kopia lustrzana https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed
971 wiersze
36 KiB
971 wiersze
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"""ATProto protocol implementation.
from datetime import timedelta
import itertools
import logging
import os
import re
from arroba import did
from arroba.datastore_storage import AtpRemoteBlob, AtpRepo, DatastoreStorage
from arroba.repo import Repo, Write
import arroba.server
from arroba.storage import Action, CommitData
from arroba.util import (
import brevity
import dag_json
from flask import abort, request
from google.cloud import dns
from google.cloud.dns.resource_record_set import ResourceRecordSet
from google.cloud import ndb
import googleapiclient.discovery
from granary import as1, bluesky
from granary.bluesky import Bluesky, FROM_AS1_TYPES
from granary.source import html_to_text, INCLUDE_LINK, Source
from lexrpc import Client
from requests import RequestException
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util
from oauth_dropins.webutil.appengine_config import ndb_client
from oauth_dropins.webutil.appengine_info import DEBUG
from oauth_dropins.webutil.flask_util import cloud_tasks_only, get_required_param
from oauth_dropins.webutil.models import StringIdModel
from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads
import common
from common import (
import flask_app
import ids
from models import Follower, Object, PROTOCOLS, Target, User
from protocol import Protocol
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
arroba.server.storage = DatastoreStorage(ndb_client=ndb_client)
appview = Client(f'https://{os.environ["APPVIEW_HOST"]}',
headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT})
LEXICONS = appview.defs
# https://atproto.com/guides/applications#record-types
'app.bsky.actor.profile': 'profile',
'app.bsky.feed.like': 'like',
'app.bsky.feed.post': 'post',
'app.bsky.feed.repost': 'repost',
'app.bsky.graph.follow': 'follow',
DNS_GCP_PROJECT = 'brid-gy'
DNS_ZONE = 'brid-gy'
DNS_TTL = 10800 # seconds
logger.info(f'Using GCP DNS project {DNS_GCP_PROJECT} zone {DNS_ZONE}')
# "Cloud DNS API" https://github.com/googleapis/python-dns
dns_client = dns.Client(project=DNS_GCP_PROJECT)
# "Discovery API" https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-python-client
dns_discovery_api = googleapiclient.discovery.build('dns', 'v1')
CHAT_POLL_PERIOD = timedelta(minutes=1)
def chat_client(*, repo, method, **kwargs):
"""Returns a new Bluesky chat :class:`Client` for a given XRPC method.
repo (arroba.repo.Repo): ATProto user
method (str): XRPC method NSID, eg ``chat.bsky.convo.sendMessage``
kwargs: passed through to the :class:`lexrpc.Client` constructor
token = service_jwt(host=os.environ['CHAT_HOST'],
kwargs.setdefault('headers', {}).update({
'User-Agent': USER_AGENT,
'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}',
kwargs.setdefault('truncate', True)
return Client(f'https://{os.environ["CHAT_HOST"]}', **kwargs)
class DatastoreClient(Client):
"""Bluesky client that uses the datastore as well as remote XRPC calls.
Overrides ``getRecord`` and ``resolveHandle``. If we have a record or DID
document stored locally, uses it as is instead of making a remote XRPC call.
Otherwise, passes through to the server.
Right now, requires that the server address is the same as
``$APPVIEW_HOST``, because ``getRecord`` passes through to ``ATProto.load``
and then to ``ATProto.fetch``, which uses the ``appview`` global.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
assert self.address == f'https://{os.environ["APPVIEW_HOST"]}', self.address
def call(self, nsid, input=None, headers={}, **params):
if nsid == 'com.atproto.repo.getRecord':
return self.get_record(**params) # may return {}
if nsid == 'com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle':
if ret := self.resolve_handle(**params):
return ret
return super().call(nsid, input=input, headers=headers, **params)
def get_record(self, repo=None, collection=None, rkey=None):
assert repo and collection and rkey, (repo, collection, rkey)
uri = at_uri(did=repo, collection=collection, rkey=rkey)
record = None
# local record in a repo we own?
if repo := arroba.server.storage.load_repo(repo):
record = repo.get_record(collection=collection, rkey=rkey)
# remote record that we may have a cached copy of
if not record:
if obj := ATProto.load(uri):
record = obj.bsky
except RequestException as e:
if record:
return {
'uri': uri,
'cid': record.get('cid') or dag_cbor_cid(record).encode('base32'),
'value': record,
return {}
def resolve_handle(self, handle=None):
assert handle
got = (ATProto.query(ATProto.handle == handle).get() # native Bluesky user
or AtpRepo.query(AtpRepo.handles == handle).get()) # bridged user
if got:
return {'did': got.key.id()}
def did_to_handle(did):
"""Resolves a DID to a handle _if_ we have the DID doc stored locally.
