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2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
# Smith
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Smith is an RPC agent system for Node.JS used in architect and vfs.
## Usage
Smith can be used in any situation where you have a duplex node stream. This
can be over tcp, stdio, a pipe, or anything that sends bytes back and forth.
### TCP client-server example
In this example, I have a TCP server that serves an add function to any agent
clients who want to consume the service.
For the server, we create a small agent and serve it on a listening tcp port.
var net = require('net');
var Agent = require('smith').Agent;
var api = {
add: function (a, b, callback) {
callback(null, a + b);
// Start a TCP server
net.createServer(function (socket) {
// Create the agent that serves the shared api.
var agent = new Agent(api);
// Connect to the remote agent
agent.connect(socket, function (err, api) {
if (err) return console.error(err.stack);
console.log("A new client connected");
// Log when the agent disconnects
agent.on("disconnect", function (err) {
console.error("The client disconnected")
if (err) console.error(err.stack);
}).listen(1337, function () {
console.log("Agent server listening on port 1337");
Then to consume this TCP service, we can create an agent and connect it to the
tcp server.
var net = require('net');
var Agent = require('smith').Agent;
var socket = net.connect(1337, function () {
// Create our client
var agent = new Agent()
agent.connect(socket, function (err, api) {
api.add(4, 5, function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("4 + 5 = %s", result);
For an example of how to reconnect if the connection goes down, see
### STDIO Parent-Child Example
Here we create a node process that spawns a child process, and the two talk to eachother calling functions both directions.
Both share a simple API library.
exports.ping = function (callback) {
callback(null, process.pid + " pong");
The parent creates an Agent,spawns the child, and connects.
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var Agent = require('smith').Agent;
var Transport = require('smith').Transport;
// Create an agent instance using the shared API
var agent = new Agent(require('./process-shared-api'));
// Spawn the child process that runs the other half.
var child = spawn(process.execPath, [__dirname + "/process-child.js"]);
// Forward the child's console output
var transport = new Transport(child.stdout, child.stdin);
agent.connect(transport, function (err, api) {
if (err) throw err;
// Call the child's API in a loop
function loop() {
api.ping(function (err, message) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Child says %s", message);
setTimeout(loop, Math.random() * 1000);
The child resumes stdin, creates an Agent, and connects.
var Agent = require('smith').Agent;
var Transport = require('smith').Transport;
// Redirect logs to stderr since stdout is used for data
console.log = console.error;
// Start listening on stdin for smith rpc data.
var agent = new Agent(require('./process-shared-api'));
var transport = new Transport(process.stdin, process.stdout);
agent.connect(transport, function (err, api) {
if (err) throw err;
// Call the parent's API in a loop
function loop() {
api.ping(function (err, message) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Got %s from parent", message);
setTimeout(loop, Math.random() * 1000);
## Class: Agent
Agent is the main class used in smith. It represents an agent in your mesh
network. It provides a set of service functions exposed as async functions.
### new Agent(api)
Create a new Agent instance that serves the functions listed in `api`.
### agent.api
The functions this agent serves locally to remote agents.
### agent.remoteApi
A object containing proxy functions for the api functions in the remote agent.
Calling these functions when the remote is offline will result in the last
argument being called with a ENOTCONNECTED error (assuming it's a function).
### agent.connectionTimeout
If the connection hasn't happened by 10,000 ms, an ETIMEDOUT error will
happen. To change the timeoutvalue, change `connectionTimeout` on either the
instance or the prototype. Set to zero to disable.
### Event: 'connect'
`function (remoteApi) { }`
When the rpc handshake is complete, the agent will emit a connect event
containing the remoteApi.
### Event: 'disconnect'
`function () { }`
Emitted when the transport dies and the remote becomes offline
### Event: 'drain'
When the writable stream in the transport emits drain, it's forwarded here
### agent.connect(transport, [callback]))
Start the connection to a new remote agent using `transport`. Emits `connect` when
ready or `error` on failure. Optionally use the callback to get `(err, api,
agent)` results.
The `transport` argument is either a Transport instance or a duplex Stream.
The callback will be called with `(err, remoteApi)`.
### agent.disconnect(err)
Tell the agent to disconnect from the transport with optional error reason `err`.
### agent.send(message)
Encode a message and send it on the transport. Used internally to send
function calls. Returns false if the kernel buffer is full.
## Class: Transport
Transport is a wrapper around a duplex socket to allow two Agent instances to
talk to eachother. A transport will shut down itself if either end of the
socket ends and emit an `error` event.
### new Transport(input, [output])
Pass in either a duplex Stream instance or two streams (one readable, one
writable). This transport object can then be used to connect to another
### Event: 'message'
`function (message) { }`
Emitted when a message arrives from the remote end of the transport.ts
### Event: 'drain'
`function () { }`
Emitted when the writable stream emits drain. (The write buffer is empty.)
### Event: 'disconnect'
`function (err) { }`
Emitted when the transport dies. If this was caused by an error, it will be
emitted here.
### transport.send(message)
Send a message to the other end of the transport. Message is JSON
serializable object with the addition of being able to serialize node Buffer
instances and `undefined` values. Returns true if the kernel buffer is full
and you should pause your incoming stream.