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"""Handles inbound webmentions.
TODO tests:
* actor/attributedTo could be string URL
* salmon rel via webfinger via + domain
import logging
import urllib.parse
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import django_salmon
from django_salmon import magicsigs
import feedparser
from flask import request
from flask.views import View
from import Key
from granary import as2, atom, microformats2, source
import mf2util
from oauth_dropins.webutil import flask_util, util
from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads
import requests
import webapp2
from webob import exc
import activitypub
from app import app
import common
from common import error
from models import Follower, MagicKey, Response
SKIP_EMAIL_DOMAINS = frozenset(('localhost', ''))
class Webmention(View):
"""Handles inbound webmention, converts to ActivityPub or Salmon."""
source_url = None # string
source_domain = None # string
source_mf2 = None # parsed mf2 dict
source_obj = None # parsed AS1 dict
target_resp = None # requests.Response
def dispatch_request(self):'Params: {list(request.form.items())}')
# fetch source page
source = flask_util.get_required_param('source')
source_resp = common.requests_get(source)
self.source_url = source_resp.url or source
self.source_domain = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.source_url).netloc.split(':')[0]
self.source_mf2 = util.parse_mf2(source_resp)
# logging.debug('Parsed mf2 for %s: %s', source_resp.url, json_dumps(self.source_mf2 indent=2))
# check for backlink to bridgy fed (for webmention spec and to confirm
# source's intent to federate to mastodon)
if (request.host_url not in source_resp.text and
urllib.parse.quote(request.host_url, safe='') not in source_resp.text):
return error("Couldn't find link to {request.host_url}")
# convert source page to ActivityStreams
entry = mf2util.find_first_entry(self.source_mf2, ['h-entry'])
if not entry:
return error('No microformats2 found on {self.source_url}')'First entry: {json_dumps(entry, indent=2)}')
# make sure it has url, since we use that for AS2 id, which is required
# for ActivityPub.
props = entry.setdefault('properties', {})
if not props.get('url'):
props['url'] = [self.source_url]
self.source_obj = microformats2.json_to_object(entry, fetch_mf2=True)'Converted to AS1: {json_dumps(self.source_obj, indent=2)}')
for method in self.try_activitypub, self.try_salmon:
ret = method()
if ret:
return ret
return ''
def try_activitypub(self):
"""Attempts ActivityPub delivery.
Returns Flask response (string body or tuple) if we succeeded or failed,
None if ActivityPub was not available.
targets = self._activitypub_targets()
if not targets:
return None
key = MagicKey.get_or_create(self.source_domain)
error = None
last_success = None
# TODO: collect by inbox, add 'to' fields, de-dupe inboxes and recipients
for resp, inbox in targets:
target_obj = json_loads(resp.target_as2) if resp.target_as2 else None
source_activity = common.postprocess_as2(
as2.from_as1(self.source_obj), target=target_obj, key=key)
if resp.status == 'complete':
source_activity['type'] = 'Update'
last = activitypub.send(source_activity, inbox, self.source_domain)
resp.status = 'complete'
last_success = last
except BaseException as e:
error = e
resp.status = 'error'
# Pass the AP response status code and body through as our response
if last_success:
return last_success.text or 'Sent!', last_success.status_code
elif isinstance(error, (requests.HTTPError, exc.HTTPBadGateway)):
return str(error), error.status_code
return str(error)
def _targets(self):
Returns: list of string URLs, the source's inReplyTos or objects
(if appropriate)
targets = util.get_urls(self.source_obj, 'inReplyTo')
if targets:
return targets
if self.source_obj.get('verb') in source.VERBS_WITH_OBJECT:
return util.get_urls(self.source_obj, 'object')
def _activitypub_targets(self):
Returns: list of (Response, string inbox URL)
# if there's in-reply-to, like-of, or repost-of, they're the targets.
# otherwise, it's all followers' inboxes.
targets = self._targets()
if not targets:
# interpret this as a Create or Update, deliver it to followers
inboxes = set()
for follower in Follower.query().filter(
Follower.key > Key('Follower', self.source_domain + ' '),
Follower.key < Key('Follower', self.source_domain + chr(ord(' ') + 1))):
if follower.status != 'inactive' and follower.last_follow:
actor = json_loads(follower.last_follow).get('actor')
if actor and isinstance(actor, dict):
inboxes.add(actor.get('endpoints', {}).get('sharedInbox') or
return [(Response.get_or_create(
source=self.source_url, target=inbox, direction='out',
protocol='activitypub', source_mf2=json_dumps(self.source_mf2)),
for inbox in sorted(inboxes) if inbox]
resps_and_inbox_urls = []
for target in targets:
# fetch target page as AS2 object
self.target_resp = common.get_as2(target)
except (requests.HTTPError, exc.HTTPBadGateway) as e:
self.target_resp = getattr(e, 'response', None)
if self.target_resp and self.target_resp.status_code // 100 == 2:
content_type = common.content_type(self.target_resp) or ''
if content_type.startswith('text/html'):
# TODO: pass e.response to try_salmon()'s target_resp
continue # give up
target_url = self.target_resp.url or target
resp = Response.get_or_create(
source=self.source_url, target=target_url, direction='out',
protocol='activitypub', source_mf2=json_dumps(self.source_mf2))
# find target's inbox
target_obj = self.target_resp.json()
resp.target_as2 = json_dumps(target_obj)
inbox_url = target_obj.get('inbox')
if not inbox_url:
# TODO: test actor/attributedTo and not, with/without inbox
actor = (util.get_first(target_obj, 'actor') or
util.get_first(target_obj, 'attributedTo'))
if isinstance(actor, dict):
inbox_url = actor.get('inbox')
actor = actor.get('url') or actor.get('id')
if not inbox_url and not actor:
return error('Target object has no actor or attributedTo with URL or id.')