did (str)
str: handle, or None
if did_obj := ATProto.load(did, did_doc=True):
if aka := util.get_first(did_obj.raw, 'alsoKnownAs', ''):
handle, _, _ = parse_at_uri(aka)
if handle:
return handle
class Cursor(StringIdModel):
"""The last cursor (sequence number) we've seen for a host and event stream.
Key id is ``[HOST] [XRPC]``, where ``[XRPC]`` is the NSID of the XRPC method
for the event stream. For example, `subscribeRepos` on the production relay
is ``bsky.network com.atproto.sync.subscribeRepos``.
``cursor`` is the latest sequence number that we know we've seen, so when we
re-subscribe to this event stream, we should send ``cursor + 1``.
cursor = ndb.IntegerProperty()
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
updated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
class ATProto(User, Protocol):
"""AT Protocol class.
Key id is DID, currently either did:plc or did:web.
ABBREV = 'bsky'
PHRASE = 'Bluesky'
LOGO_HTML = '<img src="/oauth_dropins_static/bluesky.svg">'
# note that PDS hostname is atproto.brid.gy here, not bsky.brid.gy. Bluesky
# team currently has our hostname as atproto.brid.gy in their federation
# test. also note that PDS URL shouldn't include trailing slash.
# https://atproto.com/specs/did#did-documents
PDS_URL = f'https://atproto{common.SUPERDOMAIN}'
CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/json'
SUPPORTED_AS1_TYPES = frozenset(
+ tuple(as1.POST_TYPES)
+ tuple(as1.CRUD_VERBS)
+ ('block', 'follow', 'flag', 'like', 'share', 'stop-following')
type for type in itertools.chain(*FROM_AS1_TYPES.values())
if '#' not in type)
def _pre_put_hook(self):
"""Validate id, require did:plc or non-blocklisted did:web."""
id = self.key.id()
assert id
if id.startswith('did:plc:'):
assert id.removeprefix('did:plc:')
elif id.startswith('did:web:'):
domain = id.removeprefix('did:web:')
assert (re.match(common.DOMAIN_RE, domain)
and not Protocol.is_blocklisted(domain)), domain
assert False, f'{id} is not valid did:plc or did:web'
def handle(self):
"""Returns handle if the DID document includes one, otherwise None."""
return did_to_handle(self.key.id())
def web_url(self):
return bluesky.Bluesky.user_url(self.handle_or_id())
def owns_id(cls, id):
return (id.startswith('at://')
or id.startswith('did:plc:')
or id.startswith('did:web:')
or id.startswith('https://bsky.app/'))
def owns_handle(cls, handle, allow_internal=False):
# TODO: implement allow_internal
if not did.HANDLE_RE.fullmatch(handle):
return False
def handle_to_id(cls, handle):
if not handle or cls.owns_handle(handle) is False:
return None
# TODO: shortcut our own handles? eg snarfed.org.web.brid.gy
for user in ATProto.query(ATProto.handle == handle):
if not user.status:
return user.key.id()
return did.resolve_handle(handle, get_fn=util.requests_get)
def bridged_web_url_for(cls, user):
"""Returns a bridged user's profile URL on bsky.app.
For example, returns ``https://bsky.app/profile/alice.com.web.brid.gy``
for Web user ``alice.com``.
user (models.User)
str, or None if there isn't a canonical URL
if not isinstance(user, ATProto):
if did := user.get_copy(ATProto):
return bluesky.Bluesky.user_url(did_to_handle(did) or did)
def target_for(cls, obj, shared=False):
"""Returns our PDS URL as the target for the given object.
