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"""Datastore model classes."""
import copy
from datetime import timedelta, timezone
from functools import lru_cache
import itertools
import json
import logging
import random
import re
from threading import Lock
from urllib.parse import quote, urlparse
from arroba.util import parse_at_uri
import cachetools
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from flask import request
from import ndb
from granary import as1, as2, atom, bluesky, microformats2
from granary.bluesky import AT_URI_PATTERN, BSKY_APP_URL_RE
from granary.source import html_to_text
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util
from oauth_dropins.webutil.appengine_info import DEBUG
from oauth_dropins.webutil.flask_util import error
from oauth_dropins.webutil.models import JsonProperty, StringIdModel
from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads
from requests import RequestException
import common
from common import (
import ids
# maps string label to Protocol subclass. values are populated by ProtocolUserMeta.
# (we used to wait for ProtocolUserMeta to populate the keys as well, but that was
# awkward to use in datastore model properties with choices, below; it required
# overriding them in reset_model_properties, which was always flaky.)
PROTOCOLS = {label: None for label in (
PROTOCOLS.update({label: None for label in (
# maps string kind (eg 'MagicKey') to Protocol subclass.
# populated in ProtocolUserMeta
# 2048 bits makes tests slow, so use 1024 for them
KEY_BITS = 1024 if DEBUG else 2048
# auto delete old objects of these types via the Object.expire property
OBJECT_EXPIRE_AGE = timedelta(days=90)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Target(ndb.Model):
""":class:`protocol.Protocol` + URI pairs for identifying objects.
These are currently used for:
* delivery destinations, eg ActivityPub inboxes, webmention targets, etc.
* copies of :class:`Object`\s and :class:`User`\s elsewhere,
eg ``at://`` URIs for ATProto records, nevent etc bech32-encoded Nostr ids,
ATProto user DIDs, etc.
Used in :class:``\s inside
:class:`Object` and :class:`User`; not stored as top-level entities in the
ndb implements this by hoisting each property here into a corresponding
property on the parent entity, prefixed by the StructuredProperty name
below, eg ``delivered.uri``, ``delivered.protocol``, etc.
For repeated StructuredPropertys, the hoisted properties are all repeated on
the parent entity, and reconstructed into StructuredPropertys based on their
uri = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
# choices is populated in app via reset_protocol_properties, after all User
# subclasses are created, so that PROTOCOLS is fully populated
protocol = ndb.StringProperty(choices=list(PROTOCOLS.keys()), required=True)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality excludes Targets' :class:`Key`."""
return self.uri == other.uri and self.protocol == other.protocol
def __hash__(self):
"""Allow hashing so these can be dict keys."""
return hash((self.protocol, self.uri))
class ProtocolUserMeta(type(ndb.Model)):
""":class:`User` metaclass. Registers all subclasses in the ``PROTOCOLS`` global."""
def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict):
cls = super().__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict)
if hasattr(cls, 'LABEL') and cls.LABEL not in ('protocol', 'user'):
for label in (cls.LABEL, cls.ABBREV) + cls.OTHER_LABELS:
if label:
PROTOCOLS[label] = cls
PROTOCOLS_BY_KIND[cls._get_kind()] = cls
return cls
def reset_protocol_properties():
"""Recreates various protocol properties to include choices from ``PROTOCOLS``."""
abbrevs = f'({"|".join(PROTOCOLS.keys())}|fed)'
common.SUBDOMAIN_BASE_URL_RE = re.compile(
ids.COPIES_PROTOCOLS = tuple(label for label, proto in PROTOCOLS.items()
if proto and proto.HAS_COPIES)
class User(StringIdModel, metaclass=ProtocolUserMeta):
"""Abstract base class for a Bridgy Fed user.
Stores some protocols' keypairs. Currently:
* RSA keypair for ActivityPub HTTP Signatures
properties: ``mod``, ``public_exponent``, ``private_exponent``, all
encoded as base64url (ie URL-safe base64) strings as described in RFC
4648 and section 5.1 of the Magic Signatures spec:
* *Not* K-256 signing or rotation keys for AT Protocol, those are stored in
:class:`arroba.datastore_storage.AtpRepo` entities
obj_key = ndb.KeyProperty(kind='Object') # user profile
mod = ndb.StringProperty()
use_instead = ndb.KeyProperty()
# Proxy copies of this user elsewhere, eg DIDs for ATProto records, bech32
# npub Nostr ids, etc. Similar to rel-me links in microformats2, alsoKnownAs
# in DID docs (and now AS2), etc.
# TODO: switch to using Object.copies on the user profile object?
copies = ndb.StructuredProperty(Target, repeated=True)
# whether this user signed up or otherwise explicitly, deliberately
# interacted with Bridgy Fed. For example, if fediverse user looks
# up via WebFinger, we'll create Users for both,
# will be direct, will not.
direct = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
# these are for ActivityPub HTTP Signatures
public_exponent = ndb.StringProperty()
private_exponent = ndb.StringProperty()
# set to True for users who asked me to be opted out instead of putting
# #nobridge in their profile
manual_opt_out = ndb.BooleanProperty()
# protocols that this user has explicitly opted into. protocols that don't
# require explicit opt in are omitted here. choices is populated in
# reset_protocol_properties.
enabled_protocols = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True, choices=list(PROTOCOLS.keys()))
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
updated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
# `existing` attr is set by get_or_create
# OLD. some stored entities still have these; do not reuse.
# actor_as2 = JsonProperty()
# protocol-specific state
# atproto_notifs_indexed_at = ndb.TextProperty()
# atproto_feed_indexed_at = ndb.TextProperty()
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Sets :attr:`obj` explicitly because however
:class:`` sets it doesn't work with
``@property`` and ``@obj.setter`` below.
