
1635 wiersze
60 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
define(function(require, exports, module) {
main.consumes = [
"Panel", "c9", "util", "fs", "settings", "ui", "menus",
"panels", "commands", "tabManager", "fs.cache", "watcher",
"preferences", "clipboard", "dialog.alert", "dialog.fileremove",
"dialog.fileoverwrite", "dialog.error", "layout", "dialog.question"
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
main.provides = ["tree"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var c9 = imports.c9;
var util = imports.util;
var Panel = imports.Panel;
var panels = imports.panels;
var settings = imports.settings;
var fs = imports.fs;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
var ui = imports.ui;
var tabs = imports.tabManager;
var menus = imports.menus;
var layout = imports.layout;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
var clipboard = imports.clipboard;
var commands = imports.commands;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
var watcher = imports.watcher;
var prefs = imports.preferences;
var alert = imports["dialog.alert"].show;
var question = imports["dialog.question"].show;
var fsCache = imports["fs.cache"];
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
var confirmRemove = imports["dialog.fileremove"].show;
var confirmRename = imports["dialog.fileoverwrite"].show;
var showError = imports["dialog.error"].show;
var Tree = require("ace_tree/tree");
2015-07-08 12:01:13 +00:00
var Tooltip = require("ace_tree/tooltip");
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
var TreeEditor = require("ace_tree/edit");
var markup = require("text!./tree.xml");
var join = require("path").join;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
var dirname = require("path").dirname;
var staticPrefix = options.staticPrefix;
var defaultExtension = "";
/***** Initialization *****/
var plugin = new Panel("Ajax.org", main.consumes, {
index: options.index || 100,
caption: "Workspace",
panelCSSClass: "workspace_files",
2016-01-14 05:35:26 +00:00
buttonCSSClass: "workspace",
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
minWidth: 130,
where: options.where || "left"
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var container, winFilesViewer; // UI elements
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
var showHideScrollPos, scrollTimer;
var tree;
var expandedList = {};
var scrollPos = -1;
var loadedSettings = 0;
var refreshing = false;
var changed = false;
var refreshTimer;
function $hookIntoApfFocus(ace, amlNode) {
// makes apf to treat barTerminal as codeEditor
amlNode.$isTextInput = function(e){return true;};
ace.on("focus", function() {
ace.on("blur", function() {
// amlNode.blur();
amlNode.$focus = function(e, fromContextMenu) {
if (fromContextMenu) {
} else {
amlNode.$blur = function(e) {
if (!ace.isFocused())
var loaded = false;
function load(){
if (loaded) return false;
loaded = true;
// Register this panel on the left-side panels
name: "toggletree",
hint: "show the workspace files panel",
bindKey: { mac: "Command-U", win: "Ctrl-I" }
panels.on("afterAnimate", function(e) {
if (panels.isActive("tree"))
tree && tree.resize();
name: "focusTree",
// shortcut can be modified here
2015-02-27 20:19:09 +00:00
bindKey: { mac: "Shift-Esc", win: "Shift-Esc"},
exec: function() {
}, plugin);
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
// On Ready Resize initially
c9.once("ready", function(){ tree && tree.resize(); });
// Settings
settings.on("read", function(e) {
settings.setDefaults("user/general", [
["preview-tree", "false"],
["treestyle", "default"],
settings.setDefaults("user/projecttree", [
["hiddenFilePattern", "*.pyc, __pycache__, .*"]
fsCache.hiddenFilePattern = settings.get("user/projecttree/@hiddenFilePattern");
fsCache.showHidden = settings.getBool("user/projecttree/@showhidden");
scrollPos = settings.getNumber("state/projecttree/@scrollpos");
expandedList = {};
// auto/projecttree contains the saved expanded nodes
if (settings.exist("state/projecttree/expanded")) {
var paths = settings.getJson("state/projecttree/expanded") || ["/"];
paths.forEach(function(path){ expandedList[path] = true; });
loadedSettings = 1;
refreshing = true; // Prevent selection to change prior to loading the file tree at init
// Please see note above about waiting for both the model and
// the settings to be loaded before loading the project tree
