
933 wiersze
35 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
define(function(require, exports, module) {
main.consumes = [
2017-02-12 20:04:05 +00:00
"Plugin", "c9", "util", "settings", "ui", "layout",
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
"find", "anims", "menus", "tabManager", "commands", "tooltip",
"tree", "apf", "console", "preferences", "dialog.question",
"tree.favorites", "save"
main.provides = ["findinfiles"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var c9 = imports.c9;
var util = imports.util;
var Plugin = imports.Plugin;
var settings = imports.settings;
var ui = imports.ui;
var anims = imports.anims;
var menus = imports.menus;
var commands = imports.commands;
var favs = imports["tree.favorites"];
var c9console = imports.console;
var layout = imports.layout;
var tooltip = imports.tooltip;
var tabs = imports.tabManager;
var tree = imports.tree;
var prefs = imports.preferences;
var find = imports.find;
var save = imports.save;
var question = imports["dialog.question"].show;
2017-02-12 20:04:05 +00:00
var apf = imports.apf;
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
var markup = require("text!./findinfiles.xml");
var lib = require("plugins/c9.ide.find.replace/libsearch");
var SearchMode = require("ace/mode/c9search").Mode;
/***** Initialization *****/
var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var libsearch = lib(settings, execFind, toggleDialog, function() {});
// Make ref available for other search implementations (specifically searchreplace)
lib.findinfiles = plugin;
var position, lastActiveAce;
// ui elements
var txtSFFind, txtSFPatterns, chkSFMatchCase;
var chkSFRegEx, txtSFReplace, chkSFWholeWords, searchRow, chkSFConsole;
var winSearchInFiles, ddSFSelection, tooltipSearchInFiles, btnSFFind;
var btnSFReplaceAll, btnCollapse, currentProcess;
var loaded = false;
function load() {
if (loaded) return false;
loaded = true;
name: "searchinfiles",
hint: "search for a string through all files in the current workspace",
bindKey: { mac: "Shift-Command-F", win: "Ctrl-Shift-F" },
exec: function () {
}, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("Find/~", new ui.divider(), 10000, plugin),
menus.addItemByPath("Find/Find in Files...", new ui.item({
command: "searchinfiles"
}), 20000, plugin);
settings.on("read", function(e) {
settings.setDefaults("state/findinfiles", [
["regex", "false"],
["matchcase", "false"],
["wholeword", "false"],
["console", "true"],
["scope", "selection"],
settings.setDefaults("user/findinfiles", [
["consolelaunch", "false"],
["fullpath", "false"],
["scrolldown", "false"],
["project", "/"],
["clear", "true"]
}, plugin);
"General": {
"Find in Files": {
position: 30,
"Search In This Path When 'Project' Is Selected": {
type: "textbox",
position: 100,
path: "user/findinfiles/@project"
"Show Full Path in Results": {
type: "checkbox",
position: 100,
path: "user/findinfiles/@fullpath"
"Clear Results Before Each Search": {
type: "checkbox",
position: 100,
path: "user/findinfiles/@clear"
"Scroll Down as Search Results Come In": {
type: "checkbox",
position: 100,
path: "user/findinfiles/@scrolldown"
"Open Files when Navigating Results with ↓ ↑": {
type: "checkbox",
position: 100,
path: "user/findinfiles/@consolelaunch"
}, plugin);
tabs.on("focus", function(e) {
if (e.tab.editor.type == "ace"
&& !e.tab.document.meta.searchResults) {
lastActiveAce = e.tab;
}, plugin);
var tab = tabs.focussedTab;
lastActiveAce = tab && tab.editor.type == "ace" ? tab : null;
// Context Menu
tree.getElement("mnuCtxTree", function(mnuCtxTree) {
menus.addItemToMenu(mnuCtxTree, new ui.item({
match: "file|folder|project",
command: "searchinfiles",
caption: "Search In This Folder",
onclick: function() {
ddSFSelection.setAttribute("value", "selection");
}), 1030, plugin);
// add mouse interaction to restored session
SearchMode.prototype.attachToSession = initC9SearchSession;
var drawn = false;
function draw() {
if (drawn) return;
drawn = true;
// Create UI elements
searchRow = layout.findParent(plugin);
ui.insertMarkup(null, markup, plugin);
txtSFFind = plugin.getElement("txtSFFind");
txtSFPatterns = plugin.getElement("txtSFPatterns");