ATProto delivery is indirect. We write all records to the user's local
repo that we host, then relays and other subscribers receive them via the
subscribeRepos event streams. So, we use a single target, our base URL
(eg ``https://atproto.brid.gy``) as the PDS URL, for all activities.
if cls.owns_id(obj.key.id()) is not False:
return cls.PDS_URL
def pds_for(cls, obj):
"""Returns the PDS URL for the given object, or None.
obj (Object)
id = obj.key.id()
# logger.debug(f'Finding ATProto PDS for {id}')
if id.startswith('did:'):
if obj.raw:
for service in obj.raw.get('service', []):
if service.get('id') in ('#atproto_pds', f'{id}#atproto_pds'):
return service.get('serviceEndpoint')
logger.info(f"{id}'s DID doc has no ATProto PDS")
return None
if id.startswith('https://bsky.app/'):
return cls.pds_for(Object(id=bluesky.web_url_to_at_uri(id)))
if id.startswith('at://'):
repo, collection, rkey = parse_at_uri(id)
if not repo.startswith('did:'):
# repo is a handle; resolve it
repo_did = cls.handle_to_id(repo)
if repo_did:
return cls.pds_for(Object(id=id.replace(
f'at://{repo}', f'at://{repo_did}')))
return None
did_obj = ATProto.load(repo, did_doc=True)
if did_obj:
return cls.pds_for(did_obj)
# TODO: what should we do if the DID doesn't exist? should we return
# None here? or do we need this path to return BF's URL so that we
# then create the DID for non-ATP users on demand?
# don't use Object.as1 if bsky is set, since that conversion calls
# pds_for, which would infinite loop
if not obj.bsky and obj.as1:
if owner := as1.get_owner(obj.as1):
if user_key := Protocol.key_for(owner):
if user := user_key.get():
if owner_did := user.get_copy(ATProto):
return cls.pds_for(Object(id=f'at://{owner_did}'))
return None
def is_blocklisted(url, allow_internal=False):
# don't block common.DOMAINS since we want ourselves, ie our own PDS, to
# be a valid domain to send to
return util.domain_or_parent_in(util.domain_from_link(url), DOMAIN_BLOCKLIST)
def create_for(cls, user):
"""Creates an ATProto repo and profile for a non-ATProto user.
user (models.User)
ValueError: if the user's handle is invalid, eg begins or ends with an
underscore or dash
assert not isinstance(user, ATProto)
if user.get_copy(ATProto):
# create new DID, repo
# PDS URL shouldn't include trailing slash!
# https://atproto.com/specs/did#did-documents
pds_url = common.host_url().rstrip('/') if DEBUG else cls.PDS_URL
handle = user.handle_as('atproto')
logger.info(f'Creating new did:plc for {user.key.id()} {handle} {pds_url}')
did_plc = did.create_plc(handle, pds_url=pds_url, post_fn=util.requests_post)
Object.get_or_create(did_plc.did, raw=did_plc.doc, authed_as=did_plc)
# TODO: move this to ATProto.get_or_create?
add(user.copies, Target(uri=did_plc.did, protocol='atproto'))
cls.set_dns(handle=handle, did=did_plc.did)
# fetch and store profile
if not user.obj or not user.obj.as1:
user.obj = user.load(user.profile_id(), remote=True)
initial_writes = []
if user.obj and user.obj.as1:
# create user profile
profile = cls.convert(user.obj, fetch_blobs=True, from_user=user)
logger.info(f'Storing ATProto app.bsky.actor.profile self')
Write(action=Action.CREATE, collection='app.bsky.actor.profile',
rkey='self', record=profile))
uri = at_uri(did_plc.did, 'app.bsky.actor.profile', 'self')
user.obj.add('copies', Target(uri=uri, protocol='atproto'))
# create chat declaration
logger.info(f'Storing ATProto chat declaration record')
chat_declaration = {
"$type" : "chat.bsky.actor.declaration",
"allowIncoming" : "none",
Write(action=Action.CREATE, collection='chat.bsky.actor.declaration',
rkey='self', record=chat_declaration))
repo = Repo.create(
arroba.server.storage, did_plc.did, handle=handle,
callback=lambda _: common.create_task(queue='atproto-commit'),
def set_dns(handle, did):
"""Create _atproto DNS record for handle resolution.