if (container)
else {
loadedSettings = 2;
if (container)
}, plugin);
settings.on("write", function(e) {
if (!changed)
changed = false;
}, plugin);
// Prefs
"General" : {
"Tree & Navigate" : {
position: 25,
"Enable Preview on Tree Selection" : {
type: "checkbox",
position: 3000,
path: "user/general/@preview-tree"
"Hidden File Pattern" : {
type: "textbox",
path: "user/projecttree/@hiddenFilePattern",
position: 4000
"User Interface" : {
"Workspace Files Icon and Selection Style" : {
type: "dropdown",
position: 3000,
path: "user/general/@treestyle",
items: [
{ value: "default", caption: "Default" },
{ value: "alternative", caption: "Alternative" }
}, plugin);
settings.on("user/projecttree/@hiddenFilePattern", function(){
var str = settings.get("user/projecttree/@hiddenFilePattern");
if (fsCache.hiddenFilePattern != str) {
fsCache.hiddenFilePattern = str;
refreshTimer = setTimeout(function() {
if (!refreshing)
refresh(function(err) {});
}, 200);
// Import CSS
// Moved it here to enable it for filesave dialog. This should be
// optimized away in the packed version
var css = require("text!./style.css");
ui.insertCss(css, staticPrefix, plugin);
ui.insertCss(util.getFileIconCss(staticPrefix), false, plugin);
layout.on("eachTheme", function(e){
var height = parseInt(ui.getStyleRule(".filetree .tree-row", "height"), 10) || 22;
fsCache.model.rowHeightInner = height;
fsCache.model.rowHeight = height;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
if (e.changed && tree) (tree).resize(true);
var drawn = false;
function draw(options) {
if (drawn) return;
drawn = true;
// Create UI elements
ui.insertMarkup(options.aml, markup, plugin);
// Fetch UI elements
container = plugin.getElement("container");
2015-03-17 12:52:20 +00:00
winFilesViewer = options.aml;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
// Create the Ace Tree
tree = new Tree(container.$int);
$hookIntoApfFocus(tree, container);
tree.renderer.setScrollMargin(10, 10);
tree.renderer.setTheme({cssClass: "filetree"});
tree.setOption("enableDragDrop", true);
2015-07-08 12:01:13 +00:00
// tree.tooltip = new Tooltip(tree);
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
fsCache.model.$indentSize = 12;
fsCache.model.getIconHTML = function(node) {
var icon = node.isFolder ? "folder" : util.getFileIcon(node.label);
if (node.status === "loading") icon = "loading";
return "<span class='filetree-icon " + icon + "'></span>";
2015-03-17 12:52:20 +00:00
fsCache.model.getTooltipText = function(node) {
var size = node.size;
return node.label + (node.link ? " => " + node.link + "\n" : "")
2015-06-18 18:05:59 +00:00
+ (size != undefined && !node.isFolder ? " | " + (
2015-03-17 12:52:20 +00:00
size < 0x400 ? size + " bytes" :
size < 0x100000 ? (size / 0x400).toFixed(2) + "KB" :
(size / 0x100000).toFixed(2) + "MB"
) : "");
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
if (settings.get("user/general/@treestyle") == "alternative")
ui.setStyleClass(container.$int, "alternative");
settings.on("user/general", function(){
if (settings.get("user/general/@treestyle") == "alternative")
ui.setStyleClass(container.$int, "alternative");
ui.setStyleClass(container.$int, "", ["alternative"]);
tree.edit = new TreeEditor(tree);
layout.on("resize", function(){ tree.resize() }, plugin);
var btnTreeSettings = plugin.getElement("btnTreeSettings");
var mnuFilesSettings = plugin.getElement("mnuFilesSettings");
btnTreeSettings.setAttribute("submenu", mnuFilesSettings);
tree.renderer.on("scrollbarVisibilityChanged", updateScrollBarSize);
tree.renderer.on("resize", updateScrollBarSize);
tree.renderer.scrollBarV.$minWidth = 10;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
function updateScrollBarSize() {
2015-09-25 20:28:15 +00:00
var scrollBarV = tree.renderer.scrollBarV;
var w = scrollBarV.isVisible ? scrollBarV.getWidth() : 0;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
btnTreeSettings.$ext.style.marginRight = Math.max(w - 2, 0) + "px";
tree.on("drop", function(e) {
if (e.target && e.selectedNodes) {
(e.isCopy ? copy : move)(e.selectedNodes, e.target);
// Set the panel var for the panels extension
plugin.panel = winFilesViewer;
c9.on("stateChange", function(e) {
mnuCtxTree.setAttribute("disabled", !(e.state & c9.STORAGE));
// Online
if (e.state & c9.NETWORK) {
ui.setStyleRule(".filetree.ace_tree", "opacity", "");
// Offline
else {
