
202 wiersze
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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
module.exports = function(options) {
// workaround for api difference between node and c9 events modules
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter;
var emit_ = EventEmitter.prototype.emit
EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function() {
emit_.apply(this, arguments);
return true;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
var PID = process.env.C9_PID || 526;
var APIHOST = process.env.C9_APIHOST || "api.c9.io"; // "api.c9.io";
var APIURL = APIHOST.indexOf("localhost") > -1
? "http://" + APIHOST
: "https://" + APIHOST;
var AUTHURL = APIHOST.indexOf("localhost") > -1
? "http://" + APIHOST
: "https://" + APIHOST.replace(/api\./, "");
return [
packagePath: "./c9.fs/fs",
baseProc: process.cwd(),
cli: true
packagePath: "./c9.fs/net"
packagePath: "./c9.fs/proc",
baseProc: process.cwd()
packagePath: "./c9.cli/auth.bootstrap",
authUrl: AUTHURL
packagePath: "./c9.cli.publish/publish",
projectId: PID,
apiHost: APIHOST
packagePath: "./c9.cli.publish/install",
projectId: PID,
apiHost: APIHOST
packagePath: "./c9.cli.publish/list",
projectId: PID,
apiHost: APIHOST
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
packagePath: "./c9.ide.auth/auth",
accessToken: "token",
ideBaseUrl: "",
apiUrl: APIURL
// userId: process.env.C9_USER
packagePath: "./c9.core/api",
apiUrl: APIURL,
projectId: PID
packagePath: "./c9.core/http-node"
// debug: !options.packed
packagePath: "./c9.cli.bridge/bridge-client",
port: 17123
// "./c9.cli.mount/mount",
packagePath: "./c9.cli.open/open",
platform: process.platform
packagePath: "./c9.cli.open/restart",
platform: process.platform
2015-04-28 01:40:20 +00:00
packagePath: "./c9.ide.installer/commands/tar.gz",
bashBin: "bash"
packagePath: "./c9.ide.installer/installer",
homeDir: process.env.HOME,
installSelfCheck: false,
installPath: process.env.HOME + "/.c9",
cli: true
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
// "./c9.cli.sync/sync",
consumes: [],
provides: ["settings", "workspace", "cli_commands", "c9", "error_handler"],
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
setup: function(options, imports, register) {
register(null, {
// @todo share with ace min
c9 : {
startdate: new Date(),
debug: true,
hosted: false,
local: true,
home: process.env.HOME,
setStatus: function(){},
2015-05-01 18:08:46 +00:00
location: "",
platform: process.platform,
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
error_handler: {
log: function(){}
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
workspace: (function(){
var ws = new EventEmitter();
ws.connect = function(name, callback) {
callback(null, {
hostname: "",
username: "ubuntu",
rootPath: "/home/ubuntu/newclient/",
setupSshConnection: function(callback) {
return ws;
cli_commands: (function(){
var cmds = new EventEmitter();
var commands = {};
cmds.commands = commands;
cmds.addCommand = function(def) {
commands[def.name] = def;
cmds.exec = function(name, args) {
if (!commands[name])
throw new Error("Unknown command: " + name);
return cmds;
http: new EventEmitter(),
settings: (function(){
var settings = new EventEmitter();
var data = {};
settings.migrate = function(){};
settings.setDefaults = function(type, def) {
var props = {};
def.forEach(function(d){ props[d[0]] = d[1] });
data[type] = props;
settings.getBool = function(p) {
return settings.get(p) == "true";
settings.get = function(p) {
var type = p.substr(0, p.lastIndexOf("/"));
var prop = p.substr(p.lastIndexOf("/") + 2);
return data[type] && data[type][prop] || "";
settings.getJson = function(p) {
try {
return JSON.parse(settings.get(p));
}catch(e){ return false }
settings.getNumber = function(p) {
return Number(settings.get(p));
settings.on("newListener", function(event, listener) {
if (event == "read") listener();
return settings;
auth: {
if (!module.parent) require("../server")([__filename].concat(process.argv.slice(2)));