, column: 0 }; var start = 0, end = 0, offset = 0; var range = new Range(); for (var i = 0; i < indexArray.length; i++) { var index = indexArray[i] + startIndex; re.lastIndex = index; var match = re.exec(value); var txt = match[0]; var len = txt.length; startPos = doc.indexToPosition(index + offset - start + startPos.column, startPos.row); start = index + offset; end = index + len + offset; endPos = doc.indexToPosition(end - start + startPos.column, startPos.row); range.start = startPos; range.end = endPos; var replacement = replaceFn(match); if (txt != replacement) { doc.replace(range, replacement); offset += replacement.length - txt.length; } } updateCounter(); cb && cb(); }); txtReplace.ace.saveHistory(); } function getReplaceFunction(options) { var val = txtReplace.getValue(); options.preserveCase = chk.preserveCase.checked; if (options.replaceMode == "literal") return function() { return val; }; var fmtParts = []; function add(p) { var last = fmtParts.length - 1; if (p && typeof p == "string" && typeof fmtParts[last] == "string") fmtParts[last] += p; else if (typeof p == "number" || p) fmtParts.push(p); } var lut = { n: "\n", t: "\t", r: "\r", "&": 0, U: -1, L: -2, E: -3, u: -4, l: -5 }; var re = /\$([\$&\d])|\\([\\ULulEntr\d])/g; var index = 0, m; while ((m = re.exec(val))) { add(val.substring(index, m.index)); index = re.lastIndex; var part = m[1] || m[2]; if (/\d/.test(part)) part = options.regExp ? parseInt(part, 10) : part; else if (part in lut) part = lut[part]; add(part); } add(val.substr(index)); if (fmtParts.length == 1 && typeof fmtParts[0] == "string" && !options.preserveCase) return function() { return fmtParts[0]; }; return function(match) { var gChangeCase = 0; var changeCase = 0; var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < fmtParts.length; i++) { var ch = fmtParts[i]; if (typeof ch === "number") { if (ch < 0) { switch (ch) { case -1: gChangeCase = 1; break; case -2: gChangeCase = 2; break; case -3: gChangeCase = 0; break; case -4: changeCase = 1; break; case -5: changeCase = 2; break; } continue; } ch = match[ch] || ""; } if (gChangeCase) ch = gChangeCase === 1 ? ch.toUpperCase() : ch.toLowerCase(); if (changeCase && ch) { result += changeCase === 1 ? ch[0].toUpperCase() : ch[0].toLowerCase(); ch = ch.substr(1); changeCase = 0; } result += ch; } if (options.preserveCase) { var input = match[0]; var replacement = result.split(""); for (var i = Math.min(input.length, replacement.length); i--;) { var ch = input[i]; if (ch && ch.toLowerCase() != ch) replacement[i] = replacement[i].toUpperCase(); else replacement[i] = replacement[i].toLowerCase(); } result = replacement.join(""); } return result; }; } function getAce() { var tab = tabs.focussedTab; var editor = tab && tab.editor; return editor && editor.ace; } function getSessionId(session) { return (session.c9doc || session.c9session).name; } var marker; function addFindInRangeMarker(range, session) { removeFindInRangeMarker(); if (!range || !session || range.isEmpty()) return; var start = new Range(0, 0, range.start.row, range.start.column); var end = new Range(range.end.row, range.end.column, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE); = session.addMarker(start, "findInRangeMarker", true, "line", true); = session.addMarker(end, "findInRangeMarker", true, "line", true); range.start = start.end = session.doc.createAnchor(start.end.row, start.end.column); range.end = end.start = session.doc.createAnchor(end.start.row, end.start.column); return marker = { start: start, end: end, session: session }; } function removeFindInRangeMarker(reset) { if (!marker) return; var session = marker.session; session.removeMarker(; session.removeMarker(; marker.start.end.detach(); marker.end.start.detach(); marker = null; } function updateFindInRangeMarker(e) { var changeFocusInside = false; var isBlur = == "blur"; var target = isBlur ? e.toElement : e.fromElement; if (target && target.$ext) { changeFocusInside = winSearchReplace.$ext.contains(target.$ext); } if (changeFocusInside) return; var ace = getAce(); if (isBlur || !ace) return removeFindInRangeMarker(); if (e.fromElement && e.fromElement.editor) { if (e.fromElement.editor.ace == ace) setStartPos(ace); execFind(false, "highlight"); } if (!startPos.searchRange || !== getSessionId(ace.session) || == "click") setStartPos(ace); if (chk.searchSelection.checked) addFindInRangeMarker(getOptions().range, ace.session); else removeFindInRangeMarker(); if ( currentRange = null; } function initFindInRange() { winSearchReplace.addEventListener("focus", updateFindInRangeMarker); winSearchReplace.addEventListener("blur", updateFindInRangeMarker); } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function() { load(); }); plugin.on("enable", function() { }); plugin.on("disable", function() { }); plugin.on("unload", function() { loaded = false; asyncSearch.terminateWorker(); searchRow = txtFind = winSearchReplace = txtReplace = null; tooltipSearchReplace = divSearchCount = null; btnPrev = btnNext = btnReplace = btnReplaceAll = hbox = btnCollapse = null; currentRange = lastSearchOptions = timer = null; startPos = {}; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Implements the search and replace UI for Cloud9. * @singleton */ /** * Fetches a ui element. You can use this method both sync and async. * * The search in files plugin has the following elements: * * * txtFind - `{ui.textbox}` * * winSearchReplace - `{ui.window}` * * txtReplace - `{ui.textbox}` * * tooltipSearchReplace - `{ui.label}` * * chkSearchSelection - `{ui.checkbox}` * * chkRegEx - `{ui.checkbox}` * * chkWrapAround - `{ui.checkbox}` * * chkMatchCase - `{ui.checkbox}` * * chkWholeWords - `{ui.checkbox}` * * chkPreserveCase - `{ui.checkbox}` * * btnPrev - `{ui.button}` * * btnNext - `{ui.button}` * * btnReplace - `{ui.button}` * * btnReplaceAll - `{ui.button}` * * btnCollapse - `{ui.button}` * * @method getElement * @param {String} name the id of the element to fetch. * @param {Function} [callback] the function to call when the * element is available (could be immediately) */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * */ get aml() { return winSearchReplace; }, /** * Toggles the visibility of the search and replace panel. * @param {Number} force Set to -1 to force hide the panel, * or set to 1 to force show the panel. */ toggle: toggleDialog, /** * Return the cursor and selection to where it was, prior to * starting searching. */ restore: restore, /** * Find the next occurance of the search query. If wrap around is * turned on, the search will continue from the beginning when it * reaches the end of the file. * @param {Boolean} backwards When set to true the search direction is reversed. */ findNext: findNext, /** * Replace the next occurance of the query with whatever the user * entered in the replace textbox. * @param {Boolean} backwards When set to true the search direction is reversed. */ replace: replace, /** * Replace all occurences of the query with whatever the user * entered in the replace textbox. */ replaceAll: replaceAll }); register(null, { findreplace: plugin }); } });