ui.setStyleRule(".filetree.ace_tree", "opacity", "0.5");
}, plugin);
// This adds a "Show Hidden Files" item to the settings dropdown
// from the Project Files header
ui.insertByIndex(mnuFilesSettings, new ui.item({
caption: "Refresh File Tree",
onclick: function(){
refresh(true, function(){});
}), 100, plugin);
ui.insertByIndex(mnuFilesSettings, new ui.item({
caption: "Collapse All Folders",
onclick: function(){
expand("/", function(){});
enableOffline: true,
}), 120, plugin);
ui.insertByIndex(mnuFilesSettings, new ui.divider(), 200, plugin);
ui.insertByIndex(mnuFilesSettings, new ui.item({
id: "mnuitemHiddenFiles",
type: "check",
caption: "Show Hidden Files",
checked: "user/projecttree/@showhidden",
onclick: function(e) {
setTimeout(function() {
changed = true;
fsCache.showHidden = e.currentTarget.checked;
refresh(function(err) {});
}), 300, plugin);
// After an item in the tree has been clicked on, this saves that
// selection in the settings model
// @todo optimize this with a timeout if needed
tree.on("changeSelection", function(e) {
if (!refreshing) {
var nodes = tree.selection.getSelectedNodes();
var paths = nodes.map(function(node) {
return node.path;
settings.setJson("state/tree_selection", paths);
emit("select", { paths: paths, nodes: nodes });
}, plugin);
var adhocPreview;
tree.on("userSelect", function(e) {
var selected = tree.selection.getCursor();
if ((adhocPreview || settings.getBool("user/general/@preview-tree"))
&& selected && !selected.isFolder) {
tabs.preview({ path: selected.path }, function(){});
tree.commands.bindKey("Space", function(e) {
var selected = tree.selection.getCursor();
if (selected && !selected.isFolder) {
var tab = tabs.findTab(selected.path);
adhocPreview = !(tab && tab.document.meta.preview);
if (!adhocPreview)
tabs.preview({ cancel: true }, function(){});
tabs.preview({ path: selected.path }, function(){});
tree.once("blur", function() { adhocPreview = false; });
tree.commands.bindKey("Shift-Enter", function(e) {
openSelection({focusNewTab: "soft"});
// Opens a file after the user has double-clicked
tree.on("afterChoose", openSelection);
tree.on("delete", function(){ remove(); });
tree.provider.on("changeScrollTop", scrollHandler);
// When a folder has been expanded, save it in expandedList
tree.provider.on("expand", function(e) {
if (!e) return;
var node = e;
var id = node.path;
if (id === undefined && node === tree.provider.root)
expandedList[id] = node;
emit("expand", { path: id });
// Only save if we are not loading the tree
if (!refreshing || loadedSettings != -1) {
if (!node.isRoot) {
var refresh = !refreshing && node.status == "loaded" && Date.now() - node.$lastReadT > 500;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
watcher.watch(id, refresh);
// watch children
var substr = id[id.length - 1] !== "/" ? id + "/" : id;
Object.keys(expandedList).forEach(function(path) {
if (path.lastIndexOf(substr, 0) === 0) {
watcher.watch(path, refresh);
if (!updateSingleDirectoryChain(true, node)) {
changed = true;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
}, plugin);
// When a folder has been collapsed, remove it from expandedList
tree.provider.on("collapse", function(e) {
if (!e) return;
var node = e;
var id = node.path;
delete expandedList[id];
emit("collapse", { path: id });
if (!node.isRoot) {
// unwatch children
if (id[id.length - 1] !== "/") id += "/";
Object.keys(expandedList).forEach(function(path) {
if (path.lastIndexOf(id, 0) === 0) {
if (!updateSingleDirectoryChain(false, node)) {
changed = true;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
}, plugin);
function updateSingleDirectoryChain(isExpand, node) {
if (!node.children || node.children.length !== 1)
var child = node.children[0];
if (!child || !child.isFolder || child.$depth > 0xff)
if (fsCache.isFileHidden(child.path))
if (isExpand && !child.isOpen) {
return true;
else if (!isExpand && child.isOpen) {
updateSingleDirectoryChain(false, child);
delete expandedList[child.path];
return true;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
// Rename
tree.on("beforeRename", function(e) {
if (emit("beforeRename", e) === false)
tree.on("rename", function(e) {
if (!c9.has(c9.STORAGE))
return false;
if (getSelectedNode().path == "/") {
"Cannot rename project folder",
"Unable to rename the project folder",
"The project folder name is related to the url of your project and cannot be renamed here."
