"""ActivityPub protocol implementation.""" from base64 import b64encode from hashlib import sha256 import itertools import logging import re from urllib.parse import quote_plus, urljoin, urlparse from unittest.mock import MagicMock from flask import abort, g, redirect, request from google.cloud import ndb from google.cloud.ndb.query import FilterNode, OR, Query from granary import as1, as2 from httpsig import HeaderVerifier from httpsig.requests_auth import HTTPSignatureAuth from httpsig.utils import parse_signature_header from oauth_dropins.webutil import appengine_info, flask_util, util from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import fragmentless, json_dumps, json_loads import requests from requests import TooManyRedirects from requests.models import DEFAULT_REDIRECT_LIMIT from werkzeug.exceptions import BadGateway from flask_app import app import common from common import ( add, CACHE_CONTROL, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML, create_task, DOMAINS, DOMAIN_RE, error, host_url, LOCAL_DOMAINS, memcache, PRIMARY_DOMAIN, PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, redirect_wrap, subdomain_wrap, unwrap, ) from ids import BOT_ACTOR_AP_IDS from models import fetch_objects, Follower, Object, PROTOCOLS, User from protocol import activity_id_memcache_key, Protocol import webfinger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONNEG_HEADERS_AS2_HTML = { 'Accept': f'{as2.CONNEG_HEADERS["Accept"]}, {CONTENT_TYPE_HTML}; q=0.5' } HTTP_SIG_HEADERS = ('Date', 'Host', 'Digest', '(request-target)') SECURITY_CONTEXT = 'https://w3id.org/security/v1' # https://seb.jambor.dev/posts/understanding-activitypub-part-4-threads/#the-instance-actor _INSTANCE_ACTOR = None # populated in User.status _WEB_OPT_OUT_DOMAINS = None def web_opt_out_domains(): global _WEB_OPT_OUT_DOMAINS if _WEB_OPT_OUT_DOMAINS is None: _WEB_OPT_OUT_DOMAINS = { key.id() for key in Query( 'MagicKey', filters=FilterNode('manual_opt_out', '=', True) ).fetch(keys_only=True) } logger.info(f'Loaded {len(_WEB_OPT_OUT_DOMAINS)} manually opted out Web users') return _WEB_OPT_OUT_DOMAINS # we can't yet authorize activities from these domains: # * a.gup.pe groups sign with the group's actor but use the external author as # actor and attributedTo, and don't include an LD Sig # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/566#issuecomment-2130714037 NO_AUTH_DOMAINS = ( 'a.gup.pe', ) FEDI_URL_RE = re.compile(r'https://[^/]+/(@|users/)([^/@]+)(@[^/@]+)?(/(?:statuses/)?[0-9]+)?') def instance_actor(): global _INSTANCE_ACTOR if _INSTANCE_ACTOR is None: import web _INSTANCE_ACTOR = web.Web.get_or_create(PRIMARY_DOMAIN) return _INSTANCE_ACTOR class ActivityPub(User, Protocol): """ActivityPub protocol class. Key id is AP/AS2 actor id URL. (*Not* fediverse/WebFinger @-@ handle!) """ ABBREV = 'ap' PHRASE = 'the fediverse' LOGO_HTML = '' CONTENT_TYPE = as2.CONTENT_TYPE_LD_PROFILE REQUIRES_AVATAR = True REQUIRES_NAME = False REQUIRES_OLD_ACCOUNT = True DEFAULT_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS = ('web',) SUPPORTED_AS1_TYPES = ( tuple(as1.ACTOR_TYPES) + tuple(as1.POST_TYPES) + tuple(as1.CRUD_VERBS) + tuple(as1.VERBS_WITH_OBJECT) + ('audio', 'bookmark', 'image', 'video') ) SUPPORTED_AS2_TYPES = tuple( as2.OBJECT_TYPE_TO_TYPE.get(t) or as2.VERB_TO_TYPE.get(t) for t in SUPPORTED_AS1_TYPES) def _pre_put_hook(self): """Validate id, require URL, don't allow Bridgy Fed domains. TODO: normalize scheme and domain to lower case. Add that to :class:`oauth_dropins.webutil.util.UrlCanonicalizer`\? """ super()._pre_put_hook() id = self.key.id() assert id assert util.is_web(id), f'{id} is not a URL' domain = util.domain_from_link(id) assert domain, 'missing domain' assert not self.is_blocklisted(domain), f'{id} is a blocked domain' def web_url(self): """Returns this user's web URL aka web_url, eg ``https://foo.com/``.""" if self.obj and self.obj.as1: url = as1.get_url(self.obj.as1) if url: return url return self.key.id() @ndb.ComputedProperty def handle(self): """Returns this user's ActivityPub address, eg ``@user@foo.com``.""" if self.obj and self.obj.as1: addr = as2.address(self._convert(self.obj, from_user=self)) if addr: return addr return as2.address(self.key.id()) @ndb.ComputedProperty def status(self): """Override :meth:`Model.status` and include Web opted out domains.""" if util.domain_or_parent_in(util.domain_from_link(self.key.id()), web_opt_out_domains()): return 'opt-out' if self.obj and self.obj.as2 and as2.is_server_actor(self.obj.as2): return None status = super().status if status: return status @classmethod def owns_id(cls, id): """Returns None if ``id`` is an http(s) URL, False otherwise. All AP ids are http(s) URLs, but not all http(s) URLs are AP ids. https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#obj-id I used to include a heuristic here that no actor is the root path on its host, which was nice because it let us assume that home pages are Web users without making any network requests...but then I inevitably ran into AP actors that _are_ the root path, eg microblog.pub sites like https://bw3.dev/ . https://docs.microblog.pub/user_guide.html#activitypub """ if util.is_web(id) and not cls.is_blocklisted(id): return None return False @classmethod def owns_handle(cls, handle, allow_internal=False): """Returns True if handle is a WebFinger ``@-@`` handle, False otherwise. Example: ``@user@instance.com``. The leading ``@`` is optional. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7033#section-3.1 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7033#section-4.5 """ parts = handle.lstrip('@').split('@') if len(parts) != 2: return False user, domain = parts return user and domain and not cls.is_blocklisted( domain, allow_internal=allow_internal) @classmethod def handle_to_id(cls, handle): """Looks in the datastore first, then queries WebFinger.""" assert cls.owns_handle(handle) if not handle.startswith('@'): handle = '@' + handle user = ActivityPub.query(OR(ActivityPub.handle == handle, ActivityPub.readable_id == handle), ).get() if user: return user.key.id() return webfinger.fetch_actor_url(handle) @classmethod def target_for(cls, obj, shared=False): """Returns ``obj``'s or its author's/actor's inbox, if available.""" if not obj.as1: return None if obj.type not in as1.ACTOR_TYPES: for field in 'actor', 'author', 'attributedTo': inner_obj = as1.get_object(obj.as1, field) inner_id = inner_obj.get('id') or as1.get_url(inner_obj) if (not inner_id or inner_id == obj.as1.get('id') or (obj.key and inner_id == obj.key.id())): continue # TODO: need a "soft" kwarg for load to suppress errors? actor = cls.load(inner_id) if actor and actor.as1: target = cls.target_for(actor, shared=shared) if target: logger.info(f'Target for {obj.key} via {inner_id} is {target}') return target logger.info(f'{obj.key} type {obj.type} is not an actor and has no author or actor with inbox') actor = cls._convert(obj) if shared: shared_inbox = actor.get('endpoints', {}).get('sharedInbox') if shared_inbox: return shared_inbox return actor.get('publicInbox') or actor.get('inbox') @classmethod def send(to_cls, obj, url, from_user=None, orig_obj=None): """Delivers an activity to an inbox URL. If ``obj.recipient_obj`` is set, it's interpreted as the receiving actor who we're delivering to and its id is populated into ``cc``. """ if to_cls.is_blocklisted(url): logger.info(f'Skipping sending to blocklisted {url}') return False orig_obj = to_cls.convert(orig_obj, from_user=from_user) activity = to_cls.convert(obj, from_user=from_user, orig_obj=orig_obj) return signed_post(url, data=activity, from_user=from_user).ok @classmethod def fetch(cls, obj, **kwargs): """Tries to fetch an AS2 object. Assumes ``obj.id`` is a URL. Any fragment at the end is stripped before loading. This is currently underspecified and somewhat inconsistent across AP implementations: * https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/problems-posting-to-mastodon-inbox/801/11 * https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/problems-posting-to-mastodon-inbox/801/23 * https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/s2s-create-activity/1647/5 * https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/13879 (open!) * https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/224 Uses HTTP content negotiation via the ``Content-Type`` header. If the url is HTML and it has a ``rel-alternate`` link with an AS2 content type, fetches and returns that URL. Includes an HTTP Signature with the request. * https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#authorization * https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-07 * https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/11269 Mastodon requires this signature if ``AUTHORIZED_FETCH`` aka secure mode is on: https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/config/#authorized_fetch Signs the request with the current user's key. If not provided, defaults to using @snarfed.org@snarfed.org's key. See :meth:`protocol.Protocol.fetch` for more details. Args: obj (models.Object): with the id to fetch. Fills data into the as2 property. kwargs: ignored Returns: bool: True if the object was fetched and populated successfully, False otherwise Raises: requests.HTTPError: werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException: will have an additional ``requests_response`` attribute with the last :class:`requests.Response` we received. """ url = obj.key.id() if not util.is_web(url): logger.info(f'{url} is not a URL') return False resp = None def _error(extra_msg=None): msg = f"Couldn't fetch {url} as ActivityStreams 2" if extra_msg: msg += ': ' + extra_msg logger.warning(msg) # protocol.for_id depends on us raising this when an AP network # fetch fails. if we change that, update for_id too! err = BadGateway(msg) err.requests_response = resp raise err def _get(url, headers): """Returns None if we fetched and populated, resp otherwise.""" nonlocal resp try: resp = signed_get(url, headers=headers, gateway=True) except BadGateway as e: # ugh, this is ugly, should be something structured if '406 Client Error' in str(e): return raise if