obj = kwargs.pop('obj', None)
if obj:
self.obj = obj
def new(cls, **kwargs):
"""Try to prevent instantiation. Use subclasses instead."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def _post_put_hook(self, future):
logger.debug(f'Wrote {self.key}')
def get_by_id(cls, id, allow_opt_out=False, **kwargs):
"""Override to follow ``use_instead`` property and ``opt-out` status.
Returns None if the user is opted out.
user = cls._get_by_id(id, **kwargs)
if not user:
return None
elif user.use_instead:'{user.key} use_instead => {user.use_instead}')
return user.use_instead.get()
elif user.status and not allow_opt_out:'{user.key} is {user.status}')
return None
return user
def get_or_create(cls, id, propagate=False, allow_opt_out=False, **kwargs):
"""Loads and returns a :class:`User`. Creates it if necessary.
propagate (bool): whether to create copies of this user in push-based
protocols, eg ATProto and Nostr.
allow_opt_out (bool): whether to allow and create the user if they're
currently opted out
User: existing or new user, or None if the user is opted out
assert cls != User
user = cls.get_by_id(id, allow_opt_out=True)
if user:
if user.status and not allow_opt_out:
return None
user.existing = True
# TODO: propagate more fields?
for field in ['direct', 'obj', 'obj_key']:
old_val = getattr(user, field, None)
new_val = kwargs.get(field)
if ((old_val is None and new_val is not None)
or (field == 'direct' and not old_val and new_val)):
setattr(user, field, new_val)
if enabled_protocols := kwargs.get('enabled_protocols'):
user.enabled_protocols = (set(user.enabled_protocols)
| set(enabled_protocols))
if not propagate:
return user
if orig := get_original(id):
if orig.status and not allow_opt_out:
return None
return orig
user = cls(id=id, **kwargs)
user.existing = False
if user.status and not allow_opt_out:
return None
# load and propagate user and profile object
if not user.obj_key:
user.obj = cls.load(user.profile_id())
if propagate:
for label in user.enabled_protocols + list(user.DEFAULT_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS):
proto = PROTOCOLS[label]
if proto == cls:
elif proto.HAS_COPIES:
if not user.get_copy(proto) and user.is_enabled(proto):
except (ValueError, AssertionError):'failed creating {proto.LABEL} copy')
else:'{proto.LABEL} not enabled or user copy already exists, skipping propagate')
# generate keys for all protocols _except_ our own
# these can use urandom() and do nontrivial math, so they can take time
# depending on the amount of randomness available and compute needed.
if not user.existing:
if cls.LABEL != 'activitypub':
key = RSA.generate(KEY_BITS,
randfunc=random.randbytes if DEBUG else None)
user.mod = long_to_base64(key.n)
user.public_exponent = long_to_base64(key.e)
user.private_exponent = long_to_base64(key.d)
except AssertionError as e:
error(f'Bad {cls.__name__} id {id} : {e}')
logger.debug(('Updated ' if user.existing else 'Created new ') + str(user))
return user
def obj(self):
"""Convenience accessor that loads :attr:`obj_key` from the datastore."""
if self.obj_key:
if not hasattr(self, '_obj'):
self._obj = self.obj_key.get()
return self._obj
def obj(self, obj):
if obj:
assert isinstance(obj, Object)
assert obj.key
self._obj = obj
self.obj_key = obj.key
self._obj = self.obj_key = None
def load_multi(cls, users):
"""Loads :attr:`obj` for multiple users in parallel.
users (sequence of User)
objs = ndb.get_multi(u.obj_key for u in users if u.obj_key)
keys_to_objs = {o.key: o for o in objs if o}
for u in users:
u._obj = keys_to_objs.get(u.obj_key)
def handle(self):
"""This user's unique, human-chosen handle, eg ````.
To be implemented by subclasses.
raise NotImplementedError()
def readable_id(self):
"""DEPRECATED: replaced by handle. Kept for backward compatibility."""
return None
def status(self):
"""Whether this user is blocked or opted out.
Optional. Current possible values:
* ``opt-out``: if ``#nobridge`` or ``#nobot`` is in the profile
description/bio, or if the user or domain has manually opted out.
Some protocols also have protocol-specific opt out logic, eg Bluesky
accounts that have disabled logged out view.
* ``blocked``: if the user fails our validation checks, eg
``REQUIRES_NAME`` or ``REQUIRES_AVATAR`` if either of those are
``True` for this protocol.
