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2015-06-20 18:52:44 +00:00
define(function(require, exports, module) {
main.consumes = [];
main.provides = ["ext", "Plugin"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var Emitter = require("events").EventEmitter;
var plugins = [];
var lut = {};
var manuallyDisabled = {};
var dependencies = {};
var counters = {};
var $id = 1;
/***** Initialization *****/
var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var vfs, settings, api;
plugin.__defineSetter__("vfs", function(remote) {
vfs = remote;
delete plugin.vfs;
plugin.__defineSetter__("settings", function(remote) {
settings = remote;
settings.on("read", function(){
var s = settings.getNode("state/ext/counters");
for (var type in s) {
counters[type] = s[type.substr(1)];
delete plugin.settings;
plugin.__defineSetter__("api", function(remote) {
api = remote;
delete plugin.api;
var eventRegistry = Object.create(null);
/***** Methods *****/
function uid(type, name) {
while (!name || lut[name]) {
if (!counters[type]) counters[type] = 0;
name = type + counters[type]++;
if (settings && counters[type])
settings.set("state/ext/counters/@" + type, counters[type]);
return name;
function registerPlugin(plugin, loaded) {
if (plugins.indexOf(plugin) == -1)
lut[plugin.name] = plugin;
var deps = plugin.deps;
if (deps) {
deps.forEach(function(dep) {
// if (dep !== plugin.name) throw new Error(dep);
|| (dependencies[dep] = {}))[plugin.name] = 1;
emit("register", {plugin: plugin});
function unregisterPlugin(plugin, loaded, ignoreDeps, keep) {
if (!plugin.registered)
if (!ignoreDeps && getDependencies(plugin.name).length) {
//@todo this should be moved to whoever is calling this.
// if (!silent)
// util.alert(
// "Could not disable extension",
// "Extension is still in use",
// "This extension cannot be disabled, because it is still in use by the following plugins:<br /><br />"
// + " - " + usedBy.join("<br /> - ")
// + "<br /><br /> Please disable those plugins first.");
return false;
if (!keep)
plugins.splice(plugins.indexOf(plugin), 1);
delete lut[plugin.name];
loaded(false, 0);
var deps = plugin.deps;
if (deps && dependencies) {
deps.forEach(function(dep) {
delete dependencies[dep][plugin.name];
emit("unregister", {plugin: plugin});
function getDependencies(pluginName){
var usedBy = [];
// Check for dependencies needing this plugin
if (dependencies) {
var deps = dependencies[pluginName];
if (deps) {
Object.keys(deps).forEach(function(name) {
return usedBy;
function unloadAllPlugins(exclude) {
if (lut.settings)
lut.settings.unload(null, true);
function unload(plugin) {
if (!plugin || exclude && exclude[plugin.name])
var deps = dependencies[plugin.name];
if (deps) {
Object.keys(deps).forEach(function(name) {
plugin.unload(null, true);
var list = plugins.slice(0);
for (var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var plugin = list[i];
if (!plugin.loaded) continue;
if (plugin.unload)
console.warn("Ignoring not a plugin: " + plugin.name);
function loadRemotePlugin(id, options, callback) {
vfs.extend(id, options, function(err, meta) {
callback(err, meta && meta.api);
function fetchRemoteApi(id, callback) {
vfs.use(id, {}, function(err, meta) {
callback(err, meta && meta.api);
function unloadRemotePlugin(id, options, callback) {
if (typeof options == "function") {
callback = options;
options = {};
vfs.unextend(id, options, callback);
function enablePlugin(name){
if (!lut[name] && !manuallyDisabled[name])
throw new Error("Could not find plugin: " + name);
(lut[name] || manuallyDisabled[name]).load(name);
function disablePlugin(name){
if (!lut[name])
throw new Error("Could not find plugin: " + name);
var plugin = lut[name];
if (plugin.unload({ keep: true }) === false)
throw new Error("Failed unloading plugin: " + name);
manuallyDisabled[name] = plugin;
/***** Register and define API *****/
* The Cloud9 Extension Manager
* @singleton
get plugins(){ return plugins.slice(0); },
get named(){
var named = Object.create(lut);
for (var name in manuallyDisabled) {
if (!lut[name])
lut[name] = manuallyDisabled[name];
return named;
_events: [
* Fires when a plugin registers
* @event register
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Plugin} e.plugin the plugin that registers
* Fires when a plugin unregisters
* @event unregister
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Plugin} e.plugin the plugin that unregisters
* Loads a plugin on the remote server. This plugin can be either
* source that we have local, or a path to a file that already
* exists on the server. The plugin provides an api that is returned
* in the callback. The remote plugin format is very simple. Here's
* an example of a Math module:
* #### Math Modules
* module.exports = function (vfs, options, register) {
* register(null, {
* add: function (a, b, callback) {
* callback(null, a + b);
* },
* multiply: function (a, b, callback) {
* callback(null, a * b);
* }
* });
* };
* @param {String} id A unique identifier for this module
* @param {Object} options Options to specify
* @param {String} [options.code] The implementation of a module, e.g. require("text!./my-service.js").
