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nightwing 2015-03-10 21:50:36 +04:00
rodzic 89d1e2f719
commit d403fedbcf
1 zmienionych plików z 0 dodań i 593 usunięć

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@ -6448,12 +6448,6 @@ apf.extend(apf.config, {
"login" : function(value, x) {
"debug" : function(value) {
@ -27071,593 +27065,6 @@ apf.aml.setElement("appsettings", apf.appsettings);
* @define auth Centralized authentication handling. Not being logged in, after being
* offline for a while can put the application
* in a complex undefined state. The auth element makes sure the state is always
* properly managed. When it gets signalled 'authentication required' it dispatches the
* appropriate events to display a login box. It can automatically retry logging
* in to one or more services using in memory stored username/password
* combinations. It will queue all requests that require authentication until
* the application is logged in again and will then empty the queue.
* Example:
* This example sets up apf.auth with two services that it can log into.
* <code>
* <a:appsettings>
* <a:auth>
* <a:service name = "my-backend"
* login = "{comm.login(username, password)}"
* logout = "{comm.logout()}" />
* <a:service name = "my-jabber-server"
* login = "{myXmpp.login(username, password, domain)}"
* logout = "{myXmpp.logout()}" />
* </a:auth>
* </a:appsettings>
* </code>
* Example:
* A login window with different states managed by apf.auth
* <code>
* <a:appsettings>
* <a:auth
* login = "{comm.login(username, password)}"
* logout = "{comm.logout()}"
* autostart = "false"
* window = "winLogin"
* fail-state = "stFail"
* error-state = "stError"
* login-state = "stIdle"
* logout-state = "stLoggedOut"
* waiting-state = "stLoggingIn" />
* </a:appsettings>
* <a:teleport>
* <a:rpc
* id = "comm"
* protocol = "cgi">
* <a:method name="login" url="login.php">
* <a:param name="username" />
* <a:param name="password" />
* </a:method>
* <a:method name="logout" url="logout.php" />
* </a:rpc>
* </a:teleport>
* <a:state-group
* loginMsg.visible = "false"
* winLogin.disabled = "false">
* <a:state id="stFail"
* loginMsg.value = "Username or password incorrect"
* loginMsg.visible = "true"
* winLogin.disabled = "false" />
* <a:state id="stError"
* loginMsg.value = "An error has occurred. Please check your network."
* loginMsg.visible = "true"
* winLogin.disabled = "false" />
* <a:state id="stLoggingIn"
* loginMsg.value = "Please wait whilst logging in..."
* loginMsg.visible = "true"
* winLogin.disabled = "true"
* btnLogout.visible = "false" />
* <a:state id="stIdle"
* btnLogout.visible = "true" />
* <a:state id="stLoggedOut"
* btnLogout.visible = "false"
* loginMsg.visible = "false"
* winLogin.disabled = "false" />
* </a:state-group>
* <a:window id="winLogin" visible="true" width="400" height="400">
* <a:label>Username</a:label>
* <a:textbox type="username" value="TestUser" />
* <a:label>Password</a:label>
* <a:textbox type="password" value="open" />
* <a:label id="loginMsg" />
* <a:button action="login">Log in</a:button>
* </a:window>
* <a:button id="btnLogout" visible="false" action="logout">Log out</a:button>
* </code>
* @event beforelogin Fires before the log in request is sent to the service
* cancelable: Prevents the log in from happening
* @event beforelogout Fires before the log out request is sent to the service
* cancelable: Prevents the log out from happening
* @event logincheck Fires when log in data is received. Login is sometimes very complex, this event is dispatched to allow a custom check if a log in succeeded.
* bubbles: yes
* object:
* {Object} data the data received from the log in request
* {Number} state the return code of the log in request
* @event loginfail Fires when a log in attempt has failed
* @event loginsuccess Fires when a log in attempt succeeded
* @event logoutcheck Fires when log out data is received. Login is sometimes very complex, this event is dispatched to allow a custom check if a log out succeeded.
* bubbles: yes
* object:
* {Object} data the data received from the log out request
* {Number} state the return code of the log out request
* @event logoutfail Fires when a log out attempt has failed
* @event logoutsuccess Fires when a log out attempt succeeded
* @event authrequired Fires when log in credentials are required, either because they are incorrect, or because they are unavailable.
* bubbles: yes
* @inherits apf.Class
* @attribute {String} login the {@link term.datainstruction data instruction} on how to log in to a service.
* @attribute {String} logout the {@link term.datainstruction data instruction} on how to log out of a service.
* @attribute {Boolean} autostart whether to fire authrequired at startup. Defaults to true.
* @attribute {String} window the id of the window element that offers a log in form to the user. DEPRECATED.
* @attribute {String} authreq-state the id of the state element which is activated when logging in failed because the credentials where incorrect.
* @attribute {String} login-state the id of the state element which is activated when logging in succeeded.
* @attribute {String} waiting-state the id of the state element which is activated when the user is waiting while the application is logging in.
