
343 wiersze
9.7 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

package browsh
import (
2022-06-27 16:54:50 +00:00
2022-06-27 16:54:50 +00:00
2022-06-27 16:54:50 +00:00
2022-06-27 16:54:50 +00:00
//go:embed browsh.xpi
var browshXpi embed.FS
var (
marionette net.Conn
ffCommandCount = 0
defaultFFPrefs = map[string]string{
"startup.homepage_welcome_url.additional": "''",
"devtools.errorconsole.enabled": "true",
"": "true",
// Send Browser Console (different from Devtools console) output to
"browser.dom.window.dump.enabled": "true",
// From:
// Make url-classifier updates so rare that they won"t affect tests.
"urlclassifier.updateinterval": "172800",
// Point the url-classifier to a nonexistent local URL for fast failures.
"browser.safebrowsing.provider.0.gethashURL": "'http://localhost/safebrowsing-dummy/gethash'",
"browser.safebrowsing.provider.0.keyURL": "'http://localhost/safebrowsing-dummy/newkey'",
"browser.safebrowsing.provider.0.updateURL": "'http://localhost/safebrowsing-dummy/update'",
// Disable self repair/SHIELD
"browser.selfsupport.url": "'https://localhost/selfrepair'",
// Disable Reader Mode UI tour
"browser.reader.detectedFirstArticle": "true",
// Set the policy firstURL to an empty string to prevent
// the privacy info page to be opened on every "web-ext run".
// (See #1114 for rationale)
"datareporting.policy.firstRunURL": "''",
func startHeadlessFirefox() {
slog.Info("Starting Firefox in headless mode")
firefoxPath := ensureFirefoxBinary()
args := []string{"--marionette"}
if !viper.GetBool("firefox.with-gui") {
args = append(args, "--headless")
profile := viper.GetString("firefox.profile")
2018-07-18 11:52:22 +00:00
if profile != "browsh-default" {
slog.Info("Using Firefox profile", "profile", profile)
args = append(args, "-P", profile)
} else {
profilePath := getFirefoxProfilePath()
slog.Info("Using default profile", "path", profilePath)
args = append(args, "--profile", profilePath)
firefoxProcess := exec.Command(firefoxPath, args...)
defer firefoxProcess.Process.Kill()
stdout, err := firefoxProcess.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
if err := firefoxProcess.Start(); err != nil {
in := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
for in.Scan() {
slog.Info("FF-CONSOLE", "stdout", in.Text())
func checkIfFirefoxIsAlreadyRunning() {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
processes := Shell("ps aux")
r, _ := regexp.Compile("firefox.*--headless")
if r.MatchString(processes) {
Shutdown(errors.New("A headless Firefox is already running"))
func ensureFirefoxBinary() string {
path := viper.GetString("firefox.path")
if path == "firefox" {
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "windows":
path = getFirefoxPath()
case "darwin":
path = "/Applications/"
path = getFirefoxPath()
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
err = errors.New("Firefox binary not found: " + path)
slog.Info("Using Firefox", "path", path)
return path
// Taken from
func versionOrdinal(version string) string {
// ISO/IEC 14651:2011
const maxByte = 1<<8 - 1
vo := make([]byte, 0, len(version)+8)
j := -1
for i := 0; i < len(version); i++ {
b := version[i]
if '0' > b || b > '9' {
vo = append(vo, b)
j = -1
if j == -1 {
vo = append(vo, 0x00)
j = len(vo) - 1
if vo[j] == 1 && vo[j+1] == '0' {
vo[j+1] = b
if vo[j]+1 > maxByte {
panic("VersionOrdinal: invalid version")
vo = append(vo, b)
return string(vo)
// Start Firefox via the `web-ext` CLI tool. This is for development and testing,
// because I haven't been able to recreate the way `web-ext` injects an unsigned
// extension.
func startWERFirefox() {
slog.Info("Attempting to start headless Firefox with `web-ext`")
if IsConnectedToWebExtension {
Shutdown(errors.New("There appears to already be an existing Web Extension connection"))
rootDir := Shell("git rev-parse --show-toplevel")
args := []string{
"--firefox=" + rootDir + "/webext/contrib/",
firefoxProcess := exec.Command(rootDir+"/webext/node_modules/.bin/web-ext", args...)
firefoxProcess.Dir = rootDir + "/webext/dist/"
stdout, err := firefoxProcess.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
if err := firefoxProcess.Start(); err != nil {
in := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
for in.Scan() {
if strings.Contains(in.Text(), "Connected to the remote Firefox debugger") {
if strings.Contains(in.Text(), "JavaScript strict") ||
strings.Contains(in.Text(), "D-BUS") ||
strings.Contains(in.Text(), "dbus") {
slog.Info("FF-CONSOLE", "stdout", in.Text())
slog.Info("WER Firefox unexpectedly closed")
// Connect to Firefox's Marionette service.
