Merge pull request +15391 from c9/ide-terminal

reorganize terminal context menu
Harutyun Amirjanyan 2017-05-24 12:28:26 +04:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
commit aa12ccd98e
5 zmienionych plików z 126 dodań i 69 usunięć

node_modules/vfs-local/localfs.js wygenerowano vendored
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@ -1673,7 +1673,26 @@ module.exports = function setup(fsOptions) {
var tmuxName = options.tmuxName || TMUXNAME;
var session = options.session;
function fetchPid(callback, retries){
function getFormatString(map) {
return Object.keys(map).filter(function(x) {
return x[0] == "#";
function getFormatObject(map, str) {
var data = str.split("\x01");
var result = {};
Object.keys(map).forEach(function(key, i) {
if (key[0] != "#") return;
var val = data[i];
if (i >= map.numberDataIndex)
val = parseInt(val, 10) || 0;
result[map[key]] = val;
return result;
function fetchPid(callback, retries) {
if (!retries) retries = 0;
_execFile(TMUX, [
"-u2", "-L", tmuxName, "-C",
@ -1681,7 +1700,7 @@ module.exports = function setup(fsOptions) {
"-t", session
], {
maxBuffer: 1000 * 1024
}, function(err, stdout){
}, function(err, stdout) {
var matches = /c9-pid-(\d+)-(\d)-/.exec(stdout);
var isDead = parseInt(matches && matches[2], 10);
var pid = isDead ? 0 : parseInt(matches && matches[1], 10);
@ -1701,6 +1720,7 @@ module.exports = function setup(fsOptions) {
if (options.fetchpid)
return fetchPid(callback);
// Capture the scrollback of a pane
if (options.capturePane) {
options = options.capturePane;
@ -1734,7 +1754,35 @@ module.exports = function setup(fsOptions) {
if (options.getStatus) {
if (options.listSessions) {
args = ["-u2", "-L", tmuxName];
var sessionFormat = {
"#S": "name",
"#{session_id}": "id",
"#{session_attached}": "clientCount",
"#{session_activity}": "activity",
"#{session_created}": "created",
"#{session_height}": "height",
"#{session_width}": "width",
numberDataIndex: 2,
args.push("list-sessions", "-F", getFormatString(sessionFormat));
return _execFile(TMUX, args, function(e, data) {
var sessions = [];
(data || "").split("\n").forEach(function(str) {
if (!str)
var session = getFormatObject(sessionFormat, str);
callback(e, {sessions: sessions});
else if (options.getStatus) {
options = options.getStatus;
var sessionId =;
var args = ["-u2", "-L", tmuxName];
@ -1764,23 +1812,6 @@ module.exports = function setup(fsOptions) {
"#{client_height}" : "height",
numberDataIndex : 1,
function getFormatString(map) {
return Object.keys(map).filter(function(x) {
return x[0] == "#";
function getFormatObject(map, str) {
var data = str.split("\x01");
var result = {};
Object.keys(map).forEach(function(key, i) {
if (key[0] != "#") return;
var val = data[i];
if (i >= map.numberDataIndex)
val = parseInt(val, 10);
result[map[key]] = val;
return result;
args.push("list-panes", "-F", getFormatString(paneFormat));
if (sessionId)
@ -1821,7 +1852,7 @@ module.exports = function setup(fsOptions) {
// Kill the session with the same name before starting a new one
if (options.kill) {
else if (options.kill) {
if (!options.session)
return callback(new Error("Missing session name"));

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@ -880,6 +880,7 @@ define(function(require, exports, module) {
function updateReloadLastButton() {
if (!btnReloadLast) return;
var last = getLastReloaded();
if (last) {
btnReloadLast.visible = true;

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
<a:application xmlns:a="">
<a:menu id="mnuTerminal">
<a:item command="openterminal">New Terminal Tab</a:item>
<a:divider />
<a:item command="copy">Copy</a:item>
<a:item command="paste">Paste</a:item>
<a:item command="selectall">Select All</a:item>
<a:item command="clearterm">Clear Buffer</a:item>
<a:divider />
<a:item command="close_term_pane">Close Active Pane</a:item>
<a:item command="split_term_pane">Split Active Pane</a:item>
<a:divider />
<a:item command="layout_term_hor_even">Horizontal Layout (even)</a:item>
<a:item command="layout_term_ver_even">Vertical Layout (even)</a:item>
<a:item command="layout_term_hor_main">Horizonal Layout (main)</a:item>
<a:item command="layout_term_ver_main">Vertical Layout (main)</a:item>
<a:divider />
<a:item command="toggle_term_status">Toggle Status Bar</a:item>
<a:divider />
<a:item command="term_restart">Restart All Terminal Sessions</a:item>
<a:item command="term_detach">Detach Other Clients</a:item>
<a:item command="term_help">Show More Terminal Commands...</a:item>
<a:item disabled="true">Hint: Use Alt To Toggle Mouse Mode</a:item>