Duplicates ``util.is_opt_out`` in Bridgy!
if self.manual_opt_out:
return 'opt-out'
if not self.obj or not self.obj.as1:
return None
if self.REQUIRES_AVATAR and not self.obj.as1.get('image'):
return 'blocked'
name = self.obj.as1.get('displayName')
if self.REQUIRES_NAME and (not name or name in (self.handle,
return 'blocked'
if published := self.obj.as1.get('published'):
if - util.parse_iso8601(published) < OLD_ACCOUNT_AGE:
return 'blocked'
summary = html_to_text(self.obj.as1.get('summary', ''), ignore_links=True)
name = self.obj.as1.get('displayName', '')
# #nobridge overrides enabled_protocols
if '#nobridge' in summary or '#nobridge' in name:
return 'opt-out'
# user has explicitly opted in. should go after quality (REQUIRES_*)
# checks, but before is_public and #nobot
if self.enabled_protocols:
return None
if not as1.is_public(self.obj.as1, unlisted=False):
return 'opt-out'
# enabled_protocols overrides #nobot
if '#nobot' in summary or '#nobot' in name:
return 'opt-out'
def is_enabled(self, to_proto, explicit=False):
"""Returns True if this user can be bridged to a given protocol.
Reasons this might return False:
* We haven't turned on bridging these two protocols yet.
* The user is opted out or blocked.
* The user is on a domain that's opted out or blocked.
* The from protocol requires opt in, and the user hasn't opted in.
* ``explicit`` is True, and this protocol supports ``to_proto`` by
default, but the user hasn't explicitly opted into it.
to_proto (Protocol subclass)
explicit (bool)
from protocol import Protocol
assert issubclass(to_proto, Protocol)
if self.__class__ == to_proto:
return True
from_label = self.LABEL
to_label = to_proto.LABEL
# unit tests
if DEBUG and (from_label in ('fake', 'other')
or (to_label in ('fake', 'other') and from_label != 'eefake')):
return True
elif bot_protocol := Protocol.for_bridgy_subdomain(
return to_proto != bot_protocol
elif self.manual_opt_out:
return False
elif to_label in self.enabled_protocols:
return True
elif self.status:
return False
elif to_label in self.DEFAULT_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS and not explicit:
return True
return False
def enable_protocol(self, to_proto):
"""Adds ``to_proto` to :attr:`enabled_protocols`.
to_proto (:class:`protocol.Protocol` subclass)
def enable():
user = self.key.get()
add(user.enabled_protocols, to_proto.LABEL)
if to_proto.LABEL in ids.COPIES_PROTOCOLS and not user.get_copy(to_proto):
add(self.enabled_protocols, to_proto.LABEL)
msg = f'Enabled {to_proto.LABEL} for {} : {self.user_page_path()}'
def disable_protocol(self, to_proto):
"""Removes ``to_proto` from :attr:`enabled_protocols`.
to_proto (:class:`protocol.Protocol` subclass)
def disable():
user = self.key.get()
remove(user.enabled_protocols, to_proto.LABEL)
remove(self.enabled_protocols, to_proto.LABEL)
msg = f'Disabled {to_proto.LABEL} for {} : {self.user_page_path()}'
def handle_as(self, to_proto):
"""Returns this user's handle in a different protocol.
to_proto (str or Protocol)
if isinstance(to_proto, str):
to_proto = PROTOCOLS[to_proto]
# override web users to always use domain instead of custom username
# TODO: fall back to id if handle is unset?
handle = if self.LABEL == 'web' else self.handle
if not handle:
return None
return ids.translate_handle(handle=handle, from_=self.__class__,
to=to_proto, enhanced=False)
def id_as(self, to_proto):
"""Returns this user's id in a different protocol.
to_proto (str or Protocol)
if isinstance(to_proto, str):
to_proto = PROTOCOLS[to_proto]
return ids.translate_user_id(, from_=self.__class__,
def handle_or_id(self):
"""Returns handle if we know it, otherwise id."""
return self.handle or
def public_pem(self):
rsa = RSA.construct((base64_to_long(str(self.mod)),
return rsa.exportKey(format='PEM')
def private_pem(self):
assert self.mod and self.public_exponent and self.private_exponent, str(self)
rsa = RSA.construct((base64_to_long(str(self.mod)),
return rsa.exportKey(format='PEM')
def name(self):
"""Returns this user's human-readable name, eg ``Ryan Barrett``."""
if self.obj and self.obj.as1:
name = self.obj.as1.get('displayName')
if name:
return name
return self.handle_or_id()
def web_url(self):
"""Returns this user's web URL (homepage), eg ````.
To be implemented by subclasses.
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_web_url(self, url, ignore_www=False):
"""Returns True if the given URL is this user's web URL (homepage).
url (str)
ignore_www (bool): if True, ignores ``www.`` subdomains
if not url:
return False
url = url.strip().rstrip('/')
url = re.sub(r'^(https?://)www\.', r'\1', url)
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
if parsed_url.scheme not in ('http', 'https', ''):
return False
this = self.web_url().rstrip('/')
this = re.sub(r'^(https?://)www\.', r'\1', this)
parsed_this = urlparse(this)
return (url == this or url == parsed_this.netloc or
parsed_url[1:] == parsed_this[1:]) # ignore http vs https
def profile_id(self):
"""Returns the id of this user's profile object in its native protocol.
* Web: home page URL, eg ````
* ActivityPub: actor URL, eg ````
* ATProto: profile AT URI, eg ``at://did:plc:123/``
Defaults to this user's key id.
str or None:
return ids.profile_id(, proto=self)
def user_page_path(self, rest=None):
"""Returns the user's Bridgy Fed user page path."""
path = f'/{self.ABBREV}/{self.handle_or_id()}'
if rest:
if not rest.startswith('?'):
path += '/'
path += rest
return path
def get_copy(self, proto):
"""Returns the id for the copy of this user in a given protocol.