// RANT: Firefox's remote control tools are so confusing. There seem to be 2
// services that come with your Firefox binary; Marionette and the Remote
// Debugger. The latter you would expect to follow the widely supported
// Chrome standard, but no, it's merely on the roadmap. There is very little
// documentation on either. I have the impression, but I'm not sure why, that
// the Remote Debugger is better, seemingly more API methods, and as mentioned
// is on the roadmap to follow the Chrome standard.
// I've used Marionette here, simply because it was easier to reverse engineer
// from the Python Marionette package.
func firefoxMarionette() {
var (
err error
conn net.Conn
connected := false
slog.Info("Attempting to connect to Firefox Marionette")
start := time.Now()
for time.Since(start) < 30*time.Second {
conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", "")
if err != nil {
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "refused") {
} else {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
} else {
connected = true
if !connected {
Shutdown(errors.New("Failed to connect to Firefox's Marionette within 30 seconds"))
marionette = conn
go readMarionette()
sendFirefoxCommand("WebDriver:NewSession", map[string]interface{}{})
func installWebextension() {
2022-06-27 16:54:50 +00:00
data, err := browshXpi.ReadFile("browsh.xpi")
if err != nil {
path := path.Join(os.TempDir(), "browsh-webext-addon")
if err := os.WriteFile(path, []byte(data), 0644); err != nil {
args := map[string]interface{}{"path": path}
sendFirefoxCommand("Addon:Install", args)
// Set a Firefox preference as you would in `about:config`
// `value` needs to be supplied with quotes if it's to be used as a JS string
func setFFPreference(key string, value string) {
var args map[string]interface{}
var script string
sendFirefoxCommand("Marionette:SetContext", map[string]interface{}{"value": "chrome"})
script = fmt.Sprintf(`
prefs = new Preferences({defaultBranch: "root"});
prefs.set("%s", %s);`, key, value)
args = map[string]interface{}{"script": script}
sendFirefoxCommand("WebDriver:ExecuteScript", args)
sendFirefoxCommand("Marionette:SetContext", map[string]interface{}{"value": "content"})
// Consume output from Marionette, we don't do anything with it. It"s just
// useful to have it in the logs.
func readMarionette() {
buffer := make([]byte, 4096)
count, err := marionette.Read(buffer)
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Error reading from Marionette connection", "error", err)
slog.Info("FF-MRNT", "buffer", string(buffer[:count]))
func sendFirefoxCommand(command string, args map[string]interface{}) {
slog.Info("Sending command to Firefox Marionette", "command", command, "args", args)
fullCommand := []interface{}{0, ffCommandCount, command, args}
marshalled, _ := json.Marshal(fullCommand)
message := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%s", len(marshalled), marshalled)
fmt.Fprintf(marionette, message)
go readMarionette()
func setDefaultFirefoxPreferences() {
for key, value := range defaultFFPrefs {
setFFPreference(key, value)
for _, pref := range viper.GetStringSlice("firefox.preferences") {
parts := strings.SplitN(pref, "=", 2)
setFFPreference(parts[0], parts[1])
func beginTimeLimit() {
warningLength := 10
warningLimit := time.Duration(*timeLimit - warningLength)
time.Sleep(warningLimit * time.Second)
message := fmt.Sprintf("Browsh will close in %d seconds...", warningLength)
sendMessageToWebExtension("/status," + message)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(warningLength) * time.Second)
2018-06-23 09:16:12 +00:00
// Careful what you change here as it isn't tested during CI
func setupFirefox() {
go startHeadlessFirefox()
if *timeLimit > 0 {
go beginTimeLimit()
2022-06-27 16:54:50 +00:00
sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
2022-07-16 18:02:37 +00:00
2022-06-27 16:54:50 +00:00
func StartFirefox() {
if !viper.GetBool("firefox.use-existing") {
writeString(0, 16, "Waiting for Firefox to connect...", tcell.StyleDefault)
if IsTesting {
writeString(0, 17, "TEST MODE", tcell.StyleDefault)
go startWERFirefox()
} else {
} else {
writeString(0, 16, "Waiting for a user-initiated Firefox instance to connect...", tcell.StyleDefault)
func quitFirefox() {
sendFirefoxCommand("Marionette:Quit", map[string]interface{}{})