kopia lustrzana https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed
672 wiersze
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672 wiersze
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"""ActivityPub protocol implementation."""
from base64 import b64encode
from hashlib import sha256
import itertools
import logging
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from flask import abort, g, request
from granary import as1, as2
from httpsig import HeaderVerifier
from httpsig.requests_auth import HTTPSignatureAuth
from httpsig.utils import parse_signature_header
from oauth_dropins.webutil import flask_util, util
from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import fragmentless, json_dumps, json_loads
import requests
from werkzeug.exceptions import BadGateway
from flask_app import app, cache
import common
from common import (
from models import Follower, Object, Target, User
from protocol import Protocol
import web
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
'Accept': f'{as2.CONNEG_HEADERS["Accept"]}, {CONTENT_TYPE_HTML}; q=0.7'
HTTP_SIG_HEADERS = ('Date', 'Host', 'Digest', '(request-target)')
def default_signature_user():
_DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_USER = web.Web.get_or_create('snarfed.org')
class ActivityPub(User, Protocol):
"""ActivityPub protocol class."""
LABEL = 'activitypub'
def send(cls, obj, url, log_data=True):
"""Delivers an activity to an inbox URL."""
# this is set in web.webmention_task()
target = getattr(obj, 'target_as2', None)
activity = obj.as2 or postprocess_as2(as2.from_as1(obj.as1), target=target)
activity['actor'] = g.user.actor_id()
return signed_post(url, log_data=True, data=activity)
# TODO: return bool or otherwise unify return value with others
def fetch(cls, obj):
"""Tries to fetch an AS2 object.
Uses HTTP content negotiation via the Content-Type header. If the url is
HTML and it has a rel-alternate link with an AS2 content type, fetches and
returns that URL.
Includes an HTTP Signature with the request.
Mastodon requires this signature if AUTHORIZED_FETCH aka secure mode is on:
Signs the request with the current user's key. If not provided, defaults to
using @snarfed.org@snarfed.org's key.
obj: :class:`Object` with the id to fetch. Fills data into the as2
:class:`requests.HTTPError`, :class:`werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException`
If we raise a werkzeug HTTPException, it will have an additional
requests_response attribute with the last requests.Response we received.
resp = None
def _error(extra_msg=None):
msg = f"Couldn't fetch {obj.key.id()} as ActivityStreams 2"
if extra_msg:
msg += ': ' + extra_msg
err = BadGateway(msg)
err.requests_response = resp
raise err
def _get(url, headers):
"""Returns None if we fetched and populated, resp otherwise."""
nonlocal resp
resp = signed_get(url, headers=headers, gateway=True)
if not resp.content:
_error('empty response')
elif common.content_type(resp) == as2.CONTENT_TYPE:
return resp.json()
except requests.JSONDecodeError:
_error("Couldn't decode as JSON")
obj.as2 = _get(obj.key.id(), CONNEG_HEADERS_AS2_HTML)
if obj.as2:
return obj
# look in HTML to find AS2 link
if common.content_type(resp) != 'text/html':
_error('no AS2 available')
parsed = util.parse_html(resp)
link = parsed.find('link', rel=('alternate', 'self'), type=(
if not (link and link['href']):
_error('no AS2 available')
obj.as2 = _get(link['href'], as2.CONNEG_HEADERS)
if obj.as2:
return obj
def serve(cls, obj):
"""Serves an :class:`Object` as AS2."""
return (postprocess_as2(as2.from_as1(obj.as1)),
{'Content-Type': as2.CONTENT_TYPE})
def verify_signature(cls, activity):
"""Verifies the current request's HTTP Signature.
activity: dict, AS2 activity
Logs details of the result. Raises :class:`werkzeug.HTTPError` if the
signature is missing or invalid, otherwise does nothing and returns None.