not resp.content: _error('empty response') elif common.content_type(resp) in as2.CONTENT_TYPES: try: return resp.json() except requests.JSONDecodeError: _error("Couldn't decode as JSON") obj.as2 = _get(url, CONNEG_HEADERS_AS2_HTML) if obj.as2: return True elif not resp: return False # look in HTML to find AS2 link if common.content_type(resp) != 'text/html': logger.info('no AS2 available') return False parsed = util.parse_html(resp) link = parsed.find('link', rel=('alternate', 'self'), type=( as2.CONTENT_TYPE, as2.CONTENT_TYPE_LD)) if not (link and link['href']): logger.info('no AS2 available') return False obj.as2 = _get(link['href'], as2.CONNEG_HEADERS) if obj.as2: return True return False @classmethod def _convert(cls, obj, orig_obj=None, from_user=None): """Convert a :class:`models.Object` to AS2. Args: obj (models.Object) orig_obj (dict): AS2 object, optional. The target of activity's ``inReplyTo`` or ``Like``/``Announce``/etc object, if any. Passed through to :func:`postprocess_as2`. from_user (models.User): user (actor) this activity/object is from Returns: dict: AS2 JSON """ if not obj or not obj.as1: return {} from_proto = PROTOCOLS.get(obj.source_protocol) user_id = from_user.key.id() if from_user and from_user.key else None # TODO: uncomment # if from_proto and not from_user.is_enabled(cls): # error(f'{cls.LABEL} <=> {from_proto.LABEL} not enabled') if obj.as2: return { # add back @context since we strip it when we store Objects '@context': [as2.CONTEXT, SECURITY_CONTEXT], **obj.as2, } translated = cls.translate_ids(obj.as1) # compact actors to just string id for compatibility, since many other # AP implementations choke on objects. # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/658 # # TODO: expand this to general purpose compact() function and use # elsewhere, eg in models.resolve_id for o in translated, as1.get_object(translated): for field in 'actor', 'attributedTo', 'author': actors = as1.get_objects(o, field) ids = [a['id'] for a in actors if a.get('id')] o[field] = ids[0] if len(ids) == 1 else ids converted = as2.from_as1(translated) if obj.source_protocol in ('ap', 'activitypub'): return converted # special cases where obj or obj['object'] or obj['object']['object'] # are an actor if from_user: if as1.object_type(obj.as1) in as1.ACTOR_TYPES: return postprocess_as2_actor(converted, user=from_user) inner_obj = as1.get_object(obj.as1) if as1.object_type(inner_obj) in as1.ACTOR_TYPES: converted['object'] = postprocess_as2_actor(converted['object'], user=from_user) # eg Accept of a Follow if from_user.is_web_url(as1.get_object(inner_obj).get('id')): converted['object']['object'] = from_user.id_as(ActivityPub) # convert! return postprocess_as2(converted, orig_obj=orig_obj) @classmethod def verify_signature(cls, activity): """Verifies the current request's HTTP Signature. Raises :class:`werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPError` if the signature is missing or invalid, otherwise does nothing and returns the id of the actor whose key signed the request. Logs details of the result. https://swicg.github.io/activitypub-http-signature/ Args: activity (dict): AS2 activity Returns: str: signing AP actor id """ headers = dict(request.headers) # copy so we can modify below sig = headers.get('Signature') if not sig: if appengine_info.DEBUG: logger.info('No HTTP Signature, allowing due to DEBUG=true') return error('No HTTP Signature', status=401) logger.info('Verifying HTTP Signature') logger.debug(f'Headers: {json_dumps(headers, indent=2)}') # parse_signature_header lower-cases all keys sig_fields = parse_signature_header(sig) key_id = fragmentless(sig_fields.get('keyid')) if not key_id: error('HTTP Signature missing keyId', status=401) # TODO: right now, assume hs2019 is rsa-sha256. the real answer is... # ...complicated and unclear. 🤷 # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/430#issuecomment-1510462267 # https://arewehs2019yet.vpzom.click/ # https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/state-of-http-signatures/754/23 # https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/http-signatures-libraray/2087/2 # https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/14556 if sig_fields.get('algorithm') == 'hs2019': headers['Signature'] = headers['Signature'].replace( 'algorithm="hs2019"', 'algorithm=rsa-sha256') digest = headers.get('Digest') or '' if not digest: error('Missing Digest header, required for HTTP Signature', status=401) expected = b64encode(sha256(request.data).digest()).decode() if digest.removeprefix('SHA-256=').removeprefix('sha-256=') != expected: error('Invalid Digest header, required for HTTP Signature', status=401) try: key_actor = cls._load_key(key_id) except BadGateway: obj_id = as1.get_object(activity).get('id') if (activity.get('type') == 'Delete' and obj_id and key_id == fragmentless(obj_id)): logger.info('Object/actor being deleted is also keyId') key_actor = Object.get_or_create( id=key_id, authed_as=key_id, source_protocol='activitypub', deleted=True) key_actor.put() else: raise if key_actor and key_actor.deleted: abort(202, f'Ignoring, signer {key_id} is already deleted') elif not key_actor or not key_actor.as1: error(f"Couldn't load {key_id} to verify signature", status=401) # don't ActivityPub.convert since we don't want to postprocess_as2 key = as2.from_as1(key_actor.as1).get('publicKey', {}).get('publicKeyPem') if not key: error(f'No public key for {key_id}', status=401) # can't use request.full_path because it includes a trailing ? even if # it wasn't in the request. https://github.com/pallets/flask/issues/2867 path_query = request.url.removeprefix(request.host_url.rstrip('/')) logger.info(f'Verifying signature for {path_query} with key {sig_fields["keyid"]}') try: verified = HeaderVerifier(headers, key, required_headers=['Digest'], method=request.method, path=path_query, sign_header='signature', ).verify() except BaseException as e: error(f'HTTP Signature verification failed: {e}', status=401) if verified: logger.info('HTTP Signature verified!') else: error('HTTP Signature verification failed', status=401) return key_actor.key.id() @classmethod def _load_key(cls, key_id, follow_owner=True): """Loads the ActivityPub actor for a given ``keyId``. https://swicg.github.io/activitypub-http-signature/#how-to-obtain-a-signature-s-public-key Args: key_id (str): ``keyId`` from an HTTP Signature follow_owner (bool): whether to follow ``owner``/``controller`` fields Returns: Object or None: Raises: requests.HTTPError: """ assert '#' not in key_id actor = cls.load(key_id) if not actor: return None if follow_owner and actor.as1: actor_as2 = as2.from_as1(actor.as1) key = actor_as2.get('publicKey', {}) owner = key.get('controller') or key.get('owner') if not owner and actor.type not in as1.ACTOR_TYPES: owner = actor_as2.get('controller') or actor_as2.get('owner') if owner: owner = fragmentless(owner) if owner != key_id: logger.info(f'keyId {key_id} has controller/owner {owner}, fetching that') return cls._load_key(owner, follow_owner=False) return actor def signed_get(url, from_user=None, **kwargs): return signed_request(util.requests_get, url, from_user=from_user, **kwargs) def signed_post(url, from_user, **kwargs): assert from_user return signed_request(util.requests_post, url, from_user=from_user, **kwargs) def signed_request(fn, url, data=None, headers=None, from_user=None, _redirect_count=None, **kwargs): """Wraps ``requests.*`` and adds HTTP Signature. https://swicg.github.io/activitypub-http-signature/ Args: fn (callable): :func:`util.requests_get` or :func:`util.requests_post` url (str): data (dict): optional AS2 object from_user (models.User): user to sign request as; optional. If not provided, uses the default user ``@snarfed.org@snarfed.org``. _redirect_count: internal, used to count redirects followed so far kwargs: passed through to requests Returns: requests.Response: """ if headers is None: headers = {} # prepare HTTP Signature and headers if not from_user or isinstance(from_user, ActivityPub): # ActivityPub users are remote, so we don't have their keys from_user = instance_actor() if data: logger.debug(f'Sending AS2 object: {json_dumps(data, indent=2)}') data = json_dumps(data).encode() headers = { **headers, # required for HTTP Signature # https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-07#section-2.1.3 'Date': util.now().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'), # required by Mastodon # https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/14556#issuecomment-674077648 'Host': util.domain_from_link(url, minimize=False), 'Content-Type': as2.CONTENT_TYPE_LD_PROFILE, # required for HTTP Signature and Mastodon 'Digest': f'SHA-256={b64encode(sha256(data or b"").digest()).decode()}', } logger.info(f"Signing with {from_user.key.id()} 's key") # (request-target) is a special HTTP Signatures header that some fediverse # implementations require, eg Peertube. # https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-12#section-2.3 # https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/ActivityPub/Authentication_Authorization#Signing_requests_using_HTTP_Signatures # https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/security/#http key_id = f'{from_user.id_as(ActivityPub)}#key' auth = HTTPSignatureAuth(secret=from_user.private_pem(), key_id=key_id, algorithm='rsa-sha256', sign_header='signature', headers=HTTP_SIG_HEADERS) # make HTTP request kwargs.setdefault('gateway', True) resp = fn(url, data=data, auth=auth, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False, **kwargs) if fn == util.requests_get: assert not isinstance(resp, MagicMock), \ f'unit test missing a mock HTTP response for {url}' # handle GET redirects manually so that we generate a new HTTP signature if resp.is_redirect and fn == util.requests_get: new_url = urljoin(url, resp.headers['Location']) if _redirect_count is None: _redirect_count = 0 elif _redirect_count > DEFAULT_REDIRECT_LIMIT: raise TooManyRedirects(response=resp) return signed_request(fn, new_url, data=data, from_user=from_user, headers=headers, _redirect_count=_redirect_count + 1, **kwargs) type = common.content_type(resp) if (type and type != 'text/html' and (type.startswith('text/') or type.endswith('+json') or type.endswith('/json'))): logger.debug(resp.text) return resp def postprocess_as2(activity, orig_obj=None, wrap=True): """Prepare an AS2 object to be served or sent via ActivityPub. Args: activity (dict): AS2 object or activity orig_obj (dict): AS2 object, optional. The target of activity's ``inReplyTo`` or ``Like``/``Announce``/etc object, if any. wrap (bool): whether to wrap ``id``, ``url``, ``object``, ``actor``, and ``attributedTo`` """ if not activity or isinstance(activity, str): return redirect_wrap(activity) if wrap else activity elif activity.keys() == {'id'}: return redirect_wrap(activity['id']) if wrap else activity['id'] type = activity.get('type') # inReplyTo: singly valued, prefer id over url # TODO: ignore orig_obj, do for all inReplyTo orig_id = orig_obj.get('id') if orig_obj else None in_reply_to = activity.get('inReplyTo') if in_reply_to: if orig_id: activity['inReplyTo'] = orig_id elif isinstance(in_reply_to, list): if len(in_reply_to) > 1: # this isn't actually true, AS2 inReplyTo can be multiply # valued. Why do we truncate it to one value? interop somewhere? # it's not marked Functional: # https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-inreplyto logger.warning( "AS2 doesn't support multiple inReplyTo URLs! " f'Only using the first: {in_reply_to[0]}') activity['inReplyTo'] = in_reply_to[0] # Mastodon evidently requires a Mention tag for replies to generate a # notification to the original post's author. not required for likes, # reposts, etc. details: # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/34 if orig_obj: for to in (util.get_list(orig_obj, 'attributedTo') + util.get_list(orig_obj, 'author') + util.get_list(orig_obj, 'actor')): if isinstance(to, dict): to = util.get_first(to, 'url') or to.get('id') if to: add(activity.setdefault('tag', []), { 'type': 'Mention', 'href': to, }) # activity objects (for Like, Announce, etc): prefer id over url obj = as1.get_object(activity) id = obj.get('id') if orig_id and type in as2.TYPES_WITH_OBJECT and type != 'Undo': # inline most objects as bare string ids, not composite objects, for interop activity['object'] = orig_id elif not id: obj['id'] = util.get_first(obj, 'url') # id is required for most things. default to url if it's not set. if not activity.get('id'): activity['id'] = util.get_first(activity, 'url') if wrap: activity['id'] = redirect_wrap(activity.get('id')) activity['url'] = [redirect_wrap(u) for u in util.get_list(activity, 'url')] if len(activity['url']) == 1: activity['url'] = activity['url'][0] # TODO: find a better way to check this, sometimes or always? # removed for now since it fires on posts without u-id or u-url, eg # https://chrisbeckstrom.com/2018/12/27/32551/ # assert activity.get('id') or (isinstance(obj, dict) and obj.get('id')) obj_or_activity = obj if obj.keys() > set(['id']) else activity # move Link attachments to links in text since fediverse instances generate # their own link previews. # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/958 atts = util.pop_list(obj_or_activity, 'attachment') obj_or_activity['attachment'] = [a for a in atts if a.get('type') != 'Link'] link_atts = [a for a in atts if a.get('type') == 'Link'] for link in link_atts: if url := link.get('url'): if obj_or_activity.setdefault('content', ''): obj_or_activity['content'] += '

' obj_or_activity['content'] += util.pretty_link(url, text=link.get('name')) # copy image(s) into attachment(s). may be Mastodon-specific. # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/33#issuecomment-440965618 imgs = util.get_list(obj_or_activity, 'image') if imgs: atts = obj_or_activity['attachment'] for img in imgs: if isinstance(img, str): img = {'url': img} add(atts, img) # cc target's author(s), recipients, mentions # https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#audienceTargeting # https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#delivery # https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#Mention obj_or_activity.setdefault('cc', []) tags = util.get_list(activity, 'tag') + util.get_list(obj, 'tag') for tag in tags: href = tag.get('href') if (href and tag.get('type') == 'Mention' and not ActivityPub.is_blocklisted(href)): add(obj_or_activity['cc'], href) if orig_obj and type in as2.TYPE_TO_VERB: for field in 'actor', 'attributedTo', 'to', 'cc': for recip in as1.get_objects(orig_obj, field): add(obj_or_activity['cc'], util.get_url(recip) or recip.get('id')) # to public, since Mastodon interprets to public as public, cc public as unlisted: # https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/visibility-to-cc-mapping/284 # https://wordsmith.social/falkreon/securing-activitypub to = activity.setdefault('to', []) add(to, as2.PUBLIC_AUDIENCE) # hashtags. Mastodon requires: # * type: Hashtag # * name starts with # # * href is set to a valid, fully qualified URL # # If content has an tag with a fully qualified URL and the hashtag name # (with leading #) as its text, Mastodon will rewrite its