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2017-12-24 17:15:17 +00:00
define(function(require, exports, module) {
main.consumes = [
"Plugin", "layout", "app",
"util", "tabManager", "ace",
main.provides = ["theme.jett"];
return main;
* Client-side plugin for jett theme
* @method main
* @param {} options
* @param {} imports
* @param {} register
* @return
function main(options, imports, register) {
var Plugin = imports.Plugin;
var layout = imports.layout;
var tabs = imports.tabManager;
var ace = imports.ace;
var services = imports.app.services;
var escapeHTML = require("ace/lib/lang").escapeHTML;
/***** Initialization *****/
var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var themeEnabled = false;
* Called when plugin is loaded
* @method load
* @return
function load() {
caption: "Jett",
id: "plugins/c9.ide.theme.jett/ace.themes/jett"
}, plugin);
group: "flat",
color: "rgb(41, 58, 86)",
name: "jett-dark",
2018-03-09 11:01:58 +00:00
caption: "Jett Dark",
2017-12-24 17:15:17 +00:00
defaults: {
output: {
backgroundColor: "#2b303b",
foregroundColor: "#767B85",
selectionColor: "#343d46",
layout.on("themeChange", function(e) {
if (e.theme == "jett-dark")
else if (themeEnabled)
layout.on("themeDefaults", function(e) {
* Toggle the jett theme on/off
* @str an identifiable attribute
* @method enableJett
* @param {} enabled If true then jett theme is on
* @return
function enableJett(enabled) {
// Update settings
themeEnabled = enabled;
// If the jett theme is enabled set some defaults and theme specific prefs
if (enabled) {
// Anytime the user switches tabs or themes make sure we have the correct tab colors
ace.on("themeChange", styleTabs, plugin);
tabs.on("focusSync", styleTabs, plugin);
// Set file icon when the tabs are drawn
tabs.on("tabCreate", onTabCreate, plugin);
else {
ace.off("themeChange", styleTabs, plugin);
tabs.off("focusSync", styleTabs, plugin);
tabs.off("tabCreate", onTabCreate, plugin);
// Refresh file icons
var tree = services.tree && services.tree.tree;
tree && tree.resize(true);
function onTabCreate(e) {
if (themeEnabled && e.tab.title && e.tab.path) {
function enableFileIcons() {
if (enableFileIcons.called)
enableFileIcons.called = true;
* Add file icons to the file search results
var navigate = services.navigate;
navigate && navigate.once("draw", function() {
var dp = navigate.tree.provider;
override(dp, 'renderRow', function(original) {
return function(row, html, config) {
// If jett is not enabled then return
if (!themeEnabled) {
return original.apply(this, arguments);
var path = dp.visibleItems[row];
var isSelected = dp.isSelected(row);
var filename = path.substr(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
var icon = getIconClass(filename);
html.push("<div class='item " + (isSelected ? "selected " : "")
+ dp.getClassName(row) + "' style='height:" + dp.innerRowHeight + "px'><span class='filetree-icon " + icon + "'>"
+ dp.replaceStrong(filename) + "</span><small class='path'>" + dp.replaceStrong(path) + "</small></div>");
* Customize file icons on the file tree
var tree = services.tree;
tree.once("draw", function(e) {
override(tree.tree.model, 'getIconHTML', function(original) {
return function(node) {
// If jett is not enabled then return
if (!themeEnabled) {
return original.apply(this, arguments);
var icon = node.isFolder ? "folder" : getIconClass(node.label);
if (node.status === "loading") icon = "loading";
return "<span class='filetree-icon " + icon + "'></span>";
* Helper function to help us extend current cloud9 events
* @method override
* @param {} object
* @param {} methodName
* @param {} callback
* @return
function override(object, methodName, callback) {
object[methodName] = callback(object[methodName]);
* Reusable function to get the CSS class of a file type
* @method getIconClass
* @param {} filename
* @return icon
function getIconClass(filename) {
if (!filename) return '';
// Remove the path if it's a directory string
filename = filename.split("/").pop();
// Get the file.extention
var icon = filename.split(".").pop().toLowerCase();
filename = filename.toLowerCase();
if (filename == "package.json") icon = "npm";
if (filename == "composer.json") icon = "composer";
if (filename == "bower.json") icon = "bower";
if (filename == "gulpfile.js") icon = "gulp";
if (filename == "gruntfile.js") icon = "grunt";
return icon;
/***** Methods *****/
* Active tabs with ACE editor get the same color as the current ACE theme
* @method styleTab
* @param {} e
* @return
function styleTabs(e) {
var panes = tabs.getPanes();
panes.forEach(function(pane) {
// Add a file icon to the tab if jett is enabled
pane.getTabs().forEach(function(tab) {
if (themeEnabled && tab.isActive()) {
if (ace.theme && ace.theme.bg && ace.theme.fg) {
// Color tabs based on their tab.aml.type
var colorHash = {
"editor::ace": ace.theme.bg,
"editor::terminal": "#000",
"editor::output": "#000",
"editor::preferences": "#25272C",
"editor::immediate": "#1C1D21"
tab.aml.$button.style.backgroundColor = (colorHash[tab.aml.type] || "iherit");
tab.aml.$button.style.color = ace.theme.fg;
else {
tab.aml.$button.style.backgroundColor = '';
tab.aml.$button.style.color = '';
* Tabs get file icons!
* @method setTabIcon
* @param {} tab
* @return
function setTabIcon(tab) {
if (!tab.path) return;
var iconHTML = (themeEnabled ? '<span class="filetree-icon '
+ getIconClass(tab.path)
+ '"></span>' : "")
+ escapeHTML(tab.title);
tab.aml.$button.querySelector(".sessiontab_title").innerHTML = iconHTML;
/***** Lifecycle *****/
plugin.on("load", function() {
plugin.on("unload", function() {
themeEnabled = false;
/***** Register and define API *****/
register(null, {
"theme.jett": plugin