...or None if no such copy exists. If ``proto`` is this user, returns
this user's key id.
proto: :class:`Protocol` subclass
# don't use isinstance because the testutil Fake protocol has subclasses
if self.LABEL == proto.LABEL:
for copy in self.copies:
if copy.protocol in (proto.LABEL, proto.ABBREV):
return copy.uri
def user_link(self, handle=False, maybe_internal_link=True):
"""Returns a pretty link to the user with name and profile picture.
If they're opted in, links to their Bridgy Fed user page. Otherwise,
links to their external account.
TODO: unify with :meth:`Object.actor_link`?
handle (bool): include handle as well as display name
maybe_internal_link (bool): if True, link to Bridgy Fed user page
instead of external account
url = (self.user_page_path()
if maybe_internal_link and (self.enabled_protocols
or self.LABEL == 'web' or
else self.web_url())
pic = self.profile_picture()
img = f'<img src="{pic}" class="profile">' if pic else ''
maybe_handle = f'&middot; {self.handle}' if handle else ''
return f"""\
<span class="logo" title="{self.__class__.__name__}">{self.LOGO_HTML}</span>
<a class="h-card u-author" href="{url}" title="{} {maybe_handle}">
{util.ellipsize(, chars=40)}
{util.ellipsize(maybe_handle, chars=40)}
def profile_picture(self):
"""Returns the user's profile picture image URL, if available, or None."""
if self.obj and self.obj.as1:
return util.get_url(self.obj.as1, 'image')
@cachetools.cached(cachetools.TTLCache(50000, 60 * 60 * 2), # 2h expiration
key=lambda user:, lock=Lock())
def count_followers(self):
"""Counts this user's followers and followings.
(int, int) tuple: (number of followers, number following)
num_followers = Follower.query( == self.key,
Follower.status == 'active')\
num_following = Follower.query(Follower.from_ == self.key,
Follower.status == 'active')\
return num_followers, num_following
class Object(StringIdModel):
"""An activity or other object, eg actor.
Key name is the id. We synthesize ids if necessary.
STATUSES = ('new', 'in progress', 'complete', 'failed', 'ignored')
LABELS = ('activity',
# DEPRECATED, replaced by users, notify, feed
'feed', 'notification', 'user')
# Keys for user(s) who created or otherwise own this activity.
users = ndb.KeyProperty(repeated=True)
# User keys who should see this activity in their user page, eg in reply to,
# reaction to, share of, etc.
notify = ndb.KeyProperty(repeated=True)
# User keys who should see this activity in their feeds, eg followers of its
# creator
feed = ndb.KeyProperty(repeated=True)
# DEPRECATED but still used read only to maintain backward compatibility
# with old Objects in the datastore that we haven't bothered migrating.
domains = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
status = ndb.StringProperty(choices=STATUSES)
# choices is populated in reset_protocol_properties, after all User
# subclasses are created, so that PROTOCOLS is fully populated.
# TODO: nail down whether this is ABBREV or LABEL
source_protocol = ndb.StringProperty(choices=list(PROTOCOLS.keys()))
labels = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True, choices=LABELS)
# TODO: switch back to ndb.JsonProperty if/when they fix it for the web console
as2 = JsonProperty() # only one of the rest will be populated...
bsky = JsonProperty() # Bluesky / AT Protocol
mf2 = JsonProperty() # HTML microformats2 item (ie _not_ the top level
# parse object with items inside an 'items' field)
our_as1 = JsonProperty() # AS1 for activities that we generate or modify ourselves
raw = JsonProperty() # other standalone data format, eg DID document
# these are full feeds with multiple items, not just this one, so they're
# stored as audit records only. they're not used in to_as1. for Atom/RSS
# based Objects, our_as1 will be populated with an feed_index top-level
# integer field that indexes into one of these.
atom = ndb.TextProperty() # Atom XML
rss = ndb.TextProperty() # RSS XML
deleted = ndb.BooleanProperty()
delivered = ndb.StructuredProperty(Target, repeated=True)
undelivered = ndb.StructuredProperty(Target, repeated=True)
failed = ndb.StructuredProperty(Target, repeated=True)
# Copies of this object elsewhere, eg at:// URIs for ATProto records and
# nevent etc bech32-encoded Nostr ids, where this object is the original.
# Similar to u-syndication links in microformats2 and
# upstream/downstreamDuplicates in AS1.
copies = ndb.StructuredProperty(Target, repeated=True)
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
updated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
new = None
changed = None
"""Protocol and subclasses set these in fetch if this :class:`Object` is
new or if its contents have changed from what was originally loaded from the
datastore. If either one is None, that means we don't know whether this
:class:`Object` is new/changed.