headers = dict(request.headers) # copy so we can modify below
sig = headers.get('Signature')
if not sig:
error('No HTTP Signature', status=401)
logger.info('Verifying HTTP Signature')
logger.info(f'Headers: {json_dumps(headers, indent=2)}')
# parse_signature_header lower-cases all keys
sig_fields = parse_signature_header(sig)
keyId = fragmentless(sig_fields.get('keyid'))
if not keyId:
error('HTTP Signature missing keyId', status=401)
# TODO: right now, assume hs2019 is rsa-sha256. the real answer is...
# ...complicated and unclear. 🤷
# https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/430#issuecomment-1510462267
# https://arewehs2019yet.vpzom.click/
# https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/state-of-http-signatures/754/23
# https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/http-signatures-libraray/2087/2
# https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/14556
if sig_fields.get('algorithm') == 'hs2019':
headers['Signature'] = headers['Signature'].replace(
'algorithm="hs2019"', 'algorithm=rsa-sha256')
digest = headers.get('Digest') or ''
if not digest:
error('Missing Digest header, required for HTTP Signature', status=401)
expected = b64encode(sha256(request.data).digest()).decode()
if digest.removeprefix('SHA-256=') != expected:
error('Invalid Digest header, required for HTTP Signature', status=401)
key_actor = cls.load(keyId)
except BadGateway:
obj_id = as1.get_object(activity).get('id')
if (activity.get('type') == 'Delete' and obj_id and
keyId == fragmentless(obj_id)):
logger.info('Object/actor being deleted is also keyId')
key_actor = Object(id=keyId, source_protocol='activitypub', deleted=True)
if key_actor.deleted:
abort(202, f'Ignoring, signer {keyId} is already deleted')
key = key_actor.as2.get("publicKey", {}).get('publicKeyPem')
logger.info(f'Verifying signature for {request.path} with key {key}')
verified = HeaderVerifier(headers, key,
except BaseException as e:
error(f'HTTP Signature verification failed: {e}', status=401)
if verified:
logger.info('HTTP Signature verified!')
error('HTTP Signature verification failed', status=401)
def signed_get(url, **kwargs):
return signed_request(util.requests_get, url, **kwargs)
def signed_post(url, **kwargs):
assert g.user
return signed_request(util.requests_post, url, **kwargs)
def signed_request(fn, url, data=None, log_data=True, headers=None, **kwargs):
"""Wraps requests.* and adds HTTP Signature.
If the current session has a user (ie in g.user), signs with that user's
key. Otherwise, uses the default user snarfed.org.
fn: :func:`util.requests_get` or :func:`util.requests_get`
url: str
data: optional AS2 object
log_data: boolean, whether to log full data object
kwargs: passed through to requests
Returns: :class:`requests.Response`
if headers is None:
headers = {}
# prepare HTTP Signature and headers
user = g.user or default_signature_user()
if data:
if log_data:
logger.info(f'Sending AS2 object: {json_dumps(data, indent=2)}')
data = json_dumps(data).encode()
headers = {
# required for HTTP Signature
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-07#section-2.1.3
'Date': util.now().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'),
# required by Mastodon
# https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/14556#issuecomment-674077648
'Host': util.domain_from_link(url, minimize=False),
'Content-Type': as2.CONTENT_TYPE,
# required for HTTP Signature and Mastodon
'Digest': f'SHA-256={b64encode(sha256(data or b"").digest()).decode()}',
logger.info(f"Signing with {user}'s key")
# (request-target) is a special HTTP Signatures header that some fediverse
# implementations require, eg Peertube.
# https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-12#section-2.3
# https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/40
auth = HTTPSignatureAuth(secret=user.private_pem(), key_id=user.actor_id(),
algorithm='rsa-sha256', sign_header='signature',
# make HTTP request
kwargs.setdefault('gateway', True)
resp = fn(url, data=data, auth=auth, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False,
logger.info(f'Got {resp.status_code} headers: {resp.headers}')
# handle GET redirects manually so that we generate a new HTTP signature
if resp.is_redirect and fn == util.requests_get:
return signed_request(fn, resp.headers['Location'], data=data,
headers=headers, log_data=log_data, **kwargs)
type = common.content_type(resp)
if (type and type != 'text/html' and
(type.startswith('text/') or type.endswith('+json') or type.endswith('/json'))):
return resp
def postprocess_as2(activity, target=None, wrap=True):
"""Prepare an AS2 object to be served or sent via ActivityPub.