If the DNS record already exists, or if we're not in prod, does nothing.
If the DNS record exists with a different DID, deletes it and recreates
it with this DID.
handle (str): Bluesky handle, eg ``snarfed.org.web.brid.gy``
name = f'_atproto.{handle}.'
val = f'"did={did}"'
logger.info(f'adding GCP DNS TXT record for {name} {val}')
logger.info(' skipped since DEBUG is true')
# https://cloud.google.com/python/docs/reference/dns/latest
# https://cloud.google.com/dns/docs/reference/rest/v1/
zone = dns_client.zone(DNS_ZONE)
changes = zone.changes()
# sadly can't check if the record exists with the google.cloud.dns API
# because it doesn't support list_resource_record_sets's name param.
# heed to use the generic discovery-based API instead.
# https://cloud.google.com/python/docs/reference/dns/latest/zone#listresourcerecordsetsmaxresultsnone-pagetokennone-clientnone
# https://github.com/googleapis/python-dns/issues/31#issuecomment-1595105412
# https://cloud.google.com/apis/docs/client-libraries-explained
# https://googleapis.github.io/google-api-python-client/docs/dyn/dns_v1.resourceRecordSets.html
logging.info('Checking for existing record')
resp = dns_discovery_api.resourceRecordSets().list(
project=DNS_GCP_PROJECT, managedZone=DNS_ZONE, type='TXT', name=name,
for existing in resp.get('rrsets', []):
logging.info(f' deleting {existing}')
changes.delete_record_set(ResourceRecordSet.from_api_repr(existing, zone=zone))
changes.add_record_set(zone.resource_record_set(name=name, record_type='TXT',
ttl=DNS_TTL, rrdatas=[val]))
def send(to_cls, obj, url, from_user=None, orig_obj=None):
"""Creates a record if we own its repo.
If the repo's DID doc doesn't say we're its PDS, does nothing and
returns False.
Doesn't deliver anywhere externally! Relays will receive this record
through ``subscribeRepos`` and then deliver it to AppView(s), which will
notify recipients as necessary.
* ``flag``s are translated to ``createReport`` to the mod service
* DMs are translated to ``sendMessage`` to the chat service
if util.domain_from_link(url) not in DOMAINS:
logger.info(f'Target PDS {url} is not us')
return False
# determine "base" object, if any
type = as1.object_type(obj.as1)
base_obj = obj
base_obj_as1 = obj.as1
if type in ('post', 'update', 'delete', 'undo'):
base_obj_as1 = as1.get_object(obj.as1)
base_id = base_obj_as1['id']
base_obj = PROTOCOLS[obj.source_protocol].load(base_id, remote=False)
if type not in ('delete', 'undo'):
if not base_obj: # probably a new repo
base_obj = Object(id=base_id, source_protocol=obj.source_protocol)
base_obj.our_as1 = base_obj_as1
elif type == 'stop-following':
assert from_user
to_id = as1.get_object(obj.as1).get('id')
assert to_id
to_key = Protocol.key_for(to_id)
follower = Follower.query(Follower.from_ == from_user.key,
Follower.to == to_key).get()
if not follower or not follower.follow:
logger.info(f"Skipping, can't find Follower for {from_user.key.id()} => {to_key.id()} with follow")
return False
base_obj = follower.follow.get()
# convert to Bluesky record; short circuits on error
record = to_cls.convert(base_obj, fetch_blobs=True, from_user=from_user)
# find user
from_cls = PROTOCOLS[obj.source_protocol]
from_key = from_cls.actor_key(obj)
if not from_key:
logger.info(f"Couldn't find {obj.source_protocol} user for {obj.key.id()}")
return False
# load user
user = from_cls.get_or_create(from_key.id(), propagate=True)
did = user.get_copy(ATProto)
assert did
logger.info(f'{user.key.id()} is {did}')
did_doc = to_cls.load(did, did_doc=True)
pds = to_cls.pds_for(did_doc)
if not pds or util.domain_from_link(pds) not in DOMAINS:
logger.warning(f' PDS {pds} is not us')
return False
# load repo
repo = arroba.server.storage.load_repo(did)
except TombstonedRepo:
logger.info(f'repo for {did} is tombstoned, giving up')
return False
assert repo
repo.callback = lambda _: common.create_task(queue='atproto-commit')
# non-commit operations:
# * delete actor => tombstone repo
# * flag => send report to mod service
# * stop-following => delete follow record (prepared above)
# * dm => chat message
verb = obj.as1.get('verb')
if verb == 'delete':
atp_base_id = (base_id if ATProto.owns_id(base_id)
else ids.translate_user_id(from_=from_cls, to=to_cls,
if atp_base_id == did:
logger.info(f'Deleting bridged ATProto account {did} by tombstoning repo!')