:attr:`changed` is populated by :meth:`activity_changed()`.
lock = None
"""Initialized in __init__, synchronizes :meth:`add` and :meth:`remove`."""
def as1(self):
def use_urls_as_ids(obj):
"""If id field is missing or not a URL, use the url field."""
id = obj.get('id')
if not id or not (util.is_web(id) or re.match(DOMAIN_RE, id)):
if url := util.get_url(obj):
obj['id'] = url
for field in 'author', 'actor', 'object':
if inner := as1.get_object(obj, field):
if self.our_as1:
obj = self.our_as1
if self.atom or self.rss:
elif self.as2:
obj = as2.to_as1(self.as2)
elif self.bsky:
owner, _, _ = parse_at_uri(
ATProto = PROTOCOLS['atproto']
handle = ATProto(id=owner).handle
obj = bluesky.to_as1(self.bsky, repo_did=owner, repo_handle=handle,, pds=ATProto.pds_for(self))
except (ValueError, RequestException):"Couldn't convert to ATProto", exc_info=True)
return None
elif self.mf2:
obj = microformats2.json_to_object(self.mf2,
# use fetched final URL as id, not u-url
if url := self.mf2.get('url'):
obj['id'] = ( if self.key and '#' in
else url)
return None
# populate id if necessary
if self.key:
return obj
def type(self): # AS1 objectType, or verb if it's an activity
if self.as1:
return as1.object_type(self.as1)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.lock = Lock()
def _expire(self):
"""Maybe automatically delete this Object after 90d using a TTL policy.
They recommend not indexing TTL properties:
if self.type in OBJECT_EXPIRE_TYPES:
return (self.updated or + OBJECT_EXPIRE_AGE
expire = ndb.ComputedProperty(_expire, indexed=False)
def _pre_put_hook(self):
* Validate that at:// URIs have DID repos
* Set/remove the activity label
* Strip @context from as2 (we don't do LD) to save disk space
id =
if self.source_protocol not in (None, 'ui'):
proto = PROTOCOLS[self.source_protocol]
assert proto.owns_id(id) is not False, \
f'Protocol {proto.LABEL} does not own id {id}'
if id.startswith('at://'):
repo, _, _ = parse_at_uri(id)
if not repo.startswith('did:'):
# TODO: if we hit this, that means the AppView gave us an AT URI
# with a handle repo/authority instead of DID. that's surprising!
# ...if so, and if we need to handle it, add a new
# arroba.did.canonicalize_at_uri() function, then use it here,
# or before.
raise ValueError(
f'at:// URI ids must have DID repos; got {id}')
if self.as1 and self.as1.get('objectType') == 'activity':
self.add('labels', 'activity')
elif 'activity' in self.labels:
self.remove('labels', 'activity')
if self.as2:
self.as2.pop('@context', None)
for field in 'actor', 'attributedTo', 'author', 'object':
for val in util.get_list(self.as2, field):
if isinstance(val, dict):
val.pop('@context', None)
def _post_put_hook(self, future):
# TODO: assert that as1 id is same as key id? in pre put hook?
logger.debug(f'Wrote {self.key}')
def get_or_create(cls, id, authed_as=None, **props):
"""Returns an :class:`Object` with the given property values.
If a matching :class:`Object` doesn't exist in the datastore, creates it
first. Only populates non-False/empty property values in props into the
object. Also populates the :attr:`new` and :attr:`changed` properties.
authed_as (str): if a matching :class:`Object` already exists, its
`author` or `actor` must contain this actor id. Implements basic
authorization for updates and deletes.
obj = cls.get_by_id(id)
if obj: = False
orig_as1 = obj.as1
if orig_as1:
# authorization: check that the authed user is allowed to modify
# this object
assert authed_as
proto = PROTOCOLS.get(obj.source_protocol)
assert proto, obj.source_protocol
owners = [ids.normalize_user_id(id=owner, proto=proto)
for owner in (as1.get_ids(orig_as1, 'author')
+ as1.get_ids(orig_as1, 'actor'))]
if (ids.normalize_user_id(id=authed_as, proto=proto) not in owners
and id != authed_as
and id != ids.profile_id(id=authed_as, proto=proto)):
report_error("Auth: Object: authed_as doesn't match owner",
user=f'{id} authed_as {authed_as} owners {owners}')
error(f"authed user {authed_as} isn't object owner {owners}",
obj = Object(id=id) = True
if set(props.keys()) & set(('as2', 'bsky', 'mf2', 'raw')):
k: v for k, v in props.items()
if v and not isinstance(getattr(Object, k), ndb.ComputedProperty)
if not
obj.changed = obj.activity_changed(orig_as1)
return obj
def add(self, prop, val):
"""Adds a value to a multiply-valued property. Uses ``self.lock``.
prop (str)
with self.lock:
add(getattr(self, prop), val)
def remove(self, prop, val):
"""Removes a value from a multiply-valued property. Uses ``self.lock``.
prop (str)
with self.lock:
getattr(self, prop).remove(val)
def clear(self):
"""Clears the :attr:`Object.our_as1` property."""
self.our_as1 = None
def activity_changed(self, other_as1):
"""Returns True if this activity is meaningfully changed from ``other_as1``.
...otherwise False.
Used to populate :attr:`changed`.
other_as1 (dict): AS1 object, or none
# ignore inReplyTo since we translate it between protocols
return (as1.activity_changed(self.as1, other_as1, inReplyTo=False)
if self.as1 and other_as1
else bool(self.as1) != bool(other_as1))
def actor_link(self, image=True, sized=False, user=None):
"""Returns a pretty HTML link with the actor's name and picture.
