"""Bridgy Fed firehose client. Enqueues receive tasks for events for bridged users. """ from collections import namedtuple from datetime import datetime, timedelta import itertools import logging import os from queue import SimpleQueue from threading import Event, Lock, Thread, Timer import time from arroba.datastore_storage import AtpRepo from arroba.util import parse_at_uri from carbox import read_car import dag_json from google.cloud import ndb from granary.bluesky import AT_URI_PATTERN from lexrpc.client import Client from oauth_dropins.webutil import util from oauth_dropins.webutil.appengine_config import ndb_client from oauth_dropins.webutil.appengine_info import DEBUG from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads from atproto import ATProto, Cursor from common import ( add, create_task, global_cache, global_cache_timeout_policy, report_exception, USER_AGENT, ) from models import Object, reset_protocol_properties logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) RECONNECT_DELAY = timedelta(seconds=30) STORE_CURSOR_FREQ = timedelta(seconds=10) # a commit operation. similar to arroba.repo.Write. record is None for deletes. Op = namedtuple('Op', ['action', 'repo', 'path', 'seq', 'record'], # record is optional defaults=[None]) # contains Ops new_commits = SimpleQueue() # global so that subscribe can reuse it across calls subscribe_cursor = None # global: _load_dids populates them, subscribe and handle use them atproto_dids = set() atproto_loaded_at = datetime(1900, 1, 1) bridged_dids = set() bridged_loaded_at = datetime(1900, 1, 1) dids_initialized = Event() def load_dids(): # run in a separate thread since it needs to make its own NDB # context when it runs in the timer thread Thread(target=_load_dids).start() dids_initialized.wait() dids_initialized.clear() def _load_dids(): global atproto_dids, atproto_loaded_at, bridged_dids, bridged_loaded_at with ndb_client.context(global_cache=global_cache, global_cache_timeout_policy=global_cache_timeout_policy): if not DEBUG: Timer(STORE_CURSOR_FREQ.total_seconds(), _load_dids).start() atproto_query = ATProto.query(ATProto.enabled_protocols != None, ATProto.updated > atproto_loaded_at) atproto_loaded_at = ATProto.query().order(-ATProto.updated).get().updated new_atproto = [key.id() for key in atproto_query.iter(keys_only=True)] atproto_dids.update(new_atproto) bridged_query = AtpRepo.query(AtpRepo.status == None, AtpRepo.created > bridged_loaded_at) bridged_loaded_at = AtpRepo.query().order(-AtpRepo.created).get().created new_bridged = [key.id() for key in bridged_query.iter(keys_only=True)] bridged_dids.update(new_bridged) dids_initialized.set() total = len(atproto_dids) + len(new_bridged) logger.info(f'DIDs: {total} ATProto {len(atproto_dids)} (+{len(new_atproto)}), AtpRepo {len(bridged_dids)} (+{len(new_bridged)})') def subscriber(): """Wrapper around :func:`_subscribe` that catches exceptions and reconnects.""" logger.info(f'started thread to subscribe to {os.environ["BGS_HOST"]} firehose') load_dids() while True: try: with ndb_client.context( global_cache=global_cache, global_cache_timeout_policy=global_cache_timeout_policy, cache_policy=lambda key: False): subscribe() logger.info(f'disconnected! waiting {RECONNECT_DELAY} and then reconnecting') time.sleep(RECONNECT_DELAY.total_seconds()) except BaseException: report_exception() def subscribe(): """Subscribes to the relay's firehose. Relay hostname comes from the ``BGS_HOST`` environment variable. Args: reconnect (bool): whether to always reconnect after we get disconnected """ global subscribe_cursor if not subscribe_cursor: cursor = Cursor.get_by_id( f'{os.environ["BGS_HOST"]} com.atproto.sync.subscribeRepos') assert cursor subscribe_cursor = cursor.cursor + 1 if cursor.cursor else None client = Client(f'https://{os.environ["BGS_HOST"]}', headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) for header, payload in client.com.atproto.sync.subscribeRepos( cursor=subscribe_cursor): # parse header if header.get('op') == -1: logger.warning(f'Got error from relay! {payload}') continue elif header.get('t') != '#commit': logger.info(f'Got {header.get("t")} from relay: {payload}') continue # parse payload repo = payload.get('repo') assert repo seq = payload.get('seq') if not seq: logger.warning(f'Payload missing seq! {payload}') continue # if we fail processing this commit and raise an exception up to subscriber, # skip it and start with the next commit when we're restarted subscribe_cursor = seq + 1 # ops = ' '.join(f'{op.get("action")} {op.get("path")}' # for op in payload.get('ops', [])) # logger.info(f'seeing {payload.get("seq")} {repo} {ops}') if repo in bridged_dids: # from a Bridgy Fed non-Bluesky