return True
if not record:
# _convert already logged
return False
if verb == 'flag':
logger.info(f'flag => createReport with {record}')
return create_report(input=record, from_user=user)
elif verb == 'stop-following':
logger.info(f'stop-following => delete of {base_obj.key.id()}')
assert base_obj and base_obj.type == 'follow', base_obj
verb = 'delete'
elif recip := as1.recipient_if_dm(obj.as1):
assert recip.startswith('did:'), recip
return send_chat(msg=record, from_repo=repo, to_did=recip)
# write commit
type = record['$type']
lex_type = LEXICONS[type]['type']
assert lex_type == 'record', f"Can't store {type} object of type {lex_type}"
# only modify objects that we've bridged
rkey = None
if verb in ('update', 'delete', 'undo'):
# check that they're updating the object we have
copy = base_obj.get_copy(to_cls)
if not copy:
logger.info(f"Can't {verb} {base_obj.key.id()} {type}, we didn't create it originally")
return False
copy_did, coll, rkey = parse_at_uri(copy)
if copy_did != did or coll != type:
logger.info(f"Can't {verb} {base_obj.key.id()} {type}, original {copy} is in a different repo or collection")
return False
def write():
nonlocal rkey
match verb:
case 'update':
action = Action.UPDATE
case 'delete' | 'undo':
action = Action.DELETE
case _:
action = Action.CREATE
rkey = next_tid()
logger.info(f'Storing ATProto {action} {type} {rkey} {dag_json.encode(record)}')
repo.apply_writes([Write(action=action, collection=type, rkey=rkey,
except KeyError as e:
# raised by update and delete if no record exists for this
# collection/rkey
return False
if verb not in ('delete', 'undo'):
at_uri = f'at://{did}/{type}/{rkey}'
base_obj.add('copies', Target(uri=at_uri, protocol=to_cls.LABEL))
return True
return write()
def load(cls, id, did_doc=False, **kwargs):
"""Thin wrapper that converts DIDs and bsky.app URLs to at:// URIs.
did_doc (bool): if True, loads and returns a DID document object
instead of an ``app.bsky.actor.profile/self``.
if id.startswith('did:') and not did_doc:
id = ids.profile_id(id=id, proto=cls)
elif id.startswith('https://bsky.app/'):
id = bluesky.web_url_to_at_uri(id)
except ValueError as e:
logger.warning(f"Couldn't convert {id} to at:// URI: {e}")
return None
return super().load(id, **kwargs)
def fetch(cls, obj, **kwargs):
"""Tries to fetch a ATProto object.
obj (models.Object): with the id to fetch. Fills data into the ``as2``
kwargs: ignored
bool: True if the object was fetched and populated successfully,
False otherwise
id = obj.key.id()
if not cls.owns_id(id):
logger.info(f"ATProto can't fetch {id}")
return False
assert not id.startswith('https://bsky.app/') # handled in load
# did:plc, did:web
if id.startswith('did:'):
obj.raw = did.resolve(id, get_fn=util.requests_get)
return True
except (ValueError, RequestException) as e:
return False
# at:// URI. if it has a handle, resolve and replace with DID.
# examples:
# at://did:plc:s2koow7r6t7tozgd4slc3dsg/app.bsky.feed.post/3jqcpv7bv2c2q
# https://bsky.social/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.getRecord?repo=did:plc:s2koow7r6t7tozgd4slc3dsg&collection=app.bsky.feed.post&rkey=3jqcpv7bv2c2q
repo, collection, rkey = parse_at_uri(id)
if not repo.startswith('did:'):
handle = repo
repo = cls.handle_to_id(repo)
if not repo:
return False
assert repo.startswith('did:')
obj.key = ndb.Key(Object, id.replace(f'at://{handle}', f'at://{repo}'))
appview.address = f'https://{os.environ["APPVIEW_HOST"]}'
ret = appview.com.atproto.repo.getRecord(
repo=repo, collection=collection, rkey=rkey)
except RequestException as e:
return False
# TODO: verify sig?
obj.bsky = {
'cid': ret.get('cid'),
return True
def _convert(cls, obj, fetch_blobs=False, from_user=None):
"""Converts a :class:`models.Object` to ``app.bsky.*`` lexicon JSON.
