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2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
/*global Firmin */
define(function(require, exports, module) {
main.consumes = ["Plugin", "settings", "util"];
main.provides = ["anims"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var Plugin = imports.Plugin;
var settings = imports.settings;
var util = imports.util;
var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter;
/***** Initialization *****/
var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var animating = false;
/***** Methods *****/
var pfx = apf.isWebkit ? "webkit" : (apf.isIE ? "MS" : "");
function cssAnimate(el, options, finish) {
if (options.splitbox)
return util.nextFrame($cssAnimate.bind(null, el, options, finish));
// todo using $cssAnimate instead of firmin displays spurious animations when dragging tabs
Firmin.animate(el, options, options && options.duration || 0.2, function() {
el.style[apf.CSSPREFIX + "Transition"] = "";
finish && finish();
function $cssAnimate(el, options, finish) {
// Duration
var duration = options.duration || "0.2s";
if (typeof duration == "string") {
duration = parseFloat(duration)
* (duration[duration.length - 2] == "m" ? 1 : 0.001);
el.style[apf.CSSPREFIX + "TransitionDuration"] = duration + "s";
// Delay
var delay = options.delay || "0s";
el.style[apf.CSSPREFIX + "TransitionDelay"] =
typeof delay == "string" ? delay : delay + "s";
// Timing Function
var timingFunction = options.timingFunction || 'linear';
if (timingFunction)
el.style[apf.CSSPREFIX + "TransitionTimingFunction"] =
// Properties
var props = [];
for (var prop in options){
if (/duration|delay|timingFunction|immediate/.test(prop)) continue;
el.style[apf.CSSPREFIX + "TransitionProperty"] = props.join(",");
var eventName = pfx ? pfx + "TransitionEnd" : "transitionend";
var wait = el.wait = function(e) {
if (!wait) return;
el.removeEventListener(eventName, wait, false);
el.style[apf.CSSPREFIX + "Transition"] = "";
if (el.wait !== wait)
wait = el.wait = null;
finish && finish();
el.addEventListener(eventName, wait, false);
// fallback in case there is no event
setTimeout(function() {
wait && wait();
}, duration * 1000 + 10);
props.forEach(function(name){ el.style[name] = options[name] });
function animateMultiple(tweens, finish) {
var shouldAnimate = settings.getBool("user/general/@animateui");
if (shouldAnimate) {
animating = true;
var duration = 0, called;
tweens.forEach(function(options) {
var node = options.node;
cssAnimate(node.$ext || node, options, function() {
if (options.duration == duration && !called) {
called = true;
finish && finish();
animating = false;
duration = Math.max(duration, options.duration || 0.2);
else {
//@todo set value
finish && finish();
function animate(aNode, options, finish) {
var shouldAnimate = settings.getBool("user/general/@animateui");
if (shouldAnimate) {
animating = true;
cssAnimate(aNode.$ext || aNode, options, function() {
finish && finish(); //setTimeout(finish, 30);
animating = false;
else {
var htmlNode = aNode.$ext || aNode;
for (var prop in options) {
if (prop == "duration" || prop == "timingFunction")
htmlNode.style[prop] = options[prop];
//@todo set value
finish && finish();
function animateSplitBoxNode(aNode, options, finish) {
var shouldAnimate = settings.getBool("user/general/@animateui");
var pNode = aNode.parentNode;
if (!pNode.$box) return oNode && animate(oNode, options, finish);
var firstChild = pNode.getFirstChild();
var lastChild = pNode.getSecondChild();
var isFirst, oNode = (isFirst = aNode == firstChild) ? lastChild : firstChild;
if (oNode == aNode || !oNode.visible)
throw new Error("animating object that has no partner");
var to2 = {
timingFunction : options.timingFunction,
duration: options.duration
if (pNode.$vbox) {
if (isFirst)
to2.top = (parseInt(options.height, 10) + pNode.$edge[0] + pNode.padding) + "px";
to2.bottom = (parseInt(options.height, 10) + pNode.$edge[2] + pNode.padding) + "px";
else {
if (isFirst)
to2.left = (parseInt(options.width, 10) + pNode.$edge[3] + pNode.padding) + "px";
to2.right = (parseInt(options.width, 10) + pNode.$edge[1] + pNode.padding) + "px";
// Create Event Object
var e = new EventEmitter();
e.type = "splitbox";
e.which = aNode;
e.other = oNode;
e.options = options;
e.options2 = to2;
e.duration = options.duration || 0.2;
// Emit animate event
emit("animate", e);
if (shouldAnimate && !options.immediate) {
animating = true;
options.splitbox = to2.splitbox = true;
cssAnimate(aNode.$ext, options);
cssAnimate(oNode.$ext, to2, function(){
if (aNode.parentNode) {
if (pNode.$vbox)
aNode.setHeight(parseInt(options.height, 10));
aNode.setWidth(parseInt(options.width, 10));
finish && finish();
animating = false;
else {
var dir;
if (pNode.$vbox) {
dir = isFirst ? "top" : "bottom";
else {
dir = isFirst ? "left" : "right";
oNode.$ext.style[dir] = to2[dir];
finish && finish();
function emitAnimate(e) {
emit("animate", e);
/***** Register and define API *****/
* Animation API for Cloud9. Use this object to animate HTML
* elements and APF elements. The implementation uses CSS animations
* to animate the HTML elements.