* @param {String} [options.file] An absolute path to a module on the remote disk
* @param {Boolean} [options.redefine] specifying whether to replace an existing module with the same `id`
* @param {Function} callback called when the code has been loaded.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object if an error has occured.
* @param {Object} callback.api The api the code that loaded defined.
loadRemotePlugin: loadRemotePlugin,
fetchRemoteApi: fetchRemoteApi,
* Unloads a plugin loaded with loadRemotePlugin
* @param {String} id The unique identifier for this module
* @param {Function} callback
unloadRemotePlugin: unloadRemotePlugin,
unloadAllPlugins: unloadAllPlugins,
getDependencies: getDependencies,
enablePlugin: enablePlugin,
disablePlugin: disablePlugin
function Plugin(developer, deps) {
var elements = [];
var names = {};
var waiting = {};
var events = [];
var other = [];
var name = "";
var time = 0;
var registered = false;
var loaded = false;
var event = new Emitter();
var disabled = false;
var onNewEvents = {};
var declaredEvents = [];
this.deps = deps;
this.developer = developer;
event.on("newListener", function(type, listener) {
if (!(type in onNewEvents))
var data = onNewEvents[type];
if (data === -1)
event.emit("$event." + type, listener);
else {
if (event.listeners(type).indexOf(listener) > -1)
console.trace("Used 'on' instead of 'once' to "
+ "listen to sticky event " + name + "." + type);
function init(reg) {
registered = reg;
/***** Methods *****/
this.getEmitter = function(){
var emit = event.emit.bind(event);
var _self = this;
var sticky = function(name, e, plugin) {
if (plugin) {
_self.on("$event." + name, function(listener){
}, plugin);
onNewEvents[name] = -1;
else {
onNewEvents[name] = e;
return emit(name, e);
function unsticky(name, e) {
delete onNewEvents[name];
emit.listeners = event.listeners.bind(event);
emit.setMaxListeners = event.setMaxListeners.bind(event);
emit.sticky = sticky;
emit.unsticky = unsticky;
return emit;
this.freezePublicAPI = function(api) {
// Build a list of known events to warn users if they use a
// non-existent event.
if (api._events) {
declaredEvents[name] = true;
delete api._events;
// Reverse prototyping of the API
// if (!this.__proto__) {
// modifying __proto__ is very slow on chrome!
Object.keys(api).forEach(function(key) {
var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(api, key);
Object.defineProperty(this, key, d);
}, this);
// }
// else {
// api.__proto__ = this.__proto__;
// this.__proto__ = api;
// Object.freeze(api);
// }
if (!baseclass) {
delete this.baseclass;
delete this.freezePublicAPI.baseclass;
delete this.freezePublicAPI;
delete this.setAPIKey;
delete this.getEmitter;
baseclass = false;
return this;
var baseclass;
this.baseclass =
this.freezePublicAPI.baseclass = function(){ baseclass = true; };
function getElement(name, callback) {
// remove id's after storing them.