return false;
var node = e.node;
var name = e.value.trim();
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
// check for a path with the same name, which is not allowed to rename to:
var path = node.path;
var newpath = join(path, "..", name);
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
// No point in renaming when the name is the same
if (path == newpath)
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
var m = /([\0\\\n\r])/.exec(name) || c9.platform == "win32" && /([\\:*?"<>|])/.exec(name);
if (m) {
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
"Invalid character '" + m[0] + "' in '" + name + "'"
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
return false;
// renaming to hidden file can be confusing if one doesn't know about hidden files
if (fsCache.isFileHidden(newpath) && !settings.getBool("user/projecttree/@showhidden")) {
settings.set("user/projecttree/@showhidden", true);
changed = true;
fsCache.showHidden = true;
refresh(true, function(){});
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
if (dirname(newpath) != dirname(path)) {
2016-04-03 22:13:38 +00:00
tree.edit.$lastAce && tree.edit.$lastAce.blur(); // TODO this shouldn't be needed when apf focus works
"Confirm move to a new folder",
"move '" + e.oldValue + "' to \n" +
"'" + dirname(newpath) + "'?",
} else {
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
function doRename() {
fs.rename(path, newpath, {}, function(err, success) {
if (err) {
var message = err.message;
if (err.code == "EEXIST")
message = "File " + path + " already exists.";
return showError(message);
if (dirname(newpath) != dirname(path))
emit("rename", { path: newpath, oldpath: path });
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
}, plugin);
// Context Menu
var mnuCtxTree = plugin.getElement("mnuCtxTree");
menus.addItemToMenu(mnuCtxTree, new ui.item({
match: "file",
class: "strong",
caption: "Open",
onclick: openSelection
}), 100, plugin);
menus.addItemToMenu(mnuCtxTree, new ui.divider(), 200, plugin);
menus.addItemToMenu(mnuCtxTree, new ui.item({
caption: "Refresh",
onclick: function(){ refresh(tree.selection.getSelectedNodes(), function(){}); }
}), 210, plugin);
menus.addItemToMenu(mnuCtxTree, new ui.item({
match: "file|folder",
write: true,
caption: "Rename",
onclick: function(){ tree.edit.startRename() }
}), 300, plugin);
menus.addItemToMenu(mnuCtxTree, new ui.item({
match: "file|folder",
write: true,
caption: "Delete",
onclick: function(){ remove() }
}), 310, plugin);
menus.addItemToMenu(mnuCtxTree, new ui.divider({}), 700, plugin);
menus.addItemToMenu(mnuCtxTree, new ui.item({
match: "file|folder",
write: true,
command: "cut",
caption: "Cut"
}), 710, plugin);
menus.addItemToMenu(mnuCtxTree, new ui.item({
match: "file|folder",
write: true,
command: "copy",
caption: "Copy"
}), 720, plugin);
menus.addItemToMenu(mnuCtxTree, new ui.item({
match: "clipboard",
write: true,
command: "paste",
caption: "Paste"
}), 730, plugin);
menus.addItemToMenu(mnuCtxTree, new ui.item({
match: "file|folder",
write: true,
caption: "Duplicate",
onclick: function() {
var nodes = tree.selection.getSelectedNodes();
}), 740, plugin);
menus.addItemToMenu(mnuCtxTree, new ui.divider({}), 800, plugin);
menus.addItemToMenu(mnuCtxTree, new ui.item({
id: "itemCtxTreeNewFile",
match: "file|folder|project",
write: true,
caption: "New File",
onclick: function(){ createFile(null, false, function(){}); }
}), 1520, plugin);
menus.addItemToMenu(mnuCtxTree, new ui.item({
match: "file|folder|project",
write: true,
caption: "New Folder",
onclick: function(){ createFolder("New Folder", false, function(){}); }
}), 1540, plugin);
container.setAttribute("contextmenu", mnuCtxTree);
function updateTreeMenuItems(e) {
if (!e.value)
var node = tree.selection.getCursor();
var type = node && node.isFolder
? node === tree.provider.projectDir
? "project"
: "folder"
: "file";
var hasNetwork = c9.has(c9.NETWORK);
this.childNodes.forEach(function(item) {
var match = item.match;
var disabled = false;
if (!hasNetwork && !item.enableOffline) {
disabled = true;
else if (item.write && c9.readonly) {
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
disabled = true;
else if (match == "clipboard") {
disabled = !isClipboardAvailable({ type: item.command });
else if (match) {
disabled = match.indexOf(type) === -1;
item.setAttribute("disabled", disabled);
emit("menuUpdate", { node: node, menu: this });
mnuCtxTree.addEventListener("prop.visible", updateTreeMenuItems);
mnuFilesSettings.addEventListener("prop.visible", updateTreeMenuItems);