href to the local # instance's search for that hashtag. If content doesn't have a link for a # given hashtag, Mastodon won't add one, but that hashtag will still be # indexed in search. # # https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#properties-used # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/45 for tag in tags: name = tag.get('name') if name and tag.get('type', 'Tag') == 'Tag': tag['type'] = 'Hashtag' url_path = f'/hashtag/{quote_plus(name.removeprefix("#"))}' tag.setdefault('href', urljoin(activity['id'], url_path)) if not name.startswith('#'): tag['name'] = f'#{name}' as2.link_tags(obj_or_activity) activity['object'] = [ postprocess_as2(o, orig_obj=orig_obj, wrap=wrap and type in ('Create', 'Update', 'Delete')) for o in as1.get_objects(activity)] if len(activity['object']) == 1: activity['object'] = activity['object'][0] if content := obj_or_activity.get('content'): # wrap in

. some fediverse servers (eg Mastodon) have a white-space: # pre-wrap style that applies to p inside content. this preserves # meaningful whitespace in plain text content. # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/990 if not content.startswith('

'): content = obj_or_activity['content'] = f'


' obj_or_activity['content_is_html'] = True # language, in contentMap # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/681 obj_or_activity.setdefault('contentMap', {'en': content}) return util.trim_nulls(activity) def postprocess_as2_actor(actor, user): """Prepare an AS2 actor object to be served or sent via ActivityPub. Modifies actor in place. Args: actor (dict): AS2 actor object user (models.User): current user Returns: actor dict """ if not actor: return actor assert isinstance(actor, dict) assert user url = user.web_url() urls = [u for u in util.get_list(actor, 'url') if u and not u.startswith('acct:')] if not urls and url: urls = [url] if urls: urls[0] = redirect_wrap(urls[0]) id = actor.get('id') user_id = user.key.id() if not id or user.is_web_url(id) or unwrap(id) in ( user_id, user.profile_id(), f'www.{user_id}'): id = actor['id'] = user.id_as(ActivityPub) actor['url'] = urls[0] if len(urls) == 1 else urls # required by ActivityPub # https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#actor-objects actor.setdefault('inbox', id + '/inbox') actor.setdefault('outbox', id + '/outbox') # For web, this has to be domain for Mastodon etc interop! It seems like it # should be the custom username from the acct: u-url in their h-card, but # that breaks Mastodon's Webfinger discovery. # Background: # https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#properties-used-1 # https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/webfinger/#mastodons-requirements-for-webfinger # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/302#issuecomment-1324305460 # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/77 if user.LABEL == 'web': actor['preferredUsername'] = user.key.id() else: handle = user.handle_as(ActivityPub) if handle: actor['preferredUsername'] = handle.strip('@').split('@')[0] # Override the label for their home page to be "Web site" for att in util.get_list(actor, 'attachment'): if att.get('type') == 'PropertyValue': val = att.get('value', '') link = util.parse_html(val).find('a') if url and url.rstrip('/') in [val.rstrip('/'), link.get('href').rstrip('/')]: att['name'] = 'Web site' # required by pixelfed. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/39 actor.setdefault('summary', '') if not actor.get('publicKey') and not isinstance(user, ActivityPub): # underspecified, inferred from this issue and Mastodon's implementation: # https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/203#issuecomment-297553229 # https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/blob/bc2c263504e584e154384ecc2d804aeb1afb1ba3/app/services/activitypub/process_account_service.rb#L77 actor['publicKey'] = { 'id': f'{id}#key', 'owner': id, 'publicKeyPem': user.public_pem().decode(), } actor['@context'] = util.get_list(actor, '@context') add(actor['@context'], SECURITY_CONTEXT) return actor # source protocol in subdomain. # WARNING: the user page handler in pages.py overrides this for fediverse # addresses with leading @ character. be careful when changing this route! @app.get(f'/ap/') # source protocol in path; primarily for backcompat @app.get(f'/ap/web/') # special case Web users without /ap/web/ prefix, for backward compatibility @app.get(f'/') @flask_util.headers(CACHE_CONTROL) def actor(handle_or_id): """Serves a user's AS2 actor from the datastore.""" if handle_or_id == PRIMARY_DOMAIN or handle_or_id in PROTOCOL_DOMAINS: from web import Web cls = Web else: cls = Protocol.for_request(fed='web') if not cls: error(f"Couldn't determine protocol", status=404) elif cls.LABEL == 'web' and request.path.startswith('/ap/'): # we started out with web users' AP ids as fed.brid.gy/[domain], so we # need to preserve those for backward compatibility return redirect(subdomain_wrap(None, f'/{handle_or_id}'), code=301) if cls.owns_id(handle_or_id) is False: if cls.owns_handle(handle_or_id) is