
406 wiersze
15 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
define(function(require, exports, module) {
main.consumes = [
"Plugin", "dialog.error", "ui", "settings", "tabManager", "save",
"menus", "preferences.keybindings", "preferences.general",
"preferences.project", "c9", "commands", "watcher", "fs",
2017-05-02 17:29:09 +00:00
"tree.favorites", "util", "app"
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
main.provides = ["configure"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var Plugin = imports.Plugin;
var settings = imports.settings;
var commands = imports.commands;
var save = imports.save;
var menus = imports.menus;
var watcher = imports.watcher;
var tabManager = imports.tabManager;
var ui = imports.ui;
var c9 = imports.c9;
var fs = imports.fs;
var kbprefs = imports["preferences.keybindings"];
var genprefs = imports["preferences.general"];
var prjprefs = imports["preferences.project"];
2017-05-02 17:29:09 +00:00
var services = imports.app.services;
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
var showError = imports["dialog.error"].show;
var favs = imports["tree.favorites"];
var util = imports.util;
var join = require("path").join;
/***** Initialization *****/
var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
// var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var cssSession = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
var initPlugin;
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
var pathFromFavorite = options.pathFromFavorite;
var loaded = false;
function load() {
if (loaded) return false;
loaded = true;
// Init Script
var script = settings.get("user/config/init.js");
if (script) {
// Init CSS
var css = settings.get("user/config/styles.css");
if (css)
insertCss(css, false, cssSession);
settings.on("user/config/styles.css", function(css) {
insertCss(css, false, cssSession);
name: "restartc9",
group: "General",
bindKey: { mac: "Command-R", win: "Ctrl-R" },
exec: function() {
}, plugin);
name: "rerunInitScript",
group: "General",
bindKey: { mac: "Command-Enter", win: "Ctrl-Enter" },
isAvailable: function() {
return tabManager.focussedTab && tabManager.focussedTab.path == "~/.c9/init.js";
exec: function() {
var script = settings.get("user/config/init.js");
}, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("Cloud9/~", new ui.divider(), 300, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("Cloud9/Go To Your Dashboard", new ui.item({
onclick: function() { window.open(options.dashboardUrl); }
}), 310, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("Cloud9/~", new ui.divider(), 350, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("Cloud9/Open Your Project Settings", new ui.item({
onclick: editProjectSettings
}), 400, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("Cloud9/Open Your User Settings", new ui.item({
onclick: editUserSettings
}), 400, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("Cloud9/Open Your Keymap", new ui.item({
onclick: function() {
}), 600, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("Cloud9/Open Your Init Script", new ui.item({
onclick: editInitJs
}), 700, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("Cloud9/Open Your Stylesheet", new ui.item({
onclick: editStylesCss
}), 800, plugin);
if (!c9.hosted) {
menus.addItemByPath("Cloud9/Restart Cloud9", new apf.item({
command: "restartc9"
}), 2000080, plugin);
} else {
menus.addItemByPath("Cloud9/Restart Workspace", new apf.item({
command: "restartc9vm"
}), 2000080, plugin);
genprefs.on("edit", function() {
prjprefs.on("edit", function() {
save.on("beforeSave", function(e) {
if (!e.document.meta.config) return;
var path = e.document.meta.config;
// Doing save as, it is now a normal document
if (e.path != path && e.path != util.normalizePath(path)) {
delete e.document.meta.config;
delete e.document.meta.nofs;
if (path == "~/.c9/init.js") {
settings.setJson("user/config/init.js", e.document.value);
showError("Please reload or press '" + commands.getHotkey("rerunInitScript") + "' for these changes to take effect.");
else if (path == "~/.c9/styles.css") {
var css = e.document.value;
settings.setJson("user/config/styles.css", css);
else if (path == settings.paths.project) {
try { var project = JSON.parse(e.document.value); }
catch (e) {
showError("Syntax Error in Project Settings: " + e.message);
return false;
// @todo doesn't update UI
// settings.model.project = project;
settings.read({ project: project });
else if (path == settings.paths.user) {
try { var user = JSON.parse(e.document.value); }
catch (e) {
showError("Syntax Error in User Settings: " + e.message);
return false;
// @todo doesn't update UI
// settings.model.user = user;
settings.read({ user: user });
delete e.document.meta.newfile;
return false;