// Clipboard support
function isClipboardAvailable(e) {
if (tree.edit.renaming)
var cursor = tree.selection.getCursor();
if (e.type == "cut")
return cursor && cursor.path != "/";
var nodes = clipboard.clipboardData.getData("c9/tree-nodes");
if (e.type == "clearcut")
return nodes && nodes.isCut;
if (e.type == "paste")
return nodes && getSelectedFolder();
return true;
function clearcut(){
var nodes = clipboard.clipboardData.getData("c9/tree-nodes");
if (!nodes) return false;
nodes.forEach(function(node) {
node.isCut = false;
tree.provider.setAttribute(nodes, "isCut", false);
clipboard.registerHandler(container, {
isClipboardAvailable: isClipboardAvailable,
cut: function(e) {
if (isClipboardAvailable({ type: "cut" })) {
var nodes = tree.selection.getSelectedNodes();
nodes.forEach(function(node) {
node.isCut = true;
tree.provider.setAttribute(nodes, "isCut", true);
clipboard.clipboardData.setData("c9/tree-nodes", nodes);
copy: function(e) {
if (isClipboardAvailable({ type: "copy" })) {
clipboard.clipboardData.setData("c9/tree-nodes", tree.selection.getSelectedNodes());
paste: function(e) {
if (isClipboardAvailable({ type: "paste" })) {
var nodes = clipboard.clipboardData.getData("c9/tree-nodes");
var target = getSelectedFolder();
if (nodes.isCut) {
move(nodes, target);
} else {
if (nodes.some(function(node) {
if (node.path == target.path)
return true;
})) {
target = target.parent;
copy(nodes, target);
clearcut: function(e) {
if (isClipboardAvailable({ type: "clearcut" }))
return false;
if (loadedSettings > 0)
// Remove
function remove(selection) {
if (!c9.has(c9.STORAGE))
return false;
if (!selection)
selection = tree.selection.getSelectedNodes();
if (selection.indexOf(fsCache.model.projectDir) > -1) {
"Cannot remove project folder",
"Unable to remove the project folder",
"The project folder can not be deleted. To delete this project go to the dashboard."
return false;
if (emit("delete", { selection: selection }) === false)
return false;
return confirmRemove(selection, function(file) {
if (file.isFolder)
fs.rmdir(file.path, {recursive: true}, function(){});
fs.rmfile(file.path, function(){});
// Move
function move(files, to, options, cb) {
if (!c9.has(c9.STORAGE))
return false;
var overwrite = options && options.overwrite;
var paths = [];
var errors = [];
var toOverwrite = [];
var counter = 0;
files.forEach(function(item) {
var path = item.path;
var name = item.label;
var parent = to.path;
var newpath = (parent + "/" + name).replace("//", "/");
if (path === newpath)
fs.rename(path, newpath, {overwrite: overwrite}, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
var shouldOverwrite = err.code == "EEXIST" && !overwrite;
if (shouldOverwrite)
if (++counter == paths.length)
return !shouldOverwrite;
function done() {
if (toOverwrite.length && !overwrite) {
var item = toOverwrite[0];
"File already exists",
"File already exists",
'"' + item.path + '" already exists, do you want to replace it? '
+ "Replacing it will overwrite its current contents.",
function(all){ // Overwrite
var files = toOverwrite.splice(0, all ? toOverwrite.length : 1);
move(files, to, {overwrite: true});
function(all){ // Skip
toOverwrite.splice(0, all ? toOverwrite.length : 1);
{ all: toOverwrite.length > 1 }
else if (errors.length) {
"cannot move files",
"cannot move files" + errors.join("\n"),
cb && cb(errors);
errors = [];
else {
cb && cb();
return false;
// Copy
function copy(files, to, cb) {
if (!c9.has(c9.STORAGE))
return false;
var paths = [];
var parentPaths = [];
var count = 0;
var total = files.length;
var prevent;
files.forEach(function(item) {
var path = item.path;
var name = item.label;
var parent = to ? to.path : item.parent.path;
var newpath = (parent + "/" + name).replace("//", "/");
if (parentPaths.indexOf(parent) == -1)
fs.copy(path, newpath, {
overwrite: false,
recursive: true
}, function(err, data) {
if (!err && data)
path = data.to;
if (paths.indexOf(path) == -1)
if (++count == total && !prevent) {
cb && cb(err, paths);
if (fsCache.findNode(newpath))
if (paths.length) {
paths = [];
parentPaths.forEach(function(p) {
// Prevent selection if it changed in the mean time
tree.on("changeSelection", function listen(){
prevent = true;
container.off("changeSelection", listen);
return false;
/***** Methods *****/
function focus(){
tree && tree.focus();
function scrollToSelection(){
tree.renderer.scrollCaretIntoView(null, 0.5);
function scrollHandler() {
showHideScrollPos = tree.provider.getScrollTop();
// Set to -1 in case the user scrolls before the tree is done loading,