chkSFMatchCase = plugin.getElement("chkSFMatchCase");
chkSFRegEx = plugin.getElement("chkSFRegEx");
txtSFReplace = plugin.getElement("txtSFReplace");
chkSFWholeWords = plugin.getElement("chkSFWholeWords");
chkSFConsole = plugin.getElement("chkSFConsole");
ddSFSelection = plugin.getElement("ddSFSelection");
btnSFFind = plugin.getElement("btnSFFind");
winSearchInFiles = plugin.getElement("winSearchInFiles");
btnSFReplaceAll = plugin.getElement("btnSFReplaceAll");
btnCollapse = plugin.getElement("btnCollapse");
tooltipSearchInFiles = plugin.getElement("tooltipSearchInFiles");
btnSFFind.on("click", function() { execFind(); });
btnSFReplaceAll.on("click", function() { execReplace(); });
btnCollapse.on("click", function() { toggleDialog(-1); });
var first = 0;
function resize() {
if (first++ < 2) { return; } // Skip first 2 calls
var h = winSearchInFiles.$ext.scrollHeight;
if (Math.abs(winSearchInFiles.height - h) < 1) { return; }
winSearchInFiles.$ext.style.height = "";
ui.layout.forceResize(null, true);
txtSFFind.ace.renderer.on("autosize", resize);
txtSFReplace.ace.renderer.on("autosize", resize);
var control = {};
function animate(e) {
if (control && control.stop) control.stop();
if (e.name == "focus") {
if (e.fromElement != control.toShrink)
control.toShrink = null;
control.toGrow = e.currentTarget;
} else {
control.toShrink = e.currentTarget;
control.toGrow = null;
if (control.toShrink == control.toGrow)
// if (focused == txtSFPatterns || focused == txtSFReplace)
control.timer = control.timer || setTimeout(function() {
control.timer = null;
function startAnimation() {
applyTween(control.toGrow, true);
applyTween(control.toShrink, false);
function applyTween(amlNode, grow) {
if (!amlNode) return;
var domNode = amlNode.$ext;
var value = grow ? 3 : 1;
var type = "boxFlex";
if (amlNode != txtSFPatterns) {
domNode = domNode.parentNode;
} else {
value = value == 1 ? 0 : value;
if (!value)
domNode.style.flexBasis = "auto";
type = "boxFlexGrow";
// I'd rather use css anims, but they didn't seem to work
apf.tween.single(domNode, {
type: type,
from: domNode.style[apf.CSS_FLEX_PROP] || (grow ? 1 : 3),
to: value,
anim: apf.tween.easeOutCubic,
control: control,
steps: 15,
interval: 1,
onfinish: function() {
ui.layout.forceResize(null, true);
txtSFReplace.on("focus", animate);
txtSFReplace.on("blur", animate);
txtSFPatterns.on("focus", animate);
txtSFPatterns.on("blur", animate);
name: "hidesearchinfiles",
bindKey: { mac: "ESC", win: "ESC" },
isAvailable: function(editor) {
return winSearchInFiles.visible;
exec: function(env, args, request) {
}, plugin);
winSearchInFiles.on("prop.visible", function(e) {
if (e.value) {
tree.on("select", setSearchSelection);
else {
if (tree)
tree.off("select", setSearchSelection);
txtSFFind.ace.session.on("change", function() {
if (chkSFRegEx.checked)
libsearch.checkRegExp(txtSFFind, tooltipSearchInFiles, winSearchInFiles);
libsearch.addSearchKeyboardHandler(txtSFFind, "searchfiles");
var kb = libsearch.addSearchKeyboardHandler(txtSFReplace, "replacefiles");
"Return|Shift-Return": function() { execReplace(); }
kb = libsearch.addSearchKeyboardHandler(txtSFPatterns, "searchwhere");
var tt = document.body.appendChild(tooltipSearchInFiles.$ext);
chkSFRegEx.on("prop.value", function(e) {
libsearch.setRegexpMode(txtSFFind, ui.isTrue(e.value));
libsearch.setRegexpMode(txtSFFind, chkSFRegEx.checked);
libsearch.setReplaceFieldMode(txtSFReplace, "jsOnly");
var cbs = winSearchInFiles.selectNodes("//a:checkbox");
cbs.forEach(function(cb) {
tooltip.add(cb.$ext, {
message: cb.label,
width: "auto",
timeout: 0,
tooltip: tt,
animate: false,
getPosition: function() {
var pos = ui.getAbsolutePosition(winSearchInFiles.$ext);
var left = cb.$ext.getBoundingClientRect().left;
var top = pos[1];
return [left, top - 16];
}, plugin);
[txtSFReplace, txtSFPatterns].forEach(function(node) {
tooltip.add(node.$ext, {
message: node.label,
width: "auto",
timeout: 0,
tooltip: tt,
animate: false,
getPosition: function() {
var pos = ui.getAbsolutePosition(winSearchInFiles.$ext);
var left = node.$ext.getBoundingClientRect().left;
var top = pos[1];
return [left, top - 16];
}, plugin);
ddSFSelection.setAttribute("value", settings.get("state/findinfiles/@scope"));