False: error(f"{handle_or_id} doesn't look like a {cls.LABEL} id or handle", status=404) id = cls.handle_to_id(handle_or_id) if not id: error(f"Couldn't resolve {handle_or_id} as a {cls.LABEL} handle", status=404) else: id = handle_or_id assert id user = cls.get_or_create(id) if not user or not user.is_enabled(ActivityPub): error(f'{cls.LABEL} user {id} not found', status=404) id = user.id_as(ActivityPub) # check that we're serving from the right subdomain if request.host != urlparse(id).netloc: return redirect(id) if not user.obj or not user.obj.as1: user.obj = cls.load(user.profile_id(), gateway=True) if user.obj: user.obj.put() actor = ActivityPub.convert(user.obj, from_user=user) or { '@context': [as2.CONTEXT], 'type': 'Person', } actor = postprocess_as2_actor(actor, user=user) actor.update({ 'id': id, 'inbox': id + '/inbox', 'outbox': id + '/outbox', 'following': id + '/following', 'followers': id + '/followers', 'endpoints': { 'sharedInbox': subdomain_wrap(cls, '/ap/sharedInbox'), }, # add this if we ever change the Web actor ids to be /web/[id] # 'alsoKnownAs': [host_url(id)], }) logger.debug(f'Returning: {json_dumps(actor, indent=2)}') return actor, { 'Content-Type': as2.CONTENT_TYPE_LD_PROFILE, 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', } # note that this shared inbox path overlaps with the /ap/ actor # route above, but doesn't collide because this is POST and that one is GET. @app.post('/ap/sharedInbox') # source protocol in subdomain @app.post(f'/ap//inbox') # source protocol in path; primarily for backcompat @app.post(f'/ap///inbox') # special case Web users without /ap/web/ prefix, for backward compatibility @app.post('/inbox') @app.post(f'//inbox') def inbox(protocol=None, id=None): """Handles ActivityPub inbox delivery.""" # parse and validate AS2 activity try: activity = request.json assert activity and isinstance(activity, dict) except (TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError): body = request.get_data(as_text=True) error(f"Couldn't parse body as non-empty JSON mapping: {body}", exc_info=True) # do we support this object type? # (this logic is duplicated in Protocol.check_supported) if type := activity.get('type'): inner_type = as1.object_type(as1.get_object(activity)) or '' if (type not in ActivityPub.SUPPORTED_AS2_TYPES or (type in as2.CRUD_VERBS and inner_type and inner_type not in ActivityPub.SUPPORTED_AS2_TYPES)): error(f"Bridgy Fed for ActivityPub doesn't support {type} {inner_type} yet: {json_dumps(activity, indent=2)}", status=204) # are we already processing or done with this activity? id = activity.get('id') if id: if util.domain_or_parent_in(util.domain_from_link(id), web_opt_out_domains()): logger.info(f'Discarding, {id} is on an opted out domain') return '', 204 if memcache.get(activity_id_memcache_key(id)): logger.info(f'Already seen this activity {id}') return '', 204 # check actor, signature, auth actor = as1.get_object(activity, 'actor') actor_id = actor.get('id') logger.info(f'Got {type} {id} from {actor_id}') if ActivityPub.is_blocklisted(actor_id): error(f'Actor {actor_id} is blocklisted') elif util.domain_or_parent_in(util.domain_from_link(actor_id), web_opt_out_domains()): logger.info(f'Discarding, actor {actor_id} is on an opted out domain') return '', 204 authed_as = ActivityPub.verify_signature(activity) authed_domain = util.domain_from_link(authed_as) if util.domain_or_parent_in(authed_domain, NO_AUTH_DOMAINS): error(f"Ignoring, sorry, we don't know how to authorize {authed_domain} activities yet. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/566", status=204) # if we need the LD Sig to authorize this activity, bail out, we don't do # those yet if authed_as != actor_id and activity.get('signature'): error(f"Ignoring LD Signature, sorry, we can't verify those yet. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/566", status=202) # check that this activity is public. only do this for creates, not likes, # follows, or other activity types, since Mastodon doesn't currently mark # those as explicitly public. Use as2's is_public instead of as1's because # as1's interprets unlisted as true. # TODO: move this to Protocol object = as1.get_object(activity) to_cc = set(as1.get_ids(object, 'to') + as1.get_ids(activity, 'cc') + as1.get_ids(object, 'to') + as1.get_ids(object, 'cc')) if (type == 'Create' and not as2.is_public(activity, unlisted=False) # DM to one of our protocol bot users and not (len(to_cc) == 1 and to_cc.pop() in BOT_ACTOR_AP_IDS)): logger.info('Dropping non-public activity') return 'OK' if type == 'Follow': # rendered mf2 HTML proxy pages (in render.py) fall back to redirecting # to the follow's AS2 id field, but Mastodon's Accept ids are URLs that # don't load in browsers, eg: # https://jawns.club/ac33c547-ca6b-4351-80d5-d11a6879a7b0 # # so, set a synthetic URL based on the follower's profile. # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/336 follower_url = unwrap(util.get_url(activity, 'actor')) followee_url = unwrap(util.get_url(activity, 