* @attribute {String} fail-state the id of the state element which is activated when logging in failed because the credentials where incorrect.
* @attribute {String} error-state the id of the state element which is activated when logging in failed because of an error (i.e. network disconnected).
* @attribute {String} logout-state the id of the state element which is activated when the user is logged out.
* @attribute {String} model the id of the model element which gets the data loaded given at login success.
* @attribute {String} remember whether to remember the login credentials after the first successful login attempt. Will only be used i.c.w. RPC
* @allowchild service
* @define service Element specifying a server to log into.
* @attribute {String} name the unique identifier of the service
* @attribute {String} login the {@link term.datainstruction data instruction} on how to log in to a service
* @attribute {String} logout the {@link term.datainstruction data instruction} on how to log out of a service
* @see apf.appsettings
* @default_private
apf.auth = function(struct, tagName) {
this.$init(tagName || "auth", apf.NODE_HIDDEN, struct);
this.$services = {};
this.$cache = {};
this.$queue = [];
this.$credentials = null;
apf.aml.setElement("auth", apf.auth);
this.autostart = true;
this.authenticated = false;
this.enablequeue = false;
this.$retry = true;
this.loggedIn = false;
this.$needsLogin = false;
this.$hasHost = false;
* Indicates the state of the log in process.
* Possible values:
* 0 idle
* 1 logging in
* 2 logging out
this.inProcess = 0;
//1 = force no bind rule, 2 = force bind rule
this.$attrExcludePropBind = apf.extend({
login: 1,
logout: 1
}, this.$attrExcludePropBind);
this.$booleanProperties["autostart"] = true;
this.$booleanProperties["remember"] = true;
this.$supportedProperties.push("login", "logout", "fail-state", "error-state",
"login-state", "logout-state", "waiting-state", "window", "autostart",
"remember", "authenticated", "enablequeue");
this.$propHandlers["login"] =
this.$propHandlers["login-state"] = function(value) {
this.$services["default"] = value ? this : null;
this.$needsLogin = value ? true : false;
this.register = function(node) {
this.$services[] = node;
this.$needsLogin = true;
this.unregister = function(node) {
var prop;
delete this.$services[];
if (!(prop in this.$services))
this.$needsLogin = false;
this.addEventListener("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", function(e) {
this.inited = true;
if (this.parentNode && this.parentNode.$setAuth) {
this.$hasHost = true;
if (this.autostart && !this.$hasHost) {
var _self = this;
apf.addEventListener("load", function(){
apf.addEventListener("login", function(){
apf.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee);
this.addEventListener("authrequired", function(){
if (self[this.window]) { = self[this.window];
if ( {;
return false;
if (self[this["authreq-state"]]) {
this.state = self[this["authreq-state"]];
if (this.state) {
return false;
this.addEventListener("beforelogin", function(){
if (self[this["waiting-state"]]) {
this.state = self[this["waiting-state"]];
if (this.state)
var knownHttpAuthErrors = {401:1, 403:1}
function failFunction(e) {
var st = (e.state == apf.TIMEOUT || !knownHttpAuthErrors[e.status]
? self[this["error-state"]]
: self[this["fail-state"]]) || self[this["fail-state"]]
if (st) {
this.state = st;
if (this.state) {
return false;
this.addEventListener("loginfail", failFunction);
this.addEventListener("logoutfail", failFunction);
this.addEventListener("logoutsuccess", function(){
if (self[this["logout-state"]]) {
this.state = self[this["logout-state"]];
if (this.state)
this.addEventListener("loginsuccess", function(e) {
if (self[this.window]) { = self[this.window];
if (;
if (self[this["login-state"]]) {
this.state = self[this["login-state"]];
if (this.state)
if ( && this.model) {
this.model = apf.nameserver.get("model", this.model);
if (this.model)
* Log in to one or more services
* @param {String} username the username portion of the credentials used to log in with
* @param {String} password the password portion of the credentials used to log in with
* @param {Function} [callback] code to be called when the application succeeds or fails logging in
* @param {Object} [options] extra settings and variables for the login. These variables will be available in the {@link term.datainstruction data instruction} which is called to execute the actual log in.
* Properties:
* {Array} services a list of names of services to be logged in to
* {String} service the name of a single service to log in to
this.logIn = function(username, password, callback, options) {
if (!options) options = {};
options.username = username;
options.password = password;
if (this.dispatchEvent("beforelogin", options) === false)
return false;
this.inProcess = 1; //Logging in
var pos = 0,
len = 0,
_self = this,
doneCallback = function() {
if (len != ++pos)
_self.inProcess = 0; //Idle
_self.loggedIn = true;
if (callback)
if (this.$hasHost) { // child of Teleport element
this.$credentials = options;
callback = this.$hostCallback;
this.$hostCallback = null;
len = 1;
this.dispatchEvent("loginsuccess", {
state: 1,
data: null,
bubbles: true,
username: username,
password: password
if (!this.remember)
this.$credentials = null;
else {
if (!options.service) {
var s = options.$services || this.$services;
for (var name in s) {
this.$do(name, options, "in", null, doneCallback);
else if (options.service) {
len = 1;
this.$do(options.service, options, "in", null, doneCallback);
this.relogin = function(){
if (this.dispatchEvent("beforerelogin") === false)
return false;
//@todo shouldn't I be using inProces here?