TODO: unify with :meth:`User.user_link`?
image (bool): whether to include an ``img`` tag with the actor's picture
sized (bool): whether to set an explicit (``width=32``) size on the
profile picture ``img` tag
user (User): current user
attrs = {'class': 'h-card u-author'}
if user and (user.key in self.users or in
# outbound; show a nice link to the user
return user.user_link()
proto = PROTOCOLS.get(self.source_protocol)
actor = None
if self.as1:
actor = (as1.get_object(self.as1, 'actor')
or as1.get_object(self.as1, 'author'))
# hydrate from datastore if available
# TODO: optimize! this is called serially in loops, eg in home.html
if set(actor.keys()) == {'id'} and self.source_protocol:
actor_obj = proto.load(actor['id'], remote=False)
if actor_obj and actor_obj.as1:
actor = actor_obj.as1
if not actor:
return ''
elif set(actor.keys()) == {'id'}:
return common.pretty_link(actor['id'], attrs=attrs, user=user)
url = as1.get_url(actor)
name = actor.get('displayName') or actor.get('username') or ''
img_url = util.get_url(actor, 'image')
if not image or not img_url:
return common.pretty_link(url, text=name, attrs=attrs, user=user)
logo = ''
if proto:
logo = f'<span class="logo" title="{self.__class__.__name__}">{proto.LOGO_HTML}</span>'
return f"""\
<a class="h-card u-author" href="{url}" title="{name}">
<img class="profile" src="{img_url}" {'width="32"' if sized else ''}/>
{util.ellipsize(name, chars=40)}
def get_copy(self, proto):
"""Returns the id for the copy of this object in a given protocol.
...or None if no such copy exists. If ``proto`` is ``source_protocol``,
returns this object's key id.
proto: :class:`Protocol` subclass
if self.source_protocol in (proto.LABEL, proto.ABBREV):
for copy in self.copies:
if copy.protocol in (proto.LABEL, proto.ABBREV):
return copy.uri
def resolve_ids(self):
"""Resolves "copy" ids, subdomain ids, etc with their originals.
The end result is that all ids are original "source" ids, ie in the
protocol that they first came from.
Specifically, resolves:
* ids in :class:`User.copies` and :class:`Object.copies`, eg ATProto
records and Nostr events that we bridged, to the ids of their
original objects in their source protocol, eg
``at://did:plc:abc/`` => ````.
* Bridgy Fed subdomain URLs to the ids embedded inside them, eg
```` => ``did:plc:xyz``
* ATProto URLs to their DIDs or `at://` URIs, eg
```` => ``did:plc:123`` these AS1 fields, in place:
* ``id``
* ``actor``
* ``author``
* ``object``
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ``object.inReplyTo``
* ``tags.[objectType=mention].url``
:meth:`protocol.Protocol.translate_ids` is partly the inverse of this.
Much of the same logic is duplicated there!
TODO: unify with :meth:`normalize_ids`, :meth:`Object.normalize_ids`.
if not self.as1:
# extract ids, strip Bridgy Fed subdomain URLs
outer_obj = unwrap(self.as1)
if outer_obj != self.as1:
self.our_as1 = util.trim_nulls(outer_obj)
self_proto = PROTOCOLS.get(self.source_protocol)
if not self_proto:
inner_obj = outer_obj['object'] = as1.get_object(outer_obj)
fields = ['actor', 'author', 'inReplyTo']
# collect relevant ids
ids = [inner_obj.get('id')]
for obj in outer_obj, inner_obj:
for tag in as1.get_objects(obj, 'tags'):
if tag.get('objectType') == 'mention':
for field in fields:
for val in as1.get_objects(obj, field):
ids = util.trim_nulls(ids)
if not ids:
# batch lookup matching users
origs = {} # maps str copy URI to str original URI
for obj in get_originals(tuple(ids)):
for copy in obj.copies:
if copy.protocol in (self_proto.LABEL, self_proto.ABBREV):
origs[copy.uri] =
logger.debug(f'Resolving {self_proto.LABEL} ids; originals: {origs}')
replaced = False
def replace(val):
id = val.get('id') if isinstance(val, dict) else val
orig = origs.get(id)
if not orig:
return val
nonlocal replaced
replaced = True
if isinstance(val, dict) and val.keys() > {'id'}:
val['id'] = orig
return val
return orig
# actually replace ids
for obj in outer_obj, inner_obj:
for tag in as1.get_objects(obj, 'tags'):
if tag.get('objectType') == 'mention':
tag['url'] = replace(tag.get('url'))
for field in fields:
obj[field] = [replace(val) for val in util.get_list(obj, field)]
if len(obj[field]) == 1:
obj[field] = obj[field][0]
outer_obj['object'] = replace(inner_obj)
if util.trim_nulls(outer_obj['object']).keys() == {'id'}:
outer_obj['object'] = outer_obj['object']['id']
if replaced:
self.our_as1 = util.trim_nulls(outer_obj)
def normalize_ids(self):
"""Normalizes ids to their protocol's canonical representation, if any.
For example, normalizes ATProto ```` URLs to DIDs
for profiles, ``at://`` URIs for posts.
Modifies this object in place.