}, plugin);
// Load initial project settings from disk and match against latest from database
var initWatcher, projectPath;
settings.on("read", function() {
if (initWatcher) return;
initWatcher = true;
// Keep project file consistent with changes on disk
watcher.on("change", function(e) {
if (e.path == projectPath)
fs.readFile(e.path, readHandler);
watcher.on("delete", function(e) {
if (e.path == projectPath)
watcher.on("failed", function(e) {
if (e.path == projectPath) {
setTimeout(function() {
watcher.watch(projectPath); // Retries once after 1s
function readHandler(err, data) {
if (err) return;
settings.paths.project = projectPath;
try { var json = JSON.parse(data); }
catch (e) { return; }
settings.update("project", json);
function updateFavPath() {
var mainPath = favs.getFavoritePaths()[0];
if (mainPath)
mainPath = join(mainPath, ".c9/project.settings");
mainPath = originalPath;
// Unwatch old project path
if (projectPath)
// Set new project path
projectPath = mainPath;
// Watch project path
// Read from disk
fs.readFile(mainPath, readHandler);
// At startup read the project settings from disk
if (pathFromFavorite) {
var originalPath = settings.paths.project;
favs.on("favoriteAdd", updateFavPath);
favs.on("favoriteRemove", updateFavPath);
favs.on("favoriteReorder", updateFavPath);
else {
projectPath = settings.paths.project;
// Watch project path
// Read from disk
fs.readFile(projectPath, readHandler);
/***** Methods *****/
function insertCss(css, staticPrefix, plugin) {
// we do not use ui.insertCss to make sure user stylesheet is
// appended to the body tag and have highest priority
// without this priority of css rules will be different after
// saving stylesheet and after reloading cloud9
css += "\n/*# sourceURL=~/.c9/styles.css */";
var style = document.createElement("style");
// Cleanup
plugin.addOther(function() {
function openTab(path, value, syntax, defaultValue) {
path: path,
value: value || defaultValue,
active: true,
editorType: "ace",
document: {
ace: { customSyntax: syntax },
meta: { config: path, newfile: !value.length, nofs: true }
}, function(err, tab) {
function editInitJs() {
var script = settings.get("user/config/init.js") || "";
openTab("~/.c9/init.js", script, "javascript",
"// You can access plugins via the 'services' global variable\n" +
"/*global services, plugin*/\n" +
"\n" +
"// to load plugins use\n" +
"// services.pluginManager.loadPackage([\n" +
"// \"https://<user>.github.io/<project>/build/package.<name>.js\",\n" +
"// \"~/.c9/plugins/<name>/package.json\",\n" +
"// ]);\n");
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
function editStylesCss() {
var css = settings.get("user/config/styles.css") || "";
openTab("~/.c9/styles.css", css, "css");
2017-11-12 16:54:23 +00:00
function stringifySettings(query) {
var model = settings.get(query, true);
var defaults = settings.get(query, true, true);
var merged = merge({}, defaults, model);
function merge(result) {
var args = arguments;
for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
var o = args[i];
for (var key in o) {
2017-11-21 18:54:44 +00:00
if (o[key] && typeof o[key] === "object") {
2017-11-12 16:54:23 +00:00
if (!result[key] || typeof result[key] != "object")
2017-11-21 18:54:44 +00:00
result[key] = Array.isArray(o[key]) ? [] : {};
2017-11-12 16:54:23 +00:00
merge(result[key], o[key]);
2017-11-21 18:54:44 +00:00
else {
result[key] = o[key];
2017-11-12 16:54:23 +00:00
return result;
return util.stableStringify(merged, null, 4)
.replace(/ "(true|false)"/g, " $1");
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
function editProjectSettings() {
2017-11-12 16:54:23 +00:00
var value = stringifySettings("project");
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
openTab(settings.paths.project, value, "javascript");
function editUserSettings() {
2017-11-12 16:54:23 +00:00
var value = stringifySettings("user");
2017-01-06 10:47:08 +00:00
openTab(settings.paths.user, value, "javascript");
function runInitJs(script) {
c9.once("ready", function() {
try {
var fn = new Function("services, plugin", script
+ "\n//@ sourceURL=config/init.js");
if (initPlugin) initPlugin.unload();
var initPlugin = new Plugin("initScript", []);
initPlugin.name = "initScript";
fn(services, initPlugin);
catch (e) {
setTimeout(function() {
showError("Error Executing init.js: ", e.message);
}, 500);
/***** Lifecycle *****/
plugin.on("load", function() {
plugin.on("enable", function() {
plugin.on("disable", function() {
plugin.on("unload", function() {
loaded = false;
if (initPlugin) initPlugin.unload();
/***** Register and define API *****/
editInitJs: editInitJs,
editStylesCss: editStylesCss,
editProjectSettings: editProjectSettings,
editUserSettings: editUserSettings
register(null, {
configure: plugin