if (!callback) {
// If we run without APF, just return a simple object
if (typeof apf == "undefined")
return {};
if (!names[name]) {
throw new Error("Could not find AML element by name '"
+ name + "'");
return names[name];
else {
if (names[name]) callback(names[name]);
else {
(waiting[name] || (waiting[name] = [])).push(callback);
function addElement() {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var node = arguments[i];
function recur(node) {
(node.childNodes || []).forEach(recur);
var id = node.id;
if (!id)
// Delete their global reference
delete window[id];
// delete apf.nameserver.lookup.all[node.id];
// Keep their original name in a lookup table
names[id] = node;
// Set a new unique id
if (node.localName != "page") { // Temp hack, should fix in tabs
node.id = "element" + node.$uniqueId;
apf.nameserver.lookup.all[node.id] = node;
// Call all callbacks waiting for this element
if (waiting[id]) {
waiting[id].forEach(function(callback) {
delete waiting[id];
return arguments[0];
function addEvent(emitter, type, listener) {
if (!listener.listenerId)
listener.listenerId = $id++;
events.push([emitter.name, type, listener.listenerId]);
function addOther(o) {
function initLoad(type, listener) {
if (type == "load") listener();
function load(nm, type) {
var dt = Date.now();
if (type) nm = uid(type, nm);
if (nm && !name) name = nm;
event.name = name;
eventRegistry[name] = event;
registerPlugin(this, init);
loaded = true;
event.on("newListener", initLoad);
time = Date.now() - dt;
function enable() {
emit("enablePlugin", {plugin: this});
disabled = false;
function disable() {
emit("disablePlugin", {plugin: this});
disabled = true;
function unload(e, ignoreDeps) {
if (!loaded) return;
if (event.emit("beforeUnload", e) === false)
return false;
if (unregisterPlugin(this, init, ignoreDeps, e && e.keep) === false)
return false;
loaded = false;
event.emit("unload", e);
event.off("newListener", initLoad);
setTimeout(function() {
if (eventRegistry[name] == event && !loaded) {
delete eventRegistry[name];
function cleanUp(what, otherPlugin) {
if (!what || ~what.indexOf("elements")) {
2015-06-20 18:52:44 +00:00
// Loop through elements
elements.forEach(function(element) {
element.destroy(true, true);
elements = [];
names = {};
waiting = [];
// Loop through events
if (!what || ~what.indexOf("events")) {
events.forEach(function(eventRecord) {
var event = eventRegistry[eventRecord[0]];
if (!event) return; // this happens with mock plugins during testing
if (otherPlugin && otherPlugin.name != event.name) return;
var type = eventRecord[1];
var id = eventRecord[2];
var _events = event._events;
var eventList = _events && _events[type];
if (typeof eventList == "function") {
if (eventList.listenerId == id)
event.off(type, eventList);
} else if (Array.isArray(eventList)) {
eventList.some(function(listener) {
if (listener.listenerId != id) return;
event.off(type, listener);
return true;
events = [];
onNewEvents = {};
2015-06-20 18:52:44 +00:00
// Loop through other
if (!what || ~what.indexOf("other")) {
other.forEach(function(o) {
other = [];
2015-06-20 18:52:44 +00:00
/***** Register and define API *****/
* Base class for all Plugins of Cloud9. A Cloud9 Plugin is
* an instance of the Plugin class. This class offers ways to
* describe the API it offers as well as ways to clean up the
* objects created during the lifetime of the plugin.
* Note that everything in Cloud9 is a plugin. This means that
* your plugins have the exact same possibilities as any other part
* of Cloud9. When building plugins you can simply create additional
* features or replace existing functionality, by turning off the
* core plugins and preference of your own.
* Check out the [template](http://example.org/template) for the
* recommended way of building a plugin. All Cloud9 Core Plugins
* are written in this way.
* Our goal has been to create an extensible system that works both
* in the browser as well as in Node.js. The Cloud9 CLI uses the
* exact same plugin structure as the Cloud9 in the browser. The
* same goes for many of the Cloud9 platform services. We focussed
* on making the system easy to use by making sure you can create
* plugins using simple javascript, html and css. The plugins you
* create will become available as services inside the Cloud9
* plugin system. This means that other plugins can consume your
* functionality and importantly you can replace existing services
* by giving your plugin the same service name.
* The plugin class will allow you to specify an API that is
* "frozen" upon definition (See {@link Object#freeze}. This means
* that once your plugin's API is defined the object's interface
* cannot be changed anymore. Property gettters and setters will
* still work and events can still be set/unset. Having immutable
* APIs will prevent users from common hacks that devs often use
* in the javascript community, adding new properties to objects.
* It is our aim that this will increase the stability of the system
* as a whole while introducing foreign plugins to it.
* The event flow of a basic plugin is as follows:
* * {@link #event-load} - *The plugin is loaded (this can happen multiple times to the same plugin instance)*
* * {@link #event-unload} - *The plugin is unloaded*
* #### User Actions:
* * {@link #event-disable} - *The plugin is disabled*
* * {@link #event-enable} - *The plugin is enabled*
* The following example shows how to implement a basic plugin:
* define(function(require, exports, module) {
* main.consumes = ["dependency"];
* main.provides = ["myplugin"];
* return main;
* function main(options, imports, register) {
* var dependency = imports.dependency;
* var plugin = new Plugin("(Company) Name", main.consumes);
* var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
* plugin.on("load", function(e) {
* // Create a command, menu item, etc
* });
* plugin.on("unload", function(e) {
* // Any custom unload code (most things are cleaned up automatically)
* });
* function doSomething(){
* }
* plugin.freezePublicAPI({
* doSomething : doSomething
* });
* }
* });
* @class Plugin
* @extends Object
* @constructor
* Creates a new Plugin instance.