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@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ define(function(require, exports, module) {
// Disabled: bad performance, openshift specific, possibly unreliable
// var Monitor = require("./monitor.js");
var markup = require("text!./terminal.xml");
var markupMenu = require("text!./menu.xml");
var Aceterm = require("./aceterm/aceterm");
var libterm = require("./aceterm/libterm");
@ -120,7 +119,7 @@ define(function(require, exports, module) {
group: "Terminal",
hint: "Clears the terminal buffer",
isAvailable: function(editor) {
return editor && editor.type == "terminal";
return editor && editor.ace && editor.ace.session && editor.ace.session.term;
exec: function (editor) {
@ -129,16 +128,6 @@ define(function(require, exports, module) {
var meta = '\x1b';
["close_term_pane", "x", "x"],
["split_term_pane", '"', '"'],
["layout_term_hor_even", "Meta-1", meta + "1"],
["layout_term_ver_even", "Meta-2", meta + "2"],
["layout_term_hor_main", "Meta-3", meta + "3"],
["layout_term_ver_main", "Meta-4", meta + "4"],
["move_term_paneup", "Up", '\x1b[A'],
["move_term_panedown", "Down", '\x1b[B'],
["move_term_paneright", "Right", '\x1b[C'],
["move_term_paneleft", "Left", '\x1b[D'],
["term_help", "?", '?'],
["term_restart", "", ":kill-server\r"],
["term_detach", "", ":detach -a\r"],
@ -368,15 +357,78 @@ define(function(require, exports, module) {
handle.draw = function() {
ui.insertMarkup(null, markupMenu, handle);
mnuTerminal = handle.getElement("mnuTerminal");
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/", new, handle);
var c = 100;
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/New Terminal Tab", new ui.item({ command: "openterminal" }), c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/~", new ui.divider({}), c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/Copy", new ui.item({ command: "copy" }), c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/Paste", new ui.item({ command: "paste" }), c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/Select All", new ui.item({ command: "selectall" }), c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/Clear Buffer", new ui.item({ command: "clearterm" }), c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/~", new ui.divider({}), c += 100, handle);
if (c9.platform == "win32") {
var nodes = mnuTerminal.childNodes;
while (nodes[6]) {
if (c9.platform != "win32") {
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/Tmux/", new, c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/~", new ui.divider({}), c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/Detach Other Clients", new ui.item({
command: "term_detach" }), c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/Hint: Use Alt To Toggle Mouse Mode", new ui.item({
disabled: "true" }), c += 100, handle);
var c1 = 0;
var SESSIONS_MENU = "context/terminal/Tmux/Other sessions/";
menus.addItemByPath(SESSIONS_MENU, new{
"onprop.visible": function(e) {
if (e.value) {
var currentName = tabs.focussedTab.document.getSession().id;
proc.tmux("", { listSessions: true }, function(err, pty, pid, meta) {
if (err || !meta.sessions) {
return menus.addItemByPath(SESSIONS_MENU + "Error loading session list:(",
new ui.item({ disabled: true }), handle);
meta.sessions.forEach(function(x) {
if (/output/.test( return;
var label = + "\t(" + x.width + "x" + x.height + ")\t" + x.clientCount + " connected clients";
menus.addItemByPath(SESSIONS_MENU + menus.escape(label),
new ui.item({ value: x, class: == currentName ? "strong" : "" }), handle);
"onitemclick": function(e) {
var options = e.relatedNode.value;
if (options) {
var id =;
tabs.getTabs().some(function(tab) {
if (tab.editorType == "terminal" || tab.editorType == "output") {
if (tab.document.getSession() && tab.document.getSession().id == id) {
return true;
}) ||{
editorType: /output/.test(id) ? "output" : "terminal",
document: { terminal: { id: id } },
focus: true,
pane: tabs.focussedTab.pane
}), c1 += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath(SESSIONS_MENU + "Loading...", new ui.item({ disabled: "true" }), 0, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/Tmux/~", new ui.divider({}), c1 += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/Tmux/Toggle Status Bar", new ui.item({
command: "toggle_term_status" }), c1 += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/Tmux/~", new ui.divider({}), c1 += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/Tmux/Restart All Terminal Sessions", new ui.item({
command: "term_restart" }), c1 += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/Tmux/Show More Terminal Commands...", new ui.item({
command: "term_help" }), c1 += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("context/terminal/Hint: Use Alt To Toggle Mouse Mode", new ui.item({ disabled: "true" }), c += 100, handle);
mnuTerminal = menus.get("context/terminal").menu;
handle.draw = function() {};
@ -1095,9 +1147,7 @@ define(function(require, exports, module) {
plugin.on("clear", function() {
if (currentSession) {
var t = currentSession.terminal;
if (!t) return;
t.ybase = 0;
t.lines = t.lines.slice(-(t.ybase + t.rows));
if (t) t.clear();

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ define(function(require, exports, module) {
name: "removefavorite",
isAvailable: function() {
return tree && tree.selectedNode
&& isFavoriteNode(tree.selectedNode);
&& isFavoritePath(tree.selectedNode.path);
exec: function() {
tree.selectedNodes.forEach(function(node) {