g.user is required. Populates it into the actor.id and publicKey fields.
activity: dict, AS2 object or activity
target: dict, AS2 object, optional. The target of activity's inReplyTo or
Like/Announce/etc object, if any.
wrap: boolean, whether to wrap id, url, object, actor, and attributedTo
if not activity or isinstance(activity, str):
return activity
assert bool(g.user) ^ bool(g.external_user) # should have one but not both
type = activity.get('type')
# actor objects
if type == 'Person':
if g.user and not activity.get('publicKey'):
# underspecified, inferred from this issue and Mastodon's implementation:
# https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/203#issuecomment-297553229
# https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/blob/bc2c263504e584e154384ecc2d804aeb1afb1ba3/app/services/activitypub/process_account_service.rb#L77
actor_url = host_url(activity.get('preferredUsername'))
'publicKey': {
'id': actor_url,
'owner': actor_url,
'publicKeyPem': g.user.public_pem().decode(),
'@context': (util.get_list(activity, '@context') +
return activity
if wrap:
for field in 'actor', 'attributedTo':
activity[field] = [postprocess_as2_actor(actor, wrap=wrap)
for actor in util.get_list(activity, field)]
if len(activity[field]) == 1:
activity[field] = activity[field][0]
# inReplyTo: singly valued, prefer id over url
# TODO: ignore target, do for all inReplyTo
target_id = target.get('id') if target else None
in_reply_to = activity.get('inReplyTo')
if in_reply_to:
if target_id:
activity['inReplyTo'] = target_id
elif isinstance(in_reply_to, list):
if len(in_reply_to) > 1:
"AS2 doesn't support multiple inReplyTo URLs! "
f'Only using the first: {in_reply_to[0]}')
activity['inReplyTo'] = in_reply_to[0]
# Mastodon evidently requires a Mention tag for replies to generate a
# notification to the original post's author. not required for likes,
# reposts, etc. details:
# https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/34
if target:
for to in (util.get_list(target, 'attributedTo') +
util.get_list(target, 'actor')):
if isinstance(to, dict):
to = util.get_first(to, 'url') or to.get('id')
if to:
activity.setdefault('tag', []).append({
'type': 'Mention',
'href': to,
# activity objects (for Like, Announce, etc): prefer id over url
obj = as1.get_object(activity)
id = obj.get('id')
if target_id and type in as2.TYPES_WITH_OBJECT:
# inline most objects as bare string ids, not composite objects, for interop
activity['object'] = target_id
elif not id:
obj['id'] = util.get_first(obj, 'url') or target_id
elif g.user and g.user.is_homepage(id):
obj['id'] = g.user.actor_id()
elif g.external_user:
obj['id'] = redirect_wrap(g.external_user)
# for Accepts
if g.user and g.user.is_homepage(obj.get('object')):
obj['object'] = g.user.actor_id()
elif g.external_user and g.external_user == obj.get('object'):
obj['object'] = redirect_wrap(g.external_user)
# id is required for most things. default to url if it's not set.
if not activity.get('id'):
activity['id'] = util.get_first(activity, 'url')
if wrap:
# Deletes' object is our own id
if type == 'Delete':
activity['object'] = redirect_wrap(activity['object'])
activity['id'] = redirect_wrap(activity.get('id'))
activity['url'] = [redirect_wrap(u) for u in util.get_list(activity, 'url')]
if len(activity['url']) == 1:
activity['url'] = activity['url'][0]
