kopia lustrzana https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed
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363 wiersze
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"""UI pages."""
import calendar
import datetime
from itertools import islice
import logging
import re
import urllib.parse
from flask import redirect, render_template, request
from google.cloud.ndb.stats import KindStat
from granary import as2, atom, microformats2, rss
import humanize
from oauth_dropins.webutil import flask_util, logs, util
from oauth_dropins.webutil.flask_util import error, flash, redirect
from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads
from app import app, cache
import common
from models import Follower, User, Activity
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@flask_util.cached(cache, datetime.timedelta(days=1))
def front_page():
"""View for the front page."""
return render_template('index.html')
@flask_util.cached(cache, datetime.timedelta(days=1))
def docs():
"""View for the docs page."""
return render_template('docs.html')
@flask_util.cached(cache, datetime.timedelta(days=1))
def enter_web_site():
return render_template('enter_web_site.html')
def check_web_site():
url = request.values['url']
domain = util.domain_from_link(url, minimize=False)
if not domain:
error(f'No domain found in {url}')
user = User.get_or_create(domain)
user = user.verify()
except BaseException as e:
if util.is_connection_failure(e):
flash(f"Couldn't connect to {url}")
return render_template('enter_web_site.html')
return redirect(f'/user/{user.key.id()}')
@app.get(f'/responses/<regex("{common.DOMAIN_RE}"):domain>') # deprecated
def user_deprecated(domain):
return redirect(f'/user/{domain}', code=301)
def user(domain):
user = User.get_by_id(domain)
if not user:
return render_template('user_not_found.html', domain=domain), 404
elif user.use_instead:
return redirect(f'/user/{user.use_instead.id()}', code=301)
query = Activity.query(
Activity.status.IN(('new', 'complete', 'error')),
Activity.domain == domain,
activities, before, after = fetch_activities(query)
followers = Follower.query(Follower.dest == domain, Follower.status == 'active')\
followers = f'{followers}{"+" if followers == FOLLOWERS_UI_LIMIT else ""}'
following = Follower.query(Follower.src == domain, Follower.status == 'active')\
following = f'{following}{"+" if following == FOLLOWERS_UI_LIMIT else ""}'
return render_template(
def followers(domain):
# unify with following
if not (user := User.get_by_id(domain)):
return render_template('user_not_found.html', domain=domain), 404
query = Follower.query(
Follower.status == 'active',
Follower.dest == domain,
followers, before, after = fetch_page(query, Follower)
for f in followers:
f.url = f.src
f.handle = re.sub(r'^https?://(.+)/(users/|@)(.+)$', r'@\3@\1', f.src)
if f.last_follow:
last_follow = json_loads(f.last_follow)
actor = last_follow.get('actor', {})
f.name = actor.get('name') or ''
f.picture = util.get_url(actor, 'icon')
return render_template(
def following(domain):
if not (user := User.get_by_id(domain)):
return render_template('user_not_found.html', domain=domain), 404
query = Follower.query(
Follower.status == 'active',
Follower.src == domain,
followers, before, after = fetch_page(query, Follower)
for f in followers:
f.url = f.dest
f.handle = re.sub(r'^https?://(.+)/(users/|@)(.+)$', r'@\3@\1', f.dest)
return render_template(
def feed(domain):
format = request.args.get('format', 'html')
if format not in ('html', 'atom', 'rss'):
error(f'format {format} not supported; expected html, atom, or rss')
if not (user := User.get_by_id(domain)):
return render_template('user_not_found.html', domain=domain), 404
as2_activities, _, _ = Activity.query(
Activity.domain == domain, Activity.direction == 'in'
as1_activities = [as2.to_as1(json_loads(a.source_as2))
for a in as2_activities
if a.source_as2]
as1_activities = [a for a in as1_activities
if a.get('verb') not in ('like', 'update', 'follow',
'repost', 'share')]
actor = {
'displayName': domain,
'url': f'https://{domain}',
title = f'Bridgy Fed feed for {domain}'
if format == 'html':
entries = [microformats2.object_to_html(a) for a in as1_activities]
return render_template('feed.html', util=util, **locals())
elif format == 'atom':
body = atom.activities_to_atom(as1_activities, actor=actor, title=title,
return body, {'Content-Type': atom.CONTENT_TYPE}
elif format == 'rss':
body = rss.from_activities(as1_activities, actor=actor, title=title,
return body, {'Content-Type': rss.CONTENT_TYPE}
@app.get('/responses') # deprecated
def recent_deprecated():
return redirect('/recent', code=301)
def recent():
"""Renders recent activities, with links to logs."""
query = Activity.query(Activity.status.IN(('new', 'complete', 'error')))
activities, before, after = fetch_activities(query)
return render_template(
def fetch_page(query, model_class):
"""Fetches a page of results from a datastore query.