user; ignore logger.info(f'Ignoring record from our non-ATProto bridged user {repo}') continue blocks = {} if block_bytes := payload.get('blocks'): _, blocks = read_car(block_bytes) blocks = {block.cid: block for block in blocks} # detect records that reference an ATProto user, eg replies, likes, # reposts, mentions for p_op in payload.get('ops', []): op = Op(repo=repo, action=p_op.get('action'), path=p_op.get('path'), seq=seq) if not op.action or not op.path: logger.info( f'bad payload! seq {op.seq} has action {op.action} path {op.path}!') continue is_ours = repo in atproto_dids if is_ours and op.action == 'delete': logger.info(f'Got delete from our ATProto user: {op}') # TODO: also detect deletes of records that *reference* our bridged # users, eg a delete of a follow or like or repost of them. # not easy because we need to getRecord the record to check new_commits.put(op) continue cid = p_op.get('cid') block = blocks.get(cid) # our own commits are sometimes missing the record # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/1016 if not cid or not block: continue try: op = Op(*op[:-1], record=block.decoded) except BaseException: # https://github.com/hashberg-io/dag-cbor/issues/14 logger.error(f"Couldn't decode block {cid} seq {op.seq}", exc_info=True) continue type = op.record.get('$type') if not type: logger.warning('commit record missing $type! {op.action} {op.repo} {op.path} {cid}') logger.warning(dag_json.encode(op.record).decode()) continue if is_ours: logger.info(f'Got one from our ATProto user: {op.action} {op.repo} {op.path}') new_commits.put(op) continue subjects = [] def maybe_add(did_or_ref): if isinstance(did_or_ref, dict): match = AT_URI_PATTERN.match(did_or_ref['uri']) if match: did = match.group('repo') else: return else: did = did_or_ref if did and did in bridged_dids: add(subjects, did) if type in ('app.bsky.feed.like', 'app.bsky.feed.repost'): maybe_add(op.record['subject']) elif type in ('app.bsky.graph.block', 'app.bsky.graph.follow'): maybe_add(op.record['subject']) elif type == 'app.bsky.feed.post': # replies if reply := op.record.get('reply'): for ref in 'parent', 'root': maybe_add(reply[ref]) # mentions for facet in op.record.get('facets', []): for feature in facet['features']: if feature['$type'] == 'app.bsky.richtext.facet#mention': maybe_add(feature['did']) # quote posts if embed := op.record.get('embed'): if embed['$type'] == 'app.bsky.embed.record': maybe_add(embed['record']) elif embed['$type'] == 'app.bsky.embed.recordWithMedia': maybe_add(embed['record']['record']) if subjects: logger.info(f'Got one re our ATProto users {subjects}: {op.action} {op.repo} {op.path}') new_commits.put(op) def handler(): """Wrapper around :func:`handle` that catches exceptions and restarts.""" logger.info(f'started handle thread to store objects and enqueue receive tasks') while True: try: with ndb_client.context( global_cache=global_cache, global_cache_timeout_policy=global_cache_timeout_policy, cache_policy=lambda key: False): handle() # if we return cleanly, that means we hit the limit break except BaseException: report_exception() def handle(limit=None): cursor = Cursor.get_by_id( f'{os.environ["BGS_HOST"]} com.atproto.sync.subscribeRepos') assert cursor def _handle(op): type, _ = op.path.strip('/').split('/', maxsplit=1) if type not in ATProto.SUPPORTED_RECORD_TYPES: logger.info(f'Skipping unsupported type {op.record["$type"]}: {json_dumps(op.record, indent=2)}') return at_uri = f'at://{op.repo}/{op.path}' # store object, enqueue receive task if op.action in ('create', 'update'): record_kwarg = { 'bsky': json_loads(dag_json.encode(op.record, dialect='atproto')), } obj_id = at_uri elif op.action == 'delete': verb = ('delete' if type in ('app.bsky.actor.profile', 'app.bsky.feed.post') else 'undo') obj_id = f'{at_uri}#{verb}' record_kwarg = {'our_as1': { 'objectType': 'activity', 'verb': verb, 'id': obj_id, 'actor': op.repo, 'object': at_uri, }} else: logger.error(f'Unknown action {action} for {op.repo} {op.path}') return try: # logger.info(f'enqueuing receive task for {at_uri}') obj = Object.get_or_create(id=obj_id, authed_as=op.repo, status='new', users=[ATProto(id=op.repo).key], source_protocol=ATProto.LABEL, **record_kwarg) create_task(queue='receive', obj=obj.key.urlsafe(), authed_as=op.repo) except BaseException: if DEBUG: raise report_exception() if util.now().replace(tzinfo=None) - cursor.updated > STORE_CURSOR_FREQ: # it's been long enough, update our stored cursor logger.info(f'updating stored cursor to {op.seq}') cursor.cursor = op.seq cursor.put() seen = 0 while op := new_commits.get(): _handle(op) seen += 1 if limit is not None and seen >= limit: return assert False, "handle thread shouldn't reach here!"