TODO: unify with :meth:`resolve_ids`, :meth:`Protocol.translate_ids`.
from protocol import Protocol
if not self.as1:
logger.debug(f'Normalizing ids')
outer_obj = copy.deepcopy(self.as1)
inner_objs = as1.get_objects(outer_obj)
replaced = False
def replace(val, translate_fn):
nonlocal replaced
orig = val.get('id') if isinstance(val, dict) else val
if not orig:
return val
proto = Protocol.for_id(orig, remote=False)
if not proto:
return val
translated = translate_fn(id=orig, from_=proto, to=proto)
if translated and translated != orig:'Normalized {proto.LABEL} id {orig} to {translated}')
replaced = True
if isinstance(val, dict):
val['id'] = translated
return val
return translated
return val
# actually replace ids
for obj in [outer_obj] + inner_objs:
for tag in as1.get_objects(obj, 'tags'):
if tag.get('objectType') == 'mention':
tag['url'] = replace(tag.get('url'), ids.translate_user_id)
for field in ['actor', 'author', 'inReplyTo']:
fn = (ids.translate_object_id if field == 'inReplyTo'
else ids.translate_user_id)
obj[field] = [replace(val, fn) for val in util.get_list(obj, field)]
if len(obj[field]) == 1:
obj[field] = obj[field][0]
outer_obj['object'] = []
for inner_obj in inner_objs:
translate_fn = (ids.translate_user_id
if (as1.object_type(inner_obj) in as1.ACTOR_TYPES
or as1.object_type(outer_obj) in
('follow', 'stop-following'))
else ids.translate_object_id)
got = replace(inner_obj, translate_fn)
if isinstance(got, dict) and util.trim_nulls(got).keys() == {'id'}:
got = got['id']
if len(outer_obj['object']) == 1:
outer_obj['object'] = outer_obj['object'][0]
if replaced:
self.our_as1 = util.trim_nulls(outer_obj)
class Follower(ndb.Model):
"""A follower of a Bridgy Fed user."""
STATUSES = ('active', 'inactive')
# these are both subclasses of User
from_ = ndb.KeyProperty(name='from', required=True)
to = ndb.KeyProperty(required=True)
follow = ndb.KeyProperty(Object) # last follow activity
status = ndb.StringProperty(choices=STATUSES, default='active')
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
updated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
# OLD. some stored entities still have these; do not reuse.
# src = ndb.StringProperty()
# dest = ndb.StringProperty()
# last_follow = JsonProperty()
def _pre_put_hook(self):
if self.from_.kind() == 'Fake' and == 'Fake':
# we're a bridge! stick with bridging.
assert self.from_.kind() !=, f'from {self.from_} to {}'
def _post_put_hook(self, future):
logger.debug(f'Wrote {self.key}')
def get_or_create(cls, *, from_, to, **kwargs):
"""Returns a Follower with the given ``from_`` and ``to`` users.
If a matching :class:`Follower` doesn't exist in the datastore, creates
it first.
from_ (User)
to (User)
assert from_
assert to
follower = Follower.query(Follower.from_ == from_.key, == to.key,
if not follower:
follower = Follower(from_=from_.key, to=to.key, **kwargs)
elif kwargs:
# update existing entity with new property values, eg to make an
# inactive Follower active again
for prop, val in kwargs.items():
setattr(follower, prop, val)
return follower
def fetch_page(collection, user):
"""Fetches a page of :class:`Follower`s for a given user.
Wraps :func:`fetch_page`. Paging uses the ``before`` and ``after`` query
parameters, if available in the request.
collection (str): ``followers`` or ``following``
user (User)
(list of Follower, str, str) tuple: results, annotated with an extra
``user`` attribute that holds the follower or following :class:`User`,
and new str query param values for ``before`` and ``after`` to fetch
the previous and next pages, respectively
assert collection in ('followers', 'following'), collection
filter_prop = if collection == 'followers' else Follower.from_
query = Follower.query(
Follower.status == 'active',
filter_prop == user.key,
followers, before, after = fetch_page(query, Follower, by=Follower.updated)
users = ndb.get_multi(f.from_ if collection == 'followers' else
for f in followers)
User.load_multi(u for u in users if u)
for f, u in zip(followers, users):
f.user = u
followers = [f for f in followers if not f.user.status]
return followers, before, after
def fetch_objects(query, by=None, user=None):
"""Fetches a page of :class:`Object` entities from a datastore query.
Wraps :func:`fetch_page` and adds attributes to the returned
:class:`Object` entities for rendering in ``objects.html``.