Uses the `before` and `after` query params (if provided; should be ISO8601
timestamps) and the queried model class's `updated` property to identify the
page to fetch.
Populates a `log_url_path` property on each result entity that points to a
its most recent logged request.
query: :class:`ndb.Query`
model_class: ndb model class
(results, new_before, new_after) tuple with:
results: list of query result entities
new_before, new_after: str query param values for `before` and `after`
to fetch the previous and next pages, respectively
# if there's a paging param ('before' or 'after'), update query with it
# TODO: unify this with Bridgy's user page
def get_paging_param(param):
val = request.values.get(param)
return util.parse_iso8601(val.replace(' ', '+')) if val else None
except BaseException:
error(f"Couldn't parse {param}, {val!r} as ISO8601")
before = get_paging_param('before')
after = get_paging_param('after')
if before and after:
error("can't handle both before and after")
elif after:
query = query.filter(model_class.updated > after).order(model_class.updated)
elif before:
query = query.filter(model_class.updated < before).order(-model_class.updated)
query = query.order(-model_class.updated)
query_iter = query.iter()
results = sorted(islice(query_iter, 0, PAGE_SIZE),
key=lambda r: r.updated, reverse=True)
# calculate new paging param(s)
has_next = results and query_iter.probably_has_next()
new_after = (
before if before
else results[0].updated if has_next and after
else None)
if new_after:
new_after = new_after.isoformat()
new_before = (
after if after else
results[-1].updated if has_next
else None)
if new_before:
new_before = new_before.isoformat()
return results, new_before, new_after
def fetch_activities(query):
"""Fetches a page of Activity entities from a datastore query.
Wraps :func:`fetch_page` and adds attributes to the returned Activity
entities for rendering in activities.html.
query: :class:`ndb.Query`
(results, new_before, new_after) tuple with:
results: list of Activity entities
new_before, new_after: str query param values for `before` and `after`
to fetch the previous and next pages, respectively
orig_activities, new_before, new_after = fetch_page(query, Activity)
activities = []
seen = set()
# synthesize human-friendly content for activities
for i, activity in enumerate(orig_activities):
a = activity.to_as1()
# de-dupe
ids = set((a[field] for field in ('id', 'url') if a.get(field)))
if ids & seen:
# synthesize text snippet
verb = a.get('verb') or a.get('objectType')
obj = util.get_first(a, 'object') or {}
phrases = {
'article': 'posted',
'note': 'posted',
'post': 'posted',
'comment': 'replied',
'like': 'liked',
'follow': 'followed',
'repost': 'reposted',
'share': 'reposted',
'rsvp-yes': 'is attending',
'rsvp-no': 'is not attending',
'rsvp-maybe': 'might attend',
'rsvp-interested': 'is interested in',
'invite': 'is invited to',
activity.phrase = phrases.get(verb)
obj_content = obj.get('content') or obj.get('displayName')
obj_url = util.get_first(obj, 'url')
if obj_url:
obj_content = util.pretty_link(obj_url, text=obj_content)
activity.content = a.get('content') or a.get('displayName')
activity.url = util.get_first(a, 'url')
if (verb in ('like', 'follow', 'repost', 'share') or
not activity.content):
if activity.url:
activity.phrase = util.pretty_link(activity.url, text=activity.phrase)
if obj_content:
activity.content = obj_content
activity.url = obj_url
return activities, new_before, new_after
def stats():
def count(kind):
return humanize.intcomma(
KindStat.query(KindStat.kind_name == kind).get().count)
return render_template(
@flask_util.cached(cache, logs.CACHE_TIME)
def log():
return logs.log()