var name, pos = 0, len = 0, _self = this,
doneCallback = function(){
if (len != ++pos)
_self.inProcess = 0; //Idle
_self.loggedIn = true;
for (name in this.$services) {
if (!this.$cache[name])
return false;
this.$do(name, this.$cache[name], "in", true, doneCallback);
return true;
this.$do = function(service, options, type, isRelogin, callback) {
var xmlNode = this.$services[service],
_self = options.userdata = this;
//Execute login call
options.callback = function(data, state, extra) {
if (state == apf.TIMEOUT && extra.retries < apf.maxHttpRetries)
return extra.tpModule.retry(;
Login is sometimes very complex, so this check is
here to test the data for login information
var result = _self.dispatchEvent("log" + type + "check",
state: state,
data: data,
service: service,
bubbles: true
}, extra)),
loginFailed = typeof result == "boolean"
? !result
: !(state == apf.SUCCESS || type == "out" && extra.status == 401);
if (loginFailed) {
_self.inProcess = 0; //Idle
if (isRelogin) //If we're retrying then we'll step out here
return _self.authRequired();
var commError = new Error(apf.formatErrorString(0, null,
"Logging " + type, "Error logging in: " + extra.message));
if (_self.dispatchEvent("log" + type + "fail", apf.extend({
error: commError,
service: service,
state: state,
data: data,
bubbles: true,
username: options.username,
password: options.password
}, extra)) !== false)
throw commError; //@todo ouch, too harsh?
//@todo Call auth required again??
_self.setProperty("authenticated", false);
if (type == "in") {
//If we use retry, cache the login information
if (!isRelogin && _self.$retry) {
var cacheItem = {};
for (var prop in options) {
if ("object|array".indexOf(typeof options[prop]) == -1)
cacheItem[prop] = options[prop];
_self.$cache[service || "default"] = cacheItem;
else {
//Remove cached credentials
if (_self.$cache[service || "default"])
_self.$cache[service || "default"] = null;
if (callback)
_self.dispatchEvent("log" + type + "success", apf.extend({}, extra, {
state: state,
service: service,
data: data,
bubbles: true,
username: options.username,
password: options.password
_self.setProperty("authenticated", true);
apf.saveData(xmlNode.getAttribute("log" + type), options);
this.clearQueue = function(){
if (!this.loggedIn) //Queue should only be cleared when we're logged in
var queue = this.$queue.slice();
this.$queue.length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
var qItem = queue[i];
//We might be logged out somewhere in this process (think sync)
if (!this.loggedIn) {
//Specialty retry (protocol specific)
if (qItem.retry)
//Standard TelePort Module retry
else if (
//The queue might be filled somehow
if (this.$queue.length)
* Log out of one or more services
* @param {Function} [callback] code to be called when the application succeeds or fails logging out
* @param {Object} [options] extra settings and variables for the login. These variables will be available out the {@link term.datainstruction data instruction} which is called to execute the actual log out.
* Properties:
* {Array} services a list of names of services to be logged out of
* {String} service the name of a single service to log out of
this.logOut = function(callback, options) {
if (!options) options = {};
if (this.dispatchEvent("beforelogout", options) === false)
this.loggedIn = false;
if (!options.service) {
for (var name in this.$services)
this.$do(name, options, "out", null, callback);
else if (options.service)
this.$do(options.service, options, "out", null, callback);
this.getCredentials = function(service) {
var cache = this.$cache[service || "default"];
return !cache ? ["", ""] : [cache.username, cache.password];
* Signals services that a log in is required and fires authrequired event
* @param {Object} [options] information on how to reconstruct a failed action, that detected a log in was required. (i.e. When an HTTP call fails with a 401 Auth Required the options object contains information on how to retry the http request)
* @param {Object} [forceNoRetry] don't try to log in with stored credentials.
this.authRequired = function(options, forceNoRetry) {
// If we're already logging in return
if (options && options.userdata == this)
// If we're supposed to be logged in we'll try to log in automatically
if (this.loggedIn && !forceNoRetry && this.$retry && this.relogin()) {
var result = false;
else if (this.inProcess != 1) { //If we're not already logging in
if (this.$hasHost && typeof options == "function") { //inside Teleport element
if (this.$credentials)
return options();
this.$hostCallback = options;
Apparently our credentials aren't valid anymore,
or retry is turned off. If this event returns false
the developer will call apf.auth.login() at a later date.
var result = this.dispatchEvent("authrequired", apf.extend({
bubbles: true,
data: options &&
}, options));
this.loggedIn = false;
if (result === false) {
if (this.enablequeue && options) //Add communication to queue for later processing
return true; //cancels error state in protocol
}).call(apf.auth.prototype = new apf.AmlElement());
* This element displays a skinnable rectangle which can contain other