elif not isinstance(actor, str):
return error(f'Target actor or attributedTo has unexpected url or id object: {actor}')
if not inbox_url:
# fetch actor as AS object
actor = common.get_as2(actor).json()
inbox_url = actor.get('inbox')
if not inbox_url:
# TODO: probably need a way to save errors like this so that we can
# return them if ostatus fails too.
# return error('Target actor has no inbox')
inbox_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(target_url, inbox_url)
resps_and_inbox_urls.append((resp, inbox_url))
return resps_and_inbox_urls
def try_salmon(self):
Returns Flask response (string body or tuple) if we attempted OStatus
delivery (whether successful or not), None if we didn't attempt, raises
an exception otherwise.
target = None
if self.target_resp:
target = self.target_resp.url
targets = self._targets()
if targets:
target = targets[0]
if not target:
logging.warning("No targets or followers. Ignoring.")
status = None
ret = self._try_salmon(target)
if isinstance(ret, str):
status = 'complete'
return ret
status = 'error'
if status:
Response(source=self.source_url, target=target, status=status,
direction='out', protocol = 'ostatus',
def _try_salmon(self, target):
target: string
# fetch target HTML page, extract Atom rel-alternate link
if not self.target_resp:
self.target_resp = common.requests_get(target)
parsed = util.parse_html(self.target_resp)
atom_url = parsed.find('link', rel='alternate', type=common.CONTENT_TYPE_ATOM)
if not atom_url or not atom_url.get('href'):
return error(f'Target post {target} has no Atom link')
# fetch Atom target post, extract and inject id into source object
base_url = ''
base = parsed.find('base')
if base and base.get('href'):
base_url = base['href']
atom_link = parsed.find('link', rel='alternate', type=common.CONTENT_TYPE_ATOM)
atom_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(
target, urllib.parse.urljoin(base_url, atom_link['href']))
feed = common.requests_get(atom_url).text
parsed = feedparser.parse(feed)'Parsed: {json_dumps(parsed, indent=2)}')
entry = parsed.entries[0]
target_id =
in_reply_to = self.source_obj.get('inReplyTo')
source_obj_obj = self.source_obj.get('object')
if in_reply_to:
for elem in in_reply_to:
if elem.get('url') == target:
elem['id'] = target_id
elif isinstance(source_obj_obj, dict):
source_obj_obj['id'] = target_id
# Mastodon (and maybe others?) require a rel-mentioned link to the
# original post's author to make it show up as a reply:
# app/services/process_interaction_service.rb
# add them as a tag, which atom renders as a rel-mention link.
authors = entry.get('authors', None)
if authors:
url = entry.authors[0].get('href')
if url:
self.source_obj.setdefault('tags', []).append({'url': url})
# extract and discover salmon endpoint'Discovering Salmon endpoint in {atom_url}')
endpoint = django_salmon.discover_salmon_endpoint(feed)
if not endpoint:
# try webfinger
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(target)
# TODO: test missing email
author = entry.get('author_detail', {})
email = author.get('email') or '@'.join(
(author.get('name', ''), parsed.netloc))
# TODO: always https?
profile = common.requests_get(
'%s://%s/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:%s' %
(parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, email), parse_json=True)
endpoint = django_salmon.get_salmon_replies_link(profile)
except requests.HTTPError as e:
if not endpoint:
return error('No salmon endpoint found!')'Discovered Salmon endpoint {endpoint}')
# construct reply Atom object
activity = self.source_obj
if self.source_obj.get('verb') not in source.VERBS_WITH_OBJECT:
activity = {'object': self.source_obj}
entry = atom.activity_to_atom(activity, xml_base=self.source_url)'Converted {self.source_url} to Atom:\n{entry}')
# sign reply and wrap in magic envelope
domain = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.source_url).netloc
key = MagicKey.get_or_create(domain)'Using key for {domain}: {key}')
magic_envelope = magicsigs.magic_envelope(
entry, common.CONTENT_TYPE_ATOM, key).decode()'Sending Salmon slap to {endpoint}')
endpoint, data=common.XML_UTF8 + magic_envelope,
headers={'Content-Type': common.CONTENT_TYPE_MAGIC_ENVELOPE})
return 'Sent!'
app.add_url_rule('/webmention', view_func=Webmention.as_view('webmention'),