* @param {String} developer The name of the developer of the plugin
* @param {String[]} deps A list of dependencies for this
* plugin. In most cases it's a reference to main.consumes.
_events: [
* Fires when the plugin is loaded
* @event load
* Fires before the plugin is unloaded
* @event beforeUnload
* Fires when the plugin is unloaded
* @event unload
* Fires when the plugin is enabled
* @event enable
* Fires when the plugin is disabled
* @event disable
* Fires any time a new listener is added.
* plugin.on('newListener', function (event, listener) {
* // new listener added
* });
* @event newListener
* Fires any time a listener is removed.
* plugin.on('removeListener', function (event, listener) {
* // listener is removed
* });
* @event removeListener
* @property {Boolean} registered Specifies whether the plugin is registered
* @readonly
get registered(){ return registered; },
* @property {Date} time The time when the plugin was registered
* @readonly
get time(){ return time; },
* @property {Boolean} enabled Specifies whether the plugin is enabled
* @readonly
get enabled(){ return !disabled; },
* @property {Boolean} loaded whether the plugin is loaded.
* This happens by calling load or setting the name.
* @readonly
get loaded(){ return loaded; },
* @property {String} name The name of the plugin
get name(){ return name; },
set name(val) {
if (name == val)
if (!name) {
name = val;
throw new Error("Plugin Name Exception");
* Copies all methods and properties from `api` and then freezes
* the plugin to prevent further changes to its API.
* @method freezePublicAPI
* @param {Object} api simple object that defines the API
* Fetches the event emitter for this plugin. After freezing the
* public API of this plugin, this method will no longer be
* available.
* Note that there is a limit to the amount of event listeners
* that can be placed on a plugin. This is to protect developers
* from leaking event listeners. When this limit is reached
* an error is thrown. Use the emit.setMaxListeners
* to change the amount of listeners a plugin can have:
* var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
* emit.setMaxListeners(100);
* @method getEmitter
* @return {Function}
* @return {String} return.eventName The name of the event to emit
* @return {Object} return.eventObject The data passed as the first argument to all event listeners
* @return {Boolean} return.immediateEmit Specifies whether
* to emit the event to event handlers that are set after
* emitting this event. This is useful for instance when you
* want to have a "load" event that others add listeners to
* after the load event is called.
* Fetches a UI element. You can use this method both sync and async.
* @param {String} name the id of the element to fetch
* @param {Function} [callback] the function to call when the
* element is available (could be immediately)
getElement: getElement,
* Register an element for destruction during the destroy phase of
* this plugin's lifecycle.
* @param {AMLElement} element the element to register
addElement: addElement,
* Register an event for destruction during the destroy phase of
* this plugin's lifecycle.
* @param {Array} ev Array containing three elements:
* object, event-name, callback
addEvent: addEvent,
* Register a function that is called during the destroy phase of
* this plugin's lifecycle.
* @param {Function} o function called during the destroy phase
* of this plugin's lifecycle
addOther: addOther,
* Loads this plugin into Cloud9
load: load,
* @ignore Enable this plugin
enable: enable,
* @ignore Disable this plugin
disable: disable,
* Unload this plugin from Cloud9
unload: unload,
* Removes all elements, events and other items registered for
* cleanup by this plugin
cleanUp: cleanUp,
* Adds an event handler to this plugin. Note that unlike the
* event implementation you know from the browser, you are
* able to add the same listener multiple times to listen to
* the same event.
* @param {String} name The name of this event
* @param {Function} callback The function called when the event is fired
* @param {Plugin} plugin The plugin that is responsible
* for the event listener. Make sure to always add a reference
* to a plugin when adding events in order for the listeners
* to be cleaned up when the plugin unloads. If you forget
* this you will leak listeners into Cloud9.
* @fires newListener
on: function(eventName, callback, plugin){
// if (!declaredEvents[eventName])
// console.warn("Missing event description or unknown event '" + eventName + "' for plugin '" + name + "'", new Error().stack);
event.on(eventName, callback, plugin);
* Adds an event handler to this plugin and removes it after executing it once
* @param {String} name the name of this event
* @param {Function} callback the function called when the event is fired
once: function(eventName, callback){
// if (!declaredEvents[eventName])
// console.warn("Missing event description or unknown event '" + eventName + "' for plugin '" + name + "'");
event.once(eventName, callback);
* Removes an event handler from this plugin
* @param {String} name the name of this event
* @param {Function} callback the function previously registered as event handler
* @fires removeListener
off: event.removeListener.bind(event),
* Returns an array of listeners for an event specified by `name`
* @param {String} name the name of this event
listeners: event.listeners.bind(event)
register(null, {
ext: plugin,
Plugin: Plugin