query (ndb.Query)
by (ndb.model.Property): either :attr:`Object.updated` or
user (User): current user
(list of Object, str, str) tuple:
(results, new ``before`` query param, new ``after`` query param)
to fetch the previous and next pages, respectively
assert by is Object.updated or by is Object.created
objects, new_before, new_after = fetch_page(query, Object, by=by)
objects = [o for o in objects if as1.is_public(o.as1) and not o.deleted]
# synthesize human-friendly content for objects
for i, obj in enumerate(objects):
obj_as1 = obj.as1
inner_obj = as1.get_object(obj_as1)
# synthesize text snippet
type = as1.object_type(obj_as1)
if type == 'post':
inner_type = inner_obj.get('objectType')
if inner_type:
type = inner_type
# AS1 verb => human-readable phrase
phrases = {
'accept': 'accepted',
'article': 'posted',
'comment': 'replied',
'delete': 'deleted',
'follow': 'followed',
'invite': 'is invited to',
'issue': 'filed issue',
'like': 'liked',
'note': 'posted',
'post': 'posted',
'repost': 'reposted',
'rsvp-interested': 'is interested in',
'rsvp-maybe': 'might attend',
'rsvp-no': 'is not attending',
'rsvp-yes': 'is attending',
'share': 'reposted',
'stop-following': 'unfollowed',
'undo': 'undid',
'update': 'updated',
obj.phrase = phrases.get(type)
content = (inner_obj.get('content')
or inner_obj.get('displayName')
or inner_obj.get('summary'))
if content:
content = util.parse_html(content).get_text()
urls = as1.object_urls(inner_obj)
id = unwrap(inner_obj.get('id', ''))
url = urls[0] if urls else id
if (type == 'update' and
(obj.users and (user.is_web_url(id)
or id.strip('/') == obj.users[0].id())
or and id.strip('/') == f'https://{[0]}')):
obj.phrase = 'updated'
'content': 'their profile',
'url': id,
elif url and not content:
# heuristics for sniffing URLs and converting them to more friendly
# phrases and user handles.
# TODO: standardize this into granary.as2 somewhere?
from activitypub import FEDI_URL_RE
from atproto import COLLECTION_TO_TYPE, did_to_handle
handle = suffix = ''
if match := FEDI_URL_RE.match(url):
handle =
suffix = "'s post"
elif match := BSKY_APP_URL_RE.match(url):
handle ='id')
suffix = "'s post"
elif match := AT_URI_PATTERN.match(url):
handle ='repo')
if coll :='collection'):
suffix = f"'s {COLLECTION_TO_TYPE.get(coll) or 'post'}"
url = bluesky.at_uri_to_web_url(url)
elif url.startswith('did:'):
handle = url
url = bluesky.Bluesky.user_url(handle)
if handle:
if handle.startswith('did:'):
handle = did_to_handle(handle) or handle
content = f'@{handle}{suffix}'
if url:
content = common.pretty_link(url, text=content, user=user)
obj.content = (obj_as1.get('content')
or obj_as1.get('displayName')
or obj_as1.get('summary'))
obj.url = util.get_first(obj_as1, 'url')
if type in ('like', 'follow', 'repost', 'share') or not obj.content:
if obj.url:
obj.phrase = common.pretty_link(
obj.url, text=obj.phrase, attrs={'class': 'u-url'}, user=user)
if content:
obj.content = content
obj.url = url
return objects, new_before, new_after
def fetch_page(query, model_class, by=None):
"""Fetches a page of results from a datastore query.
Uses the ``before`` and ``after`` query params (if provided; should be
ISO8601 timestamps) and the ``by`` property to identify the page to fetch.
Populates a ``log_url_path`` property on each result entity that points to a
its most recent logged request.
query (
model_class (class)
by (ndb.model.Property): paging property, eg :attr:`Object.updated`
or :attr:`Object.created`
(list of Object or Follower, str, str) tuple: (results, new_before,
new_after), where new_before and new_after are query param values for
``before`` and ``after`` to fetch the previous and next pages,
assert by
# if there's a paging param ('before' or 'after'), update query with it
# TODO: unify this with Bridgy's user page
def get_paging_param(param):
val = request.values.get(param)
if val:
dt = util.parse_iso8601(val.replace(' ', '+'))
except BaseException as e:
error(f"Couldn't parse {param}, {val!r} as ISO8601: {e}")
if dt.tzinfo:
dt = dt.astimezone(timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
return dt
before = get_paging_param('before')
after = get_paging_param('after')
if before and after:
error("can't handle both before and after")
elif after:
query = query.filter(by >= after).order(by)
elif before:
query = query.filter(by < before).order(-by)
query = query.order(-by)
query_iter = query.iter()
results = sorted(itertools.islice(query_iter, 0, PAGE_SIZE),
key=lambda r: r.updated, reverse=True)
# calculate new paging param(s)
has_next = results and query_iter.probably_has_next()
new_after = (
before if before
else results[0].updated if has_next and after
else None)
if new_after:
new_after = new_after.isoformat()
new_before = (
after if after else
results[-1].updated if has_next
else None)
if new_before:
new_before = new_before.isoformat()
return results, new_before, new_after
def get_original(copy_id, keys_only=None):
"""Fetches a user or object with a given id in copies.
Thin wrapper around :func:`get_copies` that returns the first
matching result.
Also see :Object:`get_copy` and :User:`get_copy`.
copy_id (str)
keys_only (bool): passed through to :class:``
User or Object:
got = get_originals((copy_id,), keys_only=keys_only)
if got:
return got[0]
def get_originals(copy_ids, keys_only=None):
"""Fetches users (across all protocols) for a given set of copies.
Also see :Object:`get_copy` and :User:`get_copy`.
copy_ids (tuple (not list!) of str)
keys_only (bool): passed through to :class:``
sequence of User and/or Object
assert copy_ids
classes = set(cls for cls in PROTOCOLS.values() if cls and cls.LABEL != 'ui')
return list(itertools.chain(*(
for cls in classes)))
# TODO: default to looking up copy_ids as key ids, across protocols? is
# that useful anywhere?