// in which case we don't want to set the scroll pos to the saved one
scrollPos = -1;
if (!scrollTimer) {
scrollTimer = setTimeout(function() {
2015-09-07 11:46:03 +00:00
tree && settings.set("state/projecttree/@scrollpos",
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
scrollTimer = null;
}, 1000);
function ready() {
if (loadedSettings === 1) {
var done = function(){
loadedSettings = -1;
2015-09-07 11:46:03 +00:00
if (c9.connected) { // was c9.inited
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
setTimeout(function() {
loadProjectTree(null, done);
}, 200);
else {
loadProjectTree(null, done);
else if (options.defaultExpanded) {
var nodes = tree.provider.getChildren(tree.provider.root);
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
expand(nodes[i], function(){});
else {
* Loads the project tree based on expandedNodes, which is an array of
* folders that were previously expanded, otherwise it contains only the
* root identifier (i.e. c9.davPrefix)
* @param {Boolean} animateScrollOnFinish
function loadProjectTree(animateScrollOnFinish, callback) {
var foldersLoaded = 0;
var expandedNodes = Object.keys(expandedList);
var count = expandedNodes.length;
if (!count) {
refreshing = false; // Needed because settings.on("read") sets it
return callback && callback("Nothing to do");
refreshing = true;
// Sort the cached list so it's more probable that nodes near the top of
// the tree are loaded first, giving the user more visual feedback that
// something is happening
function increment(){
if (++foldersLoaded == count)
// todo this leaks event listener on refresh
fsCache.on("orphan-append", function(e) {
if (expandedNodes.indexOf(e.path) > -1)
// Load up the saved list of project tree folders in expandedNodes
expandedNodes.forEach(function(path) {
var node = fsCache.findNode(path, "refresh");
if (node === false || path.charAt(0) == "!")
return increment();
if (!/^[!~/]/.test(path)) {
console.error("invalid path", path);
delete expandedList[path];
return increment();
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
if (node && node.status == "loaded") {
return increment();
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
fs.readdir(path, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
delete expandedList[path];
changed = true;
else {
var node = fsCache.findNode(path);
if (node) // Otherwise orphan-append will pick it up
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
// Called when every cached node has been loaded
function finish() {
// There is the possibility that we are calling this more than once | why?
if (!refreshing)
refreshing = false;
// Re-select the last selected item
var selection = settings.getJson("state/tree_selection");
if (selection && selection.length)
// Scroll to last set scroll pos
if (scrollPos && scrollPos > -1) {
if (animateScrollOnFinish)
function end(){
callback && callback();
* Called when the user hits the refresh button in the Project Files header
function refresh(fsNodes, callback) {
if (refreshing && fsNodes !== true)
return false;
if (typeof fsNodes == "function") {
callback = fsNodes;
fsNodes = null;
if (!fsNodes || fsNodes === true)
fsNodes = Object.keys(expandedList);
// When we clear the model below, it dispatches a scroll event which
// we don't want to process, so remove that event listener
tree.provider.off("changeScrollTop", scrollHandler);
scrollPos = tree.provider.getScrollTop();
fsNodes.forEach(function(node) {
if (typeof node == "string")
node = fsCache.findNode(node, "refresh");
if (node && !node.isFolder)
node = node.parent;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
if (node && node.status === "loaded") {
tree.provider.setAttribute(node, "status", "pending");
node.children = null;
loadProjectTree(false, function(err) {
var expandedNodes = Object.keys(expandedList);
expandedList = {};
expandedNodes.forEach(function(path) {
var node = fsCache.findNode(path, "refresh");
if (node) {
var id = node.path;
expandedList[id] = node;
tree.provider.on("changeScrollTop", scrollHandler);
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
function openSelection(opts) {
if (!c9.has(c9.STORAGE))
var focus = opts && opts.focusNewTab || true;
var sel = tree.selection.getSelectedNodes();
var main = tree.selection.getCursor();
sel.forEach(function(node) {
if (!node || node.isFolder)
var pane = tabs.focussedTab && tabs.focussedTab.pane;
if (tabs.getPanes(tabs.container).indexOf(pane) == -1)
pane = null;
path: node.path,
pane: pane,
noanim: sel.length > 1,
active: node === main,
focus: node === main && focus
}, function(){});