obj (models.Object)
fetch_blobs (bool): whether to fetch images and other blobs, store
them in :class:`arroba.datastore_storage.AtpRemoteBlob`\s if they
don't already exist, and fill them into the returned object.
from_user (models.User): user (actor) this activity/object is from
dict: JSON object
from_proto = PROTOCOLS.get(obj.source_protocol)
if obj.bsky:
return obj.bsky
if not obj.as1:
return {}
blobs = {} # maps str URL to dict blob object
if fetch_blobs:
for o in obj.as1, as1.get_object(obj.as1):
for url in util.get_urls(o, 'image'):
if url not in blobs:
blob = AtpRemoteBlob.get_or_create(
url=url, get_fn=util.requests_get)
blobs[url] = blob.as_object()
except RequestException:
logging.info(f'skipping {url} , fetch failed')
inner_obj = as1.get_object(obj.as1) or obj.as1
orig_url = as1.get_url(inner_obj) or inner_obj.get('id')
# convert! using our records in the datastore and fetching code instead
# of granary's
client = DatastoreClient(f'https://{os.environ["APPVIEW_HOST"]}')
as_embed = obj.atom or obj.rss
ret = bluesky.from_as1(cls.translate_ids(obj.as1), blobs=blobs,
client=client, original_fields_prefix='bridgy',
except (ValueError, RequestException):
logger.info(f"Couldn't convert to ATProto", exc_info=True)
return {}
if from_proto != ATProto:
if ret['$type'] == 'app.bsky.actor.profile':
# populated by Protocol.convert
if orig_summary := obj.as1.get('bridgyOriginalSummary'):
ret['bridgyOriginalDescription'] = orig_summary
# don't use granary's since it will include source links
ret.pop('bridgyOriginalDescription', None)
# bridged actors get a self label
label_val = 'bridged-from-bridgy-fed'
if from_proto:
label_val += f'-{from_proto.LABEL}'
ret.setdefault('labels', {'$type': 'com.atproto.label.defs#selfLabels'})
ret['labels'].setdefault('values', []).append({'val' : label_val})
if (ret['$type'] in ('app.bsky.actor.profile', 'app.bsky.feed.post')
and orig_url):
ret['bridgyOriginalUrl'] = orig_url
return ret
def add_source_links(cls, actor, obj, from_user):
"""Adds "bridged from ... by Bridgy Fed" text to ``obj.our_as1``.
Overrides the default :meth:`protocol.Protocol.add_source_links`
implementation to use plain text URLs because ``app.bsky.actor.profile``
has no ``descriptionFacets`` for the ``description`` field.
TODO: much of this duplicates
:meth:`protocol.Protocol.add_source_links`. Refactor somehow.
obj (models.Object):
from_user (models.User): user (actor) this activity/object is from
assert obj.our_as1
assert from_user
orig_summary = obj.our_as1.setdefault('summary', '')
summary = html_to_text(orig_summary, ignore_links=True)
if 'fed.brid.gy ]' in summary or 'Bridgy Fed]' in summary:
# consumed by _convert above
actor.setdefault('bridgyOriginalSummary', orig_summary)
id = obj.key.id() if obj.key else obj.our_as1.get('id')
proto_phrase = (PROTOCOLS[obj.source_protocol].PHRASE
if obj.source_protocol else '')
if proto_phrase:
proto_phrase = f' on {proto_phrase}'
if from_user.key and id in (from_user.key.id(), from_user.profile_id()):
url = from_user.web_url()
url = as1.get_url(obj.our_as1) or id
url = util.pretty_link(url) if url else '?'