ddSFSelection.on("afterselect", function() {
settings.set("state/findinfiles/@scope", ddSFSelection.value);
// Offline
c9.on("stateChange", function(e) {
// Online
if (e.state & c9.STORAGE) {
// Offline
else {
}, plugin);
/***** Methods *****/
function getSearchResultPages() {
return tabs.getTabs().filter(function(tab) {
return tab.document.meta.searchResults;
function setSearchSelection(e) {
var path, node, name, parts;
if (tree.selected) {
// If originating from an event
node = e && e.nodes[0] || tree.selectedNode;
parts = node.path.split("/");
// get selected node in tree and set it as selection
name = "";
if (node.isFolder)
name = parts[parts.length - 1];
name = parts[parts.length - 2];
if (name.length > 25)
name = name.substr(0, 22) + "...";
else {
path = settings.get("user/tree_selection/@path") || "/";
parts = path.split("/");
if ((name = parts.pop()).indexOf(".") > -1)
name = parts.pop();
2017-03-05 18:42:14 +00:00
"Project (excludes .gitignore'd)");
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
2017-03-05 18:42:14 +00:00
"Selection: " + (name || "/"));
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
if (ddSFSelection.value == "selection") {
ddSFSelection.setAttribute("value", "");
ddSFSelection.setAttribute("value", "selection");
function getSelectedTreePath() {
var node = tree.selectedNode;
if (!node.isFolder)
node = node.parent || node;
return node.path;
function toggleDialog(force, isReplace, noselect, callback) {
tooltipSearchInFiles.$ext.style.display = "none";
if (!force && !winSearchInFiles.visible || force > 0) {
var tab = tabs.focussedTab;
var editor = tab && tab.editor;
if (editor && editor.type == "ace") {
var ace = editor.ace;
if (!ace.selection.isEmpty() && !ace.selection.isMultiLine())
if (winSearchInFiles.visible && force != 2) {
layout.setFindArea(winSearchInFiles, {}, callback);
position = -1;
else if (winSearchInFiles.visible) {
if (txtSFFind.getValue())
libsearch.saveHistory(txtSFFind.getValue(), "searchfiles");
if (!noselect && tabs.focussedTab)
layout.setFindArea(null, {}, callback);
return false;
function searchinfiles() {
function shouldSearchVCSIgnores() {
if (ddSFSelection.value == "project") {
return false;
return true;
function getOptions() {
return {
query: txtSFFind.getValue().replace(/\\n/g, "\n"),
pattern: txtSFPatterns.getValue(),
casesensitive: chkSFMatchCase.checked,
regexp: chkSFRegEx.checked,
replaceAll: false,
replacement: txtSFReplace.getValue(),
wholeword: chkSFWholeWords.checked,
path: getTargetFolderPath(),
addVCSIgnores: !shouldSearchVCSIgnores()
function getTargetFolderPath() {
// Determine the scope of the search
var path;
if (ddSFSelection.value == "selection") {
if (!tree.selected) {
var paths = settings.getJson("user/tree_selection");
if (!paths || !(path = paths[0]))
path = "/";
if (!path) {
path = getSelectedTreePath();
else if (ddSFSelection.value == "project") {
path = settings.get("user/findinfiles/@project") || "/";
else {
path = "/";
return path;
function execReplace(options) {
if (options) {
options.replaceAll = true;
save.saveAll({ skipNewFiles: true }, function() {
options = getOptions();
if (options.replacement || txtSFReplace.ace.isFocused()) {
} else {
"Replace in files",
"Replace all occurrences of " + (options.query) + " in " + options.path,
"Do you want continue? (This change cannot be undone)",
function(all) { // Yes
function(all, cancel) { // No
{ all: false, yes: "Replace Text", no: "Cancel" }
function execFind(options, cb) {
if (cb && typeof cb != "function")
cb = undefined; // called from libsearch
options = options || getOptions();
makeSearchResultsPanel(function(err, tab) {
if (err)
return console.error("Error creating search panel");
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
var session = tab.document.getSession();
var acesession = session.session;
var doc = acesession.getDocument();
acesession.mergeUndoDeltas = false;
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
if (settings.getBool("user/findinfiles/@clear"))
appendLines(doc, messageHeader(options.path, options));
doc.lastHeaderRow = doc.getLength() - 3;
if (ddSFSelection.value == "selection") {
var selection = tree.selection;