* anims.animate(someDiv, {
* width : "200px",
* duration : 0.2
* }, function(){
* console.log("done");
* });
* @singleton
* Specifies whether at least one animationg is running at this moment.
* @property {Boolean} animating
get animating(){ return animating; },
_events: [
* Fires when an animation starts
* @event animate
* @param {Object} e
* @param {String} e.type The animation type. Possible values are "splitbox", and others.
* @param {HTMLElement/AMLElement} e.which The element that is animated
* @param {HTMLElement/AMLElement} e.other This is only relevant for a splitbox resize, where there is a 2nd element that is animated.
* @param {Object} e.options The options passed to the {@link #method-animate} method.
* @param {Object} e.options2 This is only relevant for a splitbox resize. There are the options for the 2nd animation.
* @param {Number} [e.duration=0.2] The duration of the animation expressed in seconds
* Animate multiple elements and/or multiple properties at the
* same time. Note that each tween object can specify multiple
* css properties by adding the names of the css property as a key
* and the value as it's value.
* Example:
* anims.animateMultiple([{
* node : someDiv,
* width : "200px",
* height : "300px"
* }, {
* node : anotherDiv,
* width : "100px",
* height : "100px"
* }], function(){});
* @param {Array} tweens Array of tween elements.
* @param {HTMLElement/AMLElement} tweens.node The element that is animated
* @param {Number} [tweens.duration=0.2] The duration of the animation expressed in seconds.
* @param {String} [tweens.timingFunction] The [CSS timing function](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/timing-function).
* @param {Function} finish Called when all animations have completed.
animateMultiple: animateMultiple,
* Animates a single element and one or more properties.
* Note that the tween object can contain multiple
* css properties by adding the names of the css property as a key
* and the value as it's value.
* Example:
* anims.animateMultiple({
* node : someDiv,
* width : "200px",
* height : "300px"
* }, function(){});
* @param {HTMLElement/AMLElement} node The element that is animated
* @param {Object} tween
* @param {Number} [tween.duration=0.2] The duration of the animation expressed in seconds.
* @param {String} [tween.timingFunction] The [CSS timing function](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/timing-function).
* @param {Function} finish Called when all animations have completed.
animate: animate,
* This method is dedicated to animating APF Elements that are
* part of a splitbox layout element. A splitbox is a box that can
* be split in 2 by adding 2 children to it. If you are using a
* splitbox in your UI and need to animate a child element, then
* use this function.
* Note that the tween object can contain multiple
* css properties by adding the names of the css property as a key
* and the value as it's value.
* Example:
* anims.animateSplitBoxNode(panel, {
* duration : 0.5,
* width : "200px"
* }, function(){})
* @param {AMLElement} node The element that is animated
* @param {Object} tween
* @param {Number} [tween.duration=0.2] The duration of the animation expressed in seconds.
* @param {String} [tween.timingFunction] The [CSS timing function](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/timing-function).
* @param {Function} finish Called when all animations have completed.
animateSplitBoxNode: animateSplitBoxNode,
* Emits the animate event, forcing a resize amongst editors.
* @param {Object} e
* @private
emitAnimate: emitAnimate
register(null, {
anims: plugin