'object')) activity.setdefault('url', f'{follower_url}#followed-{followee_url}') if not id: id = f'{actor_id}#{type}-{object.get("id", "")}-{util.now().isoformat()}' try: obj = Object.get_or_create(id=id, as2=unwrap(activity), authed_as=authed_as, source_protocol=ActivityPub.LABEL) except AssertionError as e: error(f'Invalid activity, probably due to id: {e}', status=400) # automatically bridge server aka instance actors # https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/d556/fep-d556.md if as2.is_server_actor(actor): all_protocols = [label for label, proto in PROTOCOLS.items() if label and proto and label not in ('ui', 'activitypub')] user = ActivityPub.get_or_create(actor_id, propagate=True, enabled_protocols=all_protocols) if user and not user.existing: logger.info(f'Automatically enabled AP server actor {actor_id} for {user.enabled_protocols}') return create_task(queue='receive', obj=obj.key.urlsafe(), authed_as=authed_as) # protocol in subdomain @app.get(f'/ap//') # source protocol in path; primarily for backcompat @app.get(f'/ap/web//') # special case Web users without /ap/web/ prefix, for backward compatibility @app.route(f'//', methods=['GET', 'HEAD']) @flask_util.headers(CACHE_CONTROL) def follower_collection(id, collection): """ActivityPub Followers and Following collections. * https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#followers * https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#collections * https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/#paging TODO: unify page generation with outbox() """ if (request.path.startswith('/ap/') and request.host in (PRIMARY_DOMAIN,) + LOCAL_DOMAINS): # UI request. unfortunate that the URL paths overlap like this! import pages return pages.followers_or_following('ap', id, collection) protocol = Protocol.for_request(fed='web') assert protocol user = protocol.get_by_id(id) if not user or not user.is_enabled(ActivityPub): return f'{protocol} user {id} not found', 404 if request.method == 'HEAD': return '', {'Content-Type': as2.CONTENT_TYPE_LD_PROFILE} # page followers, new_before, new_after = Follower.fetch_page(collection, user=user) page = { 'type': 'CollectionPage', 'partOf': request.base_url, 'items': util.trim_nulls([ActivityPub.convert(f.user.obj, from_user=f.user) for f in followers]), } if new_before: page['next'] = f'{request.base_url}?before={new_before}' if new_after: page['prev'] = f'{request.base_url}?after={new_after}' if 'before' in request.args or 'after' in request.args: page.update({ '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'id': request.url, }) logger.debug(f'Returning {json_dumps(page, indent=2)}') return page, {'Content-Type': as2.CONTENT_TYPE_LD_PROFILE} ret = { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'id': request.base_url, 'type': 'Collection', 'summary': f"{id}'s {collection}", 'first': page, } # count total if it's small, <= 1k. we should eventually precompute this # so that we can always return it cheaply. prop = Follower.to if collection == 'followers' else Follower.from_ count = Follower.query(prop == user.key, Follower.status == 'active')\ .count(limit=1001) if count != 1001: ret['totalItems'] = count logger.debug(f'Returning {json_dumps(collection, indent=2)}') return ret, { 'Content-Type': as2.CONTENT_TYPE_LD_PROFILE, } # protocol in subdomain @app.get(f'/ap//outbox') # source protocol in path; primarily for backcompat @app.get(f'/ap/web//outbox') # special case Web users without /ap/web/ prefix, for backward compatibility @app.route(f'//outbox', methods=['GET', 'HEAD']) @flask_util.headers(CACHE_CONTROL) def outbox(id): """Serves a user's AP outbox. TODO: unify page generation with follower_collection() """ protocol = Protocol.for_request(fed='web') if not protocol: error(f"Couldn't determine protocol", status=404) user = protocol.get_by_id(id) if not user or not user.is_enabled(ActivityPub): error(f'User {id} not found', status=404) if request.method == 'HEAD': return '', {'Content-Type': as2.CONTENT_TYPE_LD_PROFILE} query = Object.query(Object.users == user.key) objects, new_before, new_after = fetch_objects(query, by=Object.updated, user=user) # page page = { 'type': 'CollectionPage', 'partOf': request.base_url, 'items': util.trim_nulls([ActivityPub.convert(obj, from_user=user) for obj in objects]), } if new_before: page['next'] = f'{request.base_url}?before={new_before}' if new_after: page['prev'] = f'{request.base_url}?after={new_after}' if 'before' in request.args or 'after' in request.args: page.update({ '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'id': request.url, }) logger.debug(f'Returning {json_dumps(page, indent=2)}') return page, {'Content-Type': as2.CONTENT_TYPE_LD_PROFILE} ret = { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'id': request.url, 'type': 'OrderedCollection', 'summary': f"{id}'s outbox", 'first': page, } # count total if it's small, <= 1k. we should eventually precompute this # so that we can always return it cheaply. count = query.count(limit=1001) if count != 1001: ret['totalItems'] = count return ret, {'Content-Type': as2.CONTENT_TYPE_LD_PROFILE}