if (selection.length > 1) {
options.startPaths = selection;
options.path = "";
else if (ddSFSelection.value == "active") {
var filename = lastActiveAce && lastActiveAce.isActive()
&& lastActiveAce.path;
if (!filename) {
appendLines(doc, "Error: There is no active file. "
+ "Focus the editor you want to search and try again.\n");
options.startPaths = [filename];
else if (ddSFSelection.value == "open") {
var files = [];
tabs.getTabs().forEach(function(tab) {
var path = tab.path;
if (path && path != "/.c9/searchresults")
if (files.length < 1) {
appendLines(doc, "Error: There are no open files. "
+ "Open some files and try again.\n");
options.startPaths = files;
else if (ddSFSelection.value == "favorites") {
options.startPaths = favs.getFavoritePaths();
if (!options.startPaths.length) {
appendLines(doc, "Error: There are no favorites. "
+ "Add a favorite folder and try again.\n");
// Set loading indicator
// Regexp for chrooted path
var reBase = settings.getBool("user/findinfiles/@fullpath")
? false
: new RegExp("^" + util.escapeRegExp(find.basePath), "gm");
if (currentProcess) {
find.findFiles(options, function(err, stream, process) {
if (err) {
acesession.mergeUndoDeltas = true;
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
appendLines(doc, "Error executing search: " + err.message);
return cb && cb(err);
currentProcess = process;
var firstRun = true;
stream.on("data", function(chunk) {
if (firstRun && !settings.getBool("user/findinfiles/@scrolldown")) {
var currLength = doc.getLength() - 3; // the distance to the last message
doc.ace.scrollToLine(currLength, false, true);
firstRun = false;
acesession.mergeUndoDeltas = true;
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
reBase ? chunk.replace(reBase, "") : chunk);
stream.on("end", function(data) {
appendLines(doc, "\n", tab);
currentProcess = null;
var endRow = doc.getLength();
for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
var line = doc.getLine(endRow - i);
if (line && /Found \d+/.test(line)) {
var headerRow = doc.lastHeaderRow;
acesession.mergeUndoDeltas = true;
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
row: headerRow,
column: doc.getLine(headerRow).length
}, " (" + line.trim() + ")");
cb && cb();
libsearch.saveHistory(options.query, "searchfiles");
position = 0;
// ide.dispatchEvent("track_action", {type: "searchinfiles"});
function initC9SearchSession(acesession) {
if (!acesession.searchInited) {
var doc = acesession.doc;
acesession.searchInited = true;
var dblclick = function() {
var onEnter = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) { // ENTER
if (e.altKey === false) {
launchFileFromSearch(doc.ace, !e.shiftKey);
else {
var onKeyup = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode >= 37 && e.keyCode <= 40) { // KEYUP or KEYDOWN
if (settings.getBool("user/findinfiles/@consolelaunch")) {
launchFileFromSearch(doc.ace, false);
return false;
var updateEditorEventListeners = function(e) {
if (e.oldEditor) {
e.oldEditor.container.removeEventListener("dblclick", dblclick);
e.oldEditor.container.removeEventListener("keydown", onEnter);
e.oldEditor.container.removeEventListener("keyup", onKeyup);
if (e.editor) {
e.editor.container.addEventListener("keydown", onEnter);
e.editor.container.addEventListener("keyup", onKeyup);
e.editor.container.addEventListener("dblclick", dblclick);
// Ref for appendLines
doc.ace = e.editor;
acesession.on("changeEditor", updateEditorEventListeners);
var e = acesession.c9doc ? acesession.c9doc.tab.editor : doc;
if (e && e.ace && e.ace.session === acesession)
updateEditorEventListeners({ editor: e.ace });
var basePath = find.basePath.replace(/[\\\/]+/g, "/");
var reBasePath = new RegExp("^" + util.escapeRegExp(basePath));
var reHome = new RegExp("^" + util.escapeRegExp(c9.home));
function launchFileFromSearch(editor, focus) {
if (focus === undefined)
focus = true;
var session = editor.getSession();
var currRow = editor.getCursorPosition().row;
// "string" type is the parent filename
var pathRow = currRow + 1;
while (pathRow -- > 0) {
var token = session.getTokenAt(pathRow, 0);
if (token && token.type.indexOf("string") != -1)
var path = editor.getSession().getLine(pathRow);