# TODO: find a better way to check this, sometimes or always?
# removed for now since it fires on posts without u-id or u-url, eg
# https://chrisbeckstrom.com/2018/12/27/32551/
# assert activity.get('id') or (isinstance(obj, dict) and obj.get('id'))
# copy image(s) into attachment(s). may be Mastodon-specific.
# https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/33#issuecomment-440965618
obj_or_activity = obj if obj.keys() > set(['id']) else activity
imgs = util.get_list(obj_or_activity, 'image')
atts = obj_or_activity.setdefault('attachment', [])
if imgs:
atts.extend(img for img in imgs if img not in atts)
# cc target's author(s) and recipients
# https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#audienceTargeting
# https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#delivery
if target and type in as2.TYPE_TO_VERB:
recips = itertools.chain(*(util.get_list(target, field) for field in
('actor', 'attributedTo', 'to', 'cc')))
obj_or_activity['cc'] = sorted(util.dedupe_urls(
util.get_url(recip) or recip.get('id') for recip in recips))
# to public, since Mastodon interprets to public as public, cc public as unlisted:
# https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/visibility-to-cc-mapping/284
# https://wordsmith.social/falkreon/securing-activitypub
to = activity.setdefault('to', [])
if as2.PUBLIC_AUDIENCE not in to:
# hashtags. Mastodon requires:
# * type: Hashtag
# * name starts with #
# * href is set to a valid, fully qualified URL
# If content has an <a> tag with a fully qualified URL and the hashtag name
# (with leading #) as its text, Mastodon will rewrite its href to the local
# instance's search for that hashtag. If content doesn't have a link for a
# given hashtag, Mastodon won't add one, but that hashtag will still be
# indexed in search.
# https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#properties-used
# https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/45
for tag in util.get_list(activity, 'tag') + util.get_list(obj, 'tag'):
name = tag.get('name')
if name and tag.get('type', 'Tag') == 'Tag':
tag['type'] = 'Hashtag'
tag.setdefault('href', common.host_url(
if not name.startswith('#'):
tag['name'] = f'#{name}'
activity['object'] = postprocess_as2(activity.get('object'), target=target,
wrap=type in ('Create', 'Update', 'Delete'))
return util.trim_nulls(activity)
def postprocess_as2_actor(actor, wrap=True):
"""Prepare an AS2 actor object to be served or sent via ActivityPub.
Modifies actor in place.
actor: dict, AS2 actor object
wrap: boolean, whether to wrap url
actor dict
if not actor:
return actor
elif isinstance(actor, str):
if g.user and g.user.is_homepage(actor):
return g.user.actor_id()
return redirect_wrap(actor)
url = g.user.homepage if g.user else None
urls = util.get_list(actor, 'url')
if not urls and url:
urls = [url]
domain = util.domain_from_link(urls[0], minimize=False)
if wrap:
urls[0] = redirect_wrap(urls[0])
id = actor.get('id')
if g.user and (not id or g.user.is_homepage(id)):
actor['id'] = g.user.actor_id()
elif g.external_user and (not id or id == g.external_user):
actor['id'] = redirect_wrap(g.external_user)
'url': urls if len(urls) > 1 else urls[0],
# This has to be the domain for Mastodon interop/Webfinger discovery!
# See related comment in actor() below.
'preferredUsername': domain,
# Override the label for their home page to be "Web site"
for att in util.get_list(actor, 'attachment'):
if att.get('type') == 'PropertyValue':
val = att.get('value', '')
link = util.parse_html(val).find('a')
if url and (val == url or link.get('href') == url):
att['name'] = 'Web site'
# required by pixelfed. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/39
actor.setdefault('summary', '')
return actor
@flask_util.cached(cache, CACHE_TIME)
def actor(domain):
"""Serves a user's AS2 actor from the datastore."""