if from_user.LABEL == 'web':
# link web users to their user pages
source_links = f'[bridged from {url}{proto_phrase}: https://{PRIMARY_DOMAIN}{from_user.user_page_path()} ]'
source_links = f'[bridged from {url}{proto_phrase} by https://{PRIMARY_DOMAIN}/ ]'
if summary:
source_links = '\n\n' + source_links
obj.our_as1['summary'] = Bluesky('unused').truncate(
summary, url=source_links, punctuation=('', ''), type=obj.type)
def create_report(*, input, from_user):
"""Sends a ``createReport`` for a ``flag`` activity.
input (dict): ``createReport`` input
from_user (models.User): user (actor) this flag is from
bool: True if the report was sent successfully, False if the flag's
actor is not bridged into ATProto
assert input['$type'] == 'com.atproto.moderation.createReport#input'
repo_did = from_user.get_copy(ATProto)
if not repo_did:
return False
repo = arroba.server.storage.load_repo(repo_did)
except TombstonedRepo:
logger.info(f'repo for {repo_did} is tombstoned, giving up')
return False
mod_host = os.environ['MOD_SERVICE_HOST']
token = service_jwt(host=mod_host,
client = Client(f'https://{mod_host}', truncate=True, headers={
'User-Agent': USER_AGENT,
'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}',
output = client.com.atproto.moderation.createReport(input)
logger.info(f'Created report on {mod_host}: {json_dumps(output)}')
return True
def send_chat(*, msg, from_repo, to_did):
"""Sends a chat message to this user.
msg (dict): ``chat.bsky.convo.defs#messageInput``
from_repo (arroba.repo.Repo)
to_did (str)
bool: True if the message was sent successfully, False otherwise, eg
if the recipient has disabled chat
assert msg['$type'] == 'chat.bsky.convo.defs#messageInput'
client = chat_client(repo=from_repo,
convo = client.chat.bsky.convo.getConvoForMembers(members=[to_did])
except RequestException as e:
if e.response is not None and e.response.status_code == 400:
body = e.response.json()
if (body.get('error') == 'InvalidRequest'
and body.get('message') == 'recipient has disabled incoming messages'):
return False
client = chat_client(repo=from_repo, method='chat.bsky.convo.sendMessage')
sent = client.chat.bsky.convo.sendMessage({
'convoId': convo['convo']['id'],
'message': msg,
logger.info(f'Sent chat message from {from_repo.handle} to {to_did}: {json_dumps(sent)}')
return True
def poll_chat_task():
"""Polls for incoming chat messages for our protocol bot users.
proto: protocol label, eg ``activitypub``
proto = PROTOCOLS[get_required_param('proto')]
logger.info(f'Polling incoming chat messages for {proto.LABEL}')
from web import Web
bot = Web.get_by_id(proto.bot_user_id())
assert bot.atproto_last_chat_log_cursor
repo = arroba.server.storage.load_repo(bot.get_copy(ATProto))
client = chat_client(repo=repo, method='chat.bsky.convo.getLog')
while True:
# getLog returns logs in ascending order, starting from cursor
# https://github.com/bluesky-social/atproto/issues/2760
# we could use rev for idempotence, but we don't yet, since cursor alone
# should mostly avoid dupes, and we also de-dupe on chat message id, so
# we should hopefully be ok as is
logs = client.chat.bsky.convo.getLog(cursor=bot.atproto_last_chat_log_cursor)
for log in logs['logs']:
if (log['$type'] == 'chat.bsky.convo.defs#logCreateMessage'
and log['message']['$type'] == 'chat.bsky.convo.defs#messageView'):
sender = log['message']['sender']['did']
if sender != repo.did:
# generate synthetic at:// URI for this message
id = at_uri(did=sender,
msg_as1 = {
'to': [bot.key.id()],
obj = Object(id=id, source_protocol='atproto', bsky=log['message'],
common.create_task(queue='receive', obj=obj.key.urlsafe(),
# check if we've caught up yet
cursor = logs.get('cursor')
if cursor:
bot.atproto_last_chat_log_cursor = cursor
if not logs['logs'] or not cursor:
# done!
common.create_task(queue='atproto-poll-chat', proto=proto.LABEL,
return 'OK'