function expandAndSelect(path_or_node) {
var node = findNode(path_or_node);
expand(node, function(){
refreshing = false;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
function expandNode(node) {
// Expand Node
function expand(node, callback) {
var path;
if (typeof node == "string") {
path = node;
node = fsCache.findNode(path, "expand");
if (!callback) callback = function(){};
if (!node) {
if (!path)
return callback(new Error("Missing Node"));
fs.exists(path, function(exists) {
if (!exists)
return callback(new Error("File Not Found"));
recur(node, path, callback);
else {
recur(node, node.path, callback);
function recur(node, path, next) {
// Break from loop
if (path == -1)
return next();
// Fetch Parent
var ppath, pnode;
if (path == "~") {
ppath = -1;
pnode = null;
else if (node && (node.isRootContext || emit("isRootContext", node))) {
pnode = node;
ppath = -1;
else {
ppath = dirname(path);
pnode = fsCache.findNode(ppath, "expand");
if (path == ppath)
ppath = -1;
// Next Loop
recur(pnode, ppath, function(){
if (!node)
node = fsCache.findNode(path, "expand");
if (!node) return; // Raygun #3082
// Node needs its files loaded
if (node.status === "pending") {
fs.readdir(path, function(err, files) {
// Node is already loading
else if (node.status === "loading") {
fs.on("afterReaddir", function listener(e) {
if (e.path == node.path) {
fs.off("afterReaddir", listener);
// Node is already loaded
else {
function findNode(path_or_node, type) {
return typeof path_or_node == "string"
? fsCache.findNode(path_or_node, type)
: path_or_node;
function collapse(path_or_node) {
fsCache.model.collapse(findNode(path_or_node, "collapse"));
function collapseAll(){
Object.keys(expandedList).sort().reverse().forEach(function(path) {
expandedList = {};
function getAllExpanded(){
return Object.keys(expandedList);
function resize(){
tree && tree.resize();
function select(path_or_node) {
refreshing = false;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
function selectList(list) {
refreshing = false;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
tree.selection.setSelection(list.map(function(n) {
return findNode(n);
function _nextName(path) {
return path.replace(/(?:\.([\d+]))?(\.[^\.\/\\]*)?$/, function(m, d, e) {
return "." + (parseInt(d, 10)+1 || 1) + (e ? e : "");
function createFolder(dirname, noRename, callback, otherTree) {
if (!otherTree)
otherTree = tree;
var node = getSelectedFolder(otherTree);
if (!node)
return callback(new Error("Tree has no nodes"));
var path = (node.path + "/" + (dirname || "New Folder")).replace("//", "/");
var count = 0;
(function tryPath(path) {
fs.exists(path, function(exists) {
if (exists) {
path = _nextName(path);
return tryPath(path);
var newpath = path + (count ? "." + count : "");
fs.mkdir(newpath, function(err, data) {
if (err)
return callback(err);
if (otherTree == tree)
if (!noRename)
callback(err, newpath);
function createFile(filename, noRename, callback) {
var node = getSelectedFolder();
if (!node)
return callback(new Error("Tree has no nodes"));
var path = (node.path
+ "/" + (filename || "Untitled" + defaultExtension)).replace(/\/\//g, "/");
function tryPath(path) {
fs.exists(path, function(exists) {
if (exists) {
path = _nextName(path);
return tryPath(path);
var newpath = path;
fs.writeFile(newpath, null, function(err, data) {
if (err)
return callback(err);
var node = fsCache.findNode(newpath, "expand");
if (!noRename)
callback(err, data);
var node = fsCache.findNode(newpath, "expand");
if (node)
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
expand(dirname(path), function(){ tryPath(path); });
function getSelectedNode(otherTree) {
if (!otherTree) otherTree = tree;
return otherTree && (otherTree.selection.getCursor()
|| otherTree.getFirstNode()) || fsCache.findNode("/");
function getSelectedFolder(otherTree) {
var node = getSelectedNode(otherTree);
if (!node)
if (!node.isFolder)
node = node.parent;
return node;
/***** Lifecycle *****/
plugin.on("load", function(){
plugin.on("draw", function(e) {
plugin.on("enable", function(){
plugin.on("disable", function(){
plugin.on("unload", function(){
tree && tree.destroy();
loaded = false;
drawn = false;
2015-02-17 02:48:36 +00:00
container = null;
winFilesViewer = null;
showHideScrollPos = null;
scrollTimer = null;
tree = null;
expandedList = {};
scrollPos = -1;
loadedSettings = 0;
refreshing = false;
changed = false;
2015-02-10 19:41:24 +00:00
/***** Register and define API *****/
* The file tree plugin for Cloud9. This plugin allows a user to
* view and edit files and folders.