tld = domain.split('.')[-1]
if tld in TLD_BLOCKLIST:
error('', status=404)
# TODO(#512): parameterize by protocol
g.user = web.Web.get_by_id(domain)
if not g.user:
return f'Web user {domain} not found', 404
elif not g.user.actor_as2:
return f'Web user {domain} not fully set up', 404
# TODO: unify with common.actor()
actor = postprocess_as2(g.user.actor_as2)
'id': g.user.actor_id(),
# This has to be the domain for Mastodon etc interop! It seems like it
# should be the custom username from the acct: u-url in their h-card,
# but that breaks Mastodon's Webfinger discovery. Background:
# https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#properties-used-1
# https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/webfinger/#mastodons-requirements-for-webfinger
# https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/302#issuecomment-1324305460
# https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/77
'preferredUsername': domain,
'inbox': host_url(f'{domain}/inbox'),
'outbox': host_url(f'{domain}/outbox'),
'following': host_url(f'{domain}/following'),
'followers': host_url(f'{domain}/followers'),
'endpoints': {
'sharedInbox': host_url('inbox'),
logger.info(f'Returning: {json_dumps(actor, indent=2)}')
return actor, {
'Content-Type': as2.CONTENT_TYPE,
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
def inbox(domain=None):
"""Handles ActivityPub inbox delivery."""
# parse and validate AS2 activity
activity = request.json
assert activity and isinstance(activity, dict)
except (TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError):
body = request.get_data(as_text=True)
error(f"Couldn't parse body as non-empty JSON mapping: {body}", exc_info=True)
type = activity.get('type')
actor_id = as1.get_object(activity, 'actor').get('id')
logger.info(f'Got {type} from {actor_id}: {json_dumps(activity, indent=2)}')
# load user
if domain:
# TODO(#512): parameterize by protocol
g.user = web.Web.get_by_id(domain)
if not g.user:
error(f'Web user {domain} not found', status=404)
# check that this activity is public. only do this for creates, not likes,
# follows, or other activity types, since Mastodon doesn't currently mark
# those as explicitly public. Use as2's is_public instead of as1's because
# as1's interprets unlisted as true.
if type == 'Create' and not as2.is_public(activity):
logger.info('Dropping non-public activity')
return 'OK'
if type == 'Follow':
# rendered mf2 HTML proxy pages (in render.py) fall back to redirecting
# to the follow's AS2 id field, but Mastodon's Accept ids are URLs that
# don't load in browsers, eg:
# https://jawns.club/ac33c547-ca6b-4351-80d5-d11a6879a7b0
# so, set a synthetic URL based on the follower's profile.
# https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/336
follower_url = redirect_unwrap(util.get_url(activity, 'actor'))
followee_url = redirect_unwrap(util.get_url(activity, 'object'))
activity.setdefault('url', f'{follower_url}#followed-{followee_url}')
return ActivityPub.receive(activity.get('id'), as2=redirect_unwrap(activity))
@flask_util.cached(cache, CACHE_TIME)
def follower_collection(domain, collection):
"""ActivityPub Followers and Following collections.
# TODO(#512): parameterize by protocol
if not web.Web.get_by_id(domain):
return f'Web user {domain} not found', 404
# page
followers, new_before, new_after = Follower.fetch_page(domain, collection)
items = []
for f in followers:
f_as2 = f.to_as2()
if f_as2:
page = {
'type': 'CollectionPage',
'partOf': request.base_url,
'items': items,
if new_before:
page['next'] = f'{request.base_url}?before={new_before}'
if new_after:
page['prev'] = f'{request.base_url}?after={new_after}'
if 'before' in request.args or 'after' in request.args:
'@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams',
'id': request.url,
logger.info(f'Returning {json_dumps(page, indent=2)}')
return page, {'Content-Type': as2.CONTENT_TYPE}
# collection
domain_prop = Follower.dest if collection == 'followers' else Follower.src
count = Follower.query(
Follower.status == 'active',
domain_prop == domain,
collection = {
'@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams',
'id': request.base_url,
'type': 'Collection',
'summary': f"{domain}'s {collection}",
'totalItems': count,
'first': page,
logger.info(f'Returning {json_dumps(collection, indent=2)}')
return collection, {'Content-Type': as2.CONTENT_TYPE}
def outbox(domain):
url = common.host_url(f"{domain}/outbox")
return {
'@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams',
'id': url,
'summary': f"{domain}'s outbox",
'type': 'OrderedCollection',
'totalItems': 0,
'first': {
'type': 'CollectionPage',
'partOf': url,
'items': [],
}, {'Content-Type': as2.CONTENT_TYPE}