
542 wiersze
20 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
define(function(require, exports, module) {
main.consumes = [
"PreferencePanel", "commands", "settings", "ui", "util", "Form",
"c9", "dialog.alert", "tabManager", "save", "dialog.confirm", "layout",
2015-03-27 18:22:08 +00:00
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
main.provides = ["preferences.keybindings"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var PreferencePanel = imports.PreferencePanel;
var commands = imports.commands;
var settings = imports.settings;
var layout = imports.layout;
var ui = imports.ui;
var c9 = imports.c9;
var util = imports.util;
var save = imports.save;
var menus = imports.menus;
var tabManager = imports.tabManager;
var alert = imports["dialog.alert"].show;
var confirm = imports["dialog.confirm"].show;
var search = require("../c9.ide.navigate/search");
var keys = require("ace/lib/keys");
var Tree = require("ace_tree/tree");
var TreeData = require("./editordp");
var TreeEditor = require("ace_tree/edit");
/***** Initialization *****/
var plugin = new PreferencePanel("Ajax.org", main.consumes, {
caption: "Keybindings",
2015-03-27 17:45:59 +00:00
className: "keybindings flatform",
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
form: true,
noscroll: true,
index: 200
// var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var model, datagrid, changed, container, filterbox;
var appliedCustomSets, intro, reloading;
var loaded = false;
function load() {
if (loaded) return false;
loaded = true;
settings.on("user/key-bindings", function(){
var platform = settings.get("user/key-bindings/@platform");
if (platform == "auto")
platform = apf.isMac ? "mac" : "win";
if (commands.platform != platform) {
}, plugin);
settings.on("read", function(e) {
}, plugin);
commands.on("update", function(){
if (!reloading) {
changed = true;
}, plugin);
save.on("beforeSave", function(e) {
if (e.document.meta.keybindings) {
// Doing save as, it is now a normal document
if (e.path != "~/.c9/keybindings.settings") {
delete e.document.meta.keybindings;
var value = e.document.value
.replace(/\/\/.*/g, "")
function(_, str, extraComma, noQuote, missingComma) {
if (missingComma)
return missingComma[0] + "," + missingComma.slice(1);
return str || extraComma || '"' + noQuote + '":';
.trim() || "[]";
var json;
try {
json = JSON.parse(value);
if (!Array.isArray(json))
throw new Error("");
} catch (e) {
alert("Syntax Error",
"Found a Syntax Error in Keybindings",
"Please correct it and try saving again.");
return false;
settings.setJson("user/key-bindings", json);
return false;
}, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("Help/Key Bindings Editor", new ui.item({
onclick: function(){
commands.exec("openpreferences", null, {
panel: plugin
}), 250, plugin);
var drawn;
function draw(e) {
if (drawn) return;
drawn = true;
model = new TreeData();
model.emptyMessage = "No keybindings to display";
model.columns = [{
caption: "Name",
value: "name",
width: "150",
type: "tree"
}, {
caption: "Keystroke",
value: "keys",
width: "20%",
editor: "textbox"
}, {
caption: "Description",
value: "info",
width: "80%"
layout.on("eachTheme", function(e){
var height = parseInt(ui.getStyleRule(".bar-preferences .blackdg .tree-row", "height"), 10) || 24;
model.rowHeightInner = height;
model.rowHeight = height;
if (e.changed) datagrid.resize(true);
type: "custom",
title: "Introduction",
position: 1,
node: intro = new ui.bar({
height: 149,
"class" : "intro",
style: "padding:12px;position:relative;"
type: "button",
title: "Reset to Default Keybindings",
caption: "Reset to Defaults",
width: 140,
onclick: function(){
confirm("Reset Settings",
"Are you sure you want to reset your keybindings?",
"By resetting your keybindings to their "
+ "defaults you will lose all custom keybindings.",
settings.setJson("user/key-bindings", []);
2015-02-18 18:58:05 +00:00
settings.set("user/ace/@keyboardmode", "default");
settings.set("user/key-bindings/@platform", "auto");
commands.reset(false, true);
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
}, function(){});
position: 90
title: "Keyboard Mode",
type: "dropdown",
path: "user/ace/@keyboardmode",
items: [
{ caption: "Default", value: "default" },
{ caption: "Vim", value: "vim" },
{ caption: "Emacs", value: "emacs" },
{ caption: "Sublime", value: "sublime" }
position: 100
type: "dropdown",
title: "Operating System",
path: "user/key-bindings/@platform",
items: [
{caption: "Auto", value: "auto"},
{caption: "Apple OSX", value: "mac"},
{caption: "Windows / Linux", value: "win"},
position: 110
type: "custom",
title: "Keybindings Editor",
position: 120,
node: container = new ui.bar({
anchors: "269 0 0 0",
"class" : "keybindings",
2015-03-27 17:45:59 +00:00
style: "padding:44px 10px 10px 10px"
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
], commands);
intro.$int.innerHTML =
'<h1>Keybindings</h1><p>Change these settings to configure '
+ 'how Cloud9 responds to your keyboard commands.</p>'
+ '<p>You can also manually edit <a href="javascript:void(0)" '
+ '>your keymap file</a>.</p>'
+ '<p class="hint">Hint: Double click on the keystroke cell in the table below to change the keybinding.</p>';
intro.$int.querySelector("a").onclick = function(){ editUserKeys(); };
var div = container.$ext.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
div.style.width = div.style.height = "100%";
datagrid = new Tree(div);
datagrid.setTheme({ cssClass: "blackdg" });