if (path.charAt(path.length - 1) !== ":")
path = path.slice(0, -1).replace(/[\\\/]+/g, "/")
.replace(reBasePath, "")
.replace(reHome, "~");
if (!/[\/~]/.test(path.charAt(0)))
path = "/" + path;
if (!path)
var jump = session.getLine(currRow).match(/\s+(\d+):(\d*)/); // number:text
if (jump) {
var row = parseInt(jump[1], 10) - 1;
if (jump[2]) {
jump = {
row: row,
column: parseInt(jump[2], 10) - 1
} else {
var range = editor.getSelectionRange();
var offset = jump[0].length + 1;
jump = {
row: row,
column: range.start.column - offset,
select: {
row: row,
column: range.end.column - offset
path: path,
active: true,
focus: focus,
document: {
ace: {
jump: jump
}, function(err, tab) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
function appendLines(doc, content) {
if (!content || (!content.length && !content.count)) // blank lines can get through
if (typeof content != "string")
content = content.join("\n");
if (content.length > 0) {
doc.insert({ row: doc.getLength(), column: 0 }, content);
function messageHeader(path, options) {
var optionsDesc = [];
if (options.regexp === true)
if (options.casesensitive === true)
optionsDesc.push("case sensitive");
if (options.wholeword === true)
optionsDesc.push("whole word");
if (optionsDesc.length > 0)
optionsDesc = "\x01" + optionsDesc.join(", ") + "\x01";
optionsDesc = "";
var replacement = "";
if (options.replaceAll)
replacement = "\x01, replaced as \x01" + trim(options.replacement);
if (ddSFSelection.value == "workspace")
path = "your entire workspace";
if (ddSFSelection.value == "project")
path = "project files (excludes .gitignore'd files)";
else if (ddSFSelection.value == "active")
path = "the active file";
else if (ddSFSelection.value == "open")
path = "all open files";
else if (ddSFSelection.value == "favorites")
path = "all favorite folders";
return "Searching for \x01" + trim(options.query) + replacement
+ "\x01 in\x01" + path + "\x01" + optionsDesc + "\n\n";
function trim(str) {
return /.*/.exec(str)[0];
function makeSearchResultsPanel(callback) {
var tab = tabs.findTab("/.c9/searchresults");
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
if (!tab) {
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
var root = chkSFConsole.checked ? c9console : tabs;
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
path: "/.c9/searchresults", // This allows the tab to be saved
focus: true,
document: {
title: "Search Results",
meta: {
searchResults: true,
ignoreSave: true,
newfile: true
"ace": {
customSyntax: "c9search",
options: {}
editorType: "ace",
name: "searchResults"
}, function(err, tab, done) {
tab.on("unload", function() {
if (currentProcess)
tab.document.value = " "; // prevent metadata from loading old search results
callback(err, tab);
if (typeof done == "function")
else {
callback(null, tab);
/***** Lifecycle *****/
plugin.on("load", function() {
plugin.on("enable", function() {
plugin.on("disable", function() {
plugin.on("unload", function() {
loaded = false;
/***** Register and define API *****/
* Implements the search in files UI for Cloud9.
* @singleton
* Fetches a ui element. You can use this method both sync and async.
* The search in files plugin has the following elements:
* * txtSFFind - `{@link ui.textbox}`
* * txtSFPatterns - `{@link ui.textbox}`
* * chkSFMatchCase - `{@link ui.checkbox}`
* * chkSFRegEx - `{@link ui.checkbox}`
* * txtSFReplace - `{@link ui.button}`
* * chkSFWholeWords - `{@link ui.checkbox}`
* * chkSFConsole - `{@link ui.checkbox}`
* * ddSFSelection - `{@link ui.dropdown}`
* * btnSFFind - `{@link ui.button}`
* * winSearchInFiles - `{@link ui.window}`
* * btnSFReplaceAll - `{@link ui.button}`
* * btnCollapse - `{@link ui.button}`
* * tooltipSearchInFiles - `{@link ui.label}`
* @method getElement
* @param {String} name the id of the element to fetch.
* @param {Function} [callback] the function to call when the
* element is available (could be immediately)
get aml() { return winSearchInFiles; },
* Toggles the visibility of the search in files panel.
* @param {Number} force Set to -1 to force hide the panel,
* or set to 1 to force show the panel.
toggle: toggleDialog,
* @ignore
execFind: execFind
register(null, {
findinfiles: plugin