* If you are looking for an API to easily manipulate the files of
* your workspace, then check out the {@link fs} plugin.
* @singleton
* @extends Panel
* @property {Object} tree The tree implementation
* @private
get tree() { return tree; },
* @property {String[]} selection A list of paths of files that
* are selected.
* @readonly
get selection() {
return tree.selection.getSelectedNodes().map(function(node) {
return node.path;
* @property {String} selected The path of the selected file
* that has the selection caret.
* @readonly
get selected() {
var node = tree && (tree.selection.getCursor() || tree.getFirstNode());
return node ? node.path : false;
* @property {fs.cache.Node[]} selectedNodes A list of nodes of files that
* are selected.
* @readonly
get selectedNodes() {
return tree && tree.selection.getSelectedNodes() || [];
* @property {fs.cache.Node} selectedNode The node representing the selected file
* that has the selection caret.
* @readonly
get selectedNode() {
return tree && (tree.selection.getCursor()
|| tree.getFirstNode()) || null;
_events: [
* Fires when (a part of) the tree is being refreshed.
* @event refresh
* Fires when the selection of the tree changes.
* @event select
* @param {Object} e
* @param {String[]} e.paths A list of paths of the selected
* files and folders.
* @param {fs.cache.Node[]} e.nodes A list of nodes representing the selected
* files and folders.
* Fires when a folder in the tree expands.
* @event expand
* @param {Object} e
* @param {String} e.path The path of the expanded folder.
* Fires when a folder in the tree collapses.
* @event collapse
* @param {Object} e
* @param {String} e.path The path of the collapsed folder.
* Retrieves the tree child node of the selected file
getSelectedNode: getSelectedNode,
* Gives the tree focus
focus: focus,
* Scrolls the selected item into the viewport.
scrollToSelection: scrollToSelection,
* Refresh a (sub-)tree of the nodes in the tree by reading them
* from disk again.
* @param {String[]/Boolean} [paths] A list of paths to refresh,
* or `true` to refresh all the expanded folders.
* @param {Function} callback Called when all folders are refreshed.
* @param {Error} callback.err Error object if an error occured.
refresh: refresh,
resize: resize,
* Opens all selected files from the tree in the editor.
openSelection: openSelection,
* Retrieves a list of paths of all the expanded folders
* @return {String[]}
getAllExpanded: getAllExpanded,
* Expands a tree node (if it has children).
* @param {String} path The path of the folder to expand.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the folder is expanded.
* @fires expand
expand: expand,
* Expands all parent nodes and then select the child the path
* points to.
* @param {String} path The path of the folder to expand.
expandAndSelect: expandAndSelect,
* Collapses a tree node (if it has children).
* @param {String} path The path of the folder to collapse.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the folder is collapsed.
* @fires collapse
collapse: collapse,
* Collapse all expanded tree nodes.
collapseAll: collapseAll,
* Selects a tree file or folder.
* @param {String} path The path of the file or folder to select.
select: select,
* Selects multiple file and/or folders.
* @param {String[]} paths The paths of the files and/or folders to select.
selectList: selectList,
* Creates a folder below the current folder selected in the tree.
* @param {String} dirname The name of the folder to create.
* @param {Boolean} noRename Whether to give the user an option to rename the newly created folder.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the folder is created.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object, if an error occured.
createFolder: createFolder,
* Creates a file below the current folder selected in the tree.
* @param {String} filename The name of the file to create.
* @param {Boolean} noRename Whether to give the user an option to rename the newly created file.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the folder is created.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object, if an error occured.
createFile: createFile,
remove: remove,
// needed for tests
// TODO add documentation or remove
* @ignore
copy: copy,
* @ignore
move: move,
* @ignore
getSelectedFolder: getSelectedFolder,
* @see newresource#defaultExtension
* @ignore
set defaultExtension(extension) {
defaultExtension = extension ? "." + extension : "";
register(null, {
tree: plugin
2016-01-14 05:35:26 +00:00