datagrid.edit = new TreeEditor(datagrid);
layout.on("resize", function(){ datagrid.resize() }, plugin);
filterbox = new apf.codebox({
realtime: true,
skin: "codebox",
"class": "dark",
clearbutton: true,
focusselect: true,
height: 27,
left: 10,
top: 10,
width: 250,
singleline: true,
"initial-message": "Search Keybindings"
function setTheme(e) {
e.theme.indexOf("dark") > -1 ? "dark" : "");
layout.on("themeChange", setTheme);
setTheme({ theme: settings.get("user/general/@skin") });
bindKey: "Enter",
exec: function(){ }
}, {
bindKey: "Esc",
exec: function(ace){ ace.setValue(""); }
filterbox.ace.on("input", function(e) {
container.on("contextmenu", function(){
return false;
var lastKey, displayKey;
datagrid.on("createEditor", function(e) {
displayKey = lastKey = "";
e.ace.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(function(data, hashId, keyString, keyCode, e) {
var ace = data.editor;
var disable = { command: "null" };
var mod = keys.KEY_MODS[hashId];
var isTextInput = keyString.length == 1 && (!mod || mod == "shift-");
if (!e || isTextInput || keyCode <= 0) return;
var key = mod.split("-").filter(Boolean);
// do not allow binding to enter and escape without modifiers
if (!key.length) {
if (e.keyCode == 8) {
lastKey = displayKey = "";
return disable;
if (e.keyCode == 27) {
return disable;
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
key = ace.getValue().split("-");
keyString = key.pop();
setTimeout(function() {
return disable;
if (keyCode > 0)
key.push(keys[keys[keyString]] || keyString);
displayKey = lastKey = key.map(function(x) {
return x.uCaseFirst();
if (commands.platform == "mac")
displayKey = apf.hotkeys.toMacNotation(displayKey);
return disable;
datagrid.on("rename", function(e) {
var node = e.node;
var name = node.name;
node.keys = displayKey;
node.actualKeys = lastKey;
// Make sure key is not already used
var used = commands.findKey(lastKey);
if (used.length > 1 || (used[0] && used[0].name != name)) {
"There are other commands bound to this key combination",
"[" + used.map(function(x) { return x.name }).join(", ") + "]"
// Add key
commands.bindKey(lastKey, commands.commands[name]);
var n = {
command: node.name,
keys: (node.actualKeys || node.keys).split("|")
var cmds = settings.getJson("user/key-bindings") || [];
if (!cmds.some(function(node, i) {
if (node.command == n.command) {
cmds[i] = n;
return true;
})) cmds.push(n);
settings.setJson("user/key-bindings", cmds);
// when tab is restored datagrids size might be wrong
// todo: remove this when apf bug is fixed
datagrid.once("mousemove", function() {
/***** Methods *****/
// @todo move this to commands
function updateCommandsFromSettings() {
c9.once("ready", function() {
if (appliedCustomSets)
var cmds = settings.getJson("user/key-bindings");
if (cmds) {
cmds.forEach(function(cmd) {
if (!cmd || !cmd.command)
var keys = cmd.keys;
if (Array.isArray(keys))
keys = keys.join("|");
if (typeof keys == "string")
commands.bindKey(keys, commands.commands[cmd.command]);
appliedCustomSets = true;
reloading = true;
reloading = false;
function reset(noReload) {
reloading = true;
if (!noReload) {
settings.setJson("user/key-bindings", []);
reloading = false;
function reloadModel() {
if (!model) return;
var groups = {};
var root = [];
var platform = commands.platform;
Object.keys(commands.commands).forEach(function(name) {
var item = commands.commands[name];
if (!item.name) return;
var groupName = item.group || "General";
if (groupName == "ignore") return;
var group = groups[groupName];
if (!group)
root.push(group = groups[groupName] = {
items: [],
isOpen: true,
className: "group",
noSelect: true,
name: groupName
var keys = commands.commandManager[item.name] || "";
//item.bindKey && item.bindKey[platform] || "";
name: item.name,
enabled: "true",
info: item.hint || "",
keys: platform == "mac"
? apf.hotkeys.toMacNotation(keys)
: keys
model.cachedRoot = { items: root };
function applyFilter() {
model.keyword = filterbox && filterbox.getValue();
if (!model.keyword) {
model.reKeyword = null;
else {
model.reKeyword = new RegExp("("
+ util.escapeRegExp(model.keyword) + ")", 'i');
var root = search.treeSearch(model.cachedRoot.items, model.keyword, true);
function editUserKeys(tab) {
// preferences.hide();
var keys = settings.getJson("user/key-bindings") || [];
var value = "// Edit this keymap file and save to apply.\n[\n";
value += keys.map(function(key) {
return " " + JSON.stringify(key)
.replace(/":/g, "\": ")
.replace(/,/g, ", ")
.replace(/\{/g, "{ ")
.replace(/\}/g, " }");
if (!keys.length)
value += ' // { "command": "nexttab", "keys": ["Ctrl-Tab"] }';
value += "\n]";
if (tab) {
tab.document.value = value;
else {
path: "~/.c9/keybindings.settings",
value: value,
active: true,
editorType: "ace",
document: {
ace: { customSyntax: "javascript" },
meta: { keybindings: true, nofs: true }
}, function(err, tab) {
/***** Lifecycle *****/
plugin.on("load", function() {
plugin.on("draw", function(e) {
plugin.on("activate", function(e) {
datagrid && datagrid.resize();
plugin.on("resize", function(e) {
datagrid && datagrid.resize();
plugin.on("unload", function() {
loaded = false;
drawn = false;
2015-03-27 17:45:59 +00:00
model = null;
datagrid = null;
changed = null;
container = null;
filterbox = null;
appliedCustomSets = null;
intro = null;
reloading = null;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
/***** Register and define API *****/
editUserKeys: editUserKeys
register(